Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Posted by Rachael (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/13/2017

Thank you SO MUCH for the info on iodine and on bromine detox! I have only got tiny spots of psoriasis in the 48th year of my life. Popping open a capsule of vitamin D3, and applying it would provide relief, and heal it. But this latest spot on my eyelid has been a really bad problem that would not go away. AND it came up as soon as I started iodine supplementation, for the first time since moving the farthest north I have lived in my life (Chicago suburbs).

So I read the PDF Guide to Supplementing With Iodine which you provided. And then I went and took 1/2 tsp of sea salt in some water, and then drank as much fresh water as that made me need. Also, I had quit taking iodine for a couple of days, as I noticed it made the psoriasis flare up way worse. Finally, my eyelid is mostly healed up! In ONE DAY! The PDF says that the chloride part of sodium chloride (salt) binds to the bromide that the iodine supplementation set free, and then the bromide (which was causing the psoriasis, as my body was trying to detox it) gets peed out.

I had no idea that bromide is probably causing me so many health problems. The PDF says iodine is needed in all the organs in our bodies, especially the ones with mucous linings. I think this also solved my HORRIBLE acid reflux problem. The acid reflux is suddenly gone, after one tsp of salt, too. Here's my logic on why: Acid reflux is caused by a bad bacterial overgrowth in the stomach, which weakens the sphincter and lets the acid out into the esophagus. Iodine kills bad bacteria, but leaves the beneficial bacteria. But iodine couldn't help my stomach until I took the salt that removed the bromide, or bromine, or whatever form that stuff was in.

Posted by Maria (Florida, US) on 07/17/2015

A friend of mine ask me about how to cure psoriases in her toe nails. Her doctor said it was not of fungal origin. I did some research and find that Iodine 3% cam be used in the area. She did it and in a months + or - it was gone. I believe psoriases is not fungal in origin but related to toxins in the body.

Posted by Kbruce (Hendersonville, NC) on 02/21/2013

Oh my I can't believe iodine as a cure for psoriasis is not on this site. My sister came to visit for a week earlier this month. She was covered in psoriasis scales on her elbow, knees, wrist and inside the palm of her hand, also with scratches and lesions from scratching herself. I was shocked to see how aweful it had gotten since the last time we visited. She had been to Drs and Dermatoligists and spent thousands of dollars and no help. She spent hundreds on single tubes of cream that didnt even stop the itch let alone get rid of her psoriasis.

I had just started on Lugol's solution for my own symptoms of low iodine ie no energy and hair falling out... So I told her about the lugols and mentioned that in my reading about it, I heard it could help Psoriasis! She agreed to try it and started putting it on, after a couple of hours she stared at me in disbelief stating she had not itched or scratched since putting it on so put it on again. She and I were both excited the next day when here psoriasis was 50% gone! Needless to say by the end of the week all she had was a small patch where it was the worst on her wrist and probably due to the fact that she didnt use it as much the last couple of days because she didnt want the discoloration on her wrist when we went out for the evening! I'm still in shock that nothing helped her for years and in one week she's 95% cured of Psoriasis!! I sent the bottle home with her and she continues to improve...

I just hope this helps someone since I saw it with my own eyes how beneficial even 2% Lugol's solution is. I imagine the 5% will work even faster but it did work for her maybe you too:)

PS She did take a couple of drops in water each day as well as topically!

