Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

Coconut Oil
Posted by Pat (Noblesville, Indiana) on 01/07/2007

coconut oil soft gel capsules. It has been great for my IBS. as I lived with diarrhea, taking 3 pills a day has made a huge difference.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Irene (Bayville, NJ) on 12/20/2006

Coconut Oil cured my IBS and Bowel Distention' It was a little tough getting used to the taste tried all sorts of ways to get used to it but I actually don't mind it in my morning coffee. It has also made my skin very soft and my nails are growing like crazy. I will keep this one in my diet I feel so much more energy and it has only been a week!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzi (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/19/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my Sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatologic problem. My sister got me started taking organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Ekron, KY) on 01/20/2007

I have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for nearly 20 years. My worst symptom is chronic constipation. For a while I was unknowingly on a "natural" stimulant and didn't realize I was dependent on it to stay "regular". After two partial bowel obstructions I realized what had happened and have had trouble getting regular again without the aide of stimulants UNTIL Apple Cider Vinegar! I have been taking it three times each day since before Thanksgiving and have been regular with no other "help" aides for almost two months. To avoid the additional calories that come from taking ACV with honey or juices, I dilute mine with flavored carbonated water and it has become very easy to take.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Alex (Chicago, IL) on 12/27/2006

I cured myself of IBS with aloe vera juice, I used to have to sleep sitting up every night until I started taking aloe vera juice. Drink this every day for 3 months.

Posted by Amanda (Lynnwood, Washington) on 03/12/2007

I have had IBS for over a year now and after trying everything that the doctors and friends and family told me to try, nothing worked. Until I finally tried Lemon water. I squeeze Half of a lemon into a 8oz glass of water and drink it over an hour hour or two. If you drink it too fast you are likely to get heart burn. But after two days of drinking this once a day I was regular and no longer felt bloated or constipated all the time. Good luck and I hope it works for you.

Bottled Water
Posted by denise (naples fl, usa) on 06/25/2007

I have had severe IBS for 6 years. Before that time I could eat anything, never a stomach problem and my health was excellent. Since then I have tried every diet there is with the results that if I eliminated anything acid including citric acid which is in a lot of drinks and foods I could get by but I was still severely affected by IBS. Just one week ago I decided to try only drinking bottled water because I suspected my tap water even though we have a filtration system. I have not felt this good in 6 years. I am able to eat things (chocolate) that I haven't eaten in years. I have not been able to eat any fruits, any juices, most vegetables, in the last 6 years. I have not started to put all of them back in my diet yet as I am taking things slowly but this has been a HUGE improvement. The water I have been drinking is from a natural spring but nothing expensive (64 cents a gallon). Drinking bottled water has also improved my husbands health as he has had a skin irritation for several years that doctors could not diagnose. We both thinks it's the chlorine in the water system. By the way it isn't just the water in Florida causing the problem because we both had our health problems begin in Delaware where we also had a water filter on the tap.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Amanda (Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin) on 08/15/2007

I had suffered from IBS for years and years since I was about 11. It got to be so bad that my lower intestine enlarged to a point where it was pushing up against my stomach and causing severe pain. What really seemed to help me is to take a capsule of flax seed oil with a meal along with a glass of water. It made it so that I was regular. In recent years, I've been doing research on just how many illnesses are related to the consumption of animals and their byproducts such as cheese and the like. In an effort to become a healthier and more compassionate person, I became a vegan and it has done so much for me!! Not only has it completely cleared up the IBS, but numerous other things such as hypoglycemia, acne, made my skin more healthy and radient, made my nails harder, I get a more restful night's sleep, I have a TON more energy, etc. I cannot say enough about how much becoming a vegan has helped my health but the most drastic of a chsnge that I have found is the IBS. Within literally two days I was regular without the help of anything. I didn't have to watch what I ate to make sure that everything would be okay either. It was and is awesome! About an hour after I eat I have to go and it is the biggest relief! I hope those of you with IBS take my advice seriously and just think about cutting at least some of the animal products out of your diet.

Posted by gillian (DF, Mexico) on 11/27/2007

have the indian spice turmeric on hand for emergencies. Usually IBS has a lot to do with our emotional well-being and suggests something is or many things are stressing us and we need to make changes in ourselves. However becoming perfect can take more than a life time so i recomend turmeric, i swallow half a teaspoonfull when I have a bad case of IBS and in half an hour I am much better. Only thing is as with lots of cures natural and pharmaceutecal, if the IBS keeps coming back eventually the effect of the turmeric or other cure is lessened. what it gives us is a chance to feel better while we try to solve the underlying problems.

Dietary Suggestions, Aloe Vera, Multi Vitamins
Posted by Asy Metrix (Manchester, UK) on 01/04/2008

I had stomach problam that could have been IBS.

It felt as if i had dead bowels / colon' with no food passing to excretion - no movement in colon.

Even if it is not IBS my success may help.

1) NO spices in diet eg curry
2) NO fatty or greesy foods like fries
3) 5 TBL Aloevera conc 3 times a day
4) Multivitimin supplement + minerals daily
5) stress related issues effect colon so I took a smoke of 3 spliffs a day for just over a week. yes i mean cannabis.

6) alternative to spliff is chinese herbs for headaches - they work by removing stress (Zheng Tian Wan) - 2 weeks supply.

7) eat greens, lentils, fruit especially apples and eggs.

hope this will help someone as it helped me, no matter how drastic the solution.

Posted by Irene (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/03/2008

My husband and I have had wonderful success for over 6 years taking MSM orally and using MSM topically. We each take a teaspoon daily - about 4 grams. It has stopped irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis and been fantastic help in gum problems (gargle).The gel has reduced scars, insect bites, sunburn and creams are anti-ageing. We are passionate about MSM and will always take and apply it. Results have been so dramatic we started a skin care company.

Posted by B (Attica, IN) on 12/10/2006

After being diagnosed with IBS and perioral dermatitis I knew I had to make a change. I did my research and talked to a few people at the health food stores and then added probiotic acidophilus to my diet. The first week I took 2 times the recommended amount, the second week I cut it down the recommended amount and then have stayed on that amount rather well the past 10 years. It has fixed all the problems with my skin as well as my digestional tract. All the diseases of the body start in the stomach and colon, the acidophilus either in capsule form or yogurt help correct this imbalance. By fixing the imbalance, everything else falls in line. My skin is beautiful now. I would recommend this to any one suffering from any skin lesions and digestive problems.

Posted by germanygirl (hamburg, germany) on 03/01/2008

i suffered from BV for almost six months after taking just one round of powerful antibiotics! the smell was awful, and my self esteem really began to suffer. i just went to work and came straight home! i knew i had to restore my good flora, and it does take time, so i had to be patient. i kept going to my gynecologist, and thankfully, she encouraged my attempts to find a natural cure, and respected my desire to refrain from taking any more antibiotics. after finding out about probiotics, i started with just regular acidophilus, which did nothing! then, i found out that they need to contain more than acidophilus, specifically L. Rahmnosus and bifidobacterium longum. This combination worked magic!! it is sold in the United States...i was living in Atlanta at the time, and found it easily at co-ops and health food stores. also widely available online. just make sure those two are in there along with the acidophilus. i should also mention that i was suffering from IBS at the time, which also cleared up. i still take probiotics (one a day) to maintain intestinal health, and they are great. (this was three years ago.) generally only get sick once a year, and a bad cold doesn't turn into bronchitis anymore. good luck!

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