Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Anti-Candida Protocol
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/25/2014

Dianne...Thank you for buying my book on candida which will hopefully help you to both understand as well as help to cure your son's psoriasis problems. When I had candida I had skin problems which also included psoriasis, eczema and jock itch. When I eventually cleared the candida from my body, all these skin problems just disappeared so I now regard these skin problems as merely symptoms of my own candida problem.

Syntol is also a useful enzyme/probiotic protocol and its successful use will depend on many factors -- stage and virulence of the candida infection, immune system health, diet etc. The enzymes in Syntol will aid digestion and will help to dissolve and digest candida biofilms and the probiotics will help to kill the candida in order to return the gut back to normal health. So this protocol works fairly well if you only have candida in your intestines or just locally. But if your son has a systemic candida infection throughout his body, then you might need more than Syntol to get rid of the candida and psoriasis.

For a serious systemic candida infection, here is the strategy I use in my book:

* Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

* Anti-Biofilm Protocols

* Alkalizing Protocols

* Essential Detox Protocols

* Liver Support Protocols

* Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

* The Health Defence Diet

To help you more to determine whether your son has candida, here is a simple questionnaire that will help you:

Candida Questionnaire

Also, try using borage oil topically on your son's psoriasis. This should reduce the itching and will also have other beneficial effects.
