Perioral Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

17 Effective Natural Treatments for Perioral Dermatitis

Avoid Fluoride
Posted by Meece (Springfield, Mo) on 01/26/2017

TRY THIS!!!! I have been suffering with PD on and off for 5+ years. Nothing has "cured" it. I have been on every drug, tried every ointment, every natural remedy and nothing has actually worked. A couple weeks ago I was at my wits end with my PD and kept noticing that it would be at it's worse right after I would get out of the shower. Most websites say to avoid FLUORIDE if you have PD and switch to a fluoride free toothpaste, but guess what has FLUORIDE in it! OUR WATER!!!

I bought a water pitcher that filters fluoride and have only been drinking that, and getting a cup of it and washing my face with it in the shower, and trying not to get my shower water on it and Oh my gosh I am telling you 50% better than I've been in years! Regular shower filters do not filter out fluoride and shower filters that do are massive and have to sit outside of the shower unless you can filter your whole water system, I live in an apartment so unfortunately I can't do that. TRY DRINKING NOTHING BUT FLUORIDE FREE WATER, MAKE YOUR COFFEE/TEA WITH FLUORIDE FREE WATER. Just try it! It takes a couple weeks to see results but try it!!!! I know in another month or so my PD will be gone, I'll let you guys know!!!!

Avoiding Mint
Posted by Holly (Cleveland, Oh) on 01/11/2017

I have realized that my perioral dermatitis has been caused by anything with mint flavoring/essential oils etc. I have cut out all mint related products and foods (even my lip balm had peppermint oil in it) and the PD has started clearing. I have suffered with mild PD all my life and recently it got terrible (I may have eaten a few too many peppermint patties). I have also had horrible acne which I am starting to think may have been related to the mint because it was around my mouth, mainly.

I just wanted to write this because I know a lot of people give up toothpastes with flouride and SLS but don't think about the mint. I know others have written about mint, cinnamon, essential oils etc. (most of which bother me, too), but I wanted to point out the mint connection in case it is being overlooked.

Witch Hazel, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Ladybug (Calgary) on 01/04/2017

Has anyone tried pure iodine on the affected areas? I put it on for the last two days at night time. It stings but I heard it is antibacteria can kill fungus.

So far my skin is dried up at the lesions sites and flaking with no new white filled pimples. Im interested to see how it progresses either way.....

Witch Hazel, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Emma (Wi) on 12/21/2016

I had perioral dermatitis for months last year and my best topical remedy is non-astringent witch hazel, I soak cotton pads in the the witch hazel and stick them on the rash until they dry up and fall off. Witch hazel is soothing, but the thing that I am convinced got rid of the PD is GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT, taken internally. I have bought the same type at whole foods and a co-op- you mix some with a little bit of water (I use about 30 drops instead of what they recommend) and it tastes awful but I swear it went away within a few days of starting GSE. Anyway, I'm on here now because the dermatitis is sneaking back for the first time and I always like to look for new remedies- but I will be buying a new bottle of GSE later today.

Violet Extract, L-Lysine
Posted by Yorkshire Pudding (Helena, Mt) on 12/13/2016

I wanted to share with other Perioral Dermatitis suffers what helped me to resolve my skin issues. I found an obscure blog on Cure-zone almost 9 years ago from a couple of sufferers who healed themselves by using violet extract on their lesions, and safely on their lips. I used a well known herb pharm brand. It began to work!

I also used Lysine- I caution readers that Lysine is a secretagogue, an amino acid that can increase human growth hormone...which is good, but still keep your doses down because hormones are powerful. I was told this condition was a type of Rosacea, so I found that by adding anti-yeast remedies like adding a fouth of a teaspoon of borax or so in approximately 1 cup warm water and applied topically cools the skin down wonderfully. I also use an aloe /neem gel to follow...great hydration on my skin, but not for everybody (some relatives reported redness). I also use a very gentle glycerine oatmeal soap, or even just my neem gentle formula shampoo dusted lightly with borax - which is great in your hair!

But I would encourage users to change their diets too - ACV, probiotics, maybe a good yeast cleanse formula. My face has been clear except I still have the Rosacea in my eyes, so I use the much diluted - an eighth of a teaspoon or less, in a cup of water to flush them clear... much relief! Hope this is helpful... Best of luck!

Vitamin D
Posted by Skyfinmom (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 12/10/2016

I have been suffering with perioral dermatitis for 5 years. I have tried everything this website suggests and nothing has worked for me. What does work is vitamin d. I noticed that my dermatitis would go away in the summer. I need about 20-30 minutes a day of full sunshine. My rash would fade in about 2 days after sun exposure. If I forget to get my sun for a few days my rash comes back. Now that it is winter in Canada I have to take vitamin d supplements. I haven't found the right dosage yet to keep the rash at bay, but it has to be a very high dose. I am experimenting with dosage and I am at 2000 mg per day right now. My rash is mild and hardly noticeable. I will keep increasing the dosage and report back. I hope this helps someone else!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/04/2016

Laura, have you tried Coconut oil, and/or Castor oil? Both are to be used very sparingly.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Laura (Pennsylvania) on 12/03/2016

Hi! I've had PD for about three months, except mine is around my eyes. I thought it was triggered by the fact that I just restarted my menstrual cycle after 1.5 years (pregnancy, breastfeeding). My doctor has prescribed 2 months of doxicycline and flagyl fungal cream. I'm beyond upset, because you CAN NOT conceive while on doxi or your fetus will have detrimental effects.

Because of this being so close to my eye, I'm very cautious of what I should use. I've tried melaleuca on my nasal bridge as well as lemongrass essential oils, I tried discontinuing all makeup, lotions and face wash. Does anyone have suggestions for the area around the eye as well as eyelid? I would be forever grateful! Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mh (Ar) on 11/28/2016

The Apple cider Vinegar brings a lot of relief. I have started taking a shot or two of it each day as well. Figured it couldn't hurt. Colloidal Silver gel, which one of these gel brands did you use? There are so many! I went back again to the Derm doc and have a third cream. They do nothing good for me at all. I have been searching for natural remedies. I went for two days with nothing on my face but I had a big meeting and I had to look decent so I applied some steroid cream and it wiped it out.......but I know its only gonna come back worse. I am doing the honey mask and apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day, but just started that. Was wondering about the cream you were talking about, thought I might add that if I knew which brand to get.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mt (Minnesota) on 10/25/2016

Thank you for this info. Currently fighting off PD for the second time. I am really liking this web site. Making my list now!

Oregano, Honey Mask
Posted by Daisy (Chico Ca) on 09/11/2016

I had POD for five months- tried multiple remedies and nothing really worked. Because of the antibiotic properties, I made oregano tea (fresh, organic oregano) and applied it to affected area 3x per day. When it dried I put on a raw, organic honey mask- let it dry then gently wiped it off. My POD was completely gone in three days. I hope this helps someone!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Law (Minneapolis, Mn) on 07/21/2016

Thank goodness for sites like this—saved me from weeks or maybe months of rash agony given the stories I read from others. I had PD for 10 months, but not until last week did I know what it was or that the steroid cream I was prescribed and told over and over to keep using by three different primary care doctors, did I find that natural methods of healing were the answer. I threw away the antibiotic I was prescribed, because I am convinced that it was started this all for me months earlier. I was a series of recurring UTIs, and I had been on several antibiotics because I was being prescribed the wrong type for 3 of 4 infections. I am sure that is what damaged by system and manifested the rash.

Here is what I did:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother (ACV) wiped on the area 2-3x/day—blotting only and treating the rash as though it could spread (not wiping and spreading)
2. Colloidal Silver gel on rash 2x a day
3. Homeopathic Calendula cream very, very lightly at night; I did not start this until a few days of using the two above (not until it was less weepy)

I ingested ACV 1 Tablespoon each night; and gargled with it also
I began a very high probiotic, 42 billion

I also stopped products with SLS, switched to fluoride free toothpaste, and began newton candida homeopathic drops.

Those are the things I did, and in one week's time it is 95% gone. Not noticeable to anyone but me—and a week ago it was extremely painful and very, very unsightly. I was so worried, but am very grateful for the many people sharing what worked and what did not work. I tried Desitin one time; it seemed to soothe but I thought it was very difficult to remove on my fragile, raw rash and left a film that I thought would be more harmful than good. I once did honey on the rash, I don't think it did anything really, but it did feel good.

I wish so much that conventional medicine would incorporate natural methods. I have no doubt that I would have been facing months of prolonged agony without finding these cures. I went cold turkey from the steroid (it was Clobetisol Propeonate that I was prescribed). Shame on my doctors for repeatedly telling me to keep using what was only making it worse over time.

Gluten-Free Diet, Psyllium
Posted by Alex (San Francisco, US) on 12/10/2014

Hi all. I hope this helps some of you. It has taken me several years to figure out the cause of my Perioral Dermatitis!!

It is most definitely curable and it all starts with cleansing your intestine...period!! I tried all the other methods - GSE, ACV, coco oil, tea tree etc etc. For some these will work as their diet and health are probably fairly good but for others where nothing has helped I would suggest 2 things!!! (and this is important)...first try a gluten free diet. Research into why and you'll see that gluten cannot be digested and also prevents other natural enzymes from breaking down foods, thus build up occurs. Old fecal matter to be exact and it stays along the lining of the intestinal walls, hence why some of these other natural remedies aren't working as they are being blocked from entering the bloodstream. Please just do a little research and it will all make sense.

Second, now that you've minimised blockage you have to cleanse the walls. Here is where the beauty of psyllium husk comes in. This is a high fiber product that gently exfoliates your intestinal walls, look it up! Use it with blackstrap molasses, both available at health food shops. I promise you your skin will look so much better after 1 week. It also doesn't hurt to improve your diet...the usual fruit and veggies is a plus as always. You can find info relating to psyllium online...just look, there's plenty out there.

Good luck to all!!!

Probiotics, Aloe, Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/13/2014

Dear Amy,

So sorry your little one is dealing with this! It sounds like you have tried a number of things already, and now you are going to be trying GSE, which sounds good.

For any kind of inflammation, we have had success with turmeric. It is so good for many different skin problems. I have used it with my little ones. For a 19 month old, I would try 1/8th of a teaspoon 3 times a day. You can put it in a little bit of apple sauce or yogurt.

If you have a reputable health food store, you could look for a good herbal salve. I would be looking for one with plantain, calendula, and comfrey. If you could find one with at least one of those as the main ingredient, that would be good. If you want to make a salve like this, I will write out a recipe.

I would also give the coconut oil internally, if you haven't already. You can give 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

Please keep us posted. I hope your little one is better soon!

~Mama to Many~

Probiotics, Aloe, Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Wa) on 02/12/2014

I will try the grapefruit seed. Has anyone tried zinc powder directly on the face? It seems like everything I put on it makes it look really red, dry and irritated. Does this mean it's making it worse? I have been using the aloe/coconut/probiotics since sat feb 8th and it looks like the tiny bumps are sorta diminishing but the rash is in full bloom still. I had her tested for wheat, haven't received the results yet. If anyone has used this combo please give me any advise. I just don't know how long it takes or if I'm only making it worse. The dermatologist are no help! They only make it worse by telling me to use the wrong stuff. Please help me, thank you.

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