Natural Remedies

Migraines - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Migraines. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.


Posted by Natalia (Romania) on 07/19/2021

Editor's Choice I had debilitating trigeminal neuralgia. Let say pain score 1-10 I have had 15. Classic therapy Gabapentin 600 mg, Stugeron 50 mg, Diclofenac or either Naproxen, Magnesium bisglicinate gave me just temporary relief.

Then I took 200 mg of Nattokinase because it was throbbing in spite of all this and started in the middle of the night while I was sleeping, so to take all this again was a bit too much. After about 1 hr pain stopped. In the morning I had just a vague sensation of throbbing maybe 1-2 out of 10.

So I took 200 mg of Nattokinase more and NO PAIN. AND I DID NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM THE LIST ABOVE.

I am so happy! I will continue to have Nattokinase 100 mg as a support for the next few days. I am an emergency physician myself and I can say this supplement is miraculous. In the way to replace Aspirin, but now with Elaine's 2011 post (nattokinase page), it saved my life. Thank you.


Posted by Beth (London, England) on 07/24/2020

Editor's Choice Magnesium L-Threonate

I've had chronic migraine for decades, not associated with medicine overuse nor unhealthy habits. Over the years I've tried most remedies without success. Propranolol as a preventive did seem to halve the frequency for the first year or two of use, at the heavy cost of lack of mojo and brain fog. But in the third year migraine days crept back up to 11/month. I experimented with increasing the dose a little but even 10 mg more caused disabling lethargy. By this year status migraine developed. I had some initial success in breaking that with a Cefaly device. This was expensive and again the efficacy waned after a few weeks.

The stated dose for Magnesium L-Threonate is 3 capsules a day. I tried just one at first, mid morning, with an additional sprinkle of magnesium citrate (400mg) daily with breakfast and within 2 days ,not only was the headache gone but also the brain fog. First clarity I've had in 3 years. I reduced the Propranolol gradually and so far so good. I've now had 2 weeks of clarity and only one mild headache. Early days but even two weeks off is a major breakthrough.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Flower's Mom (Pueblo of Acoma, NM) on 08/08/2019

Editor's Choice ACV and honey for migraines.

The other day one of my co-workers was sitting at her desk with her head lowered, cupping her forehead in one hand and massaging her head and neck with the other. I asked her if she was all right and she said I have a migraine. So I logged in to see what Earth Clinic has posted for migraines and saw the remedy of 2 Tbsp. of ACV and 2 Tbsp. of raw honey in a glass of water.

I asked if she usually takes something for it and she said she takes Excedrin but that she did not have any with her. So I told her that my #1 resource for natural healing recommends ACV and honey in a glass of water and told her that I had both of them if she would like to try it. She looked up at me and said let's do it. I mixed it up and she drank it. About 20 or 30 minutes later another co-worker asked her how she was feeling and she said she felt a lot better! And for the rest of the day she was her usual bubbly self.

What is particularly interesting about this is that I work for a tribal government and these folks are Native Americans who, for the most part, have lost or forgotten the old ways, replacing them with medical services provided by the federal government through Indian Health Services. But many of them have witnessed my journey and have come to me for help for themselves and for their animals. They are re-discovering that Mother Nature has provided all that we need!

Thank you to all who post on this website, you are changing and saving lives! Flower's Mom

Peppermint Oil

Posted by Lizzy Duck (Tennessee ) on 07/06/2019

Editor's Choice To receive pain relief from a migraine, the protocol is:

Put feet in small pan of Hot Water. You should have extra boiling water on hand to add to your pan. Your feet need to gradually acclimate to the hottest water you can stand.

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to this water and soak your feet 10-15 min. I also reccomend 1/4 cup of Epsom salts. Next place 1 drop of oil in the palm of your hand. Cup both hands together leaving an opening by your thumbs just big enough to place your nose into.

Take a long deep breath through your nose... hold then exhale through mouth. Repeat 30x. Your relief should be forthcoming if not already achieved. Another thing to note: one should raise the chin up- leaning back on a couch to allow drainage. This speeds up the process, along with the upper palate therapy. Place both (clean) thumbs on the upper palate and gently press out ward to the sides.

This helps to dilate the sinus cavity thereby giving relief of sinus pressure.

Again it is best to have one's head leaning back- chin elevated to achieve best results.

Ice Pack

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/03/2017

Editor's Choice After traveling about 700 miles yesterday by car I had a terrible migraine. I find them very difficult to shake.

I filled a gallon bag half full of ice and wrapped that in a t-shirt and sat with the ice pack on my neck. Slowly relief was coming. I kept it on for the better part of 2 hours and even tried to prop to up to my neck when I got into bed, though by the time I went to bed it had lessened significantly. Usually if I go to bed with a headache I wake up with one.

I was thrilled to wake up with no headache. My ice pack was still cold and one part of my shoulder was cold.

~Mama to Many~

Cumin Seeds

Posted by Dave W (C.t.) on 04/29/2017

Editor's Choice Black Cumin oil is the beat all end all for Migraines and many other ailments. You can buy the black seed oil or black Cumin seeds black and black cumin mean the same thing.

There is the one post here on Earth Clinic about the seeds and the lady said her and her mother chew on the seeds. I take the seeds in a table spoon and just smash them w/ another table spoon then just drink water to swallow them. Eat them right off the spoon then make sure to lick the bottom of the other spoon drink at least 12 ounces of water relief is quick like the other woman said. Just a little easier and the seeds don't taste disgusting but they don't taste great either. I have been told by a friend of mine that has been taking Black Cumin for many years if you have the oil or crush the seeds and rub it on you temples and for head this also will help alot.

Soooo many uses for Black Cumin you should research it and be pleasantly surprised.

Herbs and Supplements

Posted by Let It Go (Los Angeles, California) on 01/21/2017 10 posts

Editor's Choice Herbs and supplements for migraines

I am dealing with headaches/migraines since young age of 2, but just the last few years I started using natural ways to stop them. I use many things as I noticed, that sometimes remedies, that worked for me one day, might not work the other. Lately I started combining several remedies together, and that seems to work better than using any one of them. For prevention I use mainly magnesium and alpha lipoic acid. I take either magnesium malate powder or magnesium glycinate capsules without any fillers. I feel that I need minimum of 600mg a day, but if I ate sugar or day was stressful for any reason, I need more. It is not cheap, otherwise I would probably take daily 1000 mg. I can't take more than 300mg at one sitting though without getting belly rumbles, so I take my in two doses. I take 2 alpha lipoic acid 300mg tablets per day-also in two times. I feel that those two help a lot, however I am not particularly good at taking it every day twice a day since I do not like to eat breakfast early, so I have to remember to pack them in my bag. If I take just once a day for a few days, migraine comes. When it comes, I take:

1. 600 mg magnesium at once or within 2 hours (better tummy troubles than horrible headache)

2. drink 2-3 tablsp ACV in a large glass of water (I avoid honey as sugar negates some of the magnesium)

3. drink wood betony tincture (2 droppers in a bit of water.) I also use devil's claw tincture with good results. I tried wild lettuce one, but that tends to give me more nausea.

4. take half teaspoon of turmeric and half teaspoon of ginger powder with some black pepper for better absorption in a bit of water.

Those 4 things work really well for me. Much better than drugs, because even though those would take the pain, but would make me feel weak, and nausea would still be there. Herbs/supplements make me feel good, not just take the pain away.

I did use cayenne tincture couple times to stop it, when I was out and didn't have my usual remedies. It works for a while, but then it would come back. Now I make sure I have at least magnesium and tincture with me at all times.
