I was told about DMSO a few years ago but didn't bother purchasing it until I saw how much my brother in law was suffering with the pain in his knees, for the last 18 mths the pain had been getting progressively worse till it was painful for him to walk.I spent the extra money and had a bottle sent from America, I felt it may be of a better quality, it's in a glass bottle which I read was important, and 99% pure, he applied full strength to the knee, within an hour there was no pain and he could walk normally, it's hard to believe but there has been no pain for the last two weeks, it has changed his life completely, he says it's a miracle
Dear Vanessa,
When I use Apple cider vinegar as a wrap, I get a flannel cloth and pour apple cider vinegar on it. I wrap the ankle or knee with the cloth, cover with plastic wrap, then an ace bandage or cohesive tape. If I were to add cayenne, I would just sprinkle on the amount I would sprinkle on food onto the Apple Cider Vinegar cloth. We have used Apple Cider Vinegar wraps overnight many times for sprains. My kids don't mind because they know they help! Even if you end up smelling like salad.
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar, DMSO
One of the components of ACV is boron and boron is known to have antiarthritic effects. This may be the reason for your knee pain improvement.
Beneficial for arthritis :
Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM
Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM for Knee Pain
There are many supplements giving all those three substances with one capsule. I have chondromalacia patella in my right knee and in the past I had many crisis of pain for days per year to the extend that sometimes I limped badly during deterioration. If I did a deep squat in order to work for some time, then most probably the next day my right knee would hurt. All this are past, no more pain any more, but you have to be patient. The first results are after six months in order for the joints to rebuilt.
Gave it to my mother who has osteoarthritis in her left knee and she had the same good results after six months of supplementing. "Doctor's Best" is a good and cheap brand, but there are other good ones too.
I learned about this supplement in the following site which many people (about 132 of total 154) report very good results in joints problems. You can translate the following from Greek with Google translator:
Apple Cider Vinegar
knit bone = comfrey or you could use castor oil packs on your knee. Knee problems could be coming from other parts of body out of alignment, John Bergman on youtube is the bone expert. If your gut health is off you won't absorb minerals for your bones. Phytic acid on grains and beans will take minerals out of your body. Dehydration is imbalance of water to correct mineral balance and can cause all kinds of pain and symptoms. Not sure why your knee hurts but hope you find the solution quickly. Blessings, charity
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
After a fall down my front steps my knee swelled to the point I saw my long forgotten Doctor. He measured around my leg under both knees and the swollen one was 1 1/2" larger than the other. I was given a prescription but decided to try apple cider vinegar instead. I took one shot in the morning and one at night. On the third day the swelling was gone along with all the pain. I like the idea of ingesting the Apple Cider Vinegar and letting it work from the inside out.
I have been drinking horsetail for my torn ligaments and bad knees due to missing cartridge and horsetail healed me. I bought the tea in a local health food store for a very affordable price (20 teabags for $2.60). In the summer I pick my own horsetail, wash it, dry then crush and keep in jars (that's good for 1 year). Drink the tea for medicinal use 2-3 times daily for a month then take a break for 2 weeks and start again. I noticed the benefits right away. If you are pregnant or nursing, don't take it internally (use the hair wash or bath instead). Horsetail also strengthens your immune system. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, coagulant, demulcent, diuretic and astringent activity.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Arthritis in Knee:
I put ACV in homemade organic chicken soup. After one bowl of it my knee stopped aching. ACV is amazing stuff.
Castor Oil
I just want to say THANK YOU so very much for the tip on the caster oil pack for arthritis in the knees. I was told I have arthritis in my right knee. I'm to the point I can hardly walk, sit, stand, or drive. I work 3rd shift and by the time my shift is over I can hardly walk out of work. I was told to rub my knees in caster oil which I have been doing. It helps a little. But, the pack. I didn't know. Thanks again.
Knee Pain Exercise
I'm glad there's at least one suggestion to use exercise. Being overweight at 61 I've had occasional pain in my knees and, particularly, in my hip nerve from time to time. About 2 weeks ago I started having severe knee pain in my right knee, some in my left knee. The hip nerve thing came back and the pain although concentrating in the knee area was extending to my leg muscles and hip nerve again. It was getting worse each day at an alarming rate and I began wondering whether I should go to the doctor and whether I'd need a cane, surgery (or what?). I even went to my office manager at work and told her that I was incapable of walking down 5 flights of stairs for an emergency at our office building because my leg was starting to give out walking down 3 steep steps of a bus every day.
So I returned to this web site which has been a lifesaver. I tried a number of the remedies (Vitamin C, tumeric/ginger, ACV). Unfortunately they didn't really help. As an aside, I had super results with ACV in losing weight until I had to stop because it was causing my blood pressure to go up. I went to youtube and was very surprised and delighted to find that there are people who have had success with specific exercises for the leg muscles that dramatically help the knee. In my research online I learned that there are a number of different types of knee joint problems so exercising is not always the solution. But the concept is that weak, underused leg muscles allow the knee cap to get out of position causing pain and other problems. There were quite a number of people who wrote that the exercises helped their knees dramatically and quickly. I tried a couple of the "easy" exercises and for me got immediate relief of about 60%. Within 2 days of doing the exercises I'm better 85%. I'll continue to do them because it's a marvelous feeling to get rid of the knee pain and nerve weakness. Immediately after doing the exercises my legs have this feeling of well-being (lasting temporarily) that seems to say, "Thank you, that's the right thing to do. "
Anyway, for anybody else wanting to try exercising, the 2 exercises I liked best were: (1) Standing on 1 leg while you bent and held the foot to your other leg so that your knee was pointed straight to the floor. (2) Bending your foot up and stretching the ankle so that your back leg muscle is stretched. I accomplish this best by standing on one leg and stretching the other leg out behind me while keeping the foot flat on the floor (even bending the knee to stretch the angle of the foot more). To be safe, it would be helpful to see the youtube videos on line: (1) Knee Pain Rehab Video Patellar Tendonitis www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQjaWaIzJXA&feature=related and (2) No More Knee Pain Corrective Stretching Video www.youtube.com/watch?v=--PeQIBwdxc&feature=related
Hope this helps somebody else, too.
Distilled Water
I am a biologist and I don't think drinking distilled water is good for you!
1. you will lose a lot of minerals with it
2. water will enter body cells through membranes via osmosis - this may lead to their damage
I strongly recommend drinking mineral water!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've suffered with bad knee pain for years due to much abuse from sports,injuries,etc. I started on the acv cure 1 week ago (Sunday evening). I noticed on Monday evening at work that I could do deep knee bends repeatedly with no pain!! I usually have to pull myself up when I get down on one knee to work on something. Not anymore!!!Thanks!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I started ACV two weeks ago for weight control. Every night I get up out of bed to use the bathroom, and every night I hear the loud click of my knees in the quiet house as I stand. Been clicking for years and years. Then three nights ago I got up and no click! I figured I must have stood up differently. The next night again, no click! Then I figured it out - it was the ACV! It is the only thing different in my life. I don't know why it helps, but it sure beats all those expensive supplements that are supposed to add lubrication to your joints but are the size of horse pills and you have to remember to take them three times a day. Anyway, I'm thrilled with finding this natural way to loose weight and get all these added benefits!
Dental Extraction
Greetings Hollyhock,
You are on to something!
Check this site out: Excerpt:
Many patients, once confronted with root canals or teeth extractions being possible sources of illnesses, recalled how their Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) seemingly began right after a root canal treatment or a tooth extraction. The cases were usually that when these infected gums were removed, many found their RA disappear.
Dental Extraction
I am still amazed at this! I was in such pain! Now I walk normal, can get out of a chair or the bed without the pain I grew to expect! I wouldn't have believed this if someone told me my pain in my knees was from a tooth! I would have laughed! I have a molar on the opposite side the dentist talked me into saving, now I am wondering if that is the source of my 6 years of ear pain on that side? Could be! Thank you for finding this article, its very interesting!
Borax and Magnesium
I would try mag oil directly on the knee in addition to the oral magnesium and borax.
Multiple Remedies
Thanks for the remedies! I love the Russian poultice recipe with mustard! I once bought a 5 pound container of dry mustard at a health food store. I think the cashier thought I was crazy. But mustard has great medicinal properties. (This I was reminding myself yesterday when I was eating pretzels with mustard. Yum! )
Very good point that the other knee is the same age and is fine, so the old age theory doesn't make sense.
Keep us posted!
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Remedies
Try DMSO, it's a lot more powerful than MSM and penetrates deep into the knee immediately.
Multiple Remedies
I use charcoal on top of drops of castor oil on a bandage with glue all around edges and apply to area of pain overnight and add some heat to drive it in with a rice pack or hot water bottle or heating pad....been working overnight for my problems. Alpha lipoic acid helps with my pain issues
Multiple Remedies
Hello Gracie of Nottingham,
I think I know what you are going through!
A crook knee is not pleasant at all. I wonder what your X rays will show? The radiologist will probably tell you that you have some osteoarthritis in the knee (surprise) but most people in their seventies will have that, and, if it is diagnosed as being "early" or "mild", that would not account for the severity of your pain which seems to be quite debilitating and restricting your mobility.
You are doing some great things to try to ameliorate the issue and I have tried most of them myself, especially after having suffered a similar, unexpected flare up five months ago after digging a deep drainage trench on my property. (We have to do most things ourselves out here "Down Under" in the sticks beyond the Black Stump and it takes its toll on body parts! ). I am yet to resort to pulling my own teeth yet though!
I strongly suspect that you MAY have either Tendonitis OR twisted or strained an important LIGAMENT around the knee joint.
This can take up to a year to heal unless we crawl around on all fours.
At this point I would like to refer you to my recent posting on this subject in the joint and knee section of Earth Clinic, so I don't repeat it here. They were kind enough to bestow an "Editor's Choice" on that one so it's rather like being mentioned in the Queen's Birthday Honours List!
In addition to the above (and what you are already doing which is great) I would seriously consider your doing the following: Organic Tea and Coffee if you drink those beverages, a little Hemp Seed Oil internally once a day, more Gelatine and three tablets of "Heal n Soothe" by the Living Well group just prior to retiring BUT one hour after food. Said to contain many of the ingredients you favour and possibly in a better combination for assimilation.
Lastly, and best of all, visit the best Acupuncturist you can find (even if you have to travel some distance to get there). Mine has not "cured" me yet BUT I gained noticeable relief after the first session-have regressed a little bit since - but hope for steady progress from now on. Did some of that "cupping" woodoo and massaged until I winced in pain. (It must be good-right?) She was rather keen on the exercises I mentioned in the (above) posting too and recommended that I continue with them. Well that's my take on your problem and it would be great if you could let us know of your progress. Be staunch and stick with it. As you lot say... "Keep calm and carry on"!
If you are a walker or keen gardener, then I recommend you desist for the next few months. Your knee will be grateful for the resting. Otherwise remain active.
Cheers and all the best,
Multiple Remedies
I know I am about 6 1/2 years too late, but in case I can help someone else, I will say what helped me. I was helping someone in the bathroom, and I made a 180 to go toward the front door. Nothing abnormal or unusual. Just a normal turn. My left knee went out. No former warning or problem. So I tried to make an appointment with the orthopedist. While waiting for a month, I decided I couldn't get anywhere without a solid brace. So I bought a knee brace at Walmart, the best one, with side bars. I wore it for 2 months, and took it off. I walk on it now. But it took about 2 months to get it that way. I wonder how many people would have gotten knee surgery, and then not been as mobile as I am. I feel like I shouldn't do 180 turns anymore, but I get around fine and exercise caution. I do recommend Carlson's cod liver oil, as I feel it helps ligaments and surrounding tissue. Two months+ with brace is key.
Collagen and Calcium Hydroxyapatite Supplements
I had knee bone on bone rubbing and taking 1 capsule mornings of chicken sternal/sternum collagen type 2 cured the bone on bone over several months. Improvement occurred within days. I will always take it. It didn't heal my non-painful shoulder.
I also take 1 capsule evenings of the calf bone concentrate "calcium hydroxyapatite" because it feeds the bones and teeth and has type 1 collagen which feeds the ligaments and tendons. I will always take it, although I still have a small amount of bending knee pain but it's no worse.
I also think I would have sensitive teeth if I didn't take calcium hydroxyapatite.
Some joints never heal with supplements, but I think the skeletal system still needs feeding and maintenance with these two supplements.
Been using Borax (mule 20 team) for about 2 weeks. I had pretty bad knee pain. Almost all my knee pain is gone. I have Osteoarthritis in the knees (both) and now the left knee feels like the right knee. I am 50 yo. I take the normal recommended dosage of 1 teaspoon of concentrate. Concentrate is made from 1 tsp Borax with 1 litre of distilled water. I do this for my whole family including my children. Borax is a salt and is no more toxic than table salt. Both will kill you if you take enough of them. Good luck to all and get rid of Fluoride!!!
Gelatin Powder
Dear Jane,
A friend uses the Great Lakes brand. I think it fits what you are looking for. You can get in from amazon.
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
I am 52 had started jumping on a trampoline on the fourth day I hooked my foot on a torn section of trampoline bed, could feel the outside of left knee tender. Then I wore 2.5 in. heels that night walking around four hours, by 10 p.m. I had such pain, off with those cruel shoes. The pain was felt especially if I moved leg laterally. After search on earthclinic I decided to use ACV mixed with water (70-85% ACV) and a small amount of Cayenne pepper (depends on your tolerance). Soaked a piece of cloth in mixture, wrapped my left knee with cloth then wrapped it in plastic wrap. I took off cloth on awaking. Knee felt better, but still small pain, by afternoon I forgot about pain and realized I had no pain. It was amazing! My knees have always been on the weak side, it has been 2 months since that happened and my knee is painfree. Thanks so much to all on earthclinic.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar Hot Compress for Arthritis –
You don't need fancy specialists and expensive drugs to help you deal with your arthritis. A few changes in your habits and some tried-and-true folk remedies can help just as much – at a fraction of the cost.
Try this effective arthritis treatment:
Mix 1 quart of hot water with 1 quart of apple cider vinegar. Cover sore areas with a compress made of a cloth soaked in this hot liquid and covered with a heating pad. Continue treatment for 30 minutes, and pain should be relieved.
From Weekly World News, December 9, 1997.
Most of my adult life I've suffered from stomach problems. And in research of natural cures and flouride poisoning I came across this wonderful website. Anyway, I started the BORAX treatment for flouride because I've been having problems with my knees. I tell ya, I don't know if it's the power of the mind or what, but 2 days of the BORAX treatment and my knees that have been bothering me for the past two months stopped hurting and I can walk again without pain. Haven't tried anything for the stomach yet. But I will now. Expecially after coming across this website and PH levels in the stomach and flouride absorbtion. WOW! Check it out for yourself! http://jdr.iadrjournals.org/cgi/reprint/72/3/619.pdf
Hi everyone at earthclinic! I am a 60 year male. I found your site after a search for arthritis and natural cures. I started taking the ACV and BS two months ago. It has significantly reduced the pain and swelling between my knuckles. My hips and knee pain are getting better and the food taste better as well. My energy has increased and I am not napping as much. I don't feel as cold anymore and no more shivers in bed. It has also helped my wife with her knees. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful natural cure. I almost got sold on the Swedish joint pain formula but I' found your site and I am now saving my much needed money. Now I am going to start using the H202 inhalation method and I will let you know how that turns out.You are on my 649 list and you can hold me to that.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I tried ACV to help releive my gout on my right foot big toe, the pain was getting worse I found the earthclinic web site read the reports on the use of ACV for gout and decided to try it to my suprise it has worked after taking for 1 week 2 tbl mixed with water 3 times a day after my meals, after taking ACV for just 2 days I noticed the pain was not as bad I also noticed that my right knee that I have had problems with for over 8 months was getting better I can now bend my knee fully again I thought my knee was done & was about to see a doctor about it, & on top of that my blood preasure was slightly high is now well within normal range. I cannot belive that the medical profesion does not know about this, all the wasted time & money spent on on these problems can be solved with a simple remedy ACV. Many thanks to earthclinic web site & ACV. Len from London Ontario
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have had joint pain in my hip and knees for years after a car accident..I had a total hip replacement in May of 2006 because the pain was so bad. I thought I may have to have my knee replaced also. A friend told me about ACV and how it helps your joints I have made a cocktail with ACV daily, I am so amazed I am totally pain free. I noticed a difference in two days.. I no longer take tons of aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs. I save so much money now and my liver and kidneys are better off..It truly is a miracle in a bottle.