Scalp Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Humilatedintx (Arlington, Tx) on 03/07/2011

I've had scalp psoraisis for almost 2 years now. I know it's genetic, stress-related, and food allergy related.

I had no insurance, I went to a dermatologist. Spent a good $90 for the visit and he spent 5 min with me and said yes, you have psoraisis. I already knew. He told me to get on Humira (never did because of the side effects) and I used the scalp oil he recommended and of course, steriod cream. Nothing helped.

I used OTC shampoos, nothing helped.

I know what the root causes are - food allergy, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, sugars, and stress are major triggers. I know what I can take as supplements to cure this.

However, after reading this remedy by TED.. I realized how common this is to everyone. And it's not just scalp psoraisis - its a fungal infection. My physician and dermatologist didn't even take the time to test my scalp for infection or refer me out to a nutritionist to help my diet. At least, I'm good at research on my own.

So, I've been using your remedy. First few days, just undiluted ACV for 30-1hr and shampoo out. Just tonight, I tried the ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, Water mix. It works alot better - less inflammation.

I'm going to get some Tea Tree and Lavendar oil. I sell Nature's Sunshine so, I know the products are 100% pure. With the ACV, I use _____'s (with Mother) from Whole Foods Market.

Ted, I have alot of inflammation and redness on the top of my forehead from scratching too much.. Long ago. It's healing. I have lost some hair (where women normally lose hair. ) Will the tea tree and lavendar help reduce the infammation and grow hair back? So far it feels so much better. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Fxgirl (Miami, Florida) on 03/03/2011

What is the combination of ACV and Hydrogen Peroxide that you used?
Thank you, Fxgirl

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Fi (North Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/01/2011

I'm a woman. I had an itchy, flaky scalp for months and was starting to lose my hair on top of my head. I used various shampoos that smelled horrible and went to the dermatologist. Symptoms would stop for awhile but then start up again. I did some research on line and decided to try the apple cidar vinegar and peroxide cure talked about here. It's the only thing that worked for me. I have had no more problems and my hair has grown back.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/11/2010

I have had problems with my hair on and off for approx 20 years and I have just recently gotten it under control. I have started taking a formula made with Lactated Pepsin, Black Snake Root Extract, Essence of Wild Ginseng, Atomic Iodine, Extract of Liver, and Grain Alcohol. You can look that up and get it! I also use Pennsylvania crude oil and Vaseline on my scalp; I rub it in and then I use a small vibrator with a cup attachment for 20-30 minutes. I use this approx 3x a month. I also use Listerine on my scalp after I wash my hair, which I wash with an Olive Oil based shampoo and conditioner. I use Listerine about 1x per month. However, it will not hurt you to use it more! When I haven't drank any alcohol, I use the "Violet Ray" machine on my scalp for 2-3 minutes whenever I feel the need to use it. It may sound like a lot, and maybe it is, but I have done it for so long, it is second nature, the only thing I added recently was the formula.

White Vinegar Rinse
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010

I had the same problem with scalp for years. I know what you mean, it is embarrassing. I wore hats everyday. I couldn't even go have my hair professionally cut, I was so embarrassed. (although a hairdresser told me that she sees it a lot.. So I don't think we are alone in this) I have a theory that it is initially caused from our commercial shampoos, hairsprays, hair dyes and poor diet. Regardless, I think I've finally found the solution.. After trying EVERYTHING. I started using a natural shampoo jason with sulfur in it. Started noticing good results, but still getting break outs here and there on scalp.

One night I had a blemish on my chin and had no apple cider vinegar, so I used 50/50 white distilled vinegar and water (filtered or distilled). Within an hour the blemish dried up and there was NO sign of it left behind on my chin (and I'd tried everything for weeks on this spot, so you would expect at least a scar left behind.. Nothing! ) So I thought, let's try this on the scalp problems. I used a q-tip and used the same 50/50 solution. The next day.. They were all 95% gone! After a 2nd application, they disappeared altogether. Now I'm going to try using this white vinegar mix as a final rinse in the shower (faster than q-tip). NOTE: I've used apple cider vinegar rinse for months in the shower, with little effect, BUT the white vinegar worked for some reason. * Be sure to wash your towel and pillowcases to prevent this recurring.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010

My friend's 7 year old daughter had smelly scalp and she tried everything (shampoos, etc.), but nothing helped. I suggested she take her to my acupuncturist. She did and the acupuncturist tested her daughter for food allergy and determined it was MILK that was causing the scalp odor. She took her daughter off dairy and within a week all odor was gone and didn't return.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joe (Oswego, Il) on 11/03/2010

Are you sure your using Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and not Organic Coconut Oil? The latter is refined and I had problems with this kind on my scalp.

Corn Meal
Posted by Piper (Toronto, On) on 09/18/2010

I had a very itch scalp. I ruled out dandruff and lice. No bumps, or sores, just an itchy scalp all the time. After reading online, I thought it might be fungal. Tried several things but found this provided relief- cornmeal. First tried a paste of cornmeal and water. Applied to my hair and then rinsed in the bath. Over the day, I stood in the tub and poured the corn meal water over my hair (3 times). Now I just add cornmeal to a bath. About 1/4 to 1/3 cup.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Atang (Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) on 08/30/2010

To Elsie from Chicago, Illinois, Usa. I had different smells- the smell was yeasty and muggy if I hadnt washed my hair in at least 2 days and it was sharp/pungent if I had washed my hair that morning. I was also confused as to whether it was a fungal or bacterial infection. I still don't know. Another thing that helped tremendously was washing the hair LESS, weird I know. I think that because of the odor I was washing my hair too much, this was drying my scalp causing my scalp to overproduce oil. The fungus/bacteria then fed off this excess oil causing more odor so it was all one vicious cycle. I made myself wash my hair every 7 days (as opposed to everyday like before) and I found that on the 2nd and 3rd day I might have some odor but after that nothing. A side note: I have coarse African hair that doesn't need to be washed so often, I'm not sure how this would work on other types of hair.

Borax or Washing Soda
Posted by Shaun (York, Uk) on 08/19/2010

Re: Help Needed for Scalp Odor/Hair Loss

Borax (dissolved in Apple Cider Vinegar) is good for getting rid of/controlling fungus generally, but I have found that a 1/4 cup of washing soda (Sodium Carbonate) dissolved in a pint of water, and rinsed thoroughly through the hair a couple of times a week, completely cleared up any scalp/hair odor. Basically, the washing soda seemed to work better for eradicating bacteria than fungus. I now routinely put washing soda (and occasionally borax and/or sodium bicarbonate) in the bath. A quick rinse with ACV afterwards will bring back a lustrous shine to the hair. A whole lemon juice rinse also can help the hair/scalp.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ali (Sumter, Sc) on 08/18/2010

I'm searching for an exact measurement of a solution to cure my scalp infection/odor. It started after leaving coconut oil on my scalp overnight which seemed to have fueled a fungus that may have already been present. I'm currently taking "fungal defense" by garden of life (2 pills, 3x daily), and drink 3 large glasses of lemon water(one fresh squeezed lemon in 24 oz of water). I've cut sugar and fruit to almost non-existent in my diet. An exact measurement of a solution to cure this scalp odor, itching, redness, and hairloss is needed. Hairloss is an overall even thinning. If you could include how much water(not "parts"), how often to apply, how long and how often to leave on scalp, and exactly how to apply (I have long curly hair) would be greatly appreciated. This scalp odor has greatly affected me and is beginning to be a source of depression. Please HELP! Thank you!

Citronella Oil
Posted by Shaun (York, Uk) on 08/18/2010

Just wash your hair with sodium carbonate (washing soda). It will clear up any odour ASAP!

Citronella Oil
Posted by Elsie (Chicago, Illinois, Usa) on 08/17/2010

Atang, I have scalp odor, too, and have tried everything. I am going to get the citronella oil today, but can you tell me what your odor smelled like? Mine is yeasty/cheesy (sorry if that's TMI! ). Just thinking that the type of odor might be an indication of the cause. Thank you!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Diane (Ottumwa, Ia ) on 08/10/2010

Here is what worked for my itchy scabs on my scalp, Colloidal Silver. I made a 20% concentration. It knocked one of the scabs out in three days. The other scab near my neckline did not respond to Colloidal Silver, but has responded to a modification of Ted's Remedy. I took about 8oz. Of Ted's Hydrogen Peroxide, Vinegar, Water Mixture and added about a teaspoon of Epsom salts and a teaspoon of Borax to it to make a heavily saturated solution. I applied it numerous times per day with a cotton ball. It's gradually getting smaller and in about two more days should be gone. I can't tell you all the stuff I tried that did not work, the list would be too long. I figured the Borax would be good if it was a mite, the epsom salts, vinegar and peroxide would be good if it was bacterial or fungal in nature. I tried every anti-fungal and every anti-bacterial in the natural world and every over-the-counter remedy I could think of. By the way, Vicks is a nightmare to get out of your hair and should never be tried. Hope this helps someone. I agree with the posters who say this is from a cat or kitten. Never had any skin/scalp infections until we took in a cat.

Citronella Oil
Posted by Atang (Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) on 05/03/2010

I tried the coconut oil for scalp odor and it just seemed to make it worse. I've been suffering since January, and would describe the smell as very bad. I would wash my hair in the morning and 3 hours later it already stunk! by the end of the day it was unbearable. I tried the following: coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, ACV, medicated shampoo, all sorts of hair products, rubbing MSM in my scalp (for sulphur), hydrogen peroxide, yoghurt, white vinegar, borax. Finally in the past few weeks I've been making progess- I bought grapefruit seed extract and bergamot essence oil. this helped alot but not 100%. I then bought CITRONELLA oil at the pharmacy- success! I think it should also be available at health stores in the oil/essences section. Rub it in every night for 3 nights (do it over the weekend or when you won't be going out bcos it smells quite strong, not bad just strong). wash it out in the morning. This did the trick. I was able to go a week without washing my hair and there still was ZERO odor!! hope this helps someone because this smelly scalp is very debilitating socially.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Diane (Montgomery, Alabama) on 03/19/2010

Double YEA...I have had itchy scalp with welts and inner ear canal itch for over a year. Found this site yesterday and feel really blessed. I did the Apple Cider Vineger and peroxide water (1,1,10). I washed my hair in the mixture this morning at 6am. It is 2pm now and I have not itched all, scalp or ears. I bought oils today to start the OP tonight. Thanks so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Eddie (Smyrna, Tn) on 03/13/2010

A combination of 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Part Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 parts water has worked miracles for me. I have had these bumps on my head for years that become small sores. The doctors always gave me some antibiotic or such that would give relief for a brief time but had me going back. The first time i used the apple cider vinegar / water mix on my head I had almost immediate results and over the past two weeks my scalp has not felt this good in years. My case was quiet severe and so though not healed I am much improved. I also started applying tea tree/lavendar oil combination to my scalp after each shower...even better improvement. This site has been an eye opener and blessing. Thanks all

Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 03/10/2010

Hi Patti, getting relief with Borax is a good indication you are dealing with fungus. I also used borax on my head as you did and got relief, but found after the first few times my hair did not look good. I than started using baking soda to wash and apple cider vinegar to rinse. I put about 2 ounces of baking soda in 10 - 12 oz. of water and work gently into my scalp and hair. Rinse the baking soda out and follow with 2 ounces of vinegar in same amount of water. I let the vinegar stay on for about a minute as it helps to restore scalp ph. Both baking soda and vinegar are anti-fungal. I do still use a conditioner on my hair but I add drops of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) in the conditioner. My hair looks and feels great doing this.

I did some reach on the internet and found SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) causes allergic reactions and feeds fungus. SLS is in almost all shampoos and personal care products. You may fine avoiding products with this ingredient may help. Every time I use shampoo with sls in it the top of my scalp becomes painful and I get a very itch scalp along with hair loss.

Posted by Patti (Babylon, New York, Usa) on 03/09/2010

This site is really pretty cool, thanks for all the suggestions! For many years I suffered from a VERY itchy scalp and I could no longer take it and was very close to just ripping it all out!! Then I read all this stuff about Borax and I gave it a try for the first time last night and I used 1/2 a cup of Borax with a half gallon of water and scubbed my scalp and rinsed it off with warm water, and I did the same tonight, and my scalp feels great! But after doing all this do I then Shappoo it or just use Borax??I want to do this for at least a week and then once aweek, but it does make my hair look dull, unless I'm doing it wrong or too much, but NO MORE ITCHING!! and that's what counts, Praise God for your site, Thanks, but please let me know if I'm supose to shampoo after this treatment with the borax, Thanks :)

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Sara (Georgetown, De) on 01/20/2010

Well my story started out last summer when I brought a stray kitten into our home... little did I know what I just got myself into! The kitten had ringworm and we didn't know it until it was too late. My daughter eventually ended up getting it on her scalp. Two prescriptions later it still wasn't better! The ACV solution has made a huge difference. Its been a month (I treat her head every single night)and all the small spots are gone and the two large spots she has are 75% healed!! I also, in the evening, rub a cut garlic clove on the spots.

Follow the ACV treatment and dont stop until it is gone! I'd also recommend treating for 2-3 weeks after to make 100% sure.... you dont want it coming back.

Im so thankful I came across this website!

Posted by Shelly (Mesa, Az) on 01/14/2010

Wow! I am totally thrilled with Ted and his borax suggestion! My daughter came home from camp with head lice and I ended up with them also-June 09. I bought Nix and killed the lice, but... I was still having that "crawly" feeling. I used the Nix 2 more times as well as about 6 different remedies and shampoes but I got itchier and itchier. Little did I know that all of these treatments messed up the Ph of my scalp and that was the cause of all the itching and the pin prick feeling. Last Sunday night I mixed a couple of tablespoons full of borax in some warm water and used it as a hair rinse in the shower. Monday I was about 85% better! In the morning I applied a little Borax water to my scalp and massaged in. I have been repeating this process everyday and today (Thursday) and I am probably 95%. My hair looks and feels great too!! I can't believe something I have been cleaning my carpets with and adding to my dishwasher detergent cured my scalp problem. So much for the health food stores $12 shampoe! This remedy REALLY works~~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rowie (Cambridge, MA) on 08/01/2009

I've had very itchy, big welts on my scalp for a few months. The itching is always worst at night and worse after I eat any gluten, sugar or even dates. Has anyone else had similar symptoms? After reading your website, I put a capful of undiluted ACV on each welt, and the itching stopped immediately. I"m going to apply it twice a day for a week or two and see what happens. Thank you everyone who posts on this site!

God bless,

Ted's Remedies
Posted by msdavis74 (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/01/2009


I am so happy with this site and all the valuable information, but I have tried this remedy and I think I must be doing something wrong. When I first tried the solution with 1part acv, 1part peroxide and 10 parts water it initially worked, but I think my scalp got used to it and it no longer works. I also follow it with regular shampoo and conditioner and the tea tree and lavender mixture. Maybe I need to do it for an extended period of time, but the last time I tried it, I did it 3 nights straigt.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ricardo (Danbury, CT, US) on 06/29/2009

I think that should state what type and concentration of hydrogen peroxide is being used. There are many different types and concentrations, thanks.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Tony (Toronto, Canada) on 05/28/2009

Ted's peroxide remedy (1 part ACV, 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide with 10 parts water) states to leave on for 1 minute not overnight. Maybe it shouldn't have been left on that long and that is why your hair is falling out.

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