Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Migraines

Apple Cider Vinegar

39 User Reviews
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4 star (2) 
1 star (5) 

Posted by Sarah (Madison, IN) on 07/08/2006

I have suffered with Migraine headaches for years. I have taken Imitrex, which always cures them, plus I take an anti-seizure medicine to help prevent them. This weekend, I had a terrible Migraine in which the Imitrex didn't help. After becoming very tired of taking pills that were not helping, I came to the Internet and found this website. I drank 2 TBS. of apple cider vinegar with 8oz. of water and within 10 minutes, the headache I had suffered with for 2 days is totally gone!!! Unbelievable!! Thank you so much for posting this natural remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Queen (El Salvador) on 12/18/2014

Hello, wonderful people! I came across this awesome website about two years ago. I was trying to help one of my BFFs cure her uterine fibroids. Unfortunately, she ended up having surgery but I became addicted to your site. I have suffered from migraines for many years. I had to take medication because my migraines would become a vicious cycle until I took pain relievers to get out of it. I read a lot about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and how wonderful it is for migraines. I took 2 tbsp of AVC and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in an 8 oz glass of water and it did not work. I went back to the site and read some more and realized I needed to play around with the dosage. So I now take 3 tbsp of ACV and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in an 8 oz glass of water and my migraines disappear within 10 minutes or less. It is just awesome! I am so grateful for this site and all the people who contribute to it. God bless you all and let's keep helping each other. It is the right thing to do.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Sea Salt

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by PD (USA) on 02/27/2007

MIGRAINE CURES: I usually have several migraines during a month, but since the first of January, until February 22, 2007 (during the time I could not eat or drink much, because of throat problems), I noticed I never got the first migraine during this time, On Thursday February 22, 2007 I had my first migraine, severe one. I thought I would try something I had bought for Migraines, It was called MY-GRASTICK, (roller stick 3ml/0.1fl.oz.) it contains 100% pure & Natural peppermint (menthe) & Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) & essential oils. I had used it on normal headaches and they went away but it was made for migraines. I tried it for several hours that day. It would ease it for a short while but it would come back just as strong, it would not go away, I finally took my migraine medicine. I then had a second Migraine on Sunday February 25, 2007, even more severe than the last one. I woke up with this one. I then decided to try your ACV remedy. I mixed ACV with Sea Salt, Baking Soda and water, sipped while putting ice packs on my head. The migraine eased off enough, where I could go to sleep, few hours later sipped some more of the ACV mixture, migraine eased off to a faint pain, never had to take any pills for it. I then got to wondering, what I had eaten, drank, took, did or did not do, that caused the first migraine and second migraine. These are the only changes in my diet before the 1st Migraine on February 22, 2007, I ate Chinese food, I had stopped taking my Vitamin B drops and I was no longer putting a drop of iodine on my hand every night before I went to bed (was putting it on a skin problem) and I accidentally drank some buttermilk (thought it was milk). Between the first migraine on Thursday February 22 and second migraine February 25, 2007, I had eaten Chinese Saturday night, was not taking my Vitamin B drops and was not putting the iodine on my hand. I am not going to eat any more Chinese for awhile, and I am going to test the B Vitamins and iodine drop, to see if one of those were actually keeping me from getting a Migraine. Will let you know my progress.

Replied by PD

I wrote you the above message earlier, I am giving you an update, I wound up in a 4 day hospital stay do to my throat problem, I could not do my usual ACV & Baking Soda & iodine, wnet in the hospital on Wednesday night, Friday morning woke up with a terrible migrane, I have come to the conclusion, if I put one drop of Iodine on my hand every night and do my Baking Soda in the morning on an empty stomach, I do not get a migraine, or acid reflux, I think the iodine is keeping me from getting the migraines, and I know the backing soda is keeping me from the acid reflux problem.

Replied by Mugs
(Washington, DC)

The migraine may have come from the chinese food, it is usually loaded with MSG and that will bring on a migraine very quickly in me. Also it makes me hold a lot of fluid.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dark Chocolate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Katie (Cincinnati, OH) on 12/31/2008

I tried the apple cider vinegar when I had a migraine that would not go away. I took a teaspoon in a glass of water and it didn't seem to help. A few hours later, I tried again with a bit more - about a tablespoon this time.

I also decided at that point that I had a craving for chocolate, so I had two squares of dark chocolate. The migraine was almost totally gone within a half hour. I searched online and found out that chocolate contains magnesium, which is good for migraines, plus it elevates serotonin; low serotonin is thought to cause some migraines.

I'm not sure which helped more, or maybe it was the combination, but after 24 hours, I can finally function again!

Replied by Amanda
(Murray, Kentucky, US)

Caffeine has always helped my headaches (I get tension headaches, sinus headaches, and migraines), so it is no wonder that Dark Chocolate helps some people alleviate headaches. Unfortunately, caffeine also causes tension, so people who get Tension headaches should avoid caffeine unless they actually have a tension headache.

Avoid High Histamine Foods

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Giulietta (Gandia, Spain) on 11/10/2016

My migraines after 20 years at last understood. They are due to histamine intolerance.

So I have to:

1. Avoid histamine containing foods Aged foods have alot of histamine like cheeses that are matured, miso, tempeh and all other fermented food

2. Foods that cause histamine to be released in the body

3. Foods that destroy the enzyme (Dao)that regulates histamine in the body, eg black and green and puerrh tea.

The doctor who found this is looking for a vegetarian source of Dao for me

Replied by Giulietta

Migraines. NB Don´t take anti histamines!

Yesterday I wrote in about the fact that migraines appear to be caused by intolerance of histamine, estrogen makes more histamine explaining menstrually related migraines and of course all of us migraine sufferers are well aware of the relationship of food to migraines eg aged cheese and miso has a ton of histamine and causes terrible migraines.

HOWEVER DO NOT TAKE ANTI HISTAMINES!!! Histamine is very important in the body and we have to try to find a balance and NOT take pharmaceuticles with side effects and damage to histamine.

What we can do is avoid food with alot of histamine and try to get the enzymes that regulate histamine, dao and maybe mao, to recuperate, but I am trying to find a vegetarian source of dao

Avoid MSG and Free Glutamates!

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Caroline (England, UK) on 09/01/2021

I've suffered 30yrs of on and off debilitating migraines. I've always experienced sickness and diarrhoea with the bad ones, difficulty speaking and emotional weakness. After I hit my mid 20s (now 40) I started having loss of vision before most attacks too, and increased vertigo more recently.

During covid lockdown I'd been cooking our food from scratch, just because I had more time and couldn't get to the supermarket. It then became apparent that I was only getting migraines after ordering Dominos pizza as a treat, like clockwork. This led me to research msg and omg what a difference! Msg is only the starting point, and I've been trying to avoid most processed food with glutamates added (or manufactured) under different names, as other posters have noted. It means no more takeaways for me, or restaurant food, but it's so so worth it. The only migraines I've had since are monthly hormonal ones and they've been mild headaches only. More recently I've been looking at whether I've got too much copper/slightly oestrogen dominant but that's another story.

I'd recommend that everyone avoids msg. Even if you don't have migraines, it's probably doing untold silent damage.

I've been vegetarian since I was a child and all those meat replacements are loaded with msg, and all the takeaways over the years must have done so much damage too. Still, onwards and upwards!

I hope this helps others out there xx

Avoid MSG and Free Glutamates!
Posted by Sue (Maryville, Tn) on 01/23/2015

I just found your site today and have been reading all the posts. For the past couple weeks I have been reading that MSG could be causing my migraines--and this most recent migraine started Dec 26,2014 and I still have it today, Jan 23,2015. I started eating healthier avoiding all additives, preservatives, etc... in July 2014 (So I am still new at this) BUT OVER CHRISTMAS I INDULGED AND ATE THE BAD FOODS AGAIN....then it was the day after Christmas I began with the BAD MONTH LONG MIGRAINE! I am hoping to hear from someone who has migraines and has had luck finding out that MSG was the culprit...or if there is another additive/preservative/chemical that could be causing the bad migraines. I also need websites, books, etc.... if you have them so I can do further research. Thank you so much for your help. I need to get rid of my pain and peppermint oil, mint tea, and Excedrin Migraine are not working :( I want to get rid of this and fix the problem for good...naturally. Thank you!

Replied by Suzy
(Calif, US)

I started getting migraines after eating dark chocolate when I was in my 30s....never bothered me before. So my point is look at what you eat every day. Eliminate processed foods, coffee, tea. eat fruit and veggies for a few days and see if that helps. Or go to a chiro and see if they can do food allergy testing on you or it could be environmental. Try to live as natural as possible and see if that helps.

Replied by Sp
(Wb, Nj)

Hi Sue, read the book Heal Your Headache by David Buchholz M.D. It's a three step program and food is one of the steps. You're right, MSG is a culprit.

Avoid MSG and Free Glutamates!
Posted by Phil (Sooke, BC, Canada) on 08/29/2008

Both my wife and I have a great sensitivity to MSG - bad migraines - and I know quite a few other people who are sensitive. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a nasty chemical - looks like shards of glass under a microscope - no wonder it is used as a meat tenderizer. Anyway, I would recommend to anybody who suffers from migraines to try and stay away from MSG. I know it is difficult in this day and age, but it can be done if you are careful and read the ingredients listed on food products.

Avoid MSG and Free Glutamates!
Posted by Joanne (Tallahassee, FL, USA) on 05/05/2007

Like PD, I dicovered a connection between Chinese food and my migraines. It was MSG. I've had migraines from Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and an ever growing list of prepared foods to the point where I don't eat them much anymore (better for my body anyway). I found the best way to avoid them is try to avoid MSG, but it's very difficult, so I also take magnesium (400 mgs) a day. It seems to help keep them down, although lately I've been getting a lot of them but I think it was dietary because I was eating junk. *L* I'm going to try the ACV and see if that helps.. But if Chinese food triggers you, it just might be MSG.. good luck!

Replied by Cindy
(Jefferson City, Mo, Usa)

Don't just avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate) but avoid glutamate altogether. Sounds easy, but it's not. Many processed foods when processed (especially at high heat and in water) break down into the free amino acid, glutamate, which causes the same reactions in the body as monosodium glutamate. Most processed foods and even foods you cook at home from "scratch" can break down into glutamate. I would advise reading www.msgmyth.com for more info. My migraines and fibromyalgia are better since I changed my diet and shampoos, lotions, etc. Also, just because a product is labeled as NO MSG does not mean it does not contain multiple ingredients that break down into glutamate and will give you the same reaction as MSG.

Replied by S.
(Nc, Usa)

Thanks for the MSG info Cindy. That may be the "missing link" for some of us.

Replied by Giulietta
(Gandia, Spain)

Msg is not difficult to avoid. Just eat fresh food, like fresh vegetables and fruit and cook your own meals if you like cooked food

Avoid Soy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Darryl (Cato, New York) on 01/29/2008

I have no remedy except to stay away from soy. It causes me to have migraines.It is so hard to find food that doesn't have it in it.

B Complex

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tiffany (Northern California) on 02/24/2014

I often get week long headaches during my menstrual cycle. This time, over the counter pain relief was not really working. After reading EC, I decided to try magnesium for relief. The magnesium did not work at all so I decided to try liquid b complex. I took one dose and nothing happened. Then, I took another dose and the headache was instantly gone. I decided to double the dose every day for the week and I felt GREAT!!! For anyone suffering from migraine type monthly headaches, please give this a try. I think the liquid supplement was able to be absorbed much faster than the pill form. Thank you EC!!!

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Monica (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/07/2015

I was suffering with migraine headaches and neck pain for for 7 years. I changed my diet, drank more water, which helped, but didn't cure it. I used peppermint oil topically for the pain, and drank Apple cider vinegar when I had a migraine, which would help also. But overall I still was getting the headaches every few weeks and the neck pain was daily.

I started getting sessions of Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique a.k.a. B.E.S.T. This was life changing. After 3 sessions my neck pain was gone. The headaches took longer to go away. They slowly occurred less frequently, until eventually no more. I feel 10 years younger and now have energy to exercise and am overall much happier and at ease in all areas of my life. I recommend this for anyone who has not experienced full healing from the other things you may be trying. There is a nutritional component to the treatment which may go well with some natural remedies you can find on this site.

Blackstrap Molasses

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Chris (Colorado) on 12/23/2006

Well, it was that time of the month and I had the mother of all headaches. I tried apple cider vinegar in apple juice and it got a little better. 2 hours later I gave up and took a tablespoon of molasses (don't particularly like that stuff). 10 minutes later my headache was completely gone!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Karen (Union, KY) on 11/09/2006

This is the first time I've tried this for my monthly migraine, which I have had for several years. Nothing I tried seem to prevent this from happening, I could only medicate after it started. This is the first time I haven't had one after using the Molasses. I took a couple of spoonfuls in the morning and took it to work and used a couple of times during the day. I use an organic unsulphered brand. So glad I have found this, no more migraine this month. I really can't believe this, still waiting to see if one comes on.


2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Vanessa (Willemstad) on 10/19/2023

Hello everybody. I used to experience very debilitating headaches. It has been for sure more than 10 years. I have been to several doctors and have tried different types of medicines. I even tried natural remedies, drinking water and exercise. But nothing helped. I used to think that it was related to my bowel movements because that was not going very well either. I tried a lot of things went to therapy, which helped for a while. A doctor told me to look for information on Botox. Well I decided to go online and read more about Botox and saw that there is a chance that it might help. I went to the doctor that performs it. I have not had a headache since. Thank you

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