Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kay Ramos (Louisville, KY) on 04/10/2009

I had Psoriasis for YEARS. The long and short of it was that I discovered that it is indeed (1) your body's inability to metabolize ANIMAL fat; and (2) processed/refined foods "gunking" up your system. If you are serious about getting rid of your Psoriasis, you can do what I did:

Stay away from red meats. I tested this. After eliminating red meats, dark meat (chicken/turkey legs and thighs) and processed and refined foods from my diet, it took about 2 months but my Psoriasis totally cleared up... totally. Anytime I would eat a nice big steak, I would have a flare up on either my legs or my arms. It wasn't a large flare up, but enough for me to realize that the red meat was not reacting well with my body. Now, having said this, we also have a better understanding now that what our cows and chickens are eating affects the constitution of their meat. Cows that are "grain fed", their meat contains certain compounds that makes their fat very unhealthy. That's why today we are seeing labels that say "grass fed". Somehow the grass affects the quality of the fat and the way that we are able to metabolize it. I have NOT tested this theory yet to see if the meat from cows that are ONLY GRASS FED will give my skin the same reaction. The same would go for chickens and turkeys. The way these animals are jam packed together like sardines and all the antibiotics they are fed and their horrible diets, I really think this also changes the composition of the fat in their meat. Just food for thought. However, to be safe, avoid red meat and dark meat or meats that are high in fat.

Stay away from pork! Pigs are the garbage collectors of the animal kingdom. Pigs will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING -- and do. They clean up the dead things. You truly ARE what you eat in this sense. Most people are not aware that pigs do not excrete toxins which means whatever they eat gets stored in their fat and then gets consumed by you. You will never look at bacon quite the same way again when you realize what is REALLY in that fat you're eating.

Next is to eliminate ALL dairy from your diet. This was very hard for me as I was raised on a farm and love dairy! However, what a change I noticed when I did. No butter, ice cream, milk, etc. I noticed STRONGLY that eggs are one of the WORST offenders. Almost as soon as I eat eggs I get a breakout.

Next eliminate processed, refined and "pre-fab" foods from your diet. No "white" anything. No white flour, sugar, rice. These foods are "empty" and do nothing but gunk up your system and cause things like yeast overgrowths and just all kinds of trouble, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.

No fried foods, no refined oils. This will also make your psoriasis go crazy. Any oil that you buy off your store shelves that does not say "cold pressed" has been processed and refined and is full of partially hydrogenated oils. Notice the labeling... they all say "0 grams of trans fat PER SERVING" and then notice what the serving size is. That means that the amount of trans fat is "negligible" to where they can list "0 grams of trans fats" so long as you don't exceed their serving size. States all around the country have banned and are in the process of banning partially hydrogenated oils from being served in restaurants, etc. There is a reason for this... they are toxic and poisonous... and will make you fat. The last thing I will say on this topic is this... they say '0 grams of trans fat per serving' and claim that they are following labeling laws and they are very misleading because the regular consumer is not aware of how they are being less than forthright. My question to the manufacturers is this... I have this batch of brownies that I have baked. I have ONLY added a little bit of dog crap in the mix... just enough that, if I use the guidelines of our labeling laws, I can put on my label "no dog crap" but then on the backside of my label, I will say "no dog crap PER SERVING". I would like to ask the manufacturers if they would like to eat my brownies?! Ha! I doubt they would.

I have said the above to make a point... if you do not look out for yourself, the FDA and the food manufacturers are NOT going to do it for you. Right now, as I am typing this, there are literally dozens of names for monosodium glutamate (MSG) another one of those nasty little ingredients that will make your psoriasis go off like the 4th of July and it can be found in nearly ALL pre-fab (pre-made) food, which is why you need to either avoid all pre-fab foods or educate yourself about what you're eating and become an avid label reader. :) There are websites that if you put in "names for MSG" they will tell you all the different names and what to look out for.

Also orange juice and tomatoes. Any overly acidic foods should be avoided. There are places on the web that list out which foods are acidic and you can avoid those.

I had Psoriasis for nearly 20 years and when I got really serious about finding out what was going on with my body, I was able to TOTALLY eradicate this "incurable disease". :)

Good Luck!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shel (Eugene, OR) on 03/30/2009

In answer to question about oil pulling, I used organic sesame oil. I had no difficulty keeping from swallowing it but it is a little difficult to keep up the sloshing movements for 20 minutes. Also tastes fine and apparently I sloshed enough to get good results.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shel (Eugene, Oregon) on 03/29/2009

I have had psoriasis for less than a year, quite severe in my ears and around my eyes, nose and mouth. I started oil pulling and it began to clear up the first day. By the second day there was still some flaking in my ears but no painful cracks or itching. This is a fabulous website and I will be trying a lot more of the suggestions I've seen here.

EC: Thanks for the great feedback, Shel. Do you mind telling us what kind of oil you were using?

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/27/2009

Selenium and Psoriasis:

Selenium deficiency is pretty common in dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, tinea (age spots), athletes foot, jock itch, seborrheic dermatitis, candida infections, hypothyroidism.

There are different yeasts, of course, trichophyton, mallasezia furfur, candida and others. Some spots may itch, others may not. I suspect rosacea may be a yeast problem as well (combined with Demodex mites eating the yeast).

Yeast needs oxygen, and Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant (500x stronger than vitamin e). Kill the oxygen supply, with Selenium, and you kill the yeast.

A good source of Selenium is brazil nuts(orally), or Dandruff Shampoo(topically). Selenium works with iodine (and is thyroid protective). Taking one alone, though could cause a deficiency of the other, theoretically.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an advanced form of dandruff, possibly caused by fungi colonizing on the scalp
"* To treat seborrheic dermatitis, look for shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide or salicylic acid."
Note: head and shoulders selenium sulfide shampoo says on the bottle that it "treats seborrheic dermatitis".

Trace element status in eczema and psoriasis

"Concentrations of zinc, copper and selenium were determined in plasma and leucocytes from 23 patients with psoriasis and 24 with eczema."
"Concentrations of selenium in whole blood, plasma and leucocytes were significantly reduced in both groups. This finding may be of importance in relation to the effect of free radicals on skin."

Selenium sulfide: adjunctive therapy for tinea capitis

"Selenium sulfide lotion used as a shampoo has been shown to be an effective adjunctive agent to griseofulvin in the treatment of tinea capitis(head)."

How to treat Malassezia furfur (tinea versicolor) in humans?
Medical Care: Patients should be informed that tinea versicolor is caused by a fungus that is normally present on the skin surface and is therefore not considered contagious.

White Vinegar
Posted by Jason (KS) on 03/06/2009

After reading about using vinegar as a conditioner after you shampoo I tried some plain white vinegar and my psoriasis on my scalp went away in one week. I've tried many things and I've had the problem for years, but now I just rinse with vinegar and no more flakes or dry scalp. If only I had known this simple remedy 10 years ago...

Posted by Brian (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 02/10/2009

Ron; Sorry I didn't reply properly.

The effect is "permanent" if you persist until AFTER all discoloration has disappeared (carry on a few days). It may recur, but hitting it quickly at the first sign will stop and reverse it.

The speed varies with the type and severity and duration. But, here's an example quote from someone on the site:

"Just wanted to pop on and say thank you for the mention of glycerin.

My son has had P since he was 4 or 5......and the patches on his elbows and knees during the winter are awful. I went to Walmart and bought some glycerin this week. This morning, the patches on his elbows are gone! And the most stubborn patch on his knee is healing up very nicely. The $3 bottle of glycerin has done what the $500 creams could not, I am thrilled. I don't know if it will last, but I am happy to not have to continue to put steroid creams on my young child night after night.
Hopefully, we are on the road to being clear w/out having to continue to move on to stronger steroids, or worse. Thanks again!

Posted by Brian (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 02/10/2009

The "external use" type in drug stores is USP, which is actually pure food grade glycerin. The labelling is obsolete; it is also safe for oral or internal use, according to FDA guidelines. (A GRS food additive.) The vegetable glycerin, such as NOW brand, is specifically labelled as safe for internal use, if you are worried.

In general, its action is to re-establish normal skin layering, and suppress autoimmune attacks on the skin. It apparently "breaks" a runaway positive feedback system that directs destructive biochemical action designed to fend off invasive organisms, but ends up harming the skin.
An interesting secondary use I've found is sinus clearing; if you're stuffed up, rub a bit just inside each nostril. Over the next 20 minutes or so, the blockage will gradually soften, liquify, and drain naturally. Repeat as necessary.

Vitamin D
Posted by Chuck (Atlanta, GA) on 02/07/2009

For about 20 years, I had a chronic patch of psoriasis over my left eyebrow. I had tried several prescription and OTC creams, but none of them worked. After reading an article about how thousands of people got relief from psoriasis by sunbathing in the Dead Sea area, I remembered how my own psoriasis would practically disappear during the summer months when I sunbathed regularly. That was when I made the connection between sunshine and vitamin D. So, I started taking a daily supplement of 1000iu of vitamin D, which was in addition to the 400iu in my daily multivitamin. In about a week, I was amazed to see the patch of psoriasis had completely disappeared and has never returned. It may not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me!

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions
Posted by Amrita (Delhi, India) on 01/26/2009

i had psoriasis for last 10 years. after being treated with all types of therapies, i started holistic treatment. dr started my detoxification like colonics, acidity cleans and also by some herbs. to my surprise i saw improvement within a week. i was also put on diffrent types of fruits and vegetable juices. i was also performing regular stretching exercises and breathing exercises and at the end i took some herbs to correct my immune system. for last 3 yeays i have not noticed any symptom of the disease. i am eating well and livig joyfully. PSORIASIS has become a history. in my openion HOLISTIC THERAPY is the only solution for this disease. i know some other people also who are free from this disease after a long sufferings. thanx

Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 01/14/2009

Thanks for the information. I think this could be very helpful. Will add it to my medicine cabinet.

Posted by Ron (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/13/2009

Hello Brian, would please indicate the brand name you are using and how long does it take to see the effect, i it perment or temporary?

EC: Whole Foods sells a good brand of glycerin singers use to coat their throats before performing, also for sore throats. For external use, most pharmacies and groceries stores will have it in stock.

Posted by Brian (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 01/08/2009

Glycerin (psoriasis)

In about 2002, animal model studies at Georgia Medical School established that Glycerin (glycerol) suppressed excess skin growth and foliation, and re-established normal layering. It also doubles healing speed and halves scarring. I've been using it with great success since on psoriasis flare-ups.

It penetrates the skin readily in 10-15 minutes, and is infinitely miscible with water (hygroscopic). So any excess rinses away instantly, or can be wiped with a damp cloth.

It is 3-carbon alcohol, syrupy, tastes sweet, and is an approved food supplement used in large quantities in everything from ice cream, to soaking raisins (to hold moisture in), to toothpaste, cosmetics, and skin lotions. Can be diluted to spray on, or applied by hand or on a cotton swab. For the scalp, apply 15 minutes before showering.

Works quickly, and suppresses itching better than most medications by calming the cells' cytokine output, it seems.

VERY inexpensive. Spreads readily and thinly, no rubbing in necessary.

Use for injuries, burns, sunburn, etc. also. Your skin will thank you.

Jojoba Oil
Posted by Judy (Canberra, ACT Australia) on 11/17/2008

I have psoriasis behind my ears and at times it weeps and is so painful. Having had it for at least 10 years I tried cortisone in the early days but my inner instinct turned me off it very quickly. I've tried all sorts of so-called remedies since then. On this site recently I read somewhere about Jojoba oil and have used it with great success on my psoriasis. It is so soothing and clears it up within a couple of days. If I miss a day, however, it returns, but not as bad as previously. Although the Jojoba oil isn't a permanent cure-all it's the best I've used. The extra virgin or virgin is the best and you can buy it from any health store. Another bonus: it's absolutely beautiful on your face and body, is inexpensive and goes a long way as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frances (Katy, TX) on 10/21/2008

I have had psoriasis for at least 15 years and have recently tried acv and water to cleanse my inner body. Cool water does help. I also was going to an acupuncture doctor and it's now almost reversed. They told me heat is the worst thing for psoriasis and acv is great to work on the inside of your body. Toxins need to be removed from your body. Also try going organic and stay away from too much alcohol.

Eliminate Beef and Pork
Posted by Shannon (Richmond, VA) on 10/08/2008

I am 26 years old, and have suffered with psoriasis since my parents divorced when I was 13. I have tried numerous topical therapies, cortisone injections and light therapy, and nothing has helped. I recently eliminated beef and pork from my diet (fatty, hard to digest meats) and have had amazing results. Within 3 weeks my psoriasis went from covering 70% of my body to about 30%. I have since had to use a steroid spray to keep my skin clear, but the spray didn't work the first two times I tried it. I tried eliminating wheat and gluten but didn't have much luck, although I do know people that has worked for. Besides red meat isn't good for you anyway!

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions
Posted by Yigal (North Israel) on 09/21/2008

Psoriasis: avoiding sugar really helped my friend. Evening primrose oil drops is also very good. Neem cream externally. Cleaning the blood and liver is V important as well.

Posted by Stephanie (Chicago, IL) on 09/14/2008


Your skin contains one fifth of your body's zinc supply. Rats and mice that are deficient in zinc develop a skin condition called keratogenesis that is very similar to human psoriasis (Hoffer and Walker, Orthomolecular Nutrition, p 156-157). Zinc deficiency in humans is the rule, not the exception. The US RDA for zinc is only 15 milligrams a day, and yet the average American takes in even less than that. (Williams, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th ed., page 253) In spite of this, it is most uncommon to find either dietitians or doctors ever recommending a supplement of this mineral.

Research has shown that supplements of zinc are safe up to about 500 mg. daily. A more sensible daily dose of 50 mg to perhaps may be maintained for as long as is desired. A good multiple vitamin along with this will provide some balancing copper, as will (believe it or not) the copper water pipes in your home.

The "amino acid chelated" form of zinc ('chelated zinc') is better tolerated and better absorbed than zinc sulfate or other inorganic forms of the mineral.

Sulfer 8 and Zoriasis
Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Ohio) on 09/11/2008

I have been suffering with psoriasis for twenty years. I was mainly affected on my scalp and had constant flaking. Several years ago, I began to get small patches on my body. One day a lady noticed the flakes on my shoulder and recommended a product called Sulfer 8. This is usually found in the African American hair care section in major supermarkets. I found that it did work pretty well but when I mixed a product called Zoriasis in with it, the results were amazing. The small spots disappeared in several months and the redness and flaking on my scalp has diminished greatly! I am so happy. My scalp doesn't itch like it used to. The Sulpher 8 does have a menthol smell but it feels really good. The Zoriasis product can be found online. I just mix about one teaspoon of Zoriasis into the four ounce jar of Sulpher 8 and this will last for months. I just had to share this and I hope it brings psoriasis sufferers the same relief it gives me! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/28/2008 495 posts

To Sela from Huntsville: Hi Sela, If you are sure your problem is psoriasis, you might try Adele Davis's (a nutritionist) theory that psoriasis is caused by faulty fat metabolism. Her recommendation was 6 tablespoons of lecithin granules per day. My suggestion would be to stir 3 tbsps. in small glass of buttermilk twice a day and drink it. Tastes a lot like cornbread in buttermilk, which I happen to like. I have checked her out on several things and found that she was right, but have never had psoriasis, so can't vouch for this, but I'd certainly give it a try before trying a lot of other things. I recall one of my patients who used Siroil ointment on his. He was terminal renal disease because the mercury in the Siroil had destroyed his kidneys.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sela (Huntsville, Alabama) on 07/25/2008

My Psoriasis started 8 years ago after working a highly stressfull job (where I also got many other stress related ailments as well). The Psoriasis started on my scalp then a few years later migrated to my forhead and then to my cheeks near my nose and finally to the sides of my face near the hairline. Everytime I'd go through major stress, the Psoriasis would spread. It has been a really bad case to where I won't go out in public and can't cook because my skin is constantly flaking and literally falling off. I tried medicated shampoos which hurt, dried out my face and left me a flaky mess from then on. It's like dandruff on your face!

I came across this site and decided to try ACV and it has worked to keep my scalp and face clear.

What I do:
If I'm having a flare up and I'm all flaky, red and uncomfortable:
1) Cleanse my face. 2) Pour some ACV on a cotton ball. 3) Stand in front of a fan and swipe the affected areas with the ACV reapeatedly (the fan is because the ACV stings a lot when the skin is raw from the condition). 4) Apply thick moisterizer or vaseline (vaseline works best for me) over the affected areas. I repeat this for 4-6 nights in a row and apply moisturizer during the day. You can tell it's working as your skin clears up the ACV no longer stings.

To maintain the flare-ups from starting again, I follow the above steps at least once to twice a week even if the skin is clear but use regular moisturizer instead of vaseline. The ACV does not sting at all at that point.

If I forget to use the follow-up ACV, my skin will start to feel tight and dry. At that point I follow all the steps and am fine just doing it for 2 days.

Added Skin Benefits:
Clean pores, rosey complextion, evened skin tone and no scars from the Psoriasis anymore after flare ups.

I've also used internally for allergies recently, which I will post about in that section.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Kathy (Macon, Georgia) on 07/05/2008

Psoriasis first started at a location on my leg where I had been bitten by a dog a few weeks earlier. It quickly spread to virtually all parts of my body. Over a 2 month period there were 9 doctor visits, 13 prescriptions, and 4 biopsies...none of which were helping! A Registered Nutritionist recommend I try drinking 2 Tbls. Organic, unfiltered (with the mother) Apple Cider Vinegar mixed into about a half cup of water twice a day. Additionally she suggested I begin using a good systemic enzyme. (Like digestive enzymes, but coated so they don't dissolve in your stomach) which I also took twice daily (following mfg's instructions).

The psoriasis began clearing almost immediately and was completely gone within a few weeks. Three years have now passed since the psoriasis episode with no recurrence of the problem. Hope this helps someone else because it sure was a nasty problem
