Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections

Lugol's Iodine and Borax Spray
Posted by Missm (Ny) on 07/16/2020

This helped me rid my scalp of the itchy, peeling condition.

You'll need:

  • 2 ounce sprayer bottle
  • 1 ounce distilled water
  • .75 ounce 70/30 alcohol. Having this amount alcohol will keep this self-preserved!
  • 8 drops Lugol's Iodine
  • 1/8 tsp borax, this is equivalent of a tiny pinch

Allow solution to sit and dilute the borax or it will clog sprayer.

Note: You can use without borax.

Use several times a day. If you have demodex, spray as soon as you feel a tickle.

This may hurt on affected area, but as they dry up and flake off this will no longer happen. Benefits easy to use, less discoloration than using full strength iodine.

Use on body parts without having iodine stain, knees, feet etc.

Do not add any other oils, or herbs to this - it will make it hard to preserve and you can make the spray bacteria soup.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diane (Edgewater, Md) on 09/26/2015

OMGoodness...After reading your story I have hope that what has been going on with me and my scalp is something that can possibly be cured or controlled. I started having issues with my scalp and then my hair...which I was proud to say, were the most beautiful locks and I never realized that what has happened to my hair , was possible . I am 49 years old and seems like out of nowhere I started getti g random pus pockets or blisters on my scalp . They didnt so much bother me other than they were very weepy once it popped and then my hair started feeling like I had put glue in it...kinda like the old time rubber cement from back in the day. Then my hair started falling out by the handfulls at my temples and top and crown of my head, but I think the strangest thing of all for me was the amount of gray hair I started to have...literally over a month or so time and it is very weird hair .In the beginning it was thick gray long hairs that were as strong as fish line and then it started to change into spiderweb looking hair as one peice would come out would just keep coming and coming as if I had 3 feet of this silvery white spiderweb mess...and then there were the bald spots from losing it . I am sorry for rambling but I havent felt hopeful in so long thatI had pretty much just accepted that I was going bald and wither away!!!!! Please tell me what if anything has changed and if u found out what it is and what it is called . And thank you so much for posting, Diane

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

If "they" are not sure you have candida, what do they base their assessment on? I used to work for a naturopathic physician in NYC. Some of his clients would come after going through "mainstream" medical exams. Blood tests did not show candida. BUT these patients had POCKETS of the candida that did not show up in blood stream. When those were addressed, patients healed. - They all seemed to get some periods of detox. The way we explained it to them was simple:

"If you are feeling great, and next morning feel lousy like catching the cold, it is detoxing. Why? Because your body was feeling strong, looked around and said- let's get some clean up done. Otherwise getting sick feels like coming DOWN with something. Hop into Epsom salt and baking soda bath - about 1 cup total, and you'll be good tomorrow." It was so true . Next day we got calls that the patient was feeling good again - and of course till the next detox. Usually one a week was what we heard, and saw.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/05/2015

At first I would use a good application with coconut oil with about ten drops of clove essential oil for medical purposes. If there is itching afterwards, it could be parasites. Keep on for a few hours or as is convenient. Keep in mind, as with coconut oil always, it is a cooling oil and in cold weather a cover for the head is necessary. Repeats as often as convenient.

Borax is very good but oiling afterwards is necessary.

For shampoo, Dr. Bronner's pure kastile shampoo with a selection of essential oils is very good. I have used it for many years also for my pets .Available in health stores.

Making a wash from soap berries because it contains anti bacterials and is very mild but effective (see online).

Chamomile infusion. Soak a cloth and keep on for ten minutes. Very healing and soothing.

Internally Diatomaceous Earth with Bentonite clay but also externally. It has a lot of Silica for hair/nail/bones. It draws out toxins. I was surprised that my nails grew stronger and longer after only about four days of one tblsp. daily in a large glass of water.

You can find DE/Bentonite in feed stores or online. These remedies don't break the bank and they do work. Namaste, Om

Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Penelope (Alameda, Ca, Usa) on 05/21/2013

I'm a 30 year old woman with no kids no history of scalp or hair issues and no female hair loss in my large family. For the past 4 months my hair has been falling out (diffused) and then the last month my scalp has become red, inflamed and feels hot and burning. It doesn't itch much but will burn on and off all day long. The hair fall greatly increased when the burning and redness started. I have no flaking or bumps but a few areas of small flat red spots and areas where the scalp is entirely red. It doesn't hurt to massage the scalp but hurts to move my hair- which I don't understand. The reddest areas are just below the top of the back of scalp and on the sides of my head is worst for redness and hairloss. If I wash my hair with anything other than shampoo that has pyrithione zinc the burning gets pretty severe. I tried an anti- fungal shampoo and a tea tree oil shampoo-both seemed to make the burning worse especially the anti -fungal. I've tried going without any hair products and didn't seem to make any difference. I tried rinsing my hair with apple cider vinegar which helps temporarily but the burning always comes back within about 12 hours. I also made a paste of baking soda and applied to the scalp - it didn't seem to help and dried my scalp and hair horribly. I've been to my doctor who did bloodwork and everything came back as normal. I don't know what to do and am scared I won't have any hair left soon as my hair started coming out in handfuls within the last couple of days. Any idea what this is or how to treat it???

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shell (Miami) on 02/13/2014

I use apple cider vinegar for my hair to avoid infections and dandruff. Make sure to use it with 50% water. After a few days no more scalp build or itchy scalp.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010

My friend's 7 year old daughter had smelly scalp and she tried everything (shampoos, etc.), but nothing helped. I suggested she take her to my acupuncturist. She did and the acupuncturist tested her daughter for food allergy and determined it was MILK that was causing the scalp odor. She took her daughter off dairy and within a week all odor was gone and didn't return.

White Vinegar Rinse
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010

I had the same problem with scalp for years. I know what you mean, it is embarrassing. I wore hats everyday. I couldn't even go have my hair professionally cut, I was so embarrassed. (although a hairdresser told me that she sees it a lot.. So I don't think we are alone in this) I have a theory that it is initially caused from our commercial shampoos, hairsprays, hair dyes and poor diet. Regardless, I think I've finally found the solution.. After trying EVERYTHING. I started using a natural shampoo jason with sulfur in it. Started noticing good results, but still getting break outs here and there on scalp.

One night I had a blemish on my chin and had no apple cider vinegar, so I used 50/50 white distilled vinegar and water (filtered or distilled). Within an hour the blemish dried up and there was NO sign of it left behind on my chin (and I'd tried everything for weeks on this spot, so you would expect at least a scar left behind.. Nothing! ) So I thought, let's try this on the scalp problems. I used a q-tip and used the same 50/50 solution. The next day.. They were all 95% gone! After a 2nd application, they disappeared altogether. Now I'm going to try using this white vinegar mix as a final rinse in the shower (faster than q-tip). NOTE: I've used apple cider vinegar rinse for months in the shower, with little effect, BUT the white vinegar worked for some reason. * Be sure to wash your towel and pillowcases to prevent this recurring.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laila (Virginia, Ashburn) on 08/03/2022

I have same problem, I used it last night, I feel better already. I'm glad you're recovering my friend!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Amber (Pa) on 08/07/2016

About 2 weeks ago I noticed 3 different knots or small mats forming in my hair, they were about the size of a quarter. I didnt think much of it because my hair is very long to my butt, and has always gotten tangled easily. I had also been sleeping alot lately and not brushing my hair after showers. Well I a friend offered to brush out the knots because she is a hairdresser. So she worked on my hair for 4 hrs one night, and didnt get out a single knot, as a matter of fact, they all got BIGGER, and hard, they formed actual shapes, one was shaped and sized exactly like a computer mouse, one was perfectly circle and flat about the size of a 50cent pc, and the third was perfectly round like a ball. The amount of hair in each knot grew, like it was attaching itself to all the hairs. They got so big and firm that I couldn't even push a safety pin into one, not even a mm in! I scoured the internet along with my friends and family for 3 days trying to find anything that even came close to what I had, we couldn't find anything because these were no normal knots.

I came across and discovered It was from an EXTREMELY rare little known condition called Plica Polonica (I suggest anyone suffering from weird hair conditions, like sticky/tacky/dark slimy-like sections of hair, anywhere on the hair, look up this condition). Doctors still know very little about the cause and there is no cure or remedy except to cut the masses of hair off. But I suspected all along this condition is actually due to a fungal or bacterial growth. I tried everything known to man to get the knots out including wearing an entire giant jar of mayo on my head for 18 hours! I tried vinager, listerine, dawn, olive oil, hot oil, everything! I ended up cutting off the hair after a week of failed attempts to even remotely loosen them. But ever since I cut them all off 2 days ago, I have been getting these big pimple like bumps all over my head.

So I tried tea tree oil directly on the bumps, and its working! I don't know what the bumps are, but I know they have something to do with the scalp hair condition Plica Polonica, and the Tea Tree oil is killing it. If you have very knotty sections of hair, or you feel something kinda sticky in your hair, I suggest doing Tea Tree oil all over your scalp. I think if I would have paid more attention to the signs and treated my hair and scalp earlier, it never would have developed into Plica Plonica.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Marnie (Madera, Ca) on 02/07/2018

Hi Shanti,
Borax (2O Mule Team) from the laundry aisle is the first thing I would try. It's safe and effective. It's anti-fungal. It's great for your skin. I would get some pure Castile soap (such as Dr Bronners). Get the soap lathered all over your scalp. Then add a handful of borax on top of your head and work it throughout your entire scalp. Massage it in and let it sit for a while. Rinse. If you're going to use conditioner, then only apply it to your hair and not your scalp. This should really help relieve the itch and get your hair nice a clean.

Other great things to try-
- Tea tree essential oil (added to shampoo or to some coconut oil for scalp treatment)
- Scrub wet scalp in shower with baking soda. Wash as usual. Final rinse with water mixed with some apple cider vinegar
- Coconut oil and / or Castor Oil (pure, 100%). If you feel your scalp is dry and irritated, massage with oil and leave on for an hour or overnight. 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil added in can be soothing.

Hope this helps!

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/15/2017

DENISE,,,,,,, Get you a plastic jar add 20 mule team borax until 1/2 full. Add water. The jar will be saturated. Pour on your hair after washing your hair and then shower. When done, rinse your hair. Do not wash again. Keep adding water to the jar until there is no borax in the bottom after you shake. Start over. Hey girl, it's just that simple. Keep doing this until your problem is solved or you know this ain't gonna help. I have been doing this for many, many years. The only scalp problem I have is due to the sun and Borax will not solve that problem. It should take care of dandruff or a fungus.

Wish you well. =====ORH====

Coconut Oil
Posted by James (Texas) on 01/11/2018

This is pretty old but I thought I would respond just in case someone has a similar issue. I found the item below. It says that there could be a yeast that is a part of the demodex. Supposedly, the yeast thrives on oil of any kind.


QUOTE: I would warn you that the use of oils on the skin may feed this lipophilic (lipid loving) yeast. The craze of using coconut oil liberally on the skin for a variety of skin afflictions may make the feeling of something crawling and itching skin worse for these people. In research labs when they study Malassezia hyphae, they have to give them a lipid source to get the yeast to grow hyphae in the lab. Other things that will generate a proliferation of Malssezia are the use of corticosteroids and or antibiotics.

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, India) on 02/09/2013

Hi, I am having a scalp problem and hair fall from past 6 year. I have tried all medicated shampoo and steriod etc but still didn't get the scalp fungus cured. Recently, I found some article about borax. So, I tried to apply it on scalp by mixing it with water or curd. It relieved me from itching a bit but my scalp infection is not cured and I can still see thick scales coming out, itchness and hair fall. Please help me as I am really worried what should I do further :-(

Iodine Rinse
Posted by Kate (Maidenhead, Berkshire, England) on 01/16/2012

I've had an itchy scalp for over a year, lost over 3/4 of my hair. I've been through all the meds the recommendations offered by everyone, don't think there is anything I haven't tried.

Well anyhow, this is what worked for me and it may or may not work for you: In a plastic container add a quarter teaspoon of tincture of iodine (the brown liquid) and about a quarter cup of warm water, mix. Daily during your shower, wash hair with cool water without any shampoo or conditioner, then apply this mixture as a final rinse, whilst ensuring none of it gets in to the eyes. Immediately wrap a clean towel to the hair. Leave hair to dry naturally and before you know the hair feels softer and manageable - the plus factor 'No Itching".... Hurrah! I also use this mixture for my final rinse after my weekly shampoo and conditioner application. Initally I used this mixture for 4 days, had a break for a couple of days, the itching returned with a vengence. Good luck. Kate

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Diane (Montgomery, Alabama) on 03/19/2010

Double YEA...I have had itchy scalp with welts and inner ear canal itch for over a year. Found this site yesterday and feel really blessed. I did the Apple Cider Vineger and peroxide water (1,1,10). I washed my hair in the mixture this morning at 6am. It is 2pm now and I have not itched all, scalp or ears. I bought oils today to start the OP tonight. Thanks so much!

Posted by NANCY (ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA) on 02/21/2009

I used the 20 mule team borax last night as a shampoo ... It is the best my head has felt in 32 years. And now I know trichotillomania is not a condition of bad nerves, I believe this is either a mite under the skin or a fungus. And dr.s wont help .they don't want to admit there is no cure. They just keep you coming back and shoving more money in their pockets.I have 5 sores on my head,4 of them have been ther for 2 or more years 1 of them for about 1 year their always sore or half heald and sore underneath. After using the borax last night. 3 are healed and no soreness under neith, and 2 are very slightly sore this morning. My scalp feals like scalp and my hair feels like normal hair ...... Absolutly amazing. If it is a mite.. I'm getting rid of all the pillows. I just recently moved here and and bought a water bed, so that is new and no mites in the mattress. I will continue this treatment on mon .wed and fri. For a month and then go to the acv and peroxide if needed.i have also used tea tree shampoo for about 10 years it has helped but not cured.. I did use tea tree oil straight about 6 weeks ago 1 time maybe that did help some. But nothing has worked like the 20 mule team borax and my hair is soft and shining and manageable today first time in 32 years, amazing.

Posted by rhonda (seattle) on 12/03/2007

I learned about borax on curezone for itchy painful scalp and decided to try it. Someone else on this site has mentioned how nice her hair is as a result of using the borax. I have NEVER used a hair product- a shampoo or a conditioner that has equalled the lustruous results I have achieved with borax. My hair was dry and straw like now it feels soft and silky and very manageable. The rats nest is gone! I can now comb and brush my hair again without fear of tearing my hair out. If for no other reason, I think everyone should abondon their shampoo and start using borax to wash the hair. As for my scalp? I was pretty desperate the day I tried the borax. My scalp was very sore, there was an inflamed (swollen) ridge on my part and there were tiny bumps like zits forming. I have a theory that hair pullers are reacting to whatever it is that causes these symptoms I experience. I started messing with my hair when I started experiencing all of the above. anyway. after using the borax, pain and itching subsided. bumps scabbed over that same day. soooo gentle. Have you noticed that if you get it in your eyes, it does not burn? I remember when I was a kid, I had some sort of eye infection so I went to the doc and he said I had pink eye and prescribed boric acid ointment. so of course it would be gentle to the eye. I am anxious to try it internally for some of the other issues I have read here on the site.(arthritis, tmj, fibromyalgia).

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted

Lisa: Happy to hear of the news. A longer term remedy of acv baking soda alkalizing to raise the body's immune system, some weekly magnesium (magnesium citrate) and zinc (zinc gluconate) supplements and perhaps if possible a molybdenum (sodium molybdate) should prevent the condition from coming back again.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by David (Orange County, CA) on 02/21/2007

I discovered this sit because i had a scalp infection and wanted to find out how i could cure it. i started to take the acv and baking soda internally that ted suggests. i felt really good and it seemed to help a lot. i put some acv on my head as well and i don't know if i worked. i also tried the peroxide on my head but i hasn't really done much either.i had read that eucalyptus oil is really good, so i realized that vic's vapor rub has eucalyptus oil in it so i put some on my head and it had the greatest effect than anything i tried.i can say that i went to the nutritional store to buy the tea tree oil that ted suggested, but unfortunately for me i listened to the homeopathic doctor there and didn't buy it. instead i bought the pills he suggested and the ointment that contained alison, i guess it's an extract from garlic, which is also suppose to clean your blood. that didn't seem to help at all so i started rubbing on the vic's again. i am going to buy the tea tea tree oil and maybe eucalyptus oil. i also have to mention, that i had blood work done there at the health food store and my blood was really clean. he said that he never gets to see such healthy blood and was very impressed! i had been taking the acv and baking soda for at least a month though, so i guess it really worked. i use to have a little bite of lower back pain and that even went away. i want to give a special thanks to tedd, your a gentle man and a scholar. well thanks to everyone as well, who have taken the time to try to help others by contributing to this site. god bless all of you and your families!

p.s. i forgot to note that the infection seemed to be fungus and discovered it because my hair was falling out. i decided to just go ahead and shave my head and discovered i had the read fungus/ringworm on different parts of my head .the acv and vic's vapor rub really helped and i started to regrow my hair and it's not falling out anymore. it even seems to be growing thicker on the area's that were growing thin. thanks!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Tasha (IL) on 11/09/2006

I'm late writing my feedback, but it may benefit someone especially for African American children.

On June 3, 2006, after my son's haircut, I noticed my son had a small, round, white patch in the middle of his scalp. Curious, I took note of this on my calendar to keep a close eye on it.

As the weeks go by, the patch had spread to at least 3 or 4 more patches with hair loss. Not completely bald patches. I immediately confirmed this HAD to be ringworm in the scalp.

How could this happen when I keep the kids scalp and body clean with bathings? My kids like to play in the dirt outside and very well could have transferred hand to scalp during play. I don't know for sure...just a guess. By June 30th, I began Ted's recommedation of ACV (with the Mother) and Hydrogen Peroxide Shampoo along with the Tea Tree Oil and Lavender mixture.

I followed his recipe exactly. I would give my son (3years old) his bath and "shampoo" or saturate his hair with the ACV & Peroxide. Let it sit on his hair and scalp while I bathe him. After rinsing the soap off his body, I would rinse out the ACV & Peroxide from his hair.

My mixture: 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil, 1 drop of Lavender Oil diluted in 1 tablespoon of Sweet Almond Oil. I used the Sweet Almond Oil because it absorbs and carries the essential oils well.

After drying him off, I immediately applied the Tea Tree Oil and Lavender mixture to his ENTIRE scalp (he had a low hair cut...much easier). I did make sure his hair and scalp was coated. I applied a Doo Rag (a scarf with 2 tails) and wrapped his head up. The tails help secure the base of the Doo Rag on his head. He wore the Doo Rag and Oil Mixture over night. I did not wash it out in the morning nor did I reapply the oil mixture during the day.

I applied this oil mixture every night at bath time for 6 weeks. However, I did not apply the ACV & Hydrogen Peroxide shampoo everyday. For some reason, after the second day, my son would literally scream "murder" at the sight of the ACV & Peroxide. I would calmly refer to it as water but he did not want that "water" near him. I can't confirm if it burned his scalp or not. So, I have no clue as to if it burns. Oh, and I made sure not to get it in his eyes. Therefore, I shampooed with regular shampoo and followed with the oil mixture.

At the end of the 6 weeks, his hair had grown back in with no more white patches or hair loss. It is has been several months now and everything is still clear.

BTW, my son knew something wasn't right because the other children did not have to wear the Doo Rag. Try to be comforting and reassuring during this difficult time with small children. The Doo Rag sort of acts as a protective measure from spreading (to the family) so you don't want the child to take it off due to embarrassment or shame. The child can wear it during the day if he/she is a stay at home child like mine. Our family made him feel comfortable about the Doo Rag. We took pictures of him with his "shades" on and just had fun his first night. This way, you don't have to fight or have an unhappy child every night for 6 weeks. BTW, I saw an oil recipe on a different website that is identical to Ted's except the lady recommed using the oil mixture 3x's a day. For those who work during the day or if the child is in school, this may not seem ideal although I believe it would work. Nevertheless, Ted's overnight treatment was less work and with proven results.

I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Miss M (New York) on 05/03/2020

I'm glad I found Earth Clinic.

Was at my wits end battling itchy, scratchy scalp. Like others I spend a fortune on shampoos, and deems and had zero luck. My scalp was always irritated and it actually made me feel sick. What worked for me as last treatment I mixed baking soda and borax into a paste and massage into my scalp and left on for ten minutes, then diluted it some in shower massaging mixture into skin. After rinsing followed up with Apple cider vinegar. Miracle! No peeling skin, or flakes. Amazing. I have a habit of touching my scalp from this affliction of a year, and there are no plaques! Ecstatic that such a simple remedy actually works. I have have also been using one part vinegar, one part 3 percent peroxide, pinch of borax, then the rest water as spray during the day, but what really worked was the baking soda and borax mixture. I did try just borax but it didn't give me the results. I am taking anti candida fungal herbals pau darco, caprylic acid, probiotics. Coconut yogurt.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jb (Home) on 02/09/2017

I am defeating the head, neck and shoulders issue with spots/sores. The easiest way to cover all areas for me is to take a bath with epsom salts, baking soda (50/50 mix) plus Apple Cider Vinegar OR Food grade vinegar in the bath water. This instantly treats and dries up the sores. They can and sometimes do return if not treated well in a couple of days again. I also apply 100% Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca) during the day. It works well as long as I keep from scratching or irritating it further. Right now it's in a good stage of remission. There are many good ideas on here so I may get some Aloe Vera soon.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patricia (Michigan Usa) on 10/26/2016

About one month ago I started getting these small barnacles ( for lack of a better word ) I used a Rx shampoo

And I thought all was well UNTIL

I started getting these raised sores and stabbed areas.I went to dermatologist who then gave me Clindamycin and a gel - oily steroid to put on the open areas. That all went away ..BUT then comes these massive amts of sandy, grainy junk all over my scalp. I wash and soak it with OTC shampoos to know avail. I can pick off the mounds of sand but within a minute it seems there it is again. I am currently taking doxicyline for a month. I have tried a mixture of half n half organic ACV with water. Again no help. So does anyone have any ideas.?

Thank you for reading.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/27/2016

Patricia, try to find out what your body doesn't like and is trying to expel. Topical stuff is usually only temporary.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sawyer (Nevada) on 09/08/2017

Hey I just totally saw this a few minutes after reading your post no it's not what I'm dealing with I just wanted to give you five things up for you are totally on track with your diagnosis and treatment why here it is sorry I feel the need to share but I'm going to :p

Demodex brevis mites feed on the glandular cells of the sebaceous gland that attaches to hair follicles (pilosebaceous glands) and meibomian glands. The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. Meibomian glands produce meibum which prevents tears from rapidly evaporating. It plays an important role in eye moisture.
Tea tree 5% ointment.
Mercury oxide 1% ointment.
Topical insecticides like permethrin and crotamiton creams.
Topical antibiotics like erythromycin and metronidazole.
Oral medication like ivermectin for people with weakened immune systems such as in HIV infection.

Treat for Demodex Hair Mites
Posted by Leo (Olathe, Ks) on 02/20/2016

Hello everyone.

From nearly all of the posts I see, it seems like most of you have demodex or hair mites. They thrive on oily skin and scalp. They live inside your hair follicle, hence your hair falling out. Also change your diets, this is a sign of a weak immune system. Eat organics and take organic vitamins to boost immune system. Best thing to do is see a dermatologist and ask for a natural treatment. If they don't help then YouTube and google are your best friends to finding a cure.

God be with you all.


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