Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections

B Vitamins

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lauren (Queens) on 02/19/2015

Hi There....I experienced the same problem a few months ago and was going crazy with the constant itching on my scalp. This had never happened before so I was really puzzled. I did the same thing as you guys....I used the selsun blue shampoo let it soak for a while and then wash it off. It would stop the itching for a while and then off we go again. In frustration, I went to my old friend Google (lol) for help. It was with interest that I read an article that said that sometimes a deficiency in B vitamins can cause this. So you guessed it.....I bought some and started using immediately. Don't know exactly when it happened but it was gone in I would say in a couple of days. Try it you never know it might help you....

Replied by Elyn
(Ontario, Canada)

To Lauren from Queens: I take Vitamin B12 1000mcg/day and a multivitamin, both daily, among other vitamins. But this insane scalp itching... I'm 57, and when I was a kid my mother used to tease me that I was scratching my head like a monkey, so it has indeed been lifelong. Wish the B vitamins worked for me; glad you found what works for you! :)

Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Dr Howard (Torrance ) on 06/26/2024

This is to anyone relative to an internal external fungal issue. Dr Gilio Simoncini a former Rome oncologist who wrote a book on his research.He says the Candida fungus is the ultimate cause of cancer.

He's a world authority on fungus. He says his choice after years of diligent research is sodium bicarbonate SB (or baking soda) USP. Please Not Arm and Hammer get USP the highest in purity. Amazon.

You can apply SB to a negative scalp can be fungus related.
Get some spring water 1 cup warm it to body temp so as to dissolve 1 tablespoon of SB.Shake it in a plastic squeeze bottle with a needle nozzle used to apply hair dye, ketchup, honey, etc.

Shampoo first with pine tar an antifungal as pine tar also loosens tight scalp so improves circulation. Loosens the galia a membrane just under the scalp. One expert says this membrane becomes too thick in some people and impedes blood flow so hair follicles are starved of valuable micronutrients. The hair eventually falls out.

A mother brought her teen daughter to my office years ago. She was bald! I gave her two steam treatments. Never saw them again. Years l got a call from the mother talking me her daughter grew all her hair back! She “knew” it was the treatments.

Most told me their hair stopped falling out but that their scalp would perspire after a run. They never experienced this before showing it does loosen the scalp.
I use a table top steamer around 60$ online with ozone and l use spring water in the cup that goes on the steamer;and l put a formula on my scalp and steam it in. It causes the galia to become soft and elastic once again and improves hair growth, etc.

Some use an organic egg and mix in organic mayonnaise 1/3 cup and massage in the hair and scalp. Some add organic honey. One tablespoon. Good formula. Takes 20 minutes. Has an extension to mist the face.

ln the shower: Massage into scalp. Keep pouring over scalp until the cup is empty. Keep massaging it in. Place a shower cap on the head. Leave in for an hour rinse with warm water. Do as often as you can.

Note:If you have a table top steamer you can do this and steam scalp in this way. I like this method. Works great. Really helps hair too. It draws small debris out of the scalp and other micro elements impacted in the scalp. The liquified baking soda gets in deep to kill fungus, etc.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Dick (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 03/09/2008

I have a very Itchy Scalp. No Dandruff. I have tested for two months eating off the grocery shelf canned beets. I eat two (1 to 1 1/2 inch diameter beets) in the morning and two in the evening. Every day. It works.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Beets, huh? This is a common "cure" for vitiligo (supposedly). Is there a connection here? The fungal connection! Possibly!!! So if the beets work for the scalp and vitiligo, maybe Ted's scalp remedy works on the skin (vitiligo) too.

Replied by Hermiticwonderer
(Los Angeles, Ca)

to Dick -

That's awesome! Make sure that the canned beets you are consuming daily are not packaged in a can which contains BPAs or other synthetic chemical liners & that the ingredients do not list preservatives.

You could probably find an organic farm local to you that grows beets which would be cheap and you would know exactly what your consuming. :)


12 User Reviews
5 star (11) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Miss M (New York) on 05/03/2020

I'm glad I found Earth Clinic.

Was at my wits end battling itchy, scratchy scalp. Like others I spend a fortune on shampoos, and deems and had zero luck. My scalp was always irritated and it actually made me feel sick. What worked for me as last treatment I mixed baking soda and borax into a paste and massage into my scalp and left on for ten minutes, then diluted it some in shower massaging mixture into skin. After rinsing followed up with Apple cider vinegar. Miracle! No peeling skin, or flakes. Amazing. I have a habit of touching my scalp from this affliction of a year, and there are no plaques! Ecstatic that such a simple remedy actually works. I have have also been using one part vinegar, one part 3 percent peroxide, pinch of borax, then the rest water as spray during the day, but what really worked was the baking soda and borax mixture. I did try just borax but it didn't give me the results. I am taking anti candida fungal herbals pau darco, caprylic acid, probiotics. Coconut yogurt.

Replied by Faye

Hi, mixed cool water with TCP, not too much



What is TCP? Thank you.

Posted by Lisa ( Syracuse, Ny ) on 04/26/2015

Editor's Choice

I've been suffering with a fungal infection on my scalp and skin for 15 plus years. It took me 14 of those years to actually get a proper diagnosis, that a fungus was actually the culprit. I get what looks almost like mosquito bites on my scalp, skin-mainly neck, back, upper shoulders and occasionally legs.I start with an intense itch that burns and feels prickly. I scratch until it bleeds .A scab forms and it constantly itches.The scabs take a very long time to heal. So at any given time I usually have 100 or more of these in various stages. I went through total hell. At one point I was putting high heat on my head and skin thinking it would help. It made it ten times worse. Hence heat spreads fungus. Unbeknownst to me, it got so bad I thought it was scabies.

Went to every Emergency Room and urgent care as well as family practice docs. None were helpful at all.They looked at me as if I were dirty and crazy! To the contrary I am extremely obsessively clean. Finally had one doc scrape a small inflamed area and analyze it under a microscope.I have tried everything from lindane to nix, creams, topical and oral benadryl, calamine, apple vinegar, tea tree oil, Alcohol, bleach...

Borax was the only thing that has worked! It's amazing! 3Tb borax with 1 liter of aloe vera(100%). Massage into affected areas after shower and at bed.I am 85% healed.Some of my scalp was severe. So it's going to take a bit to completely heal. Literally spent thousands and dealing with an itch that has kept me from sleeping some nights. For under $5 and about 5mins to massage borax I am almost all healed! I recommend this to anyone suffering with itching/skin inflammation. It's truly a miracle. Finally after 15 years, almost completely healed! It's been a long time coming!

Replied by Nisha
(Mathura U.p)

Can I use boric acid in place of borax? borax not available in my place..can boric acid work same like borax..pls tell scalp is very itchy and painful for 8 years pls tell me

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

N: Boric Acid, Boron, and Borax are interchangeable substances but Borax is preferred for scalp conditions, however Boric Acid in small amounts added to shampoo would likely help.

Also, look for "medicated shampoo" at your local retail market, which would have a variety of medicinals for scalp.

Replied by Kevin


I'm going to try borax on my scalp but I'm not sure how to proceed.

I've seen on the internet the following process :

1/4 cup of Borax

2 cup war water

Mix and pour it over scalp (dry or do I have to put some water before?) and let it sit of 30min to 1h and then wash.

Do I have to scrub my scalp with the solution or just pour it?

For the wash do I have just to do it with water?



Replied by Poppy

You can do it like that. I had scalp sores so tried borax. My recipe was borax in water to make a paste, then add dish liquid. Apply to hair, lather it up, and let it sit for about 5 minutes. That helped a lot, but now I do this: stir borax into water, no need to measure because you want to dissolve as much as you can. Then you let the solid borax that cannot dissolve settle onto the bottom. Pour off the borax-saturated water, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and mix. Apply to your head, being careful not to let it drip into your eyes. I do this while standing in the shower and just keep my head out of the water. I leave it on long enough to get the rest of me clean, so 5-10 minutes, and then rinse.

Replied by Denise

How do I mix and use borax on my scalp and for how long please?

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

DENISE,,,,,,, Get you a plastic jar add 20 mule team borax until 1/2 full. Add water. The jar will be saturated. Pour on your hair after washing your hair and then shower. When done, rinse your hair. Do not wash again. Keep adding water to the jar until there is no borax in the bottom after you shake. Start over. Hey girl, it's just that simple. Keep doing this until your problem is solved or you know this ain't gonna help. I have been doing this for many, many years. The only scalp problem I have is due to the sun and Borax will not solve that problem. It should take care of dandruff or a fungus.

Wish you well. =====ORH====

Posted by Jon Cynthia (Connelley Springs, Nc) on 06/22/2013

Scalp sores, bumps and itching: I too have had problems with this condition. I purchased the Borax, peroxide and dish detergent put in small bowl mix to a runny consistancy, wet my hair then, slathered the mixture on my head while in shower(don't get hair wet).

After bathing, I then rubbed mixture like shampoo into hair/scalp rince complety. I woke up this A.M. and no itch, bumps reduced in size and open spots were closed with scabs. I will do this 2-3 times a week and I believe this will end my scalp problem. Thanks for the heads up. (no pun intended).

Posted by Amy (Bangalore, India) on 02/09/2013

Hi, I am having a scalp problem and hair fall from past 6 year. I have tried all medicated shampoo and steriod etc but still didn't get the scalp fungus cured. Recently, I found some article about borax. So, I tried to apply it on scalp by mixing it with water or curd. It relieved me from itching a bit but my scalp infection is not cured and I can still see thick scales coming out, itchness and hair fall. Please help me as I am really worried what should I do further :-(

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
184 posts

Hi Amy, You have been having this problem for last six years and you have started using the Borax now, I don't know since how long ? Have patience do it twice a day if need be and also you will have to take it internally, for that 1/8 tea spoon of Borax and 1/4 tea spoon of sea salt in one liter of water, drink it through the day. You will get the result at least the fall of further hair will stop. Also you have to strengthen your immune system.

Good Luck, Baldev

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Baldev, Thanks. I'll try to take borax internally as suggested. I am using borax solution on my hair from past 1 month. The problem that I am seeing is that white crust on my scalp is not getting cleared off during washing and is causing itching, scaling and hairfall. Do you think regularly using borax alone can clear this off?

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
184 posts

Hi Amy, You are right Borax alone will not sort out your problem. Yours is a long time fungus problem as you yourself have diagnosed. So it will take some time for you to see the result. You have to take care as to what you eat. Also, you must be quite acidic which you can check with the help of pH strips available with the chemist or shops who keep chemicals (where you got your borax from). If you are following this site there is enough written about how to alkalize the body with the use of sodium bi carbonate. You will have to take Apple cider vinegar and also extra virgin coconut oil internally and application on the skull. If you have any doubt and need help you can call me on 09322887066.

Good Luck, Baldev

Replied by Amy

Thanks again Baldev.

I'll try to check my pH level first to check my acidity level. A few questions though.

1. How much quantity should I take sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and when. Also, is there any specific brand which I should use? Please suggest.

2. ACV and extra virgin Olive oil - how much quantity and which brand to apply on skull and drink ? Also, I have tried to applied oil on my scalp several time including tea tree oil, coconut etc but it has made my scalp more scaly, itchy and increased hair fall. I am more scared to now as I don't want to exaggerate those stuff on scalp again.

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Baldev, I tried ACV on my scalp by diluting it with water and used with my herbal shampoo and then finally rinse with ACV again. I tried this application for a week and it helped me a lot in my scaling and bit in itching too. After, a week I skipped one day with this application and next day my scalp got worse then ever. So, I tried to applied a bit more concentration of ACV which made my scalp even more worse. I had to finally use my coal tar shampoo and that gave me a temp relief from flaking and itching.

I have read in this forum that pH of ACV is around 3. 5 and when diluted with water make it to 5 which is ideal for fungus growth. Is that true? If so then I think that might hase increased my scalp problem.

Afterward, I tried to use TED ACV plus hydrogen peroxide cure (1:1:10) and even borax plus 1% hydrogen peroxide for a 2 -3 days which subsidized a bit of flaking and itching. I am not sure but using 1% of hydrogen peroxide is causing some hair loss also. Is mixing ACV/Borax with hydrogen peroxide and applying it on scalp is safe for hair. Does, it cause more hair loss if used continuously for a prolonged period?

I have also tried to drink 1 tblspoon of ACV with water and honey twice a day but it caused slight pain in my tooth. I have read in this forum that drinking ACV causes tooth enamel. So, is it safe to drink ACV on long run? I tried to mix ACV with meetha soda (sodium bicarbonate) to alkalize the body (this method has been suggested by TED) but I found a bit dryness with my skin.

I am not sure what should I do next. Kindly suggest which remedy should I follow externally to cure scalp infection. I am more puzzled now :(

Replied by Barbara
(Ft. Lauderdale, Fl)

By scalp infection do you mean seborrhea dermatitis? That is what I have for almost a year and it has been a bear to get rid of. I've tried just about everything including a borax, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide solution you mention. I was so desperate to stop the itching that I left it on too long. The H202 did put an end to the itching and seemed to be healing the dermatitis, however it seriously damaged my hair, so I had to stop that treatment altogether. I then found a very good treatment using honey and coconut oil and have had some measure of success with it. Honey has an enzyme in it which produces hydrogen peroxide and has been successfully used by many along with coconut oil to cure seborrheic dermatitis. For the protocol for this treatment, google "Seb derm - Treating seborrheic dermatitis with raw honey and virgin coconut oil."

I must tell you that I saw no results with any treatment until I radically changed my eating habits and followed the no sugar, anti-inflammatory diet outlined on the Trust Nature / DermEssentials website. I also stopped using any hair products that had any chemicals whatsoever in them. For a while I used Organic Excellence Shampoo and Conditioner, which the only completely chemical-free shampoo I am aware of, but now I shampoo my hair with honey and condition it with coconut oil or an egg-coconut oil mask. My hair is still recovering from the H2O2 treatment and all the split ends it caused.

I have been doing some other things that are helping as well, like the detox baths and drinking kefir to restore good bacteria in my colon and blood. Also, I'm taking olive leaf extract which is a very potent anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral herb that I highly recommend along with reading Dr. Morton Walker's book, Olive Leaf Extract. I'm not fully recovered yet, but I do feel better and seem to be on the right track.

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Barbara, Thanks for your input. As per dermatogolist, the scalp infection is a kind of seborrheic dermatitis with psoriasis and I am having this from last 6 years. From my past experience whenever I have applied oil on my scalp irrespective of their type (tea tree, coconut etc) my itching and scaling has got worse. I feel almost like tearing my scalp. So, I am bit scared to use this option now.

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
184 posts

Hi Amy, I can understand your concern. First of all just accept the problem and don't fight with it, you are creating extra stress by worrying too much about it. You have gone through the stressfull period and it may be a fall out of that. I know a case in last one week of chicken pox with ichy skalp been helped with diluted solution of Borax with out damaging the hair and after rinsing the hair application of diluted solution of ACV. I hope you are getting the right kind of Borax from the chemist. Borax will help you internally as well as externally, as Bill also has said in his postings that Borax is the best for candida and fungal infections. You have to take this treatment for some time to see the results. Also what have you done about your diet, start taking internally extra virgin coconut oil atleast three table spoon a day. Also apply coconut oil on your body if you feel your skin dry. Take ACV with sodium bi carbonate as Ted has suggested for alkalising the body internally. Eat green leafy veg. Or juice them. Avoid sugar completely, no fast food. You can also use aloe gel from the fresh plant. Don't lose heart, I assure you, you will get over it.

Good Luck. Baldev

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Baldev, Thanks again for your reply. I have done changes in my diet and I am taking coconut oil other remedies as suggested. However, I am not getting sodium bicarbonate in medical shops (Tried all big shops). I heard that meetha soda which we used for cooking is sodium bicarbonate. Can I use that?

Regarding borax, which one should I use? I am using borax crystal which I dissolve it in warm water and use it on my scalp. I have also been to some chemical shops and they too have borax in powder form but they have two varities. Chemical grade and lab grade. Which is safer to use among them? pls suggest.

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hello, I bought today borax "di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate LR" from a chemical shop with the following specification. Note this is a lab grade borax:

Minimum Assay (Acidmetric) 99- 103 %
pH of 4% solution 9. 0 -9.6
Maximum limit of Impurities
Sulphate (SO4) 0.005%
Chloride(Cl) 0.005%
Arsenic (AS) 0.0005%
Calcium (Ca) 0.05%
Heavy metals (as Pb) 0.0025%
Copper (Cu) 0.005%
Iron (Fe) 0.005%

Is it safe to drink this borax 1/4th teaspoon with 1 litre of water? Also, is it safe to apply on my scalp? PLEASE SUGGEST

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
184 posts

Hi Amy, Yes, you can use this. Drinking water which you make, you can add 1/4 ts of sea salt in that. For washing the scalp make a diluted solution, i.e., take about 1/2 ts in a glass of water and soak the hair with it, keep it for 15 to 20 mts. And then rinse it with filtered water and then can apply diluted ACV. How you feel, you can use it twice a day and see whether it is helping. Someone has suggested urine therapy. I feel you can give it also a try, but hold on, first see the effect of Borax.

Good Luck


Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Thanks you very much Baldev. I'll try with the new borax I bought today. Will Keep you posted about the results.

Replied by Amy
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Baldev, I tried the following method for a week.

1. Applied borax on my scalp and then rinse with diluted with ACV.
2. Took extra virgin coconut oil, borax with water
3. Alakalized body using ACV and baking soda.
4. Cut down all yeast diet.

The itching has been subsized to some extent but the flaking is still there. I can see white scales are again forming on my scalp. Looks to me my scalp fungus has developed resistant and again white layer on my scalp started increasing. Also, big clumps of skin is still coming out along with my hair. Should I continue the above treatment further or switch to different treatment? Please advice.

Replied by Amy

Hi Ted/Bill, I have tried the below remedies for 2 weeks but I am not seeing much sign of improvement. Can you please help me with my problem?

1. Applied borax on my scalp and then rinse with diluted with ACV.
2. Took extra virgin coconut oil, borax with water
3. Alakalized body using ACV and baking soda.
4. Cut down all yeast diet.

The itching has been subsized to some extent but the flaking is still there. I can see white scales are again forming on my scalp. Looks to me my scalp fungus has developed resistant and again white layer on my scalp started increasing. Also, big clumps of skin is still coming out along with my hair. Should I continue the above treatment further or switch to different treatment? Please advice.

Posted by James (Waterford, Mi) on 02/18/2012

Editor's Choice

I am a 57 y/o male and have had scalp problems my whole life which seemed to be increasingly worse the last 20 years. I have been to doctor(s) dermatologists, tried all of the dandruff shampoos, creams, etc .. I had really given up and figured I had to just live with this scourge. I would develop welts or zits on my scalp which would itch , ooze / bleed and crust over, eventually heal and then the process would start all over again. I would spend everyday picking the irritating crusts and scabs off my scalp. It WAS miserable.

After finding this site I decided to give the BORAX a try. OMG, I can't believe it. My scalp is completely healed and for the first time I know what it is like to have a normal scalp. The kicker is (as others have stated) my hair comes out so soft and manageable it is amazing, better than any shampoo / conditioner ever. I will never use shampoo again.

Simply dissolve the borax in water. I would use 1/2 to 2/3 cup per gallon ( if its too much you will get some borax crystals in the bottom of the jug no big deal) Soak your hair in it and shampoo into the scalp. I leave it in while I shower, and then rinse it out. I have been following that with the ACV / H202 solution that TED recommends and rinse again. I may discontinue the ACV rinse but so far I haven't wanted to mess with a good thing.

It has been about eight weeks and my problem is cured. It only took about two or three shampoos to cure it but I wanted to wait and make sure before posting here. Thanks to everyone who is supporting this website, it is like a miracle to me. My only regret is that I didn't know this 40 years ago.!

PS and the dandruff is next to zero too!

Replied by Shaun
(Olde York, Uk)

Hi James from Waterford, I had this same issue for about the same length of time as I have variously reported here on EC. I too am cured! Anyway, what you may find you also have to do is wash/rinse your hair with Milk of Magnesia from time to time. This really helped me 'nail it' in the end. Good luck, Shaun

Replied by Susan In Dallas

I had the same scalp issues for about 4 years. I had tried everything multiple times without permanent relief. I started using "a horse" shampoo with Zinc daily. After using about 1.5 bottles (2 months of use) my scalp issues are totally gone and haven't returned with continued use of this shampoo.

Posted by Shelly (Mesa, Az) on 01/14/2010

Wow! I am totally thrilled with Ted and his borax suggestion! My daughter came home from camp with head lice and I ended up with them also-June 09. I bought Nix and killed the lice, but... I was still having that "crawly" feeling. I used the Nix 2 more times as well as about 6 different remedies and shampoes but I got itchier and itchier. Little did I know that all of these treatments messed up the Ph of my scalp and that was the cause of all the itching and the pin prick feeling. Last Sunday night I mixed a couple of tablespoons full of borax in some warm water and used it as a hair rinse in the shower. Monday I was about 85% better! In the morning I applied a little Borax water to my scalp and massaged in. I have been repeating this process everyday and today (Thursday) and I am probably 95%. My hair looks and feels great too!! I can't believe something I have been cleaning my carpets with and adding to my dishwasher detergent cured my scalp problem. So much for the health food stores $12 shampoe! This remedy REALLY works~~

Replied by Patti
(Babylon, New York, Usa)

This site is really pretty cool, thanks for all the suggestions! For many years I suffered from a VERY itchy scalp and I could no longer take it and was very close to just ripping it all out!! Then I read all this stuff about Borax and I gave it a try for the first time last night and I used 1/2 a cup of Borax with a half gallon of water and scubbed my scalp and rinsed it off with warm water, and I did the same tonight, and my scalp feels great! But after doing all this do I then Shappoo it or just use Borax??I want to do this for at least a week and then once aweek, but it does make my hair look dull, unless I'm doing it wrong or too much, but NO MORE ITCHING!! and that's what counts, Praise God for your site, Thanks, but please let me know if I'm supose to shampoo after this treatment with the borax, Thanks :)

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas, Usa)

Hi Patti, getting relief with Borax is a good indication you are dealing with fungus. I also used borax on my head as you did and got relief, but found after the first few times my hair did not look good. I than started using baking soda to wash and apple cider vinegar to rinse. I put about 2 ounces of baking soda in 10 - 12 oz. of water and work gently into my scalp and hair. Rinse the baking soda out and follow with 2 ounces of vinegar in same amount of water. I let the vinegar stay on for about a minute as it helps to restore scalp ph. Both baking soda and vinegar are anti-fungal. I do still use a conditioner on my hair but I add drops of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) in the conditioner. My hair looks and feels great doing this.

I did some reach on the internet and found SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) causes allergic reactions and feeds fungus. SLS is in almost all shampoos and personal care products. You may fine avoiding products with this ingredient may help. Every time I use shampoo with sls in it the top of my scalp becomes painful and I get a very itch scalp along with hair loss.

Replied by Jillandmattsmom
(Hoschton, Ga, Usa)

I am sooo happy to have found this website. I do have a few questions regarding the treatment. Does it matter if you use Apple Cider Vinegar or White Distilled Vinegar? Do you rinse the vinegar out or leave it in? Thank you so much for your help.

Replied by Susan
(Bowie, Md)

Apple cider vinegar is a must, not white distilled. You may want to try organic apple cider vinegar.

Posted by NANCY (ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA) on 02/21/2009

I used the 20 mule team borax last night as a shampoo ... It is the best my head has felt in 32 years. And now I know trichotillomania is not a condition of bad nerves, I believe this is either a mite under the skin or a fungus. And dr.s wont help .they don't want to admit there is no cure. They just keep you coming back and shoving more money in their pockets.I have 5 sores on my head,4 of them have been ther for 2 or more years 1 of them for about 1 year their always sore or half heald and sore underneath. After using the borax last night. 3 are healed and no soreness under neith, and 2 are very slightly sore this morning. My scalp feals like scalp and my hair feels like normal hair ...... Absolutly amazing. If it is a mite.. I'm getting rid of all the pillows. I just recently moved here and and bought a water bed, so that is new and no mites in the mattress. I will continue this treatment on mon .wed and fri. For a month and then go to the acv and peroxide if needed.i have also used tea tree shampoo for about 10 years it has helped but not cured.. I did use tea tree oil straight about 6 weeks ago 1 time maybe that did help some. But nothing has worked like the 20 mule team borax and my hair is soft and shining and manageable today first time in 32 years, amazing.

Posted by Lynn (USA) on 01/04/2008

What a wonderful site! I find so much honest mindblowing information on this site. I already know quite a bit about herbs and vitamins but I am really being educated to some incredible healing therapies here. I have fallen in love with borax. I have had an itchy scalp for 10 years. When I say that it sounds pretty benign, but it has dominated my existence, alternating between itching, inflammation, tenderness, prickliness, numbness and downright pain. I noticed that it had a hormonal connection, but because my head "talked to me" with all of the above symptoms, I touched and tugged on individual hairs to calm my head. Of course I knew it wasn't working and it only made matters worse, but there was a "reaction".

I have purchased rogaine, shampoos, conditioners, pills, anti itch sprays, etc and the list goes on. I happened on a diatribe on curezone, and they mentioned borax and also earthclinic. so I went to this site and found a ton of amazing information. Of course the light bulb goes off. The next morning I mixed some borax in water and poured it on my scalp. Small amounts of tingling pain. My hair felt silky but stronger and thicker. My hair looked fantastic, but the other noticeable thing was that my scalp didn't itch. Later on in the day, there were tiny scabs where the small bumps would show up.(I know I didn't mention that earlier, but neither did I mention that my hair didn't feel like it was firmly connected into my scalp either) I knew that I had found a solution to what has been driving me crazy.

I really wonder if the people who pull out their hair are reacting to some of the same conditions that I have been experiencing for so long. I no longer feel like I need to "play" with my hair. when I say play with it, I actually mean that I was pulling a lot of it out. I was not trying to pull it out, but I felt that if I just ran my nail down the length of it that I would somehow "fix the individual hairs, and sometimes they would come out, because as I said they were not firmly rooted into my scalp. I take away the symptoms with the borax and I no longer need to touch the hair. I think they call it tricholotomia or something like that.

I have a question and I don't know if anyone has an answer, but my brother in law has a bone chip on his ankle. He has had surgery once to "fix" it but it didn't work, the pain is back, and he is once again, walking with a cane. I don't know how big this bone chip is, but is there anyway to either dissolve the bone chip, or to get the bone chip to attach to his ankle?

anyway, I am glad this site is out here in cyberspace where people can get real and helpful information and not have to pay 150.00 for either a non answer from a doctor ( I brought my scalp problem up 3 times with 2 different doctors and they would look at my scalp and offer zero advice or help) or an answer which doesn't do crap or hurts you. I don't know about you but when I pay a doctor 150.00 and they either don't answer my question or whatever they do doesn't work, I think I should get my money back. Speaking of doctors, I went to one once because I was sick two days before I was going on a long vacation. I diagnosed myself and knew that I had rocky mountain fever. My father in law had gone hunting and his wife cooked some of the meat that he brought back. They both had come down with it. I had heard my mother in law say how hard it was to diagnose. I had all the symptoms but I tend to get really gassy and nausous. I DID not want to be sick on christmas vacation around family.

I went to dr. before I left, explained what I had, symptoms, and why. He said absolutely nothing to me, gave me some anti nausea meds and sent me on my way. They did nothing. I got some charcoal pills before I left because the dr. hadn't helped at all. I spent 10 days in bend ore. sick as a dog, Toward the end I felt like my insides were starting to dissintegrate. I separated myself from everyone because of the terrible gas. I finally started to have diahhrea just before we left (I have always been constipated) It took us two days driving home in the snow. I went to a check medical as soon as I got home (different doctor) I told the doctor, I know I have rocky mountain fever, just give me the meds, you can run the tests but I can not live with this another day. He gave me the drugs. Two days later, they called to say indeed I had rocky mountain fever. I was so pissed at the other doctor for ruining my vacation. Of course this was about 17 years ago before wonderful access to web information. But that doctor was so arrogant he could not stand having a patient telling him what was wrong. Thank god for the second doctor because I was ready to kill myself by then rather than feel like my insides were literally pulling away from their internal walls, feeling constantly nauseated, but not being able to throw up. Sorry, I am still pretty angry about it and I have never called or said anything directly to that doctor. I simply never went to his office again. sincerely. me

Replied by Martin
(Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)

I once listened a Doctor on a radio program talking about the benefits of coral calcium to correct bone problems. He said that accumulation of calcium on some part of the body happened to the expense of another part of the body that would be depleted. He stated that correct amounts of this supplement would correct calcium imbalances within the body. But that is all I remember. He said he recommended an alternative medicine doctor to prescribe correct treatment.

Posted by rhonda (seattle) on 12/03/2007

I learned about borax on curezone for itchy painful scalp and decided to try it. Someone else on this site has mentioned how nice her hair is as a result of using the borax. I have NEVER used a hair product- a shampoo or a conditioner that has equalled the lustruous results I have achieved with borax. My hair was dry and straw like now it feels soft and silky and very manageable. The rats nest is gone! I can now comb and brush my hair again without fear of tearing my hair out. If for no other reason, I think everyone should abondon their shampoo and start using borax to wash the hair. As for my scalp? I was pretty desperate the day I tried the borax. My scalp was very sore, there was an inflamed (swollen) ridge on my part and there were tiny bumps like zits forming. I have a theory that hair pullers are reacting to whatever it is that causes these symptoms I experience. I started messing with my hair when I started experiencing all of the above. anyway. after using the borax, pain and itching subsided. bumps scabbed over that same day. soooo gentle. Have you noticed that if you get it in your eyes, it does not burn? I remember when I was a kid, I had some sort of eye infection so I went to the doc and he said I had pink eye and prescribed boric acid ointment. so of course it would be gentle to the eye. I am anxious to try it internally for some of the other issues I have read here on the site.(arthritis, tmj, fibromyalgia).

Borax or Washing Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shaun (York, Uk) on 08/19/2010

Re: Help Needed for Scalp Odor/Hair Loss

Borax (dissolved in Apple Cider Vinegar) is good for getting rid of/controlling fungus generally, but I have found that a 1/4 cup of washing soda (Sodium Carbonate) dissolved in a pint of water, and rinsed thoroughly through the hair a couple of times a week, completely cleared up any scalp/hair odor. Basically, the washing soda seemed to work better for eradicating bacteria than fungus. I now routinely put washing soda (and occasionally borax and/or sodium bicarbonate) in the bath. A quick rinse with ACV afterwards will bring back a lustrous shine to the hair. A whole lemon juice rinse also can help the hair/scalp.

Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies

Posted by Penelope (Alameda, Ca, Usa) on 05/21/2013

I'm a 30 year old woman with no kids no history of scalp or hair issues and no female hair loss in my large family. For the past 4 months my hair has been falling out (diffused) and then the last month my scalp has become red, inflamed and feels hot and burning. It doesn't itch much but will burn on and off all day long. The hair fall greatly increased when the burning and redness started. I have no flaking or bumps but a few areas of small flat red spots and areas where the scalp is entirely red. It doesn't hurt to massage the scalp but hurts to move my hair- which I don't understand. The reddest areas are just below the top of the back of scalp and on the sides of my head is worst for redness and hairloss. If I wash my hair with anything other than shampoo that has pyrithione zinc the burning gets pretty severe. I tried an anti- fungal shampoo and a tea tree oil shampoo-both seemed to make the burning worse especially the anti -fungal. I've tried going without any hair products and didn't seem to make any difference. I tried rinsing my hair with apple cider vinegar which helps temporarily but the burning always comes back within about 12 hours. I also made a paste of baking soda and applied to the scalp - it didn't seem to help and dried my scalp and hair horribly. I've been to my doctor who did bloodwork and everything came back as normal. I don't know what to do and am scared I won't have any hair left soon as my hair started coming out in handfuls within the last couple of days. Any idea what this is or how to treat it???

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, SC)

Hello Penelope, To give us "medical detectives" some more insight, could you please elaborate on what your recent medical histor is... have you had any major infections, for instance? Or dental work? Or injuries to the head causing lacerations or puncutre? If the answer to the above three items is "yes" then that might give a clue to viral, fungal or bacterial infection inside the scalp which has spread from a previous infection.

Next, assuming we eliminate the infection possibility, go to reactions to topical ointments, allergies etc. Does anything you eat, for instance, make the condition worse, such as acidic foods? You might have developed a late developing allergy to some specific item. My mother in law is deathly allergic to sesame seeds and sesame oils. You can get to the bottom of this by process of elimination. Leave off certain items you may be suspicious of and see if the condition changes.

Next, could there be a deficiency of anything? Some latent genetic conditions could be triggered as we age and kick in a deficiency where previously was asymptomatic. Read relentessly to find any clue to vitamin deficiencies, such as the B complex or mineral deficency, eg magnasium.

One odd question: Have you been overseas where parasites could be another avenue of enquiry.

Oh, one more: Please advise whether you eat raw meat.

Yet one last one: Are you ear canals alright? Any new unsual ringing or clicking sounds? That could indicate fungus or virus. And your eyes... Is your vision recently blurred?

I am assuming you have already checked on your acidity... I refered to that above but make sure you are drinking enough alkeline liquid (one half teaspoon of baking soda twice a day) would help neutralize an acid body. If you suspect that, then get off coffee, meats and acidic foods such as tomatoes.

Diatomaceous earth is an interesting "test" to see if key digestion issues are a problem. Really high quality "green" drinks is something that could give you another hint; that is is after consuming for a week if the condition improves.

Please forgive me for suggesting so many things but I thought I'd run some ideas out to give an expanded check off of possible cures. And don't lose hope... Because there is a solution. It may be as easy as soaking in boron (borax) and/or epsom salts.

Just keep trying. But go back to my first request... is there anything else you can give "us" to help you by way of hints concerning your midical history; prescriptions drug interaction for instance.

Replied by Lori
(In, Usa)

My head is similar to yours but maybe not quite as severe. I have lost nearly 2/3 of my hair and my scalp burns and aches and it hurts to wear hair clips or pull my hair up. Four days ago I started taking 1 TBS organic Apple Cider Vinegar and also 1 TBS blackstrap molasses. I lost only a FEW hairs in the shower today!!! I am so thankful. Try it! You have nothing to lose! Take the supplements in any way you can get them down. I add vinegar to cold water then chase with molasses in vanilla coconut milk, but take them how you want to, as long as you take 1 TBS of each! Hope you have great luck with it.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

After I read your post, I went and did a lot of reading. Found some interesting stuff. Most people lose 100 hairs a day on a normal day. Vitamin D affects hair either from too much or too little the hair falls out. Magnesium and other minerals affect vitamin D.

Low magnesium affects homones, and hormones affect hair. Thyroid affects hair and most thyroid tests do not accurately assess a problem.

Stress wipes out magnesium and hair loss episodes usually happen 4 months after stressful events, surgery , drugs, trauma, too much of one supplemental vitamin , mineral, herb... Birth control pills

Low progesterone causes hair loss because other hormones get out of balance. Hormones in animal products we eat, cause estrogen to dominate and progesterone to be low in comparison.

Too tight of hair doo or curlers or pony tail pulled too tight, tight braids, or fungal infection or parasites or allergy to a product.

I hope you know down deep which thing it would most likely be from so you can get new hair.

My heart goes out to you... Love, Joy

Replied by Penelope
(Alameda, Ca)

Thank you Joy! I'm in the process of getting a new doctor and more tests. Hopefully this will turn up something. Thanks again.

Replied by Penelope

Thank you for all the responses. For Lloyd: To give you more history: I had a UTI infection about 2 months ago which was rare for me. I've only had a few my whole life. I did have a dental infection about 1 year ago. It was a raging infection that went on too long because I had a dead tooth so I couldn't feel the pain and didn't know the infection existed for a long time. I took a horrible antibiotic to clear the infection (called Flagyl) that made me sick for a few months after taking it. The infection went away with antibiotics and a root canal. No head injuries or lacerations. The hair loss started about 4 months ago. I don't take any medications except vitamins. I can't tell that eating anything in particular infames it. I have no food allergies that I'm aware of. I used to have acid reflux when I ate anything that was spicy or fried, but I cut those things out of my diet years ago. I have not been oversees since 2004. I don't eat any raw meat. I very rarely will get ringing in my ears - Ive had this for 10 years though. Thanks for all the suggestions. I very much appreciate it.

Replied by Penelope
(Alameda, Ca)

Wanted to give an update: I went to a dermatologist who said she can tell I'm having hair loss and my scalp is inflamed. She said there is no sign of infection what-so-ever and it's not alopecia. Which makes me think I have an internal problem of some sort. I've been rinsing my hair w/ACV everytime I wash it and green juicing. I've cut out most sugar. The burning and redness has gone down quite a bit from when I orginally posted, but the hair falling out is the same. For Lori: I'm curious how the blackstrap molasses and ACV is supposed to help? I'm thinking of trying this.

Replied by Happy In Florida
(Dunedin, Fl)

Hi, I had a similar problem, got really panicked. What do you use to wash your hair? I suspected that my issue was related to that so I started researching and found Castile soap. I bought tea tree one to try and washed my hair with full strength couple days in the row rinsing with apple sider vinegar. Those were ponytail days until I discovered dr Broner's rinse. The inflammation is gone, my scalp does not itch or hurt anymore. I am not sure if hair is growing back but at least it is not falling out and my scalp does not bother me. Now I wash my hair with 3:1 ratio of water to Castile soap and rinse using the rinse. You can find it on amazon or vitamin world. My hair looks better than it did in years. I would also recommend detoxing and doing flushes (liver, colon etc). Good luck, hope this is helpful. Victoryia

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

After reading some of your recent post I think you might benefit from some internal coconut oil since you had the uti. 1 tsp a day in food or drink

The dental issue, you can add alpha lipoic acid to help knock that down and kill some cavities too. Brush with coconut oil. ( don't spit it in the sink but the garbage ).

Start with just the coconut oil for a couple weeks slow /so you don't feel sick from detox or die off. Then try the ALA. I have also discovered my grey hair is going away and I am in menopause.

I started with Magnesium citrate with my vitamins - a few months later added a full spectrum mineral and that has been amazing!

I also drink water half an hour before eating to prevent indigestion and take salt in my food in the correct portion. I am OVERCOMING slowly everything that has been overwhelming me for many years. I have recently added Kelp since my TSH levels were so high and I expect to see some new eyebrows soon. 1/3 of my outer brow is missing on each side and my scalp hair has thinned a bit. DO NOT USE KELP IF YOU ARE HYPERTHYROID... Too much thyroid hormone. I had bloodwork done but my ob/gyn did not tell me I had hypothyroid and so I have been struggling along trying to figure it out. My TSH # should have been a red flag to her? I found a piece of paper in my pile that said a high TSH number meant thyroid function was low.

Replied by Sequoia
(Sacramento, Ca)

Me too. we have the same sometimes I try the anti-fungal shampoo the red one which does make it only work but they gave me this one in a white bottle and it was orange kind of did it really did work you could feel the difference see the difference and explore the difference but unfortunately they took it off of the shelf for Medicare people. I use espom salt in my shampoo which kind of works. And feels really really good on your skin. But I can't control the burning. I am going to the doctors .

Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies

Posted by Melina (Las Vegas, Nv) on 12/11/2013

If you have time to answer this bless you, I am at my wits end due to something some might consider trivial.

Since July 2013 I have had a chronic red and itchy scalp. I am not sure if there is a correlation, but this began right after I had my first colonic which was a terribly horrible and painful experience (I stopped the procedure and never went back).

My symptoms are redness, non-stop itching (I never itch though fearing infection, I just tap on my scalp) mild pain at times and light flaking (not really visible less you were looking at my scalp). I feel like I have been shedding more but I can't really tell as I never paid this kind of attention to my hair prior to July. I would say I lose around 70-100 hairs per day, with mid back length hair so this seems like it might be normal? I am 32 and very much into exercise, while I eat while it is neither organic nor daily/gluten free. Also, while I feel this on my whole head, it seems to concentrate more in my crown.

I have seen two derms and they both said seb derm. The second doctor did a biopsy and it came up negative for fungus but showing spongiosis, parakeratosis, exocytosis of lymphocytes and superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Even with the diagnosis, I took a 3 day course of oral ketoconazole and it did nothing less make me feel ill. I have tried natural remedies (aloe, tea tree, acv, jojoba oil, coconut oil), not so natural remedies (i.e. dandruff shampoos) and nothing has stopped this. When I use any type of irritant (dandruff shampoos or even tea tree) I shed much more hair going from the amount listed above (70-100) to 150+/day, thus I try and stick with mild, non sulfate poos. I do have to wash daily though or the itching gets worse.

Any ideas? I am so desperate for something.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Melina from Las Vegas:

Sorry to hear your overwhelming problem. It is most likely mite infestation. Your description exactly fits what happened to me years ago to take years to rectify. I did not really know what to do, which I do now through EC posters, thank God. I now have had my head shaved and only then were visible three mite nests, round white spots.

I am using Ted's mange remedy daily as well as MMS and colloidal silver. Then I use moisturizer to balance the drying effect. MMS really attacked them in my face especially which brought on a burning itch like scabies which it isn't but it was mainly in and around the eyes, nose and jaw. This had not been visible. The delicate skin around the eyes became like paper but through moisturizing it is now as good as new. MMS can be sprayed into nose, eyes and ears which is invaluable. Borax is wonderful for skin and hair in combination with Dr. Bronner's lavender kastile shampoo, left on to dry. In between, especially at night, colloidal silver on a cotton ball works very well. It is always worse at night. It feels like a slight tickling and nothing is visible.

I have studied EC's site for hours and came up with these remedies and they work. The follow up will take as long as needed. I have stopped using pillows. I had very healthy hair but I used someone else's pillow and they jumped from there and disappeared in my face. Slowly but surely all that beauty disappeared and finally even produced rosacea. I have no more redness due to colloidal silver and the other remedies. I am indebted to Ted, God bless him, for his selfless assistance which also my pets are benefitting from very well indeed. Ted's instructions are very precise and repeated many times. One must take the time and read over and make notes till it becomes clear enough to follow rules. Many posts on EC are with questions which Ted has already answered.

I wish you good luck and "this, too, shall pass". Love Om

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Melina, I just want to add to your comment on colonics. Long time ago I tried this and had the same awful, painful experience. The Ayurvedic system of eastern medicine states that colonics are not good for the body and use enemas (basti) instead. Om

Replied by Melina
(Las Vegas, Nv)

I forgot I wrote this until I was searching again and saw my name came up.

So I ended up doing a round of Bactrim and this made all my scalp pain/shedding disappear. While the shedding stayed down, about 2 weeks post antibiotics, the pain/itch comes right back. Again, there are no visible signs less a slight pink hue.

I also tried CS both internally and externally and it doesn't seem to do anything. Upon application with either aloe or lotion as a carrier, my shedding goes from 40-50 hairs to 200+ hairs (this just happened today).

Any ideas on why Bactrim would work and/or CS would cause this reaction? Do you still think this is a mite infestation? After my first round of bactrim my entire top layer of scalp skin shed off and I was able to wash my hair with no pain - I cried. Of course, it came back. I did a test for staph colonization and came up negative.

Replied by June
(West Palm Beach, US)

Dear Melina,

I read a post on Earth Clinic last week where she cured her perioral dermatitis after switching to shampoos and hair styling products that do not contain wheat (most of them do). Have you tried that? If not, maybe that would help. Another thing that comes to mind is that maybe you have a severe iodine deficiency.

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

You may want to investigate that you have a bacterial infection (because your condition responded to the antibiotic) that is overlying a fungal infection, probably malassezia. The fungus makes the skin itchy and scratching it introduces bacteria into the open skin.

So if this is the problem, solving the fungal infection would be your best bet. Coconut oil, baking soda and/or apple cider vinegar may help.

Replied by Melina
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Per my biopsy they showed no evidence of fungus and I have never responded to any anti-fungal treatments (I went so far as to take oral Ketoconazole in addition to using it topically).

Thus far I have tried: Ketoconazole (internal and external), topical steroids, aloe, collodial silver (internal and external), ACV, listerine, borax, all OTC dandruff shampoos, Zeal dandruff shampoo, Jason's Dandruff shampoo, tea tree oil, conditioner washes, washing with only baking soda and ACV, liver cleanse, and bactrim. I have had all hormones, blood work and even a stool sample done with the only abnormality being a low-normal white blood cell count and high B vitamin levels. I do not supplement with b-vits. Aside from my scalp I feel great and live a very active lifestyle with no other skin problems. I also went gluten free many months ago as one more thing to try.

As mentioned, the only thing that ever gave me relief was topical steroids (sub par but it was something) and the Bactrim was amazing. I am thinking I want to do another round of bactrim and see if I can do maintenance dosing while healing my scalp (using aloe or err looking into other options). Not sure if this is best? I feel the bacteria causes low grade inflammation, while the bacteria is getting killed the skin is not healing thus it's just coming back. Does this sound reasonable? Also someone suggested I may be reacting positively to the sulfur in the bactrim and to take MSM.

Thank you thank you for all your help. This has been such a battle for me with time, effort, doctors and money (as many of you understand).

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

Melina, the Bactrim sounds like a good lead into figuring out what's wrong--obviously something bacterial.

The sulphur in the MSM sounds like a good idea and you could also try some kind of iodine rinse.

You may also want to investigate the low white blood cell count. If your immune system is not working right, microbes that would normally get killed will be able to get a foot hold. The vitamin B in your blood may be a sign that they are mobilizing for defense more than there being an oversupply. Zinc and the B s are good for skin and immune function.

Best of luck with finding your answer!

Replied by Rico

Melina, If you haven't already, I encourage you to go back to your doctor for more Bactrim. The fact that an antibiotic cleared up your scalp indicates an unidentified bacterial skin infection, especially since so many antifungal agents have failed. You may need to continue the Bactrim for a couple weeks beyond the point that your scalp seems "normal" to ensure that it has been eradicated. Undertreating it just ensures that the tougher bugs remain and become harder to kill later.

A caveat: If the scalp infection is just a secondary issue of a different condition, then the scalp infection could keep recurring regardless of how many times you take Bactrim.

I also encourage you to explore the low normal white blood cell count further. It suggests a somewhat suppressed immune system. Doctors generally ignore a low normal because it's still "normal." I had a low normal IgG, IgM, and white blood cell counts when I was remarkably sick, and was later diagnosed with three different chronic tick borne infections, all of which are known to be immunosuppressive.

High B vitamin levels might indicate that your body isn't absorbing them for some reason. I've recently learned that my own hair loss and skin issues are directly related to inadequate B-vitamins, especially Biotin. I have been on long term antibiotics, some of which kill the gut bacteria that produce the B-vitamins.

I switched to a different antibiotic, increased my probiotic intake, started taking 5-10g of Biotin a day, and put an antifungal cream on the flaky red spots on my face near my hair line (2-3x/day for a month and it's still not quite gone).

So far, my scalp and skin issues have greatly improved, but I still have some redness, itching, and hair loss at my crown. I am going to try some of the remedies here to see if they help (specifically Borax and Apple Cider Vinegar - I have them both in the house already).

I think that your white blood cell count, scalp infection, and off balance B vitamin levels are subtle clues to some underlying issue in your body that could lead to more serious problems later. Since vitamin levels, body chemistry, and the immune system are so intertwined with gut health, I encourage you to find a good naturopath or even nutritionist who can explore other possibilities for you, such as Ph levels, celiac disease testing (you could think you're gluten free, but could still be consuming small amounts that you don't realize), food intolerances or allergies, low intrinsic factor,

Also, check out this quick description of why Sulfa drugs are not the same as sulfur.

I hope you find an answer soon!

Replied by Rico
(Ca, US)

Melina - I forgot to mention, you may also want to ask your doctor to run some tests on your liver, as well as on your red blood cell levels. High Vitamin B levels can indicate liver disease or a bone marrow issue.

I don't mean to be describing scary scenarious, but I always believe it's better to catch something early rather than waiting until it gets bad. While unlikely, it is possible that you could be in the earlier stages of a liver or blood disease that hasn't fully shown itself yet. Liver disease in particular can trigger some strange symptoms elsewhere in the body.

I once knew of a kid who had a persistent and unpleasant body odor, regardless of how often he bathed or what he ate. Otherwise, he seemed normal. Eventually, a new doctor discovered that he had a liver condition. The kid had had it for years with only the strange body odor as a symptom. Go figure!

Replied by Mary
(Saskchewan, CA)

Why don't you try MMS? It helps me soooo much with so many things!!! It is 100 times stronger and more effective than any antibiotic and bugs cannot become immune to it.

Replied by Laura

My scalp condition sounds familiar. I even thought I had psoriasis on my scalp at one point. The thing that has helped with the redness is vitamin c. I crush up a few pills, mix it with water and pour it on my head. Leave it on overnight, and it helps my hair too. It's a constant battle though, I have to use quite a few remedies. Other than that, I have found bi-weekly tea tree oil mixed with olive oil has helped (I think a 1/10 ratio, it irritates people's skin) and wash after 10 minutes or so. They say daily use is needed, so I also mix a little in my shampoo.

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