Scalp Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Penelope (Alameda, Ca, Usa) on 05/21/2013

I'm a 30 year old woman with no kids no history of scalp or hair issues and no female hair loss in my large family. For the past 4 months my hair has been falling out (diffused) and then the last month my scalp has become red, inflamed and feels hot and burning. It doesn't itch much but will burn on and off all day long. The hair fall greatly increased when the burning and redness started. I have no flaking or bumps but a few areas of small flat red spots and areas where the scalp is entirely red. It doesn't hurt to massage the scalp but hurts to move my hair- which I don't understand. The reddest areas are just below the top of the back of scalp and on the sides of my head is worst for redness and hairloss. If I wash my hair with anything other than shampoo that has pyrithione zinc the burning gets pretty severe. I tried an anti- fungal shampoo and a tea tree oil shampoo-both seemed to make the burning worse especially the anti -fungal. I've tried going without any hair products and didn't seem to make any difference. I tried rinsing my hair with apple cider vinegar which helps temporarily but the burning always comes back within about 12 hours. I also made a paste of baking soda and applied to the scalp - it didn't seem to help and dried my scalp and hair horribly. I've been to my doctor who did bloodwork and everything came back as normal. I don't know what to do and am scared I won't have any hair left soon as my hair started coming out in handfuls within the last couple of days. Any idea what this is or how to treat it???

Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Shelita (Wilson, Nc) on 03/21/2013

This sounds like something my daughter had a few years ago. I took her to someone that made a "natural concoction" that consisted of burdock root and something else. Before this I had tried, vinegar, medicated shampoos, fungal medicine from doctor and her scalp would sell shortly after. Her scalp was oozing some kind of pus or something and I had begun to wash her hair everyday. Once I started using the burdock root mixture, I noticed results within the first week. I would spray a little on her scalp along with normal hair do in the morning and at night. She was cleared in about 2 weeks and we haven't had problems since.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kent (Lyndonville, Vermont) on 11/08/2010

Parts - think about it as equal portions. 1 tablespoon is a part. So the 1 part, 1 part, 10 parts would look like 1 tablespoon of ACV, 1 tablespoon of hydrogren peroxide and 10 tablespoons of water. Bigger jug? 1/4 cup is a part. So the 1 part, 1 part, 10 parts would look like 1/4 cup of ACV, 1/4 cup of hydrogren peroxide and 10 quarter cups (or 2 1/2 cups) of water.

Staphylococcal Folliculitis Scalp Infection Remedies
Posted by Danielle (White Plains, Ny, Usa) on 03/21/2013

Thanks Heather for sharing your success, I will try the Borax and hope it works for my condition as well.

Staphylococcal Folliculitis Scalp Infection Remedies
Posted by Heather C. (Santa Rosa, Ca. Usa ) on 03/21/2013

Danielle~ Ted would tell you to use Borax. I have had great success with this. I heat roughly 1.5 cups of water in the microwave or in a tea kettle until it boils. Add Borax until it is saturated (cloudy) Stir. Add cold water until it is luke warm. Pour into a bottle with a tip (like ketchup at a restaurant). Use in the shower after shampooing. Leave on a few minutes. Repeat daily. This will help tremendously.

Staphylococcal Folliculitis Scalp Infection Remedies
Posted by Danielle (New York, Ny) on 03/21/2013

I've experienced scalp issues for years after an initial fungal infection from a beauty salon. I've been tested since for any reoccurence, but not for bacterial infection until this summer. Now that I'm diagnosed with a staphylococcal folliculitis scalp infection, the problem is that the doctor only wants to prescribe Cipro or other fluoroquinolone products which are deadly and I refuse to take. Since then I've been researching the cures posted and have discovered that staph bacterial infections may have a different treatment plan than fungal infections. I've tried the vinegar which doesnt' stop the itch and alternatively sea salt which temporarily stops the itch. I haven't tried the antibiotics everyone else speaks of because I've read the posts and am leary about taking drugs that may cause even more issues. What treatment plan or combinations do you suggest and how should I apply them? Vinegar vs. ACV, sea salt, peroxide, oregano, tea tree or coconut oil? Does light therapy or uv light exposure help?

Posted by Amy (Bangalore) on 03/20/2013

Hi Ted/Bill, I have tried the below remedies for 2 weeks but I am not seeing much sign of improvement. Can you please help me with my problem?

1. Applied borax on my scalp and then rinse with diluted with ACV.
2. Took extra virgin coconut oil, borax with water
3. Alakalized body using ACV and baking soda.
4. Cut down all yeast diet.

The itching has been subsized to some extent but the flaking is still there. I can see white scales are again forming on my scalp. Looks to me my scalp fungus has developed resistant and again white layer on my scalp started increasing. Also, big clumps of skin is still coming out along with my hair. Should I continue the above treatment further or switch to different treatment? Please advice.

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 03/11/2013

Hi Baldev, I tried the following method for a week.

1. Applied borax on my scalp and then rinse with diluted with ACV.
2. Took extra virgin coconut oil, borax with water
3. Alakalized body using ACV and baking soda.
4. Cut down all yeast diet.

The itching has been subsized to some extent but the flaking is still there. I can see white scales are again forming on my scalp. Looks to me my scalp fungus has developed resistant and again white layer on my scalp started increasing. Also, big clumps of skin is still coming out along with my hair. Should I continue the above treatment further or switch to different treatment? Please advice.

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 03/02/2013

Thanks you very much Baldev. I'll try with the new borax I bought today. Will Keep you posted about the results.

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 03/02/2013 179 posts

Hi Amy, Yes, you can use this. Drinking water which you make, you can add 1/4 ts of sea salt in that. For washing the scalp make a diluted solution, i.e., take about 1/2 ts in a glass of water and soak the hair with it, keep it for 15 to 20 mts. And then rinse it with filtered water and then can apply diluted ACV. How you feel, you can use it twice a day and see whether it is helping. Someone has suggested urine therapy. I feel you can give it also a try, but hold on, first see the effect of Borax.

Good Luck


Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 03/02/2013

Hello, I bought today borax "di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate LR" from a chemical shop with the following specification. Note this is a lab grade borax:

Minimum Assay (Acidmetric) 99- 103 %
pH of 4% solution 9. 0 -9.6
Maximum limit of Impurities
Sulphate (SO4) 0.005%
Chloride(Cl) 0.005%
Arsenic (AS) 0.0005%
Calcium (Ca) 0.05%
Heavy metals (as Pb) 0.0025%
Copper (Cu) 0.005%
Iron (Fe) 0.005%

Is it safe to drink this borax 1/4th teaspoon with 1 litre of water? Also, is it safe to apply on my scalp? PLEASE SUGGEST

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 02/28/2013

Hi Baldev, Thanks again for your reply. I have done changes in my diet and I am taking coconut oil other remedies as suggested. However, I am not getting sodium bicarbonate in medical shops (Tried all big shops). I heard that meetha soda which we used for cooking is sodium bicarbonate. Can I use that?

Regarding borax, which one should I use? I am using borax crystal which I dissolve it in warm water and use it on my scalp. I have also been to some chemical shops and they too have borax in powder form but they have two varities. Chemical grade and lab grade. Which is safer to use among them? pls suggest.

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 02/28/2013 179 posts

Hi Amy, I can understand your concern. First of all just accept the problem and don't fight with it, you are creating extra stress by worrying too much about it. You have gone through the stressfull period and it may be a fall out of that. I know a case in last one week of chicken pox with ichy skalp been helped with diluted solution of Borax with out damaging the hair and after rinsing the hair application of diluted solution of ACV. I hope you are getting the right kind of Borax from the chemist. Borax will help you internally as well as externally, as Bill also has said in his postings that Borax is the best for candida and fungal infections. You have to take this treatment for some time to see the results. Also what have you done about your diet, start taking internally extra virgin coconut oil atleast three table spoon a day. Also apply coconut oil on your body if you feel your skin dry. Take ACV with sodium bi carbonate as Ted has suggested for alkalising the body internally. Eat green leafy veg. Or juice them. Avoid sugar completely, no fast food. You can also use aloe gel from the fresh plant. Don't lose heart, I assure you, you will get over it.

Good Luck. Baldev

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 02/28/2013

Hi Barbara, Thanks for your input. As per dermatogolist, the scalp infection is a kind of seborrheic dermatitis with psoriasis and I am having this from last 6 years. From my past experience whenever I have applied oil on my scalp irrespective of their type (tea tree, coconut etc) my itching and scaling has got worse. I feel almost like tearing my scalp. So, I am bit scared to use this option now.

Posted by Barbara (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl) on 02/27/2013

By scalp infection do you mean seborrhea dermatitis? That is what I have for almost a year and it has been a bear to get rid of. I've tried just about everything including a borax, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide solution you mention. I was so desperate to stop the itching that I left it on too long. The H202 did put an end to the itching and seemed to be healing the dermatitis, however it seriously damaged my hair, so I had to stop that treatment altogether. I then found a very good treatment using honey and coconut oil and have had some measure of success with it. Honey has an enzyme in it which produces hydrogen peroxide and has been successfully used by many along with coconut oil to cure seborrheic dermatitis. For the protocol for this treatment, google "Seb derm - Treating seborrheic dermatitis with raw honey and virgin coconut oil."

I must tell you that I saw no results with any treatment until I radically changed my eating habits and followed the no sugar, anti-inflammatory diet outlined on the Trust Nature / DermEssentials website. I also stopped using any hair products that had any chemicals whatsoever in them. For a while I used Organic Excellence Shampoo and Conditioner, which the only completely chemical-free shampoo I am aware of, but now I shampoo my hair with honey and condition it with coconut oil or an egg-coconut oil mask. My hair is still recovering from the H2O2 treatment and all the split ends it caused.

I have been doing some other things that are helping as well, like the detox baths and drinking kefir to restore good bacteria in my colon and blood. Also, I'm taking olive leaf extract which is a very potent anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral herb that I highly recommend along with reading Dr. Morton Walker's book, Olive Leaf Extract. I'm not fully recovered yet, but I do feel better and seem to be on the right track.

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 02/27/2013

Hi Baldev, I tried ACV on my scalp by diluting it with water and used with my herbal shampoo and then finally rinse with ACV again. I tried this application for a week and it helped me a lot in my scaling and bit in itching too. After, a week I skipped one day with this application and next day my scalp got worse then ever. So, I tried to applied a bit more concentration of ACV which made my scalp even more worse. I had to finally use my coal tar shampoo and that gave me a temp relief from flaking and itching.

I have read in this forum that pH of ACV is around 3. 5 and when diluted with water make it to 5 which is ideal for fungus growth. Is that true? If so then I think that might hase increased my scalp problem.

Afterward, I tried to use TED ACV plus hydrogen peroxide cure (1:1:10) and even borax plus 1% hydrogen peroxide for a 2 -3 days which subsidized a bit of flaking and itching. I am not sure but using 1% of hydrogen peroxide is causing some hair loss also. Is mixing ACV/Borax with hydrogen peroxide and applying it on scalp is safe for hair. Does, it cause more hair loss if used continuously for a prolonged period?

I have also tried to drink 1 tblspoon of ACV with water and honey twice a day but it caused slight pain in my tooth. I have read in this forum that drinking ACV causes tooth enamel. So, is it safe to drink ACV on long run? I tried to mix ACV with meetha soda (sodium bicarbonate) to alkalize the body (this method has been suggested by TED) but I found a bit dryness with my skin.

I am not sure what should I do next. Kindly suggest which remedy should I follow externally to cure scalp infection. I am more puzzled now :(

Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Indian Girl (Bombay, India) on 02/11/2013

I've had the itchy and smelly scalp problem for over a year. I've tried endless list of shampoos, precribed antibotics, home remedies, etc. Nothing helped. My scalp would itch and start to smell within hours of washing.

Recently I discovered that Tea Tree oil mixed with Aloe Vera really helps.

Mix 50ml of pure Aloe Vera Gel with 20-25 drops of pure Tea Tree oil (not the diluted ones). Apply this mixture on the scalp. Keep it on for about 30-45 mins and wash your hair normally. Do this twice a week.

It's been 2 weeks since, the itch has drastically reduced and the smell has gone. And the aloe vera has made my hair really soft.

Hope it works :-)

Posted by Amy (Bangalore) on 02/11/2013

Thanks again Baldev.

I'll try to check my pH level first to check my acidity level. A few questions though.

1. How much quantity should I take sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and when. Also, is there any specific brand which I should use? Please suggest.

2. ACV and extra virgin Olive oil - how much quantity and which brand to apply on skull and drink ? Also, I have tried to applied oil on my scalp several time including tea tree oil, coconut etc but it has made my scalp more scaly, itchy and increased hair fall. I am more scared to now as I don't want to exaggerate those stuff on scalp again.

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 02/11/2013 179 posts

Hi Amy, You are right Borax alone will not sort out your problem. Yours is a long time fungus problem as you yourself have diagnosed. So it will take some time for you to see the result. You have to take care as to what you eat. Also, you must be quite acidic which you can check with the help of pH strips available with the chemist or shops who keep chemicals (where you got your borax from). If you are following this site there is enough written about how to alkalize the body with the use of sodium bi carbonate. You will have to take Apple cider vinegar and also extra virgin coconut oil internally and application on the skull. If you have any doubt and need help you can call me on 09322887066.

Good Luck, Baldev

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 02/09/2013

Hi Baldev, Thanks. I'll try to take borax internally as suggested. I am using borax solution on my hair from past 1 month. The problem that I am seeing is that white crust on my scalp is not getting cleared off during washing and is causing itching, scaling and hairfall. Do you think regularly using borax alone can clear this off?

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 02/09/2013 179 posts

Hi Amy, You have been having this problem for last six years and you have started using the Borax now, I don't know since how long ? Have patience do it twice a day if need be and also you will have to take it internally, for that 1/8 tea spoon of Borax and 1/4 tea spoon of sea salt in one liter of water, drink it through the day. You will get the result at least the fall of further hair will stop. Also you have to strengthen your immune system.

Good Luck, Baldev

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, India) on 02/09/2013

Hi, I am having a scalp problem and hair fall from past 6 year. I have tried all medicated shampoo and steriod etc but still didn't get the scalp fungus cured. Recently, I found some article about borax. So, I tried to apply it on scalp by mixing it with water or curd. It relieved me from itching a bit but my scalp infection is not cured and I can still see thick scales coming out, itchness and hair fall. Please help me as I am really worried what should I do further :-(

Posted by Martin (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) on 02/03/2013

I once listened a Doctor on a radio program talking about the benefits of coral calcium to correct bone problems. He said that accumulation of calcium on some part of the body happened to the expense of another part of the body that would be depleted. He stated that correct amounts of this supplement would correct calcium imbalances within the body. But that is all I remember. He said he recommended an alternative medicine doctor to prescribe correct treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Younglady1975 (Tucson, Arizona) on 01/09/2013

Some say that spraying the ACV and H2O2 separately increases the antifungal effects of both. I fill a spray bottle with ACV and a separate spray bottle with drug store 3% H2O2 (hydroden peroxide). I spray the ACV onto my scalp and then I spray the H2O2 immediately after onto my scalp. I've shaved my head to make applications easier and I use less product. I drape a towel around my shoulders and make sure to saturate with both. I pat dry just a bit and let it air dry. I also recommend need leaf, which you can buy as a dried powder at an herbal shop, the health food store or online. You mix about a teaspoon of the powder in a tea cup and fill the tea cup with hot water and let it steap like tea. After it cools you can put it into a squirt bottle of some kind and use it as a rinse after you shampoo. Make sure to make the need tea daily, it is not effective after a day. I put this on after I spray with ACV and H2O2 and it has dried. I leave this on for 8 hours then shampoo before bed and use the tea tree/lavender preparation. It's worked wonders.

Aloe, Coconut Oil, Honey
Posted by Jcisgod (Lake Elsinore, California) on 11/27/2012

Everyone, I have suffered with Seborreic dermatitis for over 20yrs. Iam now pretty much cured. Trust me on this please. Mix 1 tbsp of honey preferably nonpesticide organic kind with 1 tbsp organic aloe vera GEL with 1 tbsp organic coconut oil. Mix and let melt together 10-15 minutes. Mix well and apply to your whole head, particulary the spots where the dermatitis is the worse. Important, leave on a minumum of 4hrs or better if on overnight. Let it dry and it should not get on your pillowcase. Coconut oil and Honey are two of the worlds most powerful antifungals. Not everyone gets the same results. Try it again if it doesnt knock it out. But most can say goodby to seborreic dermatitis. Praying first will not hurt either. May God bless you all. Sorry about the large print, I do not know how to fix it.

Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 10/18/2012

To treat scalp infection problem I will soak it with urine which will quickly solve your problem. It works.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary (Alameda, Ca, United States) on 07/20/2012

I've used this mixture for the last 3 days and was wondering if I'm doing it wrong because my scalp is still itchy. Am I supposed to use this without wetting my hair first? I know wetting my hair dilutes it and that may be why it's not working. Thanks for any feedback!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kelly (Catawissa, Mo) on 07/15/2012

The mixture did lighten my hair, but it looked awesome. I can't dye it bc of the sores, but w/ this mixture, it sort of blends the gray w/ highlights from the peroxide, and I didn't even worry about dying my hair anymore. Don't worry, you won't go blonde.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 06/10/2012

I am wondering the same thing. I have very dark hair and would like to try this... but have no wish to wind up with light colored hair.

Over the Counter
Posted by User5293 (Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines) on 06/09/2012

Good day! This post is about the treatment of human demodex on scalp, first, I would like to tell you guys my story on having human demodex, several months ago I have had these redness and itchiness in my scalp accompanied by a foul odor, the condition threatened me enough so I scheduled a visit to a dermatologist immediately to prevent it from getting worse, the she told me it was human demodex caused by mites. I then asked for a treatment, cure or remedy for it, she gave me both these Shampoo D'modex and Hair n Scalp conditioner, they are to be used together for best results, both of them are used to eliminate the mites. After a few days, I already noticed obvious improvements, the foul odor was gone immediately, the itchiness and redness lessened. I hope this post would help people in the future for treatment of human demodex. Thank you!

Avoid SLS
Posted by Lia (Boston, Usa) on 05/10/2012

IRRITATED SCALP- For all who have little bumps and sores on your scalp, please stop using shampoo with SLS or perfumes, your scalp might be sensitive to these. Wash your hair with dove sensitive bar soap, you'll be surprised when you hair stops falling as well!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kk (Sharon, Ontario Canada) on 04/13/2012

Wouldn't that mixture lighten and dry out your hair though? I have a really itchy scalp and someone said hydrogen peroxide, but I'm afraid of wrecking my hair.

Posted by Susan In Dallas (Dallas) on 04/03/2012

I had the same scalp issues for about 4 years. I had tried everything multiple times without permanent relief. I started using "a horse" shampoo with Zinc daily. After using about 1.5 bottles (2 months of use) my scalp issues are totally gone and haven't returned with continued use of this shampoo.

Posted by Shaun (Olde York, Uk) on 02/19/2012

Hi James from Waterford, I had this same issue for about the same length of time as I have variously reported here on EC. I too am cured! Anyway, what you may find you also have to do is wash/rinse your hair with Milk of Magnesia from time to time. This really helped me 'nail it' in the end. Good luck, Shaun

Posted by James (Waterford, Mi) on 02/18/2012

Editor's Choice

I am a 57 y/o male and have had scalp problems my whole life which seemed to be increasingly worse the last 20 years. I have been to doctor(s) dermatologists, tried all of the dandruff shampoos, creams, etc .. I had really given up and figured I had to just live with this scourge. I would develop welts or zits on my scalp which would itch , ooze / bleed and crust over, eventually heal and then the process would start all over again. I would spend everyday picking the irritating crusts and scabs off my scalp. It WAS miserable.

After finding this site I decided to give the BORAX a try. OMG, I can't believe it. My scalp is completely healed and for the first time I know what it is like to have a normal scalp. The kicker is (as others have stated) my hair comes out so soft and manageable it is amazing, better than any shampoo / conditioner ever. I will never use shampoo again.

Simply dissolve the borax in water. I would use 1/2 to 2/3 cup per gallon ( if its too much you will get some borax crystals in the bottom of the jug no big deal) Soak your hair in it and shampoo into the scalp. I leave it in while I shower, and then rinse it out. I have been following that with the ACV / H202 solution that TED recommends and rinse again. I may discontinue the ACV rinse but so far I haven't wanted to mess with a good thing.

It has been about eight weeks and my problem is cured. It only took about two or three shampoos to cure it but I wanted to wait and make sure before posting here. Thanks to everyone who is supporting this website, it is like a miracle to me. My only regret is that I didn't know this 40 years ago.!

PS and the dandruff is next to zero too!

Iodine Rinse
Posted by Kate (Maidenhead, Berkshire, England) on 01/31/2012

Hi Francisca, I came up with this remedy myself. Initially I used to pour the iodine in a bowl and apply it to my scalp with my fingertips. As my hair roots were weak due to the fungus or whatever was causing the itching the iodine strength was too strong. I thought of the idea of diluting the iodine which has seemingly worked. I also steam my hair once a day to get rid of the calcium deposits. I wish you the best and hope something will help you with your hair. Good Luck.

Posted by Susan (Bowie, Md) on 01/29/2012

Apple cider vinegar is a must, not white distilled. You may want to try organic apple cider vinegar.

Iodine Rinse
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/17/2012

Hi Kate, my scalp doesn't itch normally speaking but I am interested in this rinse to make my hair feel softer without using a commercial rinse! Did you come up with the idea yourself or did you base it on some known method?

Iodine Rinse
Posted by Kate (Maidenhead, Berkshire, England) on 01/16/2012

I've had an itchy scalp for over a year, lost over 3/4 of my hair. I've been through all the meds the recommendations offered by everyone, don't think there is anything I haven't tried.

Well anyhow, this is what worked for me and it may or may not work for you: In a plastic container add a quarter teaspoon of tincture of iodine (the brown liquid) and about a quarter cup of warm water, mix. Daily during your shower, wash hair with cool water without any shampoo or conditioner, then apply this mixture as a final rinse, whilst ensuring none of it gets in to the eyes. Immediately wrap a clean towel to the hair. Leave hair to dry naturally and before you know the hair feels softer and manageable - the plus factor 'No Itching".... Hurrah! I also use this mixture for my final rinse after my weekly shampoo and conditioner application. Initally I used this mixture for 4 days, had a break for a couple of days, the itching returned with a vengence. Good luck. Kate

Aloe Vera
Posted by Vita Jean (Washington, Dc) on 12/13/2011

Editor's Choice

For 16 years, I've suffered from a scalp condition that includes symptoms like flare ups, inflammation, unbearable soreness, flaking, postules, hair bumps, hair loss, etc. I used straight raw apple cider vinegar to get rid of bacteria and yeast on my scalp. Then, I recently bought an aloe vera plant from a local hardware store. I've been splitting open the leaves and massaging my whole scalp with the gel mornings and especially nights. I just leave it on. It's a miracle. Not only is the aloe soothing, but it has dried/cleared up just about everything going on with my scalp! My hair also feels soft and moisturized.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Vincent (Seattle, Wa.) on 11/03/2010

Please help... I don't understand... You say "1 part" Apple Cider & Vinegar. "1 part" Hydrogen Peroxide. With "10 parts" water. What are "parts" ? Could you or anyone explan to me what are "parts"? Thank You"

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ruth (Hernando, Ms) on 12/06/2011

It actually does state 3% hydrogen peroxide. Read carefully and then read again.

Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/19/2011

Beets, huh? This is a common "cure" for vitiligo (supposedly). Is there a connection here? The fungal connection! Possibly!!! So if the beets work for the scalp and vitiligo, maybe Ted's scalp remedy works on the skin (vitiligo) too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Denton, Tx) on 09/23/2011


I have tried the ACV on my scalp, and while it didn't do the trick for my itchy flaking scalp, it makes my hair amazingly silky and easy to brush, no conditioner needed. It strips haircolor, so I don't use it when my color is fresh, but as it wears out, I like to do an ACV rinse once a week just for the way it conditions my hair. It is amazing.


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Faithy (Worcester, Ma) on 09/21/2011

I cannot believe this works! I stopped after work to pick up the ingredients - put it on my head last night, did not rinse out and the itching stopped, I didn't scratch at all. I had at least 12 red spots on my head from scratching the scabs and at least two raised welts, welts are gone, scalp is dry, a little red but nothing like before - repeated in shower this morning, and rinsed out - no itching at all! I did order the teatree oil with lavender on amazon - they do have a combo, for around $7.00. I am going to use this overnight when I receive. Thank you so much TED!!!! You literally saved my life. I have short dark hair, and this was becoming a problem as I could not stop scratching. Thank you so much! Question, how long should I use the mixture, as I have some scabs left?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Keri (Raleigh, Ny/nc) on 09/07/2011

Ted, I was wondering if I still or can use shampoo and conditioner before or after this remedy? I am a black female from the Caribbean with course hair that usually needs to be conditioned and moisturized so that it won't get dry and break and be hard to comb. My scalp just started itching me severely about 3 years ago when I went from being natural to getting a relaxer again. Therefore, I will be trying this ACV remedy soon but will be putting the undiluted ACV on my scalp 1st to see if it gives me instant relief. Please advise, and if yes in what precise order to shampoo and condition? Also, could I use both the borax and the ACV mixture right after each other?

Posted by Jillandmattsmom (Hoschton, Ga, Usa) on 05/29/2011

I am sooo happy to have found this website. I do have a few questions regarding the treatment. Does it matter if you use Apple Cider Vinegar or White Distilled Vinegar? Do you rinse the vinegar out or leave it in? Thank you so much for your help.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/21/2011

Someone posted a remedy for problems with the scalp here a few days ago. I am thinking of trying. Here is what I copied and saved in my remedies file:
  • I had the itching scalp, substantial thinning and some dandruff several years ago, and cleared it all up in two treatments. I used about 1/8 teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil and a few drops of lavender oil in 3 Tablespoons of sweet almond oil (you could use any carrier oil, I think). I parted my hair and poured it on my scalp all over and left it there for an hour, massaging it around with my fingertips some, before I showered it out. Whatever was wrong is gone, I have no itch and my hair came back thick

  • Ted's Remedies
    Posted by Pinky Bee (Fremantle , Western Australia) on 05/20/2011

    I need help...... My scalp is sooooo dry, flaky, itchy as hell and sometimes sore. I have used coconut oil (extra virgin) for a week now and it seems to be getting itchier and flakier, one side of my head was worse than the other..... But now they are nearly the same!! I have very thin hair and in some parts (the front and sides) it's not growing back :(. I just want my thick hair back..... I think about it all the time, because it's itchy all the time...... I think I have a fungus and just spread it because I'm always itching..... HELP!!! Please???

    Ted's Remedies
    Posted by Humiliatedintx (Arlington, Tx) on 05/20/2011


    50/50 white vinegar, purified or distilled water. 4-5 drops of tea tree oil. So much better overnight. For some reason the Apple cider vinegar didn't help heal it, the itching stopped only.

    Colloidal Silver, MSM
    Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 03/08/2011

    Although ACV is a great scalp tonic for dandruff or dry scalp, it doesn't seem to be effective for chronic scalp problems (scalp eruptions, etc. ) I believe that some of these severe chronic scalp problems evolve into bacterial infections from the constant scratching and need something stronger, and more soothing. Colloidal silver and MSM (sulfur.. As Ted recommends) work very effectively for scalp problems. Add a couple ounces of the silver and then put 4 capsules (1000 mg) in an 8 oz bottle of distilled water and use for final rinse. (leave in) You could additionally add these same ingredients to your sulfate free shampoo for faster results. It's also important to get a shower filter, chlorine and other impurities will keep the irritation going.

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