The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hstutz (Michigan) on 12/02/2014
Hello everyone on here, I am a 28 year old female who have had issues with hair loss and an oily scalp that produces sticky discharge.
I am across this website trying to find a homemade remedy to treat my itchy scalp and hair loss. I have read that people had great results with apple cider applied on the scalp.. which I did and it was the first time I ever did.. my scalp feels cold and not very itchy.. the first few minutes after applying I felt some burning.. but that only concludes that it might be fungus or bacteria. I have been trying to rid myself of this sticky build up and itchiness for years I have lost a lot of hair... I am balding around the temples and crown. my crown is basically very visible if I don't try to cover it with my remaining hair. I have also read that drinking apple cider might tackle fungus in the body. I did drink I tbsp. of cider mixed in with 8oz of water after an hour my eyes started to water.. and I started tearing up a little bit... Is this a normal reaction.. also my nose felt tingly and now some parts of my skin around my body is tingly.. Is it candida reacting to the cider.. I have eaten cider with my salads many times.. never had this reaction... Does that mean there is fungus in my blood stream?
Posted by Lisa ( Syracuse, Ny ) on 04/26/2015
I've been suffering with a fungal infection on my scalp and skin for 15 plus years. It took me 14 of those years to actually get a proper diagnosis, that a fungus was actually the culprit. I get what looks almost like mosquito bites on my scalp, skin-mainly neck, back, upper shoulders and occasionally legs.I start with an intense itch that burns and feels prickly. I scratch until it bleeds .A scab forms and it constantly itches.The scabs take a very long time to heal. So at any given time I usually have 100 or more of these in various stages. I went through total hell. At one point I was putting high heat on my head and skin thinking it would help. It made it ten times worse. Hence heat spreads fungus. Unbeknownst to me, it got so bad I thought it was scabies.
Went to every Emergency Room and urgent care as well as family practice docs. None were helpful at all.They looked at me as if I were dirty and crazy! To the contrary I am extremely obsessively clean. Finally had one doc scrape a small inflamed area and analyze it under a microscope.I have tried everything from lindane to nix, creams, topical and oral benadryl, calamine, apple vinegar, tea tree oil, Alcohol, bleach...
Borax was the only thing that has worked! It's amazing! 3Tb borax with 1 liter of aloe vera(100%). Massage into affected areas after shower and at bed.I am 85% healed.Some of my scalp was severe. So it's going to take a bit to completely heal. Literally spent thousands and dealing with an itch that has kept me from sleeping some nights. For under $5 and about 5mins to massage borax I am almost all healed! I recommend this to anyone suffering with itching/skin inflammation. It's truly a miracle. Finally after 15 years, almost completely healed! It's been a long time coming!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alayna (PA) on 03/27/2022 1 posts
My entire scalp was red, painful, oozing, and covered in sores. After a week of various attempts at relief (mostly plant oils and cold water rinses), it was only getting worse. I ended up in the ER due to whatever reaction I was having spreading to my face, neck, and ears. I was prescribed steroids and given benadryl, yet after two doses, my scalp was getting worse. It was one of the most unbearable things I've ever experienced.
In desperation, I poured a 1:8 ACV/water rinse over my head. I was terrified it would make it worse, but after about 30 seconds of burning, I started feeling relief. I repeated the rinse 30 minutes later and OH MY GOSH, the results are nothing short of a miracle. Because I assume it was a bacterial infection, I blowdried my hair immediately to remove all moisture. The itching and pain are 99% gone, and the sores disappeared. I'm still in shock at how quickly and effectively this worked.
Aloe Vera
Posted by Vita Jean (Washington, Dc) on 12/13/2011
For 16 years, I've suffered from a scalp condition that includes symptoms like flare ups, inflammation, unbearable soreness, flaking, postules, hair bumps, hair loss, etc. I used straight raw apple cider vinegar to get rid of bacteria and yeast on my scalp. Then, I recently bought an aloe vera plant from a local hardware store. I've been splitting open the leaves and massaging my whole scalp with the gel mornings and especially nights. I just leave it on. It's a miracle. Not only is the aloe soothing, but it has dried/cleared up just about everything going on with my scalp! My hair also feels soft and moisturized.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Keri (Raleigh, Ny/nc) on 09/07/2011
Ted, I was wondering if I still or can use shampoo and conditioner before or after this remedy? I am a black female from the Caribbean with course hair that usually needs to be conditioned and moisturized so that it won't get dry and break and be hard to comb. My scalp just started itching me severely about 3 years ago when I went from being natural to getting a relaxer again. Therefore, I will be trying this ACV remedy soon but will be putting the undiluted ACV on my scalp 1st to see if it gives me instant relief. Please advise, and if yes in what precise order to shampoo and condition? Also, could I use both the borax and the ACV mixture right after each other?
Posted by James (Waterford, Mi) on 02/18/2012
I am a 57 y/o male and have had scalp problems my whole life which seemed to be increasingly worse the last 20 years. I have been to doctor(s) dermatologists, tried all of the dandruff shampoos, creams, etc .. I had really given up and figured I had to just live with this scourge. I would develop welts or zits on my scalp which would itch , ooze / bleed and crust over, eventually heal and then the process would start all over again. I would spend everyday picking the irritating crusts and scabs off my scalp. It WAS miserable.
After finding this site I decided to give the BORAX a try. OMG, I can't believe it. My scalp is completely healed and for the first time I know what it is like to have a normal scalp. The kicker is (as others have stated) my hair comes out so soft and manageable it is amazing, better than any shampoo / conditioner ever. I will never use shampoo again.
Simply dissolve the borax in water. I would use 1/2 to 2/3 cup per gallon ( if its too much you will get some borax crystals in the bottom of the jug no big deal) Soak your hair in it and shampoo into the scalp. I leave it in while I shower, and then rinse it out. I have been following that with the ACV / H202 solution that TED recommends and rinse again. I may discontinue the ACV rinse but so far I haven't wanted to mess with a good thing.
It has been about eight weeks and my problem is cured. It only took about two or three shampoos to cure it but I wanted to wait and make sure before posting here. Thanks to everyone who is supporting this website, it is like a miracle to me. My only regret is that I didn't know this 40 years ago.!
PS and the dandruff is next to zero too!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Eddie (Smyrna, Tn) on 03/13/2010
A combination of 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Part Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 parts water has worked miracles for me. I have had these bumps on my head for years that become small sores. The doctors always gave me some antibiotic or such that would give relief for a brief time but had me going back. The first time i used the apple cider vinegar / water mix on my head I had almost immediate results and over the past two weeks my scalp has not felt this good in years. My case was quiet severe and so though not healed I am much improved. I also started applying tea tree/lavendar oil combination to my scalp after each shower...even better improvement. This site has been an eye opener and blessing. Thanks all
Posted by Jeanmae (Wichita, Is.) on 08/09/2017
I had scalp issues for 4 years after 3 dermatologist & many scalp prescriptions.... I used two lemons just squeezed them on scalp and it cleaned my whole scalp from fungus, dandruff. & dustmites.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Cat (Ausin, Tx) on 01/13/2014
I thought I'd blend in on this subject: Once a month before bed, I pour 1/2 c baking soda down my bathtub drain, then pour about a cup of ACV or white vinegar (whichever is available) after it. I let it sit overnight. It fizzes and breaks up the hair that has accumulated down there with the end result being the disappearance of hair, oil, and gunk clogging my drain; my drain works smoothly again. I though I would say this because I noticed that when I combined these 2 products and used them to wash my hair, I got lots of hair going down the drain. I thought perhaps this combo was eating my hair as it does the hair in my drain. This does not happen when I use them separately. But, for a while now, I only wash my hair with diluted ACV (1/1), pouring it onto my hair and scrubbing it onto my scalp; I let it sit for about 5 minutes, then I rinse it out thoroughly and do a natural dry. I then spritz with a favorite organic cologne. I use virgin coconut oil as a scalp and hair moisturizer every 2-3 days. I use LouAnn (from Wal) because it does not have a strong coconut smell, yet gets the job done I.e. keeping my scalp from feeling tight and itchy. Once a month, I use Dr. Bonner's rose oil soap (very diluted) to wash my head and hair and strip it of old oil or dandruff. This strategy really works for me and is preserving the hair my thyroid condition has left on my head. (alleviating this condition is a work in progress).
I ONLY use diluted baking soda to wash my body after I have used a clean, rough, white, car cloth to dry-scrub off the coconut oil I slathered on my body beforehand. This has changed my skin for the better soooo much. All other soaps (and I've tried hundreds), including Dr. Bonner's has left my skin dry and cracked and itchy. Peace out, Cat
Posted by Shaun (Olde York, Uk) on 02/19/2012
Hi James from Waterford, I had this same issue for about the same length of time as I have variously reported here on EC. I too am cured! Anyway, what you may find you also have to do is wash/rinse your hair with Milk of Magnesia from time to time. This really helped me 'nail it' in the end. Good luck, Shaun
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Fi (North Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/01/2011
I'm a woman. I had an itchy, flaky scalp for months and was starting to lose my hair on top of my head. I used various shampoos that smelled horrible and went to the dermatologist. Symptoms would stop for awhile but then start up again. I did some research on line and decided to try the apple cidar vinegar and peroxide cure talked about here. It's the only thing that worked for me. I have had no more problems and my hair has grown back.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Sara (Georgetown, De) on 01/20/2010
Well my story started out last summer when I brought a stray kitten into our home... little did I know what I just got myself into! The kitten had ringworm and we didn't know it until it was too late. My daughter eventually ended up getting it on her scalp. Two prescriptions later it still wasn't better! The ACV solution has made a huge difference. Its been a month (I treat her head every single night)and all the small spots are gone and the two large spots she has are 75% healed!! I also, in the evening, rub a cut garlic clove on the spots.
Follow the ACV treatment and dont stop until it is gone! I'd also recommend treating for 2-3 weeks after to make 100% sure.... you dont want it coming back.
Im so thankful I came across this website!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stacey (Michigan) on 01/14/2017
Have you tried washing with borax? This will help kill any fungus you have that is causing the build up on your scalp.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Ali (Sumter, Sc) on 08/18/2010
I'm searching for an exact measurement of a solution to cure my scalp infection/odor. It started after leaving coconut oil on my scalp overnight which seemed to have fueled a fungus that may have already been present. I'm currently taking "fungal defense" by garden of life (2 pills, 3x daily), and drink 3 large glasses of lemon water(one fresh squeezed lemon in 24 oz of water). I've cut sugar and fruit to almost non-existent in my diet. An exact measurement of a solution to cure this scalp odor, itching, redness, and hairloss is needed. Hairloss is an overall even thinning. If you could include how much water(not "parts"), how often to apply, how long and how often to leave on scalp, and exactly how to apply (I have long curly hair) would be greatly appreciated. This scalp odor has greatly affected me and is beginning to be a source of depression. Please HELP! Thank you!
Citronella Oil
Posted by Atang (Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa) on 05/03/2010
I tried the coconut oil for scalp odor and it just seemed to make it worse. I've been suffering since January, and would describe the smell as very bad. I would wash my hair in the morning and 3 hours later it already stunk! by the end of the day it was unbearable. I tried the following: coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, ACV, medicated shampoo, all sorts of hair products, rubbing MSM in my scalp (for sulphur), hydrogen peroxide, yoghurt, white vinegar, borax. Finally in the past few weeks I've been making progess- I bought grapefruit seed extract and bergamot essence oil. this helped alot but not 100%. I then bought CITRONELLA oil at the pharmacy- success! I think it should also be available at health stores in the oil/essences section. Rub it in every night for 3 nights (do it over the weekend or when you won't be going out bcos it smells quite strong, not bad just strong). wash it out in the morning. This did the trick. I was able to go a week without washing my hair and there still was ZERO odor!! hope this helps someone because this smelly scalp is very debilitating socially.
Posted by Shelly (Mesa, Az) on 01/14/2010
Wow! I am totally thrilled with Ted and his borax suggestion! My daughter came home from camp with head lice and I ended up with them also-June 09. I bought Nix and killed the lice, but... I was still having that "crawly" feeling. I used the Nix 2 more times as well as about 6 different remedies and shampoes but I got itchier and itchier. Little did I know that all of these treatments messed up the Ph of my scalp and that was the cause of all the itching and the pin prick feeling. Last Sunday night I mixed a couple of tablespoons full of borax in some warm water and used it as a hair rinse in the shower. Monday I was about 85% better! In the morning I applied a little Borax water to my scalp and massaged in. I have been repeating this process everyday and today (Thursday) and I am probably 95%. My hair looks and feels great too!! I can't believe something I have been cleaning my carpets with and adding to my dishwasher detergent cured my scalp problem. So much for the health food stores $12 shampoe! This remedy REALLY works~~
Posted by NANCY (ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA) on 02/21/2009
I used the 20 mule team borax last night as a shampoo ... It is the best my head has felt in 32 years. And now I know trichotillomania is not a condition of bad nerves, I believe this is either a mite under the skin or a fungus. And dr.s wont help .they don't want to admit there is no cure. They just keep you coming back and shoving more money in their pockets.I have 5 sores on my head,4 of them have been ther for 2 or more years 1 of them for about 1 year their always sore or half heald and sore underneath. After using the borax last night. 3 are healed and no soreness under neith, and 2 are very slightly sore this morning. My scalp feals like scalp and my hair feels like normal hair ...... Absolutly amazing. If it is a mite.. I'm getting rid of all the pillows. I just recently moved here and and bought a water bed, so that is new and no mites in the mattress. I will continue this treatment on mon .wed and fri. For a month and then go to the acv and peroxide if needed.i have also used tea tree shampoo for about 10 years it has helped but not cured.. I did use tea tree oil straight about 6 weeks ago 1 time maybe that did help some. But nothing has worked like the 20 mule team borax and my hair is soft and shining and manageable today first time in 32 years, amazing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lara (Boonton, NJ) on 01/07/2007
When my brother tried to commit suicide in Feb. 2006, my scalp suddenly became extremely sore & huge pieces of it began to slough off. This wasn't like little bits of dandruff here & there. The pieces were sizeable square inches of skin. Because the pieces were so large, they wouldn't fall off because several hundred hairs were still threaded through them. The pieces looked like off-white tissue paper hovering about 1/2 inch above my scalp. It was a very alarming sight (though not as alarming as the condition of my brother). I first tried Scalpicin from the hospital pharmacy, but that only provided a very brief, cooling sensation. I looked on the internet & read about apple cider vinegar. The recommendation for scalp problems was to dilute the acv with water. I was in a state of extreme anxiety due to long hours in the ICU, & just wanted very fast relief. So I poured several cap-fulls of acv on my scalp & massaged it in a bit. The only thing I noticed was the vinegary smell & a very slight tingling sensation. I sat for an hour or so, & then rinsed my hair & scalp. It's hard to believe, but after that one treatment, the horrible huge pieces of skin stopped rising up from my scalp immediately. I repeated the same treatment one week later, just as a preventative measure. The problem never returned, despite several months of equally stressful hospital experiences.