Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by E From Florida (Miami, Fl) on 04/05/2012

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar changed my life. I have spent the last year and a half watching the psoriasis on my face get worse. I would wake up in the morning and have skin the size of a fingernail peeling off the areas around my nose. I tried using makeup to cover it but I'm a guy and it wasn't all that successful and the makeup seemed to aggravate the skin and make it worse. I thought I'd have to either take drugs that were known for causing serious side affects (cancer, organ damage, etc) or accept the fact that my face was going to become horrible to look at. Then someone told me about Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

I went to the store and bought some organic, unfiltered, with mother, Apple Cider Vinegar. I began by putting a little in the cap and then using my fingers to apply it topically to the affected areas. I also began consuming 1 tablespoon each morning diluted in a small glass of water (it tastes very bad so I brush my teeth immedately afterward). Within 3 days I was noticing an improvement. Within two weeks it was all gone. It's been over a month now and I still do the same routine. I think I wll for the rest of my life. It supposedly has many other health benefits. I cannot yet attest to them but for psoriasis, it changed my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Kathy (Macon, Ga) on 01/24/2011

3 Year Update:

I stopped regular use of the ACV after the psoriasis cleared up; however, I still use it occasionally since it helps with so many conditions. After the psoriasis cleared I continued using enzymes (both digestive and systemic) because they free up so much of my body's energy that would ordinarily be used for digestion.... Energy that can now be used for keeping other things working well. It's now been about 5 yrs. Since I've had a problem with either psoriasis or eczema, both of which plagued me for nearly 20 yrs. prior to the ACV & enzyme fix.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Kathy (Macon, Georgia) on 07/05/2008

Editor's Choice Psoriasis first started at a location on my leg where I had been bitten by a dog a few weeks earlier. It quickly spread to virtually all parts of my body. Over a 2 month period there were 9 doctor visits, 13 prescriptions, and 4 biopsies...none of which were helping! A Registered Nutritionist recommend I try drinking 2 Tbls. Organic, unfiltered (with the mother) Apple Cider Vinegar mixed into about a half cup of water twice a day. Additionally she suggested I begin using a good systemic enzyme. (Like digestive enzymes, but coated so they don't dissolve in your stomach) which I also took twice daily (following mfg's instructions).

The psoriasis began clearing almost immediately and was completely gone within a few weeks. Three years have now passed since the psoriasis episode with no recurrence of the problem. Hope this helps someone else because it sure was a nasty problem
