Multiple Remedies
Used several RX shampoos and pills. I even tried multiple products and remedies over the years. Your site finally solved my scalp issues. I think it must have been more than one type fungus that was causing my head to itch, burn and go bald. I used the white vinegar, aspirin and Epsom salt spray twice a day for 7 days. The area burned and peeled but it was 85% better. Even the lumpiness of my scalp was immediately reduced. After it dried I applied pure coconut to soothe it. Sometimes the coconut oil burned. I occasionally used antibiotic ointment when peeling was too severe. Only the bald spot where fungi were burned and peeled. Then I used Absorbine Jr for a 7 days which burned more and peeled more. But still it was healing and getting better. Applied pure coconut oil to soothe. This also sometimes burned. I occasionally added an antibiotic ointment in place of coconut oil.
Finally I used Listerine as many times a day as I wanted. It tingled and felt refreshing but no burn. My hair is growing back and there is hardly ever any itch. I am continuing the Listerine twice a day until I never feel an itch! Thanks for your site Ted! God led me to this place of healing. I pray others with stubborn scalp issues are so blessed!
Dietary Changes
Also, look for "medicated shampoo" at your local retail market, which would have a variety of medicinals for scalp.
Ted's Remedies
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Change your diet! No more fats, no more dairy.. Diet is everything! I experienced myself! I did a fast, 5 days only water, and itchiness went completely away, after years! Then continued eating raw vegan, perfect, after a few months I started again with gluten (cookies, bread) and dairy and blooom, instantly dandruff and itchy scalp went back heavily, until I started to loose hair (I'm female 28 years old! ) and then I said stop! Did a 2 days fast to cut straightforward, and went back to eat fruit fruit fruit, and cooked potatoes, pumpkin, veggies, but nothing else. No oils at all, no avocado, no chocolate..
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Went to every Emergency Room and urgent care as well as family practice docs. None were helpful at all.They looked at me as if I were dirty and crazy! To the contrary I am extremely obsessively clean. Finally had one doc scrape a small inflamed area and analyze it under a microscope.I have tried everything from lindane to nix, creams, topical and oral benadryl, calamine, apple vinegar, tea tree oil, Alcohol, bleach...
Borax was the only thing that has worked! It's amazing! 3Tb borax with 1 liter of aloe vera(100%). Massage into affected areas after shower and at bed.I am 85% healed.Some of my scalp was severe. So it's going to take a bit to completely heal. Literally spent thousands and dealing with an itch that has kept me from sleeping some nights. For under $5 and about 5mins to massage borax I am almost all healed! I recommend this to anyone suffering with itching/skin inflammation. It's truly a miracle. Finally after 15 years, almost completely healed! It's been a long time coming!
I was just reading through this and made a copy to highlight... there is alot of info here from Ted.
It seems the coconut oil probably put you into a healing crisis and affected your follicles and scalp broke out. Then you used antibiotics and your system got weaker and hair loss resulted. I've used the coconut oil overnight but nothing like that happened to me. Usually I do a test patch before using a lot of product due to the fact my system has a lot of problems that could be brought out as a skin or brain chemistry crisis. Your skin is your largest organ . Hope you can read through Ted's info and find out what would help you with the least amount of sufferring.
Coconut Oil

Just wondering if you have stuck with ACV on hair and/or intake, and if so, what type of results have you encountered. I use ACV on my scalp every so often 3 days in a row for 40mins. It seems to help, but then I wind up right back in the same boat after a few weeks of stepping away, even when using ONLY organic, sulfate & dimethicone free shampoos and/or conditioners.
I don't even like hugging people at this point and even feel weird snuggling with my husband and 3 yr old daughter, as I can't help but feel contagious and dirty, even though I know that is not the case. I'm 99.99% certain I have candidiasis (as I suffer from many, many other symptoms that are listed as common candida sufferers' problems); but many people and docs think that is a made-up, non-scientific 'diagnosis' of something they can't define/diagnose themselves either... so finding help with this has proven a crazy, disheartening, time consuming, money guzzling challenge for me.
Would love to hear how/what you have been doing. Thanks.
Ted's Remedies
Borax is very good but oiling afterwards is necessary.
For shampoo, Dr. Bronner's pure kastile shampoo with a selection of essential oils is very good. I have used it for many years also for my pets .Available in health stores.
Making a wash from soap berries because it contains anti bacterials and is very mild but effective (see online).
Chamomile infusion. Soak a cloth and keep on for ten minutes. Very healing and soothing.
Internally Diatomaceous Earth with Bentonite clay but also externally. It has a lot of Silica for hair/nail/bones. It draws out toxins. I was surprised that my nails grew stronger and longer after only about four days of one tblsp. daily in a large glass of water.
You can find DE/Bentonite in feed stores or online. These remedies don't break the bank and they do work. Namaste, Om
Ted's Remedies
Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am across this website trying to find a homemade remedy to treat my itchy scalp and hair loss. I have read that people had great results with apple cider applied on the scalp.. which I did and it was the first time I ever did.. my scalp feels cold and not very itchy.. the first few minutes after applying I felt some burning.. but that only concludes that it might be fungus or bacteria. I have been trying to rid myself of this sticky build up and itchiness for years I have lost a lot of hair... I am balding around the temples and crown. my crown is basically very visible if I don't try to cover it with my remaining hair. I have also read that drinking apple cider might tackle fungus in the body. I did drink I tbsp. of cider mixed in with 8oz of water after an hour my eyes started to water.. and I started tearing up a little bit... Is this a normal reaction.. also my nose felt tingly and now some parts of my skin around my body is tingly.. Is it candida reacting to the cider.. I have eaten cider with my salads many times.. never had this reaction... Does that mean there is fungus in my blood stream?
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
I don't mean to be describing scary scenarious, but I always believe it's better to catch something early rather than waiting until it gets bad. While unlikely, it is possible that you could be in the earlier stages of a liver or blood disease that hasn't fully shown itself yet. Liver disease in particular can trigger some strange symptoms elsewhere in the body.
I once knew of a kid who had a persistent and unpleasant body odor, regardless of how often he bathed or what he ate. Otherwise, he seemed normal. Eventually, a new doctor discovered that he had a liver condition. The kid had had it for years with only the strange body odor as a symptom. Go figure!
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
A caveat: If the scalp infection is just a secondary issue of a different condition, then the scalp infection could keep recurring regardless of how many times you take Bactrim.
I also encourage you to explore the low normal white blood cell count further. It suggests a somewhat suppressed immune system. Doctors generally ignore a low normal because it's still "normal." I had a low normal IgG, IgM, and white blood cell counts when I was remarkably sick, and was later diagnosed with three different chronic tick borne infections, all of which are known to be immunosuppressive.
High B vitamin levels might indicate that your body isn't absorbing them for some reason. I've recently learned that my own hair loss and skin issues are directly related to inadequate B-vitamins, especially Biotin. I have been on long term antibiotics, some of which kill the gut bacteria that produce the B-vitamins.
I switched to a different antibiotic, increased my probiotic intake, started taking 5-10g of Biotin a day, and put an antifungal cream on the flaky red spots on my face near my hair line (2-3x/day for a month and it's still not quite gone).
So far, my scalp and skin issues have greatly improved, but I still have some redness, itching, and hair loss at my crown. I am going to try some of the remedies here to see if they help (specifically Borax and Apple Cider Vinegar - I have them both in the house already).
I think that your white blood cell count, scalp infection, and off balance B vitamin levels are subtle clues to some underlying issue in your body that could lead to more serious problems later. Since vitamin levels, body chemistry, and the immune system are so intertwined with gut health, I encourage you to find a good naturopath or even nutritionist who can explore other possibilities for you, such as Ph levels, celiac disease testing (you could think you're gluten free, but could still be consuming small amounts that you don't realize), food intolerances or allergies, low intrinsic factor, et.al.
Also, check out this quick description of why Sulfa drugs are not the same as sulfur.
I hope you find an answer soon!
Selsun Blue
Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
I tried the remainder on the (lifelong) calluses and ill-formed nails one my funnky little toes; the calluses flaked off and the nails grew out normal!
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
The sulphur in the MSM sounds like a good idea and you could also try some kind of iodine rinse.
You may also want to investigate the low white blood cell count. If your immune system is not working right, microbes that would normally get killed will be able to get a foot hold. The vitamin B in your blood may be a sign that they are mobilizing for defense more than there being an oversupply. Zinc and the B s are good for skin and immune function.
Best of luck with finding your answer!
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
Thus far I have tried: Ketoconazole (internal and external), topical steroids, aloe, collodial silver (internal and external), ACV, listerine, borax, all OTC dandruff shampoos, Zeal dandruff shampoo, Jason's Dandruff shampoo, tea tree oil, conditioner washes, washing with only baking soda and ACV, liver cleanse, and bactrim. I have had all hormones, blood work and even a stool sample done with the only abnormality being a low-normal white blood cell count and high B vitamin levels. I do not supplement with b-vits. Aside from my scalp I feel great and live a very active lifestyle with no other skin problems. I also went gluten free many months ago as one more thing to try.
As mentioned, the only thing that ever gave me relief was topical steroids (sub par but it was something) and the Bactrim was amazing. I am thinking I want to do another round of bactrim and see if I can do maintenance dosing while healing my scalp (using aloe or err looking into other options). Not sure if this is best? I feel the bacteria causes low grade inflammation, while the bacteria is getting killed the skin is not healing thus it's just coming back. Does this sound reasonable? Also someone suggested I may be reacting positively to the sulfur in the bactrim and to take MSM.
Thank you thank you for all your help. This has been such a battle for me with time, effort, doctors and money (as many of you understand).
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
So if this is the problem, solving the fungal infection would be your best bet. Coconut oil, baking soda and/or apple cider vinegar may help.
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
I read a post on Earth Clinic last week where she cured her perioral dermatitis after switching to shampoos and hair styling products that do not contain wheat (most of them do). Have you tried that? If not, maybe that would help. Another thing that comes to mind is that maybe you have a severe iodine deficiency.
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
So I ended up doing a round of Bactrim and this made all my scalp pain/shedding disappear. While the shedding stayed down, about 2 weeks post antibiotics, the pain/itch comes right back. Again, there are no visible signs less a slight pink hue.
I also tried CS both internally and externally and it doesn't seem to do anything. Upon application with either aloe or lotion as a carrier, my shedding goes from 40-50 hairs to 200+ hairs (this just happened today).
Any ideas on why Bactrim would work and/or CS would cause this reaction? Do you still think this is a mite infestation? After my first round of bactrim my entire top layer of scalp skin shed off and I was able to wash my hair with no pain - I cried. Of course, it came back. I did a test for staph colonization and came up negative.
That's awesome! Make sure that the canned beets you are consuming daily are not packaged in a can which contains BPAs or other synthetic chemical liners & that the ingredients do not list preservatives.
You could probably find an organic farm local to you that grows beets which would be cheap and you would know exactly what your consuming. :)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ted's Remedies
Virgin Coconut Oil with cayenne pepper as #1, with borax separately
Honey gently dissolved with warm water
Borax for exfoliation and as a scrub together with the undissolved Borax
Amla powder which is the Indian amla fruit high in vit C as a wash
sulphur soap for fungi
Indian navaratna hair oil
or ... Maha Narayan oil after cleansing first.
Ted's Remedies
As mentioned by Cat, Even I am seeing now more hair in the drain when I am mixing ACV + baking soda from past 2 days. I think I will try to use them separately and will observe results. If that also causes problem and hair loss then I'll go back to only using diluted ACV.
The only issue using diluted ACV on my scalp is that it doesn't clear dead skin on my scalp properly and produce more oil. But it doesn't cause hair fall much.
Ted's Remedies
Thanks for taking the time to share your routine and observations! Very helpful.
I should clarify for Hamza that when I use ACV and Baking Soda, I first put 1 T. Baking soda in a container then add a cup or two of water (and a few drops of essential oil.) Then I pour it around on my scalp and gently rub a little. Then I rinse. For the vinegar, I am probably mixing 1 part vinegar with 5 parts water and putting putting my hair into it, but not putting it on my scalp, actually. Then I rinse my hair. I do not do this as often as I was shampooing, either and so far it is working pretty well.
~Mama to Many~
Ted's Remedies
I ONLY use diluted baking soda to wash my body after I have used a clean, rough, white, car cloth to dry-scrub off the coconut oil I slathered on my body beforehand. This has changed my skin for the better soooo much. All other soaps (and I've tried hundreds), including Dr. Bonner's has left my skin dry and cracked and itchy. Peace out, Cat
Ted's Remedies
I am no expert, but my thought is that baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar are used by many people for cleaning their hair and many seem to use it long term with only positive results. I have recently begun trying it myself. As I see it, this has got to be safer than anything else I have been using to clean my hair, even most "natural" stuff.
Perhaps someone else with have some more thought that will shed light on why some say it is not good.
~Mama to Many~
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
I know this solution is working but my concern is that if I use the combination of ACV + baking soda for prolonged time, then whether it will damage the scalp and hair and cause excessive hairfall further? I am not seeing hairfall as of now but I read over internet that if used this combination then it damage the scalp and one will see the impact of it after a month of so. Because scalp ph is slighlty acidic 4.5 - 6 and ACV + baking soda combination make scalp ph to 7.
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Few days ago, I thought to use TED's alkalizing remedy's of mixing 1/4 tb baking soda and 2 tbp of ACV in 1 cup of water. I waited till the bubbles gone off and then spray it on my hair this solution. My itching is reduced 95% and am seeing less oily hair and feel the mixtures has helped. I didn't feel the same when I used ACV.
But, I searched about this mixture I.e. baking soda and ACV over internet and found it's harmful to use. Even first applying baking soda and then rinse with ACV is not good. Could anybody help me whether its safe to use the mixture of ACV and Baking soda on hair? Does it damage the hair over a period of time if used daily? PLEASE HELP
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
Sorry to hear your overwhelming problem. It is most likely mite infestation. Your description exactly fits what happened to me years ago to take years to rectify. I did not really know what to do, which I do now through EC posters, thank God. I now have had my head shaved and only then were visible three mite nests, round white spots.
I am using Ted's mange remedy daily as well as MMS and colloidal silver. Then I use moisturizer to balance the drying effect. MMS really attacked them in my face especially which brought on a burning itch like scabies which it isn't but it was mainly in and around the eyes, nose and jaw. This had not been visible. The delicate skin around the eyes became like paper but through moisturizing it is now as good as new. MMS can be sprayed into nose, eyes and ears which is invaluable. Borax is wonderful for skin and hair in combination with Dr. Bronner's lavender kastile shampoo, left on to dry. In between, especially at night, colloidal silver on a cotton ball works very well. It is always worse at night. It feels like a slight tickling and nothing is visible.
I have studied EC's site for hours and came up with these remedies and they work. The follow up will take as long as needed. I have stopped using pillows. I had very healthy hair but I used someone else's pillow and they jumped from there and disappeared in my face. Slowly but surely all that beauty disappeared and finally even produced rosacea. I have no more redness due to colloidal silver and the other remedies. I am indebted to Ted, God bless him, for his selfless assistance which also my pets are benefitting from very well indeed. Ted's instructions are very precise and repeated many times. One must take the time and read over and make notes till it becomes clear enough to follow rules. Many posts on EC are with questions which Ted has already answered.
I wish you good luck and "this, too, shall pass". Love Om
Chronic Itchy Red Scalp Remedies
Since July 2013 I have had a chronic red and itchy scalp. I am not sure if there is a correlation, but this began right after I had my first colonic which was a terribly horrible and painful experience (I stopped the procedure and never went back).
My symptoms are redness, non-stop itching (I never itch though fearing infection, I just tap on my scalp) mild pain at times and light flaking (not really visible less you were looking at my scalp). I feel like I have been shedding more but I can't really tell as I never paid this kind of attention to my hair prior to July. I would say I lose around 70-100 hairs per day, with mid back length hair so this seems like it might be normal? I am 32 and very much into exercise, while I eat while it is neither organic nor daily/gluten free. Also, while I feel this on my whole head, it seems to concentrate more in my crown.
I have seen two derms and they both said seb derm. The second doctor did a biopsy and it came up negative for fungus but showing spongiosis, parakeratosis, exocytosis of lymphocytes and superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Even with the diagnosis, I took a 3 day course of oral ketoconazole and it did nothing less make me feel ill. I have tried natural remedies (aloe, tea tree, acv, jojoba oil, coconut oil), not so natural remedies (i.e. dandruff shampoos) and nothing has stopped this. When I use any type of irritant (dandruff shampoos or even tea tree) I shed much more hair going from the amount listed above (70-100) to 150+/day, thus I try and stick with mild, non sulfate poos. I do have to wash daily though or the itching gets worse.
Any ideas? I am so desperate for something.
- Hydrogen Peroxide - 1 Part (e.g., 1 Tablespoon)
- Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 Part (e.g., 1 Tablespoon)
- Water - 10 Parts (e.g., 10 Tablespoons)
Does this amount of peroxide lighten your hair?
Scalp Fungal Infection Remedies
(Mpls., Mn) on 10/25/2013
This is from the scalp infections remedy page:
... Ted from Bangkok: "Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide are used as a shampoo to cure scalp infections. You can also mix chamomile, tea tree and lavender oils together and apply to the scalp as a shampoo. Do not take these remedies internally!
I have treated successful over 100 people with persistent scalp infections by preparing a shampoo made of just tea tree and lavender oil alone and have been successful... Continued here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/scalp_infections4.html#TEDS
Scalp Fungal Infection Remedies
Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil
Thanks. Mary
Ted's Remedies
Smelly Scalp Remedies
Hope this helps.
~Mama to Many~
Smelly Scalp Remedies
Smelly Scalp Remedies
After bathing, I then rubbed mixture like shampoo into hair/scalp rince complety. I woke up this A.M. and no itch, bumps reduced in size and open spots were closed with scabs. I will do this 2-3 times a week and I believe this will end my scalp problem. Thanks for the heads up. (no pun intended).
Scalp Infection Remedies
Scalp Infection Remedies
1. Change your diet. Drink plenty of water, no sugar, no yeast food item, no fastfood etc, no fry food. This needs to be followed very strictly.
2. Mix (1/4 tbsp for male or 1/8 tbsp for female) of borax in a water and drink throughout the day.
3. Take 2 tablespoon ACV + (1/2 tablespoon baking soda for male or 1/4 tbsp for female). You will see bubble once you mix this. Let it settle and then mix 1 cup of water and drink it twice in day on empty stomach.
4. Before taking shower add ACV + water in 1:2 ratio in a spray bottle. Apply it on scalp and let it sit for 30 min. Then wash the scalp with mild herbal shampoo.
Hope this help. Also, you need to be patience to see the results.
Scalp Infection Remedies
After visiting many skin specialists, some of whom thought it was a genetic problem, two of them finally believe it is a fungal infection. I am currently taking grisofulvin, so far 3 weeks.
Please, if you know of any solution, I will be really greaful. Thanks. Carol.
The dental issue, you can add alpha lipoic acid to help knock that down and kill some cavities too. Brush with coconut oil. ( don't spit it in the sink but the garbage ).
Start with just the coconut oil for a couple weeks slow /so you don't feel sick from detox or die off. Then try the ALA. I have also discovered my grey hair is going away and I am in menopause.
I started with Magnesium citrate with my vitamins - a few months later added a full spectrum mineral and that has been amazing!
I also drink water half an hour before eating to prevent indigestion and take salt in my food in the correct portion. I am OVERCOMING slowly everything that has been overwhelming me for many years. I have recently added Kelp since my TSH levels were so high and I expect to see some new eyebrows soon. 1/3 of my outer brow is missing on each side and my scalp hair has thinned a bit. DO NOT USE KELP IF YOU ARE HYPERTHYROID... Too much thyroid hormone. I had bloodwork done but my ob/gyn did not tell me I had hypothyroid and so I have been struggling along trying to figure it out. My TSH # should have been a red flag to her? I found a piece of paper in my pile that said a high TSH number meant thyroid function was low.
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Low magnesium affects homones, and hormones affect hair. Thyroid affects hair and most thyroid tests do not accurately assess a problem.
Stress wipes out magnesium and hair loss episodes usually happen 4 months after stressful events, surgery , drugs, trauma, too much of one supplemental vitamin , mineral, herb... Birth control pills
Low progesterone causes hair loss because other hormones get out of balance. Hormones in animal products we eat, cause estrogen to dominate and progesterone to be low in comparison.
Too tight of hair doo or curlers or pony tail pulled too tight, tight braids, or fungal infection or parasites or allergy to a product.
I hope you know down deep which thing it would most likely be from so you can get new hair.
My heart goes out to you... Love, Joy
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Burning Scalp and Hair Loss Remedies
Next, assuming we eliminate the infection possibility, go to reactions to topical ointments, allergies etc. Does anything you eat, for instance, make the condition worse, such as acidic foods? You might have developed a late developing allergy to some specific item. My mother in law is deathly allergic to sesame seeds and sesame oils. You can get to the bottom of this by process of elimination. Leave off certain items you may be suspicious of and see if the condition changes.
Next, could there be a deficiency of anything? Some latent genetic conditions could be triggered as we age and kick in a deficiency where previously was asymptomatic. Read relentessly to find any clue to vitamin deficiencies, such as the B complex or mineral deficency, eg magnasium.
One odd question: Have you been overseas where parasites could be another avenue of enquiry.
Oh, one more: Please advise whether you eat raw meat.
Yet one last one: Are you ear canals alright? Any new unsual ringing or clicking sounds? That could indicate fungus or virus. And your eyes... Is your vision recently blurred?
I am assuming you have already checked on your acidity... I refered to that above but make sure you are drinking enough alkeline liquid (one half teaspoon of baking soda twice a day) would help neutralize an acid body. If you suspect that, then get off coffee, meats and acidic foods such as tomatoes.
Diatomaceous earth is an interesting "test" to see if key digestion issues are a problem. Really high quality "green" drinks is something that could give you another hint; that is is after consuming for a week if the condition improves.
Please forgive me for suggesting so many things but I thought I'd run some ideas out to give an expanded check off of possible cures. And don't lose hope... Because there is a solution. It may be as easy as soaking in boron (borax) and/or epsom salts.
Just keep trying. But go back to my first request... is there anything else you can give "us" to help you by way of hints concerning your midical history; prescriptions drug interaction for instance.