Perioral Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

17 Effective Natural Treatments for Perioral Dermatitis

Bleach Water
Posted by Doing My Best (SD) on 07/17/2022

I believe my perioral dermatitis is actually severe rosacea. After trying ACV alone for 2 months, antifungal cream alone for 2 months, and a weak boric acid solution alone for 2 months, nothing has seemed to help. I tried coconut oil for 3 days only as it got progressively worse with this. I have fought this for a long time. I am now trying bleach water. I am still using the weak boric acid for my eyes (as the eye on the worst side of my face has been fighting sties for a long time as well). This points me to mites/bacteria overload. So I just decided to hit it with the worst I could throw at it. I have very oily facial skin, to the point that 2 hours after bathing, it is oily again, so makeup to cover my terrible face is out of the question.

After 2 weeks of twice daily cotton ball wipe of 10% bleach water (maybe 20%, I just splash a bit of bleach in distilled water in a plastic covered container), my face is noticeably better. The lumps are diminishing, along with the redness. I still get a few pustules here and there, not 5 new ones daily like before. My skin can take this harsh treatment since my oil production is through the roof, so may not be for everyone out there. I do not rinse it off, nor will I use it close to my eyes. I will continue this protocol for at least a total 2 month time frame to give it a fair shot.
