Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
If you don't add additional potassium to counter the salt in the baking soda you may find that your blood pressure rises on this regimen.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
So I had been having swelling in my right foot during the middle of the day for about the past two weeks. The swelling would go down overnight when I slept except the last week it had been swollen first thing in the morning. And then my knee started to hurt. I turned to this site and read about Apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper.
I wrapped my ankle and my knee with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper and coconut oil. I did it once I was ready for bed. I used a towel to sleep on and to wrap my knee with. I put the mixture on my knee wrapped the towel around my knee and wrapped it all in plastic wrap. For my ankle I made the same ingredients but this time I just wrapped it in plastic wrap. I eventually fell asleep. But I woke up when I felt the heat of the cayenne pepper on my skin.
The cayenne pepper did make this heat up in a few hours and I had to take it off. I massaged the residual in my skin. Next morning took a shower but the difference was a 100% decrease in pain. In addition, 3 days later still feel great. Apparently Apple Cider is so good you can just rub it on your skin. I read an article that it was good for varicose veins and you can massage it on the area where you have issues and you will see a difference.
(Rockingham, Western Australia)
I have a sore knee which I can't seem to get better. How much of each ingredient did you use to make up your mixture? Or do you just make it up as you go along? I already take ACV to help with my carpal tunnel but am willingly to use its benefits to help with my knee. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, Vanessa
Dear Vanessa,
When I use Apple cider vinegar as a wrap, I get a flannel cloth and pour apple cider vinegar on it. I wrap the ankle or knee with the cloth, cover with plastic wrap, then an ace bandage or cohesive tape. If I were to add cayenne, I would just sprinkle on the amount I would sprinkle on food onto the Apple Cider Vinegar cloth. We have used Apple Cider Vinegar wraps overnight many times for sprains. My kids don't mind because they know they help! Even if you end up smelling like salad.
~Mama to Many~
Can Mama to Many or anybody help me? Few years ago both the knees were hurting a lot. After reading the success story on EC, I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar, and my knees stopped hurting. But if I stop taking then the pain use to come back. So I used to start again. Eventually I lost of weight also dentist said I have lot of bone loss in my jaw and it is affecting my teeth. meanwhile my knee pain totally disappeared. and I also stopped acv. Now my left knee is swolen and I am limping a bit and sometimes my knee hurts. Please help me with some remedies
Hi Neema,
Please look at the EC link for Borax here :
This page also explains how to use it.
Another advantage to borax aside from its antiarthritic activity, is it's boron content, which helps maintain bone integrity and helps prevent osteopenia/ osteoporosis.
@ Neema
Check out Mommy2 post about Apple Cider Vinegar Knee Wrap
Posted by Mommy2 (Atlanta, Ga, USA) on 08/25/2009
My husband has been bothered with a nagging knee pain for years now. He knows he needs to have surgery, but keeps putting it off. He had the worst flare up, I've seen him have and we've been married for 12 yrs. The pain was so tremendous he could hardly walk and you could see the pain all over his face. I've been a believer in ACV for years now, but it takes more convincing for him. After he'd fallen asleep, I took a hand towel and saturated it in ACV, wrapped it around his knee and wrapped saran wrap around it to hold in place. He slept with it on all night and could not believe his knee was 99% better when he woke up. That's been about a month ago now and he hasn't had anymore flare ups!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
(Pacific Northwest, Usa)

We tried this and it left a nasty skin burn on my poor husband's leg. Be careful when taking this advice.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil
04/09/2006: Skyye : "Within the hour, a mix of ACV & Olive oil applied with cotton wool on the knee, massaged in after about 20 mins and the severe pain is gone. Also took 2 tbsp in a glass of water. No painkillers necessary!!!"
My husband hurt his knee last week, had a shot in the knee, no help. Was scheduled to see Dr again tomorrow. He massaged the mixture into his knee JUST ONCE and got immediate relief. Just used the massage mixture for a second time. Also mixed up 2 tbsp of ACV in water and is drinking that, too. AMAZING!!! Hopefully he won't need the Dr visit tomorrow.
(Kannapolis, Nc)
Jumped the gun on the olive oil/ACV rub. IT'S WORKING! Husband even cancelled his second Dr's appt. Is his first time with a home remedy. Thanks folks for all your ideas and successes.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Pain to the point where I'd cry and fall if I made the wrong movement. Even if I didn't move my leg I'd feel a pinched nerve ache. It was just BAD.
I had forgotten about blackstrap molasses and what my mother & grandmother would tell me about it. Though their recipe contained a glass of regular temp water, a tbsp of apple cider vinegar & a tbsp of blackstrap molasses. LITERALLY, the next day the pain was nearly there. 2-3 days later I was able to walk pretty normally. I'm sure I won't even need surgery anymore!
Y'all should look into Apple Cider vinegar as well as Blackstrap Molasses. These two put together are life savers.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Also, just came home from Thailand with aching, dragging leg and sore knees. I read the blogs on black strap molasses and ACV and have been taking daily and muscle ache in leg has gone, knees much better, so am a happy camper. Just have to try not to overdo my walking and climbing steep steps at 75 years of age. Also used the castor oil and Vicks massage on knees. Don't know why this worked, but no harm in trying it to get relief.
Apple Cider Vinegar, DMSO
One of the components of ACV is boron and boron is known to have antiarthritic effects. This may be the reason for your knee pain improvement.
Beneficial for arthritis :
Arthrofibrosis of the Knee Remedies
(Pacific Nw)
I have arthrofibrosis of my left knee. I had a ski accident several years ago and the scar tissue hardened and grew to the point that I could no longer bend my knee. I had to have surgery along with a manipulation to fix it. I was super, super careful with the rehibilitation after the surgery so that my body wouldn't do the same thing again - feel pain, over-respond to it by creating scar tissue to fix it. Anyhow, today, 5 years later, the pain is much better. I can walk normally and my knee is no longer painful to the touch. I drink a lot of alkaline water and take a whole foods vitamin daily. I also eat a Paleo diet. All of this has helped, along with not doing too much too soon physically. My quad is weak but I'm slowly strengthening it. I will never be able to enjoy some of the more active things that I used to enjoy, but I can walk and I'm not in pain anymore. Best of luck.
Arthroscopic Surgery
(Seattle, Wa, Usa)
Hi Tahiti - My husband had this type of knee surgery about a year ago. He is very glad he did it, and his knee is back to being useable and pain free again. It is not a very long surgery (as I recall, it was about an hour of sedation in his case). His recovery was rapid too - back to normal walking around in less than a week.
Our neighbor also had this surgery about 6 months ago, and his results were similar.
I say go for it - you will be very glad you did it if you are in daily pain and it is keeping you from doing the things that you want to do.
Best to you,
(Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America)
The problem with arthroscopic surgery is that as soon as the surgeon starts poking around in there damage is being done by the nature of the surgery itself. The long term effects are a very high likelihood for osteoporosis or similar due to the degradation of the meniscus.
If you can avoid invasive surgery I would strongly advise that you do so. Prolotherapy is well worth looking into if you can afford it.
There's a guy who wrote a book called something like 'how I cured my knee pain', who was told he would not be able to walk within a short number of years, but cured himself by exercising the joint rather than the muscles.
I would look into maintaining activity, increasing joint friendly activity and eliminating those activities that put your joint at risk.
Your diet is very significant as is your mental health and attitude. Eat healthy nutritious meals. Organic vegetables in plentiful supply. Avoid all processed carbohydrates. If you are overweight - lose it. All of these things will aid your overall health, and consequently the condition of your joints.
I hope this helps. I must add that I am not a doctor, and this is all just personal experience that I am passing on. None of the above should be considered as qualifed medical advice. Consult your physician.
Very best of luck to you.
Thanks so much for your advice! It has been about four years since I had my arthroscopic surgery, and the 'benefits' have already worn thin. Once again I do have pain. I am eating healthier (sometimes), green juicing and taking supplements. I do need to lose weight though, and exercise. I am going to look into the PROLOTHERAPY to find out what it is all about! Again, thank-you for your concern and help! Tahiti
(Boston, Ma)
I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee six years ago and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I waited a while to do the physical therapy I should've done sooner, so if your ortho recommends it, do it. Any small excercises they give you to do post-surgery, do those too. If you have a good surgeon, all should be well. It's an easy surgery with quick recovery. I was off crutches in a week. Follow all directions and you should be fine.
Baking Soda
(Islamabad, Pakistan)