Natural Supplements and Home Remedies for Lowering Blood Sugar

| Modified on Jul 23, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Angieb (Greater London) on 07/12/2024

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda have worked excellently well for me in lowering my blood sugar. I am finding it is now raised at around 6.4 bmol after 8hrs of fasting which is pre diabetic blood sugar. To bring it down, I just need to add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water containing 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar, and within an hour, my bmol comes down to about 5.5 bmol.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Becki (Pa) on 06/23/2024

Milk is high in natural sugars. If you use something like heavy whipping cream, there is no sugar and you should be fine.

Posted by Florida Man (USA) on 01/13/2024

Hi, I've been taking these supplements lately:

  • Kirkland Organic Multivitamin
  • Apple Cider Vinegar/Manuka Honey
  • Black Seed Oil
  • Vitamin K2 100MCG MK-7
  • Physicians Choice Thin 30 Probiotic
  • Moringa
  • Baking Soda Capsules
  • Cayenne Complex (Extract)
  • Ashitaba
  • Sea Moss + Bladderwrack
  • Quercetin
  • Cranberry Concentrate
  • Apricot Extract
  • Maca Root
  • Korean Ginseng
  • Ginko Biloba

I'm taking these for various reasons, mostly preventative, to keep blood sugar/pressure regulated, keep kidneys healthy (some relatives having kidney issues had me paranoid and increased awareness of the fragility of them, plus the stats on people with kidney disease), The bladderwrack for bladder repair for years of kratom use (peeing very often). Quercetin for immune system support, which has helped me not get sick.

I have a few questions

1. Do any of these counteract each other?

The reason I'm making this post is because recently after eating my blood sugar has gotten too low (a bit of dizzyness), I tested it 15 min after eating dinner and dessert and it was 115.

A lot of these have the same effect of lowering blood sugar, so it seems to have gotten too low after eating by taking all of these

2. Which ones should I cut out if I had to?


Soleus Pushup
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/23/2023 505 posts

I bet it does! At least some of the time - I have to extend more than rocking allows to activate the soleus but I bet it gets worked for someone shorter than me.

Soleus Pushup
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 02/23/2023

Hi Cindy,

Fascinating! I watched the videos and figure, no harm!

Today I was taking a break in a rocking chair and realized one naturally does these “push ups” as part of rocking!

Over the summer I posted about rocking chair benefits. Maybe these “push ups” contribute to the benefit!

~Mama to Many~

Soleus Pushup
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/23/2023 505 posts

I've ben doing the soleus pushups for a couple of days and I have to tell you that, this morning, though my legs feel super good, they also feel like I ran 5 miles. The pushups are still super easy and the soleus doesn't have that good "worked out" feeling, at all, but it seems ALL of the other leg muscles DO! Which is awesome and extremely interesting. The soleus muscle simply doesn't appear to fatigue like a regular muscle...despite the very real probability that it's very seldom been flexed for 65 years! It's quite fascinating! And if it is strengthening the rest of the leg, even MORE awesome than it first appeared!

Soleus Pushup
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/22/2023 505 posts

Thanks for adding the links - here's a link to 3 exercises, from the sitting and simplest to some far more strenuous activations of the soleus - I'm just doing the sitting ones and not using any weights but I have been pushing down on my knees -

Soleus Pushup
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/22/2023 505 posts

Soleus Pushup - (not just for diabetes)

Discovered this discovery yesterday around noon and did soleus pushups, sitting at my desk, off and on the whole day and then up to bedtime, slept like a log and feel...different this morning. Not sure how as I nearly always feel good. It's just different. Like my batteries have been recharged or something.

Rather than make a whole long post about what I've found so far, I strongly suggest everyone google soleus pushup +University of Houston or search youtube and watch the University of Houston or Dr. Sean Hashmi or any of the other informational videos that come up.

I'm a little bit shocked that the information is out in the open. It almost smells like a hoax but upon further looks more like a leak. I don't know but try it. See if you can find a satisfying adjective to describe how you feel the next day. I can't. It's subtle but also not subtle. I suppose, if I was diabetic or ill, the effect might be more defined...

EC: "Neuroscientists at the University of Houston have made a potentially ground-breaking discovery for human health. In a new study they showed for the first time that a very light and focused muscle exercise, dubbed the 'soleus push-up', can dramatically boost the body's metabolism and rate of oxygen consumption." Nov 8, 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andon Science (Limassol) on 01/20/2023 21 posts

From preliminary information honey rises blood sugar. Personally I do not use honey. Also too much consumption of apple cider vinegar, has created health problems. Thus very moderate use of apple cider vinegar is reccomended.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Usman Nasir (Columbia, MD) on 08/22/2022

I take 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey. It does not affect the sugar level. In this protocol, the key ingredients priority wise are ACV followed by Cinnamon and then honey. Try with or without honey and monitor the sugar readings. You should be able to answer your own question.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ngozi (Minna) on 05/15/2022

Maybe you should take it after meals. If it doesn't work, try without lemon.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ngozi (Minna) on 05/15/2022

I take 2 tbs., of ACV, 1 tbs. Ceylon Cinnamon, 1 Tbs. Raw unfiltered Honey, 3x daily.

Please, can someone tell me if the dosage listed above is not too high for human consumption, especially taking 1 tbs. Ceylon Cinnamon, 3x a day? Also, won't the 1 Tbs. Raw unfiltered Honey, 3x daily hike blood ones sugar level? I need to know. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ngozi (Minna) on 05/15/2022

Your illustration is very scanty. You did not explain why you took the doses; maybe to treat type 2 diabetes. Also, we would want to know the severity of your case that made you take the much doses, how long it took to act or to stop the symptoms or cure it. Please, kindly elaborate.

Posted by johh (london) on 04/03/2022

Hi Cjuan, so which brand of honey did you not react negatively? It looks like that honey was truly raw. I would love to buy that exact honey. Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/24/2022

I do not know about ALA for high blood pressure as mine has always run on the low side since I was in my teens.

I take R-ALA every day and have for two years now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 03/23/2022

Hi, I recently read that ALA shouldn't be taking longer than a 3-month period. Thoughts?

Posted by Joyce (VA ) on 10/17/2019

Beets and blueberry beet juice, used to lower blood pressure spikes. Helps greatly!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Beryl (Nottingham UK) on 04/04/2019

Earlier on today I wondered whether Milk Thistle was sending up my blood sugar. However, it occurred to me whether the culprit was the milk I'd put in my coffee and I've discovered it is. I've cut out milk since breakfast and just done another test and my blood sugar has gone down to 5.4. Who would have thought! Problem is I cannot stand any of the nut and seed milks on offer. and I do enjoy coffee and tea with milk.

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 01/05/2021

Update Day 6...had a morning blood sugar of 103! Lowest ever. PH strip is at 7 and Feel better than ever.

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 12/31/2020

I was just reading Ted under type one diabetes and he says ginger and L- threonine are important for kidneys, I use both most days. L threonine has an R in it. I had a hard time realizing that theonine and threonine are very different, because I had a hard time locating threonine. I thought people were just misspelling the word. I found it online Bulk brand. Coconut oil cold pressed is also amazing for kidneys and liver health.

Also, chanca piedra is nicknamed stonebreaker and also helps with kidney health.

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/31/2020 505 posts

Thanks for posting this! I went off the zero carb rails, which was bad enough, but THEN I went off the keto rails, altogether, Christmas Eve, with both wheat and sugar - plus I'm dehydrated which all came together as kidney pain and a nasty burn-type rash - as if my own sweat was pure acid - yikes! Old school baby powder (talc) helped a lot with the pain and discomfort but didn't clear up the rash. Activated charcoal loaded petroleum jelly seems to be clearing it up but the slightest sweat and the pain and itching starts right back up. So, since you can't just rehydrate overnight, I'm definitely going with the formula you posted.

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Orbie B. (USA) on 12/30/2020

Been fighting 2 issues: Kidney pain, stones and blood in urine, and PreDiabetes.

Morning blood sugars are 130-150. Lots of weight gain in last few months all around my upper mid section and no change in my diet or routine. I use stevia, not sugar, and do not eat a lot of junk. I generally only eat once per day. I have been taking home made kefir, inulin, cod liver oil, chromium, biotin, flax seed, chlorophyll for a month and my sugar never budges below 120 even though I only eat 1 meal per day.

Finally woke up this morning and my urine was pure blood, fasting sugar 130. My urine will not even change the color of a pH strip it is so acidic.

After re-reading all Ted's posts on kidneys, I went in and made his PH remedy:

  • 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 tsp Citric Acid
  • 1/8 tsp Potassium Bicarbonate
  • 1/2 glass Distilled Water

In about 45 minutes, I went to bathroom and pH strip was now registering about 6.7...not great but much better...

Curiously, I checked my sugar and it was 99!!!! I had just eaten supper less than 2 hours before and I can't remember the last time I had a sugar reading below 120 even after fasting.

So getting the pH alkalized had an IMMEDIATE impact on my sugar. I will continue his remedy twice per day and adjust amounts till I get the PH to at least 7 and I pray this is going to be the long term cure to both issues!!!

Fenugreek Tea, Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Delbie N. (USA) on 12/17/2020

What's the protocol that you used?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Md.) on 07/23/2018

What daily dosage of triphala & guggulu?

Raw Potato
Posted by Rw (Southwestern Virginia) on 05/24/2018

I eat it before a meal. I guess it doesn't work to bring down blood sugar that's already high. I think it makes the food be digested more slowly and keep carbs from being released all at once.

Posted by Kwasi D. (Usa ) on 05/17/2018

I have Type 2 Diabetics and using metformin which is causing me nerve pains. I have been searching for natural supplements to lower my blood sugar, but can't get anything that works. I have bought berberine but is not working. I am not sure if I bought the right thing. Can somebody help me with something that works because I want to be off Metformin as urgent as possible.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Fenugreek Tea
Posted by Elizabeth (Iowa) on 05/08/2018

Also with the vinegar try Aronia Berries or Aronia Berry concentrate.

Raw Potato
Posted by Dave17003 (Palmyra) on 04/27/2018

I've had absolutely no success with it. I tested blood sugar fasting and it was 210. Ate two bites of a raw potato and tested blood sugar 15 minutes later 218. Checked again 30 minutes later 218. How does it work for you?

Raw Potato
Posted by Rw (Southwestern Virginia) on 04/26/2018

Resistant Starch/Raw Potato for High Blood Sugar and Diabetes:

Raw Potato and several other foods contain resistant starch which significantly lowers blood sugar. Just Google "resistant starch blood sugar" for more info. It works. Just a few bites of raw potato will do it. They also sell potato starch which you can mix into a drink. DO NOT EAT LARGE AMOUNTS OF RAW POTATO. I don't think it would kill you or anything but resistant starch is an anti-nutrient so more is not better and I'd guess you could get an upset stomach from too much. Diabetes drugs also have their drawbacks so I still think this is worth doing. Obviously do NOT eat any part of the potato that's green or sprouted. That part is poisonous. Again, just Google "resistant starch" for more info.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vickie G. (Co) on 04/03/2018

Try taking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water morning and before you go to bed, and you will feel alot better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kp (Az) on 01/16/2018

I add the apple cider vinegar to baking soda. Does this nullify the effects by neutralizing the acid? Its sure much easier to drink. Thanks if anyone knows. kp

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Utah) on 09/14/2017

Is there a concern if the blood sugar drops below 70? Is that too low?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gail (Kingston, Ny) on 08/17/2017 10 posts

I tried ACV for various reasons; and I found it gave me pronounced gastric distress. I have had GERD forever, despite non acidic diet, lost my gall bladder to infection and developed Barrets syndrome; now healed thanks to cold pressed appled cider vinegar and low dose PPI's; Still, I cannot tolerate ACV: can anyone give me advice on how I can take it; my A1C is on the borderline and I believe I have been having sugar spikes and lows. Thank you, Gail

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Llc1952 (Mo) on 03/10/2017

Add a pinch of baking soda to the vinegar and it will keep from affecting your teeth but will still lower your blood sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Llc1952 (Mo) on 03/10/2017

Just add it to a little water and put a pinch of baking soda in it. It neutralizes the taste and will still be effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nance (Colorado) on 03/05/2017

I take 2 tbs., of ACV, 1 tbs. Ceylon Cinnamon, 1 Tbs. Raw unfiltered Honey, 3x daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tameka (Brooklyn ) on 01/27/2017

Hi, so do I take (acv) before meals and after meals? how much water should I use? I am type 2 and i do not want to take metformin any more. Can you please tell me what I should do please and thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katherine (North Little Rock, Ark) on 10/22/2016

Try using the ACV without the Honey. Sometimes the honey can cause blood sugar spikes.

Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 10/02/2016

Hi Col,

You misunderstood my suggestion to the previous poster.

What I meant by; "It can't hurt", is that since cinnamon is a natural option vs. a pharmaceutical/chemical one, 'it can't hurt' to give it a try. I can't say the same of Metformin, etc.

I never even mentioned a dosage amount in my post; I only suggested that the poster look into cinnamon for lowering blood sugar. The rest (i.e. research and dosage amounts) is up to them.

I can suggest/explain it to them, but I can't understand it for them. :)

Posted by Sandy (Oak Ridge, Tn) on 09/30/2016

I personally found that cinnamon had zero affect on my blood glucose levels. I had Cassia not Ceylon which could be why I saw no drop in my blood glucose levels?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dg (Calif) on 09/30/2016

I just got 4 new meters and all of them are reading high--when my meter say 200 its really 120 --so beware of these meters..ultra2 and the new metrix..

Posted by Col (Australia) on 09/30/2016

Hi Kelly from Cambridge,

Cinnamon is very effective. but to say it cannot hurt is not quite true. Cinnamon is so effective that it can bring the Sugar too low if too much is had at one time. I am not diabetic, but I suspect pre diabetic and when I have too much cinnamon ( ie more than half a teaspoon at a time) my sugar levels went too low. People just need to be aware even though I would use this rather than any metformin type drug, we still need to keep wisdom that too much of anything is not so much a good thing.

Thanks for sharing.

Thai Herb Kratom
Posted by Patricia (Ca) on 09/27/2016

I'm commenting on a three-year-old post but maybe it will be helpful to someone.

I am taking berberine instead of Metformin. Metformin made me feel ill. Berberine does not.I take four berberine a day, one before each meal and one at night. I don't take any other medications. It seems to be bringing my fasting blood sugar levels down but I have not been taking them long enough to swear by it.

Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 09/06/2016

Have you tried Ceylon cinnamon? (Not regular cinnamon that's in the spice aisle.)

There's pretty solid research suggesting that it can lower blood sugar by as much as 24%. (Also shown to lower cholesterol as well.)

The best part? It can't hurt you. :)

Posted by Michelle (New York) on 09/05/2016

I eat half to one whole avacado a day and didn't see much change in blood sugar but it dropped my cholesterol almost 30/points and my tryglicerides 80 points. Now trying Apple Cider Vinegar to see if it works.

Posted by Moe (Apple Valley) on 08/26/2016

Yes. Cinnamon does help but it needs to be the Ceylon type and not the Cassia that is the most common one found in the supermarkets. A half teaspoon is the recommended dose. The cheaper Cassia cinnamon has high levels of coumarin and can be toxic to the liver if taken excessively. You can buy the Ceylon at most health food stores or order it online. I too have had amazing results with cinnamon but will be buying the Ceylon which is safe.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Janet (Pa) on 07/12/2016

How did u lose 35 lbs so fast?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tina (Princeton) on 06/12/2016

Neem tea is effective for lowering blood sugar and blood pressure. In India neem tree is known as the village pharmacy because of its ability to heal a range of health issues - from joint pain, diabetes, high bp, asthma, to skin and dental issues. When I was growing up it was a common sight to see people break a twig and chew on it every morning. They never had any teeth-related issues. Be warned that the tea is extremely bitter but I've got used to it, lol. Amazon sells it. Read up on the benefits of neem, there is a plethora of info on the web. I also put the used neem tea leaves around my plant roots, both potted and in ground. No pests! Love when I can recycle like that. Hope this is helpful.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/12/2016 2048 posts

RP: Yes, the picolinate form of Chromium is best, and ideally add 500mg Niacinamide or Inositolhexaniacinate (flush free forms of Niacin) with it (for best results). You can buy Cinnamon in capsules but in my case is irritating on the tummy so I take an herbal sugar-aid complex of Cinnamon/Gymnema/Mulberry which works fine.

To reduce cortisol increase anti-inflammatory foods or herbs like Pineapple, Ginger, Turmeric, and add anti-stress techniques like Meditation, Yoga, and Relaxing Music or Frequency Harmonics for the body & mind.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/11/2016

Hi Redpanda...Chromium picolinate should certainly help to reduce your blood sugar levels safely.

There are various reasons for abnormally high sugar levels in the blood. When you take chromium and vanadium together every day, these two minerals actually help the insulin to deliver and escort the sugar into the host cells properly where it is most needed for energy. So it will increase the absoption of sugar into the cells, thus normalizing this mechanism, making that aspect more efficient. And that's why taking these two minerals can actually help to cure type diabetes ll. Read this. Also from the research, you must take more than 200 mcgs of chromium per day just to maintain chromium at ordinary healthy levels. So to cure a large deficiency of chromium you must first take more than that dose for a while to more quickly cure that deficiency.

Concerning high sugar levels, the other problem is the body's own mechanism for clearing(excreting) or reducing dangerous sugar levels in the blood. For various reasons (usually due to lack of proper minerals in the diet) this mechanism can become corrupted or inefficient. So you can use Chanca piedra to help alleviate that side of the problem -- 500 mgs twice a day or just take the tea form. CP excretes the sugar quickly, efficiently and safely from the body via the urinary pathway. Other benefits from taking CP are: it lowers blood pressure, relieves pain, lowers blood sugar, lowers blood calcium, removes gallstones and kidney stones, lowers blood fats, lowers cholesterol, highly protective for the liver and kidneys and it's a potent anti-viral.

Other herbs like Gymnema sylvestre will also help to both clear dangerous blood sugar levels blood and will also help to reduce the virulence of fungus, which is why I advise its use against Candida. But, because of all it's other many benefits, I still think Chanca piedra would perhaps be more suitable for your particular problem.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Redpanda (New Hampshire) on 06/11/2016

Thank you, Tim! I've just started taking 1000mcg of Chromium (Picolinate) in the morning. I always use coconut oil, so I'm happy to hear that's a good protocol too! I'm not sure if the Picolinate is the right Chromium, so if you have a suggestion I would really love that. I will keep you updated on progress. I'd also read that excess cortisol can be responsible for blood sugar issues, high blood pressure, etc., so I'm looking for something that will help lower that naturally too. :)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/11/2016 2048 posts

Hi RP: Many of the high blood sugar or diabetes cases are a result of infections in the liver/gut/gallblader/pancrease area. May not be your case but simple dietary items will definitely help. Prior to retiring take Oil of Oregano softgels, and eat regular servings of Kefir with the other good foods in your current regimen. Two items which specifically increase the body's ability to metabolize sugar is the spice Cinnamon and the mineral Chromium.

Hope this helps and hear good news from you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Waltz (India) on 06/11/2016

For diabetes, N-Acetly-Cysteine and freshly squeezed carrot juice daily helps a lot. This remedy came from Ted himself.

Also magnesium, coconut oil and ACV provide nourishment to the body. You should try all this in addition to the dietary changes you have already made.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ben (Kansas) on 06/10/2016

Look into the McDougall diet also known as the starch solution. A lot of people are losing weight and reversing their diabetes using it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Redpanda (New Hampshire) on 06/10/2016

For the past 5-1/2 weeks, my menu has been the same: one small salad around noon consisting of a cup of mixed greens, a poached egg on top, and a tablespoon of homemade dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and chopped garlic. My dinner is generally the same except for the day we get freshly caught fish from our fish CSA. That fish is less than 3 oz. Every morning my blood sugar is about 200-210. Two hours after every meal it's about 185. I am on no medications. What can I do to help? I've lost about 35 lbs in 5-1/2 weeks as well. I have about 30 to go to get to my goal weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Minneapolis, Mn) on 06/05/2016

Hi Dorothy,.

Can you tell me how much acv you are taking per day, and in what doses? how many times per day?.

Thanks for the info! I suspected this all along!.

Posted by Cjuan (Malaysia) on 05/21/2016

I suppose each person reacts differently to honey. Many years ago, it used to spike my BG too but recently I found that it could actually lower my BG, so I am truly puzzled.

Perhaps the type of honey consumed could be the causative factor. By that I mean whether the honey is raw, wild/organic and unprocessed compared to processed honey where the heat-sensitive enzymes get destroyed. Bear in mind too that there are fake honeys around too - those made from sugar water and corn syrup, so these may be the actual culprit causing the spike in BG instead of lowering it.

Diabetics can always test them out for themselves rather than adopt a generalized view of the issue.

Thai Herb Kratom
Posted by Vicki (California) on 02/14/2016

That's awesome. I know a couple people that are getting wonderful result's using Kratom to manage their blood sugar very successfully I might add.
I hope you are well.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Ricky S. (London) on 01/24/2016

I fast once a week and use peppermint on my fast days to lower blood glucose, but also raise ketones... I stumbled on this by accident after getting strange readings on my monitor. Trying to work out why peppermint has this affect if you have any ideas?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elaine (Alaska) on 12/19/2015

I found this to be true for me, too!

Today I ate a lot of candy, then a pretty large meal with carbs. I then drank a half glass of water with a tablespoon of ACV and checked my blood, it went down over 20 points.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Raj (Ca Usa) on 12/07/2015

Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) Is available at Amazon India and also at I have friends whose blood sugar level went down from 350 to 130 in 3 weeks. Taking 2 spoons am &'pm. Best, Raj

Peppermint Oil
Posted by John (Houston) on 11/07/2015

I now know why York Peppermint Patties lower blood sugar readings. I hated them when young, but decided to try them now because they are made with dark chocolate. I found that I now like the peppermint center, but was concerned that the sugar would increase blood glucose levels. Guess what, I ate half a bag of the mini mints and the next morning my blood glucose level was about 10 points less than the day before. I now also use Ginger in a protein drink which also seems to help. I am not on any medication for the glucose level, but just decided to monitor it. I am 70. I also ditched the flax seed oil and started the Chromium Picolinate, which I hadn't taken in years.

Humic Acid
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 09/13/2015

Dennis, What quantity per day did your friend take to alleviate high blood sugar readings? Thanks.

Humic Acid
Posted by Dennis (Elmore, Ohio) on 09/10/2015

I have a friend with diabetes who recently started using shilajit fulvic acid and found that he could eat a Snickers bar with a blood sugar reading of 100, and the blood sugar wouldn't rise. He said that previously when he would eat after a blood test his reading would be 156. I wondered if anyone else had this happen?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mohammed (Birmingham) on 08/27/2015

After a meal I put a quarter of small teaspoonful of ground cinnamon in milk and 3 finely sliced slices of ginger and whisk them.Not only does it taste good it really works it brings my sugar levels to about 6 percent. I was on insulin but now I have come off it. I hope this helps

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mukesh (Bihar) on 08/06/2015

I am using apple vinegar + Lemon with glass of water in the morning first thing in the morning. In day time, half hour before food two table spoon with glass of water.

In night, two table spoon with glass of water before dinner just half hour before and half hour after the dinner at the bed time again with glass of water.

I am using since one week.

Result is, there is not much effect on diabetes but surely no more weakness. Diabetes is still high aroung 180 to 200 in fasting.

please suggest how to improve much.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorothy (Denton, Tx) on 06/30/2015

I have taken Acv for a week now. My blood sugar has dropped from high 200's to between 90 and 120...I have lost 10 pounds in a week! Amazing! To protect my teeth, I use a straw and the Acv doesn't get in contact with my teeth. So grateful!

Fenugreek Tea, Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/25/2015

Steve from Thailand --- for me at least, this is one of the best posts I have read. Congrats!

I have done the same a while ago and never see a doctor unless I were to break a bone. You are so right. Other dr.s tell patients this is a life long disease, etc. If one is a healer, how can that be.

Namaste, Om

Fenugreek Tea, Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Steve (Nakhonsithammarat, Thailand) on 04/25/2015

Editor's Choice I reversed two of my friends diabetes (type 2) in one month without pills.

Whatever you do, do not take Metformin it is dangerous and unnecessary!!

Cinnamon, as you point out is very good (make sure it is true Ceylon) - a couple of other things that are excellent is a small amount of fenugreek in tea every day NB: don't take too much (a small bit does the trick anyway) as it can cause an odour to be excreted from your skin and arm pits that supposedly resembles maple syrup if you have too much.

Another excellent aid is chromium picolinate - this is very cheap and works well.

The reason that I researched this subject was because I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic after I underwent tests as I was feeling so fatigued and like death warmed up every morning I went to see my doctor (in Thailand). He diagnosed a long list of what I had wrong with me, including inflammation, being pre-diabetic, having high cholesterol, moderately high blood pressure, 20% NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), metabolic syndrome, spastic colon, leaky gut syndrome. IBS and elevated liver enzyme markers!!! Other than that I was perfectly healthy. After the shock had died down I waited for the normal goody bag of pills that Thai doctors normally give you, even for minor ailments.

Instead he delivered the best advice I have ever received from a doctor!! He said, right, that is what is wrong with you, do you have access to the internet? to which I replied yes, of course, he said " then go away, research it and fix yourself". I left the hospital with zero pills (which was great)!

Within the month after a rigorous regime of supplements, vitamins, minerals, moderate sunshine exposure (very important this), dietary changes and some exercise my fatty liver had disappeared, likewise, no inflammation, my blood sugar levels were normal, blood pressure was down to 110/70 (from 135/85), my liver markers showed as normal, cholesterol levels dropped too low from 269 to 180 (200 is viewed as optimal) Nb: my LDL halved and triglycerides level as good as halved as well!!

I woke up in the morning feeling like a 30 year old instead of an 80 year old (I am nearly 60). I do not get tired or fatigued any more and feel fantastic.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (Philadelphia, Pa.) on 04/19/2015

I am a 57 year old prediabetic male and have had FBS readings as high as 120 for quite some time. I recently began using 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil 20 minutes before meals and was astonished to see my blood sugar level drop to normal range and stay there within days. Nothing else in my daily routine was changed but I did also add one hour of exercise per day. Both of my parents died from complications of diabetes; I am determined to avoid that fate and I believe the ACV and CO have the power to do this.

Chromium Polynicotinate
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/16/2015 2268 posts

Most Niacin bound chromium supplements or chromium polynicotinate come in capsules containing 200 Mcg.

If 1,000 Mcg equals 1 Mg, it will take five 200 Mcg capsules to make 1 Mg. You are recommending 100 mg twice per day. That means it will take 500 capsules two times per day to achieve the dose you are recommending if I did the math correctly. Is this correct?

