Knee Pain
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Knee Pain Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Knee Pain Remedies

Posted by Dryvway (Sparks, Nv, U.s.) on 05/21/2013

I suffered an acute hyper-extension of the right knee at age 18. I am now 57. I had a world renown doctor do the surgery. The procedure was called "pull thru method". Since this surgery I have never had full bend. Now I have swelling and pain and 35% bend. Can this be corrected? Thank You for your time, dryvway

Meniscus Pain Remedies

Posted by Gustavo (San Fernando, California) on 03/14/2014

Hi, I've been having pain and a squeezing/pinching tenderness in the medial meniscus area of my right knee. I've had two arthoscopic surgeries over 21 months plus cortisone injections, euflexxa gel ingections, also prp blood injections and lastly bone marrow sten cell injections and I still have pain in the medial meniscus. Can you please advice me what to do to relieve and heal my knee from this terrible pain, tenderness and squeezing sensation. Thank you in advance for your help


Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Gustavo: The best hypothesis at this point would be a chronic infection. If you have no metal medical device or part, Zapping will help. Borax, administered orally help w/ joint infection (read the cures section here on E.C. for more info). Magnet or light therapy may also help.

Replied by Mike62

Gustavo: I cured my arthritis that I suffered from for many years making green smoothies from organic baby leaves. I walk 15 minutes then rest 5 minutes for 8 hours a day so I take a lot of stuff to keep my joints as loose as a goose, like skate liver oil. For immediate pain relief apply capsaicin cream.

Replied by Karen
(Westport, Ct)

Dear Gustavo,

A few things have helped my menisicus issues over the years: Omega 3 fish oil 2x/day, weight loss (anything over a certain weight triggers knee pain) and daily magnesium. Maybe one of these will help you too.


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Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 08/29/2009 490 posts

One other thing I suggest for that painful knee is MSM which is something our body needs to function properly. I started taking it l5 or more years ago and still sing its praises. You really aren't aware that it is doing anything until it suddenly hits you that the weather has changed (increased pain with weather change is why people with arthritis pain are so good at predicting rain or snow) and you aren't getting that confounded pain you are so used to getting at that time. To find out what this stuff, just type MSM in the search window and have fun reading. Seems it has some antiflammatory as well as cell regeneration effects. It is a whole lot cheaper and less] painful than surgery.

Posted by Deirdre (Los Angeles)


I keep re-injuring my knee from strenuous exercise. I find that MSM heals the tenderness in my meniscus very fast -- usually overnight. However, I started to take double the dosage last week and also started having side effects for the first time! You never hear about the side effects of MSM, but I think it probably happens to people more than they realize. I started to have shortness of breath and a racing heartbeat at night when I lay down to sleep. That lead to a slight panic attack because I kept feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I am not sure how MSM affects the muscles around the heart and or lungs, but it perhaps tightens them (possible?) causing this sensation. Would love to know if anyone experiences the same side effects.

Replied by Cab
(Nunda, Ny)

I had that happen -- figured it was the vitamin C. I was doing high dose C, and liposomic which makes exponential absorption, so it could have equaled out to 40 to 60 grams a day, plus the MSM. Sometimes I'd take maybe 6 grams of C with some baking soda and the MSM with water. After a month of this I was having such severe heart pains and flutters if I tried to lay down I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and die. I now have spider veins that I did not have before, and I am still weakened and I have an aged appearance now I didn't have before. I don't know if it was the high dose C or the MSM or a combination of both. I think I'm lucky I'm alive. I have heard since that vitamin C is a complex, not an isolate, and should not be taken as an isolate. And I don't.


I would guess that it is the MSM, and not the vitamin C. The reason being, is that people have taken very very high doses of C, with no side effects, except diarrhea (which is not dangerous). Vitamin C is also water soluble, so it does not build up in the body naturally. That is why people resort to IV or liposomal C, to try to get it to stay in the body longer.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 10/21/2017

Good day there Posters!

My knee pain has been a real trial for most of the year. Tried all sorts of treatments. My Gurus seem to think it is either Tendonitis OR Ligament trouble. These would seem to be the main issues I have to deal with.

The young doc told me it was old age but that's all rot because the other one is the same age and is fine - what do they know?!

I have recently been taking six Alfalfa tablets and six Joint Formula tablets divided into three lots per day taken with eats.

Also, I have been faithfully drinking copious amounts of water with some Magnesium Chloride diluted into it at the rate of somewhat less than a teaspoon per 300 mls glass of water. If I drink any more I might as well be a fish.

I did try the Borax treatment but I have difficulty tolerating it, so have taken a break. I like to think it would help Arthritis sufferers, for those who could cope with it, as I am a great "Boron Believer". Maybe the tablets might be better for me?!

One is supposed to rest a damaged tendon but that is tricky when you need the knee to walk about on! If you don't walk - you get fat and this puts more pressure on the knee and before you know it you are on a downward spiral.

My favourite cream for night time would have to be the Bronson Soothe Cream. I know one is not supposed to..... but this is sooo good I have to share it with you. Don't get it anywhere your eyes on any account or it will sting heaps! Believe me- I have tried lots of creams for this type of affliction and this one deserves an Oscar.

The latest trick I have tried is the "Old Russian Remedy for Arthritis, Inflammation & Rheumatism". You take 1 tablespoon of Honey, 1 tablespoon spicy Mustard, 1 tablespoon of Water and 1 teaspoon of fine Salt (I used Himalayan salt). Mix this lot in a bowl to get a smooth paste (I used too much water) and plonk it into a sealed container and put it in the fridge with a "KEEP OFF" or "Skull and Crossbones" label on it.

I am old-fashioned enough to believe in poultices, so this one appeals to me. I don't mind the mess-many aspects of my life are messy already anyway. Paste/smear the gunk onto the affected area (in my case the right knee) and cover with some plastic (mm! ). Then cover that again with a stretchy bandage that tightly encases the knee (available from a Pharmacy near you) and leave on for say 2 hours. Better still, leave overnight and then rinse the area with warm water. Ideally, one would repeat this for four consecutive nights. I like the thought of it beavering away whilst I am asleep.

Anyway, the knee seems to have benefited somewhat, as last night was my fourth night. I will try to keep you posted. One lives in hope. Thank you Mr Putin.



Replied by Mama To Many


Thanks for the remedies! I love the Russian poultice recipe with mustard! I once bought a 5 pound container of dry mustard at a health food store. I think the cashier thought I was crazy. But mustard has great medicinal properties. (This I was reminding myself yesterday when I was eating pretzels with mustard. Yum! )

Very good point that the other knee is the same age and is fine, so the old age theory doesn't make sense.

Keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

I know these messes well. The boron tablets are different than the borax soap foot soak. I use a pinch in a 2 gal bucket and soak for an hour. ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Month one I did it once a week. Month two twice a week. Still a pain, here there and everywhere. One day the victory of complete mineral balance will manifest and I will be stronger again. Walter Last wrote a nice article on boron, as a biochemist, he shares a lot of it

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gracie (Nottingham Uk) on 06/13/2017


I'm female, in my seventies, and since I read an article in a health magazine in my twenties have followed a healthy diet, and my cholestrol, blood pressure, and sugar levels have always been fine. Twelve years ago I experienced twinges in my right knee, then fell and banged it, and the doctor diagnosed arthritis and when the knee worsened to have a knee replacement. I did not want to go down this path so followed the Margaret Hills Diet for Arthritis for nine months, and for twelve years have kept well.

However, two weeks ago I woke to use the loo, and had the most excruciating pain in my knee and couldn't walk. I rang the emergency health line and they arranged for me to be seen that day. Bearing in mind that overnight I'd turned from a healthy woman able to walk five to six miles with ease into an invalid, all the doctor suggested was an x ray and painkillers. I had the x ray eight days ago and am waiting for the results.

Since then all I can manage is to walk a few yards with a stick, and I feel that I've been left in limbo by the NHS.

My questions are "How come such a flare-up can happen so quickly? What caused it? Have any Earth Clinic readers experienced anything similar? And does it sound like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis?"

I'm taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in one litre of water a day, two teaspoons of MSM, fish oils, a sachet of gelatine, and a recently acquired health supplement containing boswellia, turmeric, UC-II standardised cartilage, and other natural ingredients (the instructions advise one capsule a day but I've doubled this). Over the years I've taken ACV with bi carb, but do not think it's done much apart from aiding digestion. I'm massaging my knee with peanut oil, castor oil, and soaking my feet in a bowl of hot water with Epsom salts (I did away with my bath in favour of a shower), and also cold compresses.

I know there are a lot of people worse off than I am, and my heart goes out to them. But the thought of not being able to walk again, not to experience the beauty of the countryside fills me with dread.

I'd be grateful for any help or advice on this. Best wishes.

Replied by Steve

Try DMSO, it's a lot more powerful than MSM and penetrates deep into the knee immediately.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

I use charcoal on top of drops of castor oil on a bandage with glue all around edges and apply to area of pain overnight and add some heat to drive it in with a rice pack or hot water bottle or heating pad....been working overnight for my problems. Alpha lipoic acid helps with my pain issues

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Gracie, why guess and worry? When you get the results you'll contemplate your next step (pun intended! ). Meanwhile you seem to be doing everything right. The only red light I see is the walking 5-6 miles. Might that have been excessive even if you didn't feel it was?

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hello Gracie of Nottingham,

I think I know what you are going through!

A crook knee is not pleasant at all. I wonder what your X rays will show? The radiologist will probably tell you that you have some osteoarthritis in the knee (surprise) but most people in their seventies will have that, and, if it is diagnosed as being "early" or "mild", that would not account for the severity of your pain which seems to be quite debilitating and restricting your mobility.

You are doing some great things to try to ameliorate the issue and I have tried most of them myself, especially after having suffered a similar, unexpected flare up five months ago after digging a deep drainage trench on my property. (We have to do most things ourselves out here "Down Under" in the sticks beyond the Black Stump and it takes its toll on body parts! ). I am yet to resort to pulling my own teeth yet though!

I strongly suspect that you MAY have either Tendonitis OR twisted or strained an important LIGAMENT around the knee joint.

This can take up to a year to heal unless we crawl around on all fours.

At this point I would like to refer you to my recent posting on this subject in the joint and knee section of Earth Clinic, so I don't repeat it here. They were kind enough to bestow an "Editor's Choice" on that one so it's rather like being mentioned in the Queen's Birthday Honours List!

In addition to the above (and what you are already doing which is great) I would seriously consider your doing the following: Organic Tea and Coffee if you drink those beverages, a little Hemp Seed Oil internally once a day, more Gelatine and three tablets of "Heal n Soothe" by the Living Well group just prior to retiring BUT one hour after food. Said to contain many of the ingredients you favour and possibly in a better combination for assimilation.

Lastly, and best of all, visit the best Acupuncturist you can find (even if you have to travel some distance to get there). Mine has not "cured" me yet BUT I gained noticeable relief after the first session-have regressed a little bit since - but hope for steady progress from now on. Did some of that "cupping" woodoo and massaged until I winced in pain. (It must be good-right?) She was rather keen on the exercises I mentioned in the (above) posting too and recommended that I continue with them. Well that's my take on your problem and it would be great if you could let us know of your progress. Be staunch and stick with it. As you lot say... "Keep calm and carry on"!

If you are a walker or keen gardener, then I recommend you desist for the next few months. Your knee will be grateful for the resting. Otherwise remain active.

Cheers and all the best,


Replied by Gracie
(Nottingham Uk)

Hi Michael

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my posting on the arthritic pain in my knee. I find your recommendations very sound, helpful, and above all your letter put a smile on my face!

Right, I was a little premature in posting on Earth Clinic the other day, because yesterday I saw my doctor who was able to give me the results of the x ray I'd had, which has helped clarify matters. I do have osteoarthritis, which you thought was almost inevitable for anyone over seventy, but in addition to this fragments of bone have broken loose in my kneecap and need to be removed. As I understand it, it's the fragments that are causing the intensity of pain I'm experiencing. So the next step is an MRI scan, and removal of the fragments.

I shall continue with all the natural remedies I've been taking, gleaned from Earth Clinic contributors, and, like you, I'm not adverse to a bit of voodoo, and may try acupuncture or other alternative therapies if the condition doesn't improve.

Best wishes.


I know I am about 6 1/2 years too late, but in case I can help someone else, I will say what helped me. I was helping someone in the bathroom, and I made a 180 to go toward the front door. Nothing abnormal or unusual. Just a normal turn. My left knee went out. No former warning or problem. So I tried to make an appointment with the orthopedist. While waiting for a month, I decided I couldn't get anywhere without a solid brace. So I bought a knee brace at Walmart, the best one, with side bars. I wore it for 2 months, and took it off. I walk on it now. But it took about 2 months to get it that way. I wonder how many people would have gotten knee surgery, and then not been as mobile as I am. I feel like I shouldn't do 180 turns anymore, but I get around fine and exercise caution. I do recommend Carlson's cod liver oil, as I feel it helps ligaments and surrounding tissue. Two months+ with brace is key.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hello again Gracie of Nottingham,

I am relieved that you are now in possession of a sound diagnosis for your debilitating knee problem and can see your way clear to a resolution.

It is a bit grim to have to resort to surgery but needs must I suppose. Did you have an accident to your knee?

I hope you will keep us informed as to how the surgery and your subsequent recovery turns out.

The Hemp oil I mentioned and Turmeric/Ginger are often recommended for their pain relieving properties by the way.

You probably won't want to be rubbing Castor oil or anything else into that knee any time soon!!?

Say hello to Robin Hood, Little John and Maid Marrion for me!

Best wishes,


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Christine (Virginia Beach, Va, Usa) on 09/05/2009

Sprained my knee badly a few weeks ago. Have tried MSM, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, etc. Nothing works, although ACV and MSM do reduce swelling a little. It takes a long time to recover from a sprain, and working on your feet all day as I do just makes it take longer.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hi Christine,

Passing along a home remedy I learned from a patient's mother. She said her daughter twisted her ankle the evening before. The child's ankle looked fine and I could move it all around without any wincing from pain. I could find nothing wrong with it and asked if she was sure she twisted it the day before. After her assurance she did, I asked what she did for it.

Her answer: "I took a piece of brown poke, scruffed it between my hands to get the stiff out, soaked it in vinegar and wropped it around her foot and ankle and left it on all night. After further questioning as to the identity of the piece of brown poke (my first guess was some dried poke sallet leaves) but it turned out to be brown paper grocery bag. When I got home that evening, I found my daughter had twisted her ankle again that day, so we used the brown poke soaked in vinegar, wrapped it around her foot and ankle, covered it with saran wrap, then used ace bandage to keep it on and left it on over night.

Next morning we were both happy to find that she was walking without pain, where she usually limped for a week or two afterwards.

Another EC correspondent recently wrote in about her husband's bad knee flare up and how she waited until he went to sleep and wrapped a vinegar soaked towel around his knee & covered it with saran wrap and left it on overnight and how much better his knee was the next morning. Since she said the towel soaked with vinegar worked so well, you probably can omit having to scruff the stiff out of the brown poke and go with the towel.

Good luck with the vinegar, but I would also keep up the MSM.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Do you suppose the vinegar and brown paper remedy is what the nusery rhyme is meant to tell us when it fixed jack's "broken head"

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Eveline (Canadian, living in Spain) on 05/26/2009

Is it possible to get too many minerals? I have been having ongoing pain in my knees for a long time now, almost 2 years. Some times it has been much worse and it often varies even within a day. I cannot crouch down at all anymore, have trouble getting up from the couch and have troubles going up and down stairs. I feel like an old lady. And I'm not!!

Nothing seems to be helping. I am Oil Pulling. I drink ACV, I drink turmeric tea, I take a TBS of aloe vera daily. I also drink a glass of water with himalyan salt dissolved in it. I use Magnesium oil every second day or so. I have used MMS, H2o2, have just completed my third liver cleanse (with no stones evident this time) have used jars of MSM cream. I don't drink coffee or alcohol, don't eat a lot of sugar, don't drink soda or eat processed foods. I have cut back on meat consumption lately. I have started recently using blackstrap molasses which is giving me another burst of minerals, I take it. Perhaps I am getting too many minerals, what with the himalyan salt, the aloe vera, the magnesum oil and the molasses? Any ideas?

I also suffer from a heel spur. If the heel is not hurting badly then the knees seem worse. If the knees are not bad then the heel is bad. The heel spur is more recent however. The knees, as I say, have been a problem now quite some time. I am at my wits end living with this constant pain. I cannot exercise like I need to and realize I could stand to lose some weight.

I really appreciate this website. It is so interesting and gets to be quite addictive. I have looked at everything I can about joint pain and heel spurs etc. Have tried the ice water, ACV wraps, etc. etc. I am so envious when I read about people who got rid of their pain almost instantly!! I have yet to pinpoint the perfect thing for me. I refuse to believe this is the way it has to be. I've been working with EFT but to no avail as well.

Thanks for any tips or suggestions.


Replied by Alain
(Ottawa, Canada)

Answer to Eveline from Canada, living in Spain about knee pain

I have Various ideas for knee problems.

Did you or Can you check spine and hip alignments with a chiropractor? Sometimes misalignment can cause terrible pressures on knees.

Also I would encourage you to check pH of urine and saliva. I would say, especially the urine's pH in case of uric acid accumulation. If the pH is on the acidic side, which is IMO most likely, an alkalizing diet will benefit greatly. But for pH testing, pH paper is an almost necessary monitoring tool.

Vitamin C (the buffered one like calcium ascorbate, this kind is not acid forming), Omega 3 from Cold Water Fish oil. Better yet, cold water small fishes like sardines and salmons (with bones). With these fishes you well get omega oil and bio-available calcium.

You use Magnesium oil, but there is something much cheaper that you can use. Epson Salt (Magnesium sulphate) is very cheap. Either externally, Epson salt baths/foot baths/compresses (see ), or internally, a small pinch of ES with glass of water. In such small amount, you will not have the flushing effect. Epson salt contains sulphur, as MSM does. So the Epson salt provides both sulphur and magnesium.

Cayenne pepper for blood circulation.

There is a hand held device you can buy from internet that produce ultrasound vibrations which help blood circulation.

You may stop liver flush for a while as it is making your system acidic. Anything that detox makes someone acidic.

External use:arnika gel or tincture. H2O2 3% rubbing. Peppermint oil rubbing.


pH balance helped me quite a bit with my knee problems.

Good luck.

Replied by Eveline
(Canadian living in Spain)

To Alain who kindly replied to my queries: Thanks for that info about acid alkaline balance. Makes sense to me. It took a bit of doing but I finally found some pH paper here in small town Spain. I consistently measure in around 6 pH. I've started drinking lemon juice with cayenne every morning and am watching that I eat more akalinizing foods, altho right now that's proving difficult because I'm traveling and it's harder to stay away from bread and some of the other acid forming foods on the road. I had been eating lots of small fishes here in Spain, using calcium ascorbate and yes, I had a series of chiropractic adjustments back home in Canada before I left for Spain. As I said, this has been ongoing for a while now.

You're suggestion about taking the epson salts internally sent a shiver up my back as that's the most loathsome part of the liver flushes, drinking that darned epsom salt. However, it's different just putting a pinch in water for sure, but ugh! Since I have the magnesium oil I will continue with it until I run out. I have used the H2O2 externally to no avail but will keep working towards a 7 on the pH scale. I just want to GET BETTER! As of yet, no changes.

Replied by Kelly
(Toledo, Ohio)


Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

with such low PH maybe you should check for celiacs or gluten sensitivity (not quite the same thing) Maybe even another food intolerance or allergy.

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Maya (Singapore, Singapore) on 08/16/2007

Hi. I only discovered about oil pulling while browsing the web on information on how to cure me of my skin disorder (keratosis pillaris). I read a posting done by this lady who SWEARS by oil pulling and its remarkable effects! I tried it just yesterday and was shocked at how fast results can be observed! I'm suffering from a knee injury due to my active lifestyle and since i'm not exactly young, i don't recover too easily. I've been having a bad knee for weeks now. But when i did my first oil pulling yesterday, i got IMMEDIATE results! My knee felt so light and i was able to do squats with no problems! I'm really a sceptic so i was finding ways to credit the improved knee flexibility to other 'health practices' of mine. But when my mom tried it later that night (she sufferes from acute arthritis), she too said that her joints felt remarkably better! i did it again this morning and later today, my heart was racing. Also, i feel a bit of discomfort in my private region. I don't know if it could be because i had an infection before and it was probably in the process of healing...i'll continue the OP and see what happens! I'm a convert!

Replied by Desiree

I started having knee problems once while taking an antibiotic called Levaquin. It is a member of the fluroquinolone family of antibiotics- Cipro is another. I was prescribed heavy doses on a regular basis for recurring UTI's and bladder infections. A couple of years ago, while taking the medications, I noticed a severe weakness is my knees. I felt like they were just going to snap. I had trouble getting around and was in a lot of pain. I got on line and did some research and it didn't take long to find out that the FDA issued a black box warning a couple of years ago for these types of antibiotics because they have shown to cause spontoaneous rupture of the tendons, in the achiles, the knees, the shoulders and hands.

I immediately stopped taking the drugs and started oil pulling because from my understanding, fluroquinolones have a certain type of fluoride that can be particularly toxic and oil pulling may be helpful in reducing the levels of fluoride in the body. I did notice marked improvement after a few days, though my knees have never been the same. I did not have any knee problems before, was not doing anything strenuous-- the only variable was the Levaquin. Now I still have cracking in my knees that can be painful at times. In addition to the oil pulling, I have also begun moderate strength training to build up the muscles around the knee and this helps very much. I try not to cross my legs as much too as this seems to put pressure on my knees.

Replied by Con
(Jacksonville, Il, Usa)

One year ago I had problems with my knees (bending and stooping they felt like they were going to give out on me). I started taking turmeric and now I can bend and stoop with no problems. I take turmeric capsules, usually once a day, and also mix a little (1/4 teaspoon or so) in tomato juice. Still trying to find more ways to work it into my diet.

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Turmeric is a great anti-inflamitory! I love it stirred into tomato juice along with some black pepper, or in my one cup of morning coffee along with a tablespoon of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil). I use about 1/2 tsp (or a bit less) 2x a day now. When I first started taking it I went overboard, and had some stomach issues, so I stopped for a while. I started in taking it again, but at a much reduced amount and built up to the amount I take now s-l-o-w-l-y.

I also have found taking Boron (capsules) has made my joint pain go away. Google "Boron and Arthritis" and see what comes up - it is awesome and inexpensive. :-) You also need to take D-3 at at least 2,000 a day and a good Magnesium along with as they interact with each other to help bones. Apparently from what I have been reading, Boron is every bit as important for building strong bones as Calcium is. (along with a LOT of other functions, hence my suggestion to Google it! )

One more thing that is excellent for inflamation (and avoiding getting sick) is Vitamin C. When all of those around me have the dreaded CRUD - I start taking 1,000mg Of Vitamin C at least 4x a day... And have not caught anything from anyone in a long time. Research Linus Pauling and Vitamin C - some very interesting reading!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Con, I mix turmeric in a lot of dishes and soups and I don't even notice it. I often also mix minced garlic just before serving and nowadays a bit of raw olive oil as well.

Osgood Schlatter Disease

Posted by R (Littleton, Co) on 03/25/2010

I am looking for any help and or suggestions for Osgood-Schlatter Disease. I have an adult in my family that still suffers from knee pain related to this disease. Thanks in advance for any help.

Replied by Deirdre
(Atlanta, Ga, Usa)

Hi R. After years of many hours a day of gymnastics training from the time I was 5, I finally got a terrible (AWFUL) case of Osgood-Schlatter Disease (serious swelling below the knee cap) on my left side when I was 11 years old. It was so bad, it abruptly ended my gymnastics passion. It was extraordinarily painful at the time and took a good year or two to heal. The lump is still there though I rarely feel any lingering pain unless I accidentally "bump the lump". For me the key to my OSD and other knee issues (meniscus injury, arthritic joints) is daily exercise, thus keeping circulation running through the entire area. Hanging upside down on my inversion board also helps increase circulation in my legs when needed.

I also apply magnesium oil to my knees when they are feeling painful and take omega 3 fish oil and primrose oil almost daily. Omega 3s are supposed to be taken with primrose oil or they will increase inflammation, according to an osteopathic doctor I talked to. Both of these supplements help tremendously. I haven't tried them yet, but a few folks on EC talk about apple cider vinegar or castor oil wraps for knee issues. Please let us know what you find out!


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Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 05/06/2017

So, you might well remember me from such blockbusters as "The Crook Kiwi with the Knackered Knee" or maybe you have been following my sad tale on Twitter, then again maybe knot. Whatever, I got exasperated with this knee that had "Never complained before" (unlike the other one that I had injured a couple of times but was not playing up). As we get older, things take forever to heal (if at all). Weird. Wot to do?

Well I pondered on this Potassium / Sodium imbalance theory and cos it was the right knee I increased my Magnesium and Potassium levels by taking a supplement.

Still not a happy chappy so I phoned my "Guru on the Hill" down the road:-

Ring, ring:

Guru "Yes my son."

Me "It's me Don."

Guru "Indeed, I know this to be true"

Me "How so?"

Guru "You called me eighteen months ago and anyway I recognized your voice. It is, shall we say, distinctive"

Me "Small community".

Guru "Indeed so - I am already feeling the pinch: my client base is tottering"

Me "Well maybe I can help you with that, I wish to prevail upon your services oh wise and expensive one - are you by some fortuitous chance any good with knees?"

Guru "Argh, I'll give anything a crack eh."

(Not being encouraged by said response, nevertheless, I prevailed)

Me "I need to take the car (auto mobile) to the garage in the morning to have its "Warrant of Fitness" checked and I wondered if I could attend upon you afterwards?"

Guru "At eleven suit you?"

Me "Surely, but I will have to leave the car at the garage and walk up the hill. Will I be able to walk down after you have finished the treatment?"

Guru "Well, I can always ROLL you down if all else fails"

Me "Thanks a bundle mate - see ya then then"

Working his magic, he poked and he prodded, lifted and lowered, grabbed my ankle and twisted the leg, spun me around the room a couple of times like the proverbial cat and spent a LONG time rotating the whole leg in various configurations of loops and circles.

Finally he gave the whole leg a sudden, alarming pull just when I was about to tell him that both legs were (almost) the same length. No "longer" (sorry) perhaps?

It's a foreign language he speaks at times but the rough jist of it was to the effect that he had found that a ligament connecting the femur to the tibia had stretched (or torn) allowing the meniscus to protrude and he had "Poked it back"!! Whoa. Way to go!!

He recommended more Vitamin C.

And there I was remembering that the Good Doctor had said that I "Probably had Tendonitis"!

Anyway, feels a bit better to-day.

I am on the "Pirate's Blood Tonic" (Tart Cherry Juice) as of yesterday, so will keep you kind folks posted. This Site has given me so much HOPE. Cheers to all you fellow sufferers: together we shall get there one day!!


P.S. I think he must have done this before: he was just pulling my leg eh?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Michael, your humor ought to carry you through!!!! :)

Power Plate

Posted by Gracie (Nottingham UK) on 08/18/2019

Approximately two years ago I had a knee replacement, and I'm never without discomfort in that area, but can manage to walk three miles or so. Also I have stiffness in my legs and hips after sitting for any length of time, and need to heave myself up to a standing position. Going up and down stairs/steps is also difficult as I do have balance problems caused by two episodes of labyrinthitis a few years back, and have to hold onto rails/banisters. I've taken countless supplements to remedy these issues but speaking truly nothing has really helped.

But I never give up the search. I've recently been looking into purchasing a vibrating power plate in the hope that it would help with circulation, muscle strength in my legs, thighs, lower back, and improve my general fitness. Or would I be wasting my money? I have read on the web that one person experienced a feeling of sea-sickness when using one. So I'm interested to learn whether any Earth Clinic readers have had any experience using a power plate and would they recommend one. I'm 80 years of age (pretty ancient, but young in spirit), female, and apart from the above problems keep fairly well.

Replied by Anon

Hi Gracie,

At a recent visit to Costco they had a vibration machine. I had my 91 year old father with me and we tried it out. My father could not tolerate it for the trial session and asked the representative to end his session early. Before you invest in one of these you should try one out first. The Power Plate one may be at a local gym near you, or you could wait for your nearest Costco to have their brand visit (Zaaz).

It would be listed on their web site. I am wondering if a joint replacement may be considered a contraindication for using a vibration plate? I suggest you look into Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation (Bemer). I bought one of these for my father 10 to 12 weeks ago. He was having a lot of discomfort in his knees and hips, also having trouble getting around, so I was hoping to keep him in his own home a little longer. He uses it several times each day and has improved greatly. He is no longer having any pain in his knees or hips! You may find somewhere local to you where you can try it out or possibly rent one. Look into “The Five Tibetans”. These are gentle exercises and one of them helps very much with balance. I once heard author Joan Vernikos interviewed. She wrote the book, Sitting Kills, Moving Heals. She made the suggestion to stand up for two minutes every half hour (or something like that) to improve strength. Lastly, in your supplement trials have you tried serrapeptase for pain relief? Also, I recently saw one at Vitamin Shoppe that looks pretty impressive that has serrapeptase, nattokinase, lipase, protease, amla, papain, bromelain, rutin, and coenzyme q10 all together in one formula. The idea is to take these away from food on an empty stomach so they can travel throughout your body and break down fibrin, etc. Age is a state of mind and you sound pretty young to me!


Hi Anon,

Thank you so much for replying to my post so quickly. I found your suggestions interesting and intriguing, so much so that I researched the Bio Electro Magnetic Energy machine (Bemer) on line, and found it was very expensive. In your father's case it is working very well, and if it could be guaranteed to do the same for me then I might be tempted to invest in one, but I daren't risk spending all that money and not have good results. And if I were to use one it would have to be simple to set up and use. I also researched whether there were any therapists in my area who use the machine and I could have one or two sessions with them just to try it out. But there was only one I could find and they were at the other end of the country!

Regarding the five simple Tibetan exercises. I remember doing these when I was in my fifties, and thought them very effective. Bruce Forsythe, the TV personality, promoted them as a means of staying young, and they worked for him because he always appeared to have colossal energy. However, bearing in mind that I'm eighty, I don't think I would be able to manage some of the positions. Nowadays once I'm on the floor I have trouble getting up again! Grrr … I hate old age! I do take Serrapeptase, along with other vitamins, and sometimes have periods when I eat natto beans.

Once again, Anon, thank you once again for taking the trouble to write. I really do appreciate it. And if you think of anything else that might help I will be pleased to hear what you have to say.

Prolozone Therapy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn Usa) on 02/24/2013

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , ,

Well, at 76 things are getting about as interesting as I can stand. Now it's my dang right knee. When I was doing Ozone for my cancer, the nearest place is Atlanta where I was scheduled for a procedure called, MAH. They pull out a pint of blood and ozonate it and drip it back into your vein. With my cancer gone I don't need that. Instead, I will see if they will do a procedure called Prolozone. Here they shoot your knee with vitamins and minerals followed by a shot of Ozone. Last week the Orthopedic Surgeron's opinion is that my knee is not close to replacement and the only thing he could do for me was a cortisone shot which the last time gave me relief of two weeks. The Prolozone procedure supposedly will allow your cartlidge to grow back over time, but in any case it will give you pain relief for many months or years. Only 14 states allow MD's to utilize Ozone. It is too cheap and too effective.

The research I've done is that you get almost instant pain relief but may take several treatments to get a lasting effect. Naturally, I'll tell ATS when I can.

==========ROBERT HENRY============

Replied by ORH

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and my bad knee is acting up so I did an ozone shot in it today. Started that some 14 years ago when my Orthopedic doc said I have to have a new metal knee... you are bone on bone. What these Godly people don't tell you is that ozone will regenerate new joint cartilage. When I get a certain pain about every 3 or 4 years, I go get an ozone shot. This one cost me $150. Thus, I got lots of Meigs County roadside beer cans to pick-up. We discussed Ozone dentist in Tn. He said there are now two and that works when most root canals end up with women having breast cancer if it is certain teeth. He said you can avoid that if you just pull the tooth and implant a new tooth or treat the infection with ozone. Ozone gas gets everywhere. Each tooth goes to a certain meridian and effects different parts of the body. Our old doctors knew this and saved our ancestors lots of grief. I get a kick our some of our clever posters that have the answer for all ails. I only have the answer to the ones that got me out of the ditch.====ORH====


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Deano63 (CHESHIRE) on 11/07/2024

I have tried everything to get rid of my tendon pain and Bursitis in my right knee. My pain has been 9 out of 10. A work colleague advised me to take serrapeptase . I started on one tablet 250,000 iu daily. I increased it to two tablets a day on an empty stomach. I also bought some new footwear with arch support insoles and do a few leg stretches each day. Its a miracle for me as no pain now and I can walk a long distance without pain. I will never stop taking this supplement now, I will just take it as a top up each day to keep my body clean of dead tissue and fibrin.

Silkworm Enzymes

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Don (London, England) on 01/21/2007

I tried serrapeptase 200mg. took it as suggested first bottle(90 tabs) 3x3/day, then 3x1/day , this cured the pains in my knees and legs. It's made from enzymes originating from the silk worm. also cleared my cholesterol.

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