I wanted to share my story because I seem to be having success clearing my PD and rosacea. Like most of the sufferers here I have spent hours upon hours chasing a cure (I have also had acne all my life and I am turning 50 in April). This is what I have learned. I finally broke down and started Ted's Borax remedy because I read how people had had success with it. I also researched Boron supplementation in case I could not tolerate the Borax because that is essentially the element you are getting from the Borax. I am very sensitive to things so, to make a long story short, the Borax was tough for me to tolerate (stomach ache from it), so I have decided to go with the Boron supplements even though they are more expensive (still very reasonable, though).
The Borax was clearly helping my PD so I knew I was on the right track -- now accepting that it was the Demodex mites taking over my face for the past 5 months. I take about 9mg a day of the Boron supplements total (3mg x3/day- trial and error as others may need more or less). I tolerate it well. I also made a solution of Borax and water (just water) to wipe on my face a few times a day. Whenever I added hydrogen peroxide to the borax it was too much for my skin and made it worse. I am totally on my road to recovery after trying every natural remedy available on this website and the web. EVERY ONE - ACV, manuka honey, violet extract, castor oil packs, cocunut oil, pumpkin seed oil, oregano, yogurt, clay, DE, GSE, you name it I tried it. Also gave up every ounce of makeup - natural included. I had noticed that natural lip balms made my lips feel weird. What I have determined about this condition for me is the following:
1) Demodex mites getting out of hand are likely the main problem.2) Boron/Borax are the keys to getting them under control. 3) There is research out there that people with Rosacea and possibly PD have different fatty acids on their skin. I believe this is the key. As I look back, I was using all natural products -- Castor oil, natural lip products, mineral makeup, etc. I believe the coconut/castor/ etc. oils were actually the initial cause of the problem (first I thought it was Titanium Dioxide, mint or mica causing the problem, but I have now narrowed it down to the natural oils). I was getting a better reaction using Dove than any other naturally derived soap which usually included coconut oil, castor oil, or the like. I could also only tolerate petroleum jelly as a lip treatment. I know it is not good for you, but everything else (mainly natural products) caused a reaction. I know everyone is different, but I wanted to pass my experience along.
My face is 90% clear after one week (it takes a long time for the PD to heal but slow and steady with the Borax/Boron and my rosacea is almost non-existant) and I feel my skin is starting to just look wonderful. I could never, ever say that before. I may be the one in a million who is worse using natural products and that is what it is. With regard to makeup, I am watching for castor oil and possibly mineral oil as ingredients that bother me. I don't know as much about mineral oil, but trying to avoid just in case. I just hope this helps someone.