Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 11/03/2010

I used to have terrible IBS. I found that avoiding dairy helped tremendously also. I no longer have IBS. I attribute this recovery to stopping my diet soda intake (it was hard, but what a difference! ) and taking 3,000 mg (or more) of MSM daily. I've heard that aloe vera juice can also soothe the gut and clear this up. * I also used colloidal silver first to clear up any bacterial infections that may be in the system. ** Note: If you are using ANY artificial sweeteners, this will worsen IBS symptoms, at least it did in my experience and in my mother's experience.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sharon (Denver, Colorado) on 02/28/2010

I have IBS with a tendency toward diarrhea. I can't take supplemental mag. at all because it makes me worse. I try to get my magnesium from the foods I eat.

What has really helped me is a gluten-free diet. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to know whether it will help, so be patient. The other thing that has helped is powdered l-glutamine, about a heaping teaspoon mixed in water every day. It's well known as a bowel healer. Powdered vitamin-C can help too but start out slowly because too much can cause diarrhea.

I have learned to avoid what I know bothers me. At the top of this list are pain relievers (both prescription and OTC), alcohol, milk, horseradish, garlic and raw onion. I have also learned that adding fiber to the diet can make me worse, particularly commercial fiber preparations. I stick with half an apple, a little brown rice, or a very small serving of beans when I need fiber, and I don't eat them every day.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jessica Nicholson (Toronto, Canada) on 09/02/2008

I suffered from chronic IBS along with acne mostly in my T zone and fluctuating weight gain/loss for a number of years. after much toying with medications birth control pills and numerous skin creams which all had horrible side effects like rashes, yeast infections, bladder infections Candida, massive mood swings, depression, bad breath etc... I decided to find my own cure by following my bodies urges. I did a ton of research about digestion and the causes a poor diet has on digestion and eventually the skin after all our bodies organs are all connected to one another I then kept a food journal recording how I felt before and after everything I ate I eventually discovered that wheat was the culprit I was eating the stuff daily pasta, bread, and cereal.who'da thunk it wheat supposibly the miracle food giver of life was poisoning my body. After this discovery I eliminated wheat completely from my diet went on a regime of detox and colon cleanses all with natural products such as olive oil and lemon juice mixture for getting rid of gall stones, Dr Natura for a gentle natural non intrusive colon cleanse regime. and the master cleanse along with a juice fast for 10 days. and I eventually switched over to a vegitarian diet very high in live green foods, fruit and soy. This totally cleared up my skin, cutting out the wheat cleared up my IBS almost immediately and I have been IBS free now for almost 10 years. Another neat side effect of wheat elimination was I had suffered from a series of learning disabilities while I was a child and young adult after cutting out the wheat the brain fog cleared up and I was finally able to focus for the first time in my life. The cleansing cleared up my skin and the dietary changes dropped my weight to a my optimum weight I'm 5'8" tall and weigh 140 pounds with a very athletic build and have had no fluctuation since the change.

I am now 9 months pregnant and have never been so healthy in my life.I have put on the appropriate amount of weight needed for a health pregnancy. I have experienced no discomfort and had a totally normal exceptionally healthy pregnancy on this diet.

Follow your body's intuition and you will never go wrong. health is in your hands and diet!
best of luck Jessica xo

Dietary Changes
Posted by Amanda (Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin) on 08/15/2007

I had suffered from IBS for years and years since I was about 11. It got to be so bad that my lower intestine enlarged to a point where it was pushing up against my stomach and causing severe pain. What really seemed to help me is to take a capsule of flax seed oil with a meal along with a glass of water. It made it so that I was regular. In recent years, I've been doing research on just how many illnesses are related to the consumption of animals and their byproducts such as cheese and the like. In an effort to become a healthier and more compassionate person, I became a vegan and it has done so much for me!! Not only has it completely cleared up the IBS, but numerous other things such as hypoglycemia, acne, made my skin more healthy and radient, made my nails harder, I get a more restful night's sleep, I have a TON more energy, etc. I cannot say enough about how much becoming a vegan has helped my health but the most drastic of a chsnge that I have found is the IBS. Within literally two days I was regular without the help of anything. I didn't have to watch what I ate to make sure that everything would be okay either. It was and is awesome! About an hour after I eat I have to go and it is the biggest relief! I hope those of you with IBS take my advice seriously and just think about cutting at least some of the animal products out of your diet.

Replied by Nihal
(Sydney, Australia)

a vegan diet definitely helps manage condition. for me this is 100% crucial in management of condition. it won't cure it, but it'll give you some breathing space and energy. a lot of animal products cause IBs and bloating/Diarrhea.

Dietary Suggestions, Aloe Vera, Multi Vitamins

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Posted by Asy Metrix (Manchester, UK) on 01/04/2008

I had stomach problam that could have been IBS.

It felt as if i had dead bowels / colon' with no food passing to excretion - no movement in colon.

Even if it is not IBS my success may help.

1) NO spices in diet eg curry
2) NO fatty or greesy foods like fries
3) 5 TBL Aloevera conc 3 times a day
4) Multivitimin supplement + minerals daily
5) stress related issues effect colon so I took a smoke of 3 spliffs a day for just over a week. yes i mean cannabis.

6) alternative to spliff is chinese herbs for headaches - they work by removing stress (Zheng Tian Wan) - 2 weeks supply.

7) eat greens, lentils, fruit especially apples and eggs.

hope this will help someone as it helped me, no matter how drastic the solution.


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Posted by Amy (Georgia) on 05/05/2014

I have ibs and I get bad bloating after I eat salads and some steamed vegetables. I eat fennel seeds to help. Any other suggestions?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Amy,

There are a couple of things that I would try.

One would be charcoal. If you know you are going to eat something that will aggravate you, take a couple of charcoal tablets (not capsules) or a teaspoon of charcoal in 6 ounces of water. This will often help with gas/bloating.

Alternately, there are some herbal things to try. (Don't use charcoal within two hours of medication or herbal treatments.)

Peppermint - Have a cup of peppermint tea when you have something that may disagree with you. Or even easier, keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil with you and put a couple of drops into some water and drink it when you have something that might bother you.


Comfrey - You can make a comfrey tea to take with or after eating potentially offending foods.

You could also try just drinking comfrey and peppermint tea regularly. This may give some healing in the long term. You could drink 3-4 cups a day.

Let us know what you try and if it helps you.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Firminatus (Mansal Lacy, Hereford, UK) on 11/23/2009

There is no doubt in my experience that stress in conjunction with lack of natural food will create IBS. I have had several bouts of this debilitating condition and have cured it by removing stress as much as possible and drinking fennel tea. Make a tea in a small stainless pot,with one large teaspoon of whole fennel seeds and a pint of spring or filtered water.Gently simmer tea for about ten minutes and allow to cool. Drink about a quarter of a pint, two or three times a day. The first cup,I usually take on an empty stomach. Sometimes if it is really bad, I make two pots and allow the seeds to meditate for a day or so which can make it slightly more potent. Don't keep it for too long. Love to you all.

Replied by Darenm
(Trenton, Michigan)

I too have had great results with fennel. I have been suffering from IBS on and off for several years now. Usually it only last for about two weeks. But this time it lasted about 8 MONTHS!

My IBS is strictly pain. I don't get diareha or constipation just pain on my left and right side below my ribs.

Heres what I did:

After a colonoscopy my doctor diagnosed me with spastic colon (aka IBS)and prescribed me an anti-spasmodic drug called Bentyl or something like that. Of course I refused to take it and searched for a natural alternative.

Fennel is a natural anti-spasmodic and so is Chamomile. Fennel tea does help but I found chewing fennel seeds and sucking the juice out and swallowing then spitting the seeds out helps a lot too. But so far I think it is better to actually eat the seeds. I add about 1/2 teaspoon to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (I acutally use sunflower seed butter)

I buy my fennel seeds at a local health food store for 50 cents per ounce. Two ounces last me a 1 week or two. You can also order them online. I like Frontier Herbs since they have great prices and a HUGE selection of raw and organic herbs.

The other thing that is GREAT is to eat a fennel bulb that you can buy at a grocery store. I buy mine at Meijer or Kroger. But some krogers don't carry them. It's a white bulb with a long green stem. The best way I've found to prepare it is by cutting it like an onion into half in strips then STEAMING it. It makes it very soft and easy to chew. Sometimes I also sautee it with butter.

Eating the fennel bulb is probably one of the best in my opinion.

I also like to combine the steamed bulb with rice as it makes a nice substantial meal. And rice helps a lot for me.

The other thing that I recently purchased that HELPS A LOT is Organic Acacia sennegal fiber. There is a seller online with a great price for a round tin that contains a good amount. The brand I bought is specifically made for IBS sufferers. I think it was like $16. You can find it online by doing a google search for "Acacia Fiber IBS".

The final thing that has helped me is STRESS reduction and watching comedy! START LAUGHING! IT HELPS I SWEAR. Go on youtube and look up Louis CK he is hilarious! Or just type in comedian and watch some of those videos.



Replied by Tommy
(North York, On, Canada)

I'm happy that Fennel has saponins that could explain why it relieves your IBS. Saponins have some activity against protozoa and bacteria. Your testimonials are another prouve that IBS is an infection.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Bay (Houston, TX) on 03/21/2020

Editor's Choice PLAIN GELATIN

I have a remedy I haven't seen listed that has given me my life back.

I got C.difficil after a double round of antibiotics. I took the special antibiotic to get rid of the C.diff, which it did. But 6 months later I was hit with IBS-D, chronic diarrhea making it difficult to leave the house.

I tried every remedy on this site and others. I saw a gastro doctor who offered little help. Nothing worked.

I read antedotally that plain gelatin helped with diarrhea, and that it helped increase the mucosal lining of the intestines.

I began with 2 packets per day (morning & evening) mixed into my hot coffee or tea. I had relief within the first few days. Soft, but formed stools.

After a couple months I began using just one packet in my morning coffee, and continued with no problem.

After 6 months I did an experiment and got off it completely. I had one or 2 loose movements over a week, a vast improvement over previously. I have gone back to my morning packet ever since, and have not had diarrhea in a year and a half.

I mentioned this remedy to my regular doctor's nurse. She mentioned it to another patient who tried it and told the nurse to tell me "Thank you, I got my life back!"

Buy plain gelatin packets in the baking supply aisle of the grocery store. About $6 for 30 packets. It mixes and dissolves best in very hot liquid. Mixed with cold (even a drop of water in your mug) makes a gelatinous mess that dissolves eventually, but not easily.

Try it and let others know it works!!

Replied by C
(United States)

This helped me out so much. Thank you.

General Feedback

Posted by I Have Had It All (Boston, Massachusetts ) on 05/21/2012

<<<>>> I have had it all , IBS Diarhea for 30 years, Seriously, it lead to colon cancer, 25lbs of it taken out, I am now in remission, everything is going great for me, CEA of 05 out of 0.0-2 5 , so the doctors think it was related to IBS. Please be careful, I was careful and the doctors drop the ball on me. I went to my appointments and their nurse found out I was anemic as the doctor said I was good to go. Now I still have cronic Dia f- n ria which has always taken over my life for 30 years, can you believe this? It has, I am the most patient person on this earth. I have written down 11 answers to the question as to how to CURE this disease of IBS w/ D, I want, where is a bathroom, gone from my life. I have been passed on to Dr. To Dr. Idiot to Idiot if you want my opinion, the last GI Doctor just let me go one month ago, very kind of them. They had no more answers for me as to how to cure or even help the problem except for DTO / Opium, it works, it slows everything down but not always. D is stronger than anything I have ever known and I am a cancer patient. I should know, you wouldn't believe the pain from chemo drugs and having Diarrhea, its like walking in a field of flaming hot fire, well as I close here thank you to all IBS suffers you know how I feel. To all GI Doctors, You are all full of C_HIT! Sell your Crap to someone else and keep on pretending to be a Doctor, your not anywheres near being anybody- your lower than a used cars salesman. Well I am off to the bathroom AGAIN!!!

Replied by Solenia
(New York, Ny)

Dear I Have Had It All, You could investigate Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #2. I've been having sporadic IBS-type problems for 6 months post-food poisoning, and every time I take this it relieves the problem and I function normally for the rest of the day. I am considering doing their full 5-Day Bowel Detox, with multiple doses a day -- or maybe two 5-day detoxes back-to-back, to wipe out what I suspect is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and attempt to restore normal motility.

Replied by Heather53
(Palmdale, Ca)

Have you tried cutting all forms of Gluten out of your diet. I used to be like you and I am much better. You probably have undiagnosed Celiac Disease. It is very hard to diagnose even when you take all their tests. The only way to know for sure is to study gluten and all the names for it in food and remove it totally from your diet. If you have Celiac Disease and you don't remove Gluten from your diet you will get intestinal cancer. Celiac is an autoimmune disease that manifests with intestinal damage when you eat gluten products. If you have any problems eating dairy products that is also a big tip off that you have Celiac. I got lactose intolerant from intestinal damage due to Celiac. I have been gluten free for 9 months and I can eat some dairy now. Get the book "Wheat Belly", it will save your life.

General Feedback
Posted by Lady From London (London, Uk) on 12/23/2011

I just heard that a diet called Low FODMAP diet is helpful in relieving the symptoms. Basically, it's keeping fermented foods out of the diet. If anyone has tried this, please do let us know. Thanks!

Replied by Megan:)
(Ballarat, Victoria, Australia)

Hi, I have tried the FODMAP diet, roughly :) I have cut out some fruits such as apples, as they send me straight to the loo! Also I try not to eat fruits containing polyols or excess fructose. It seems to have worked but I am know suspecting it could be the tap water. Am definatly going to supermarket to get 20L of spring water. Am also trying the apple cider vinegar with water X

Replied by Thecalling13
(Florence, Ky)

What is the "Mother" they are referring to when mixing these remedies with apple cider vinegar or whatever? I have seen with the Mother and seen another with the X... I am skimming thru the articles but don't know what they are talking about. It is under Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ Treatment for IBS.

Any answers would be great :). Thanks

Replied by Healthminded

When you see "the mother" in reference to Apple Cider Vinegar (apple cider vinegar) this is referring to a natural raw pure vinegar. It should have a "muddiness" appearance to it, not perfectly clear. There will be sediment in the bottom and this is the good stuff. :) It has all kinds of beneficial healing properties in it. Organic is also best.


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Posted by Clyde (Chesapeake, VA) on 06/21/2008

Fresh Ginger Root also helps Acid reflux and IBS. peel off a small teaspoon size chunk of the root (after peeling and rinsing) chew it well. NOTE: the root is very spicy (hot) but not too bad.

Guinness Beer

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Posted by Steve (Nsw Australia) on 11/09/2017

Please forgive my English . I had the IBS over 25 years . Doctors couldn`t do anything for me . So, By a chance The Guinness Draught has fixed my problem . [ Please drink responsibly .As we all know the alcohol is bad for every person. I can only recommend 440ml a day. No more then 440 ml.

To start 440 ml a day for a week. After that 440 ml every second day.

You should notice the improvement in two weeks time. It took me 2 months to clear of this IBS problem. I wasn`t going to write this article because of the alcohol content, but if it helps even one one person would be a help.

It contains BARLEY.


Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Lucy (Racine, WI) on 01/14/2007

Thanks so much for the suggestions. Me and my husband use 3% h2o2in the ear whenever we feel the onset of a cold or flu. We have not had a cold in two years since using this method. Before my husband would get a flu that would keep him from work for 2-3 days in a week but no more. I had intestinal issues (loose stools). Went to Dr. diagnosed with IBS. Next went to homeopath. took saliva test, had sensitivity to wheat change eating habits improved but still loose stools frequently. This transpired over a year. After finding this site and reading about h2o2 had the courage to try h20s internally. I started with 5 drops in distilled water, the goal was three times a day I usually hit twice a day. By the tenth day my stools were consistently solid and well formed. It has now been over a month since the big improvement for me. Even when I eat wheat I do not get bloated or have the loose stools hardly ever. I still try to stay away from a lot of wheat but I now am the proud producer of solid log like stools!

IBS and Candida

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Posted by Gigi (Denver) on 02/04/2014

ICV and Candida: 2012 was a tough year after 2 surgeries that lead to much research. In fall 2012, my period became quite heavy where I couldn't leave the house for more than 3-4 hours. In March 2013 was given a prescription to clot menstrual cycle, which resulted in a thrombosed vein - I believe was caused a blood clot (April 2013, surgery #1). Anemic and weight loss for a few months, then had ablation July 2013. Since ablation, symptoms of menstrual discomform persisted (low back pain and what seemed to be swollen ovaries). November 2013 had painful intestinal reaction after reintroducing wheat, dairy and sugar back into my diet (and probably stress). Took ACV and high quality aloe vera juice successfully with a couple bouts during the holidays. In late December, visited gastero doctor who diagnosed it as IBS. He suggested colonoscopy and CAT scan. The day after colonoscopy (December 21), I was in a fetal position in great pain. MD, Gastro and OB said it was probably yeast from drugs after surgeries. After consulting with a host of non-traditional resources, it seems my ICV (ileocecal valve) is problematic and bloating a sheer misery for 5 weeks.

Earth Clinic has helped immensely as well as Jini Patel Thompson's site to heal my inflamed large intestines. Looking back, my occasional symptoms have included bad menstrual cycles, sinus problems, tinninus, brain fog, heart palpitations and muscular issues. ICV symptoms can be many and is known as The Great Mimicker. The recommendation is to resolve inflamed intestines to alleviate it turning into IBD or Crohn's. There is a massage technique to address the ICV online; peppermint tea (enteric coated peppermint is excellent to help the peristaltic movement of the intestive), marshmellow and slippery elm to coat the intestines. I'm eating bone broth (made from organic grass fed beef bones and chicken, carrots, celery, onion, zucchini and garlic. I eat all except the celery and easy to digest foods such as avocado, banana, pear; juicing green vegetables with apples, parsley, cilantro and fresh ginger; avoiding dense foods, chips, sugars, wheats, dairy, fermented foods, legumes that cause gas (a little hummus is good), spicy hot, carbonation, scratchy veggies, grains and processed foods. I've also been doing allergy elimination via acupuncture which seems to help. I'm also taking wild oil of oregano and Grapefruit Seed Extract to kill bad bacterial and repopulating with a super good probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain, 5 billion cfu (colony forming units), Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LB-51 super strain, 5 billion cfu), Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Also incorporating oil pulling and castor oil packs (3-4 x per week) and activated charcoal 2-3x per week to help flush out the bad. Will start an Elemental Diet this week for 10-14 days, then plan to begin eliminating the candida through continued diet, rife and acupuncture (the candida diet is basically what I'm doing now to keep the pain away).

Moral? If you're suffering from any type of intestinal problems, please consider having olonoscopies and GI tests carefully. Even though my physicians were talking with one another, not one thought of telling me about the potential yeast problem nor did they caution me not to have the colonoscopy while my intestines were in a very fragile state. This ordeal has diminished my health considerably and is costing me financially, physically and emotionally just to get my life back to normal. Blessings and healing to those of you with any form of IBS.

IBS and Herpes Virus Connection

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5 star (4) 

Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 08/09/2010

I have IBS and nothing seems to work for me real well. I do the baking soda and EDTA. I treat for Candida regularly as well. Right now I have a little pit in the roof of my mouth and it is really sore. I think it is the herpes virus which I have had since 6 years old. I have had the IBS since 22 years old and by age 48 I thought I had kicked it. After several years of being free of it the IBS is back. I get cold sores more frequently now as well. I keep wondering if the herpes virus is part of my IBS problem. I have heard that the herpes virus is either active or dormant but I wonder if rather then going dormant it really just goes to my intestines and causes the IBS and Candida problems. I would like to know if Ted could answer this for me and if he has found the herpes virus among the people he has helped with IBS. I would also like to hear from other people with IBS that get the cold sores of the herpes virus and how long they have had both the IBS and herpes and if the herpes came first. I think there is a connection in my case but I would like to know if there is a connection with the two in other case. Thank you everyone.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
391 posts

If it's a recurring issue of cold sores, its usually a virus which tends to hide in the nervous system and bone marrow. Nervous system is common, while in bone marrow tends to cause anemia now and then. The IBS might be helped with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of water, single dose. The herpes, is mostly lysine 1000 mg with glutamine 1000 mg taken hourly for 4 hours for roughly three days. If they come back it's taken again. Someone claimed that it resists every supplement I mentioned here, but I have found they work in all cases from direct experience. Zinc maybe supportive. As for candida, baking soda, potassium citrate, perhaps potassium iodide are the common supplements I might consider, along with 25 mg of sodium molybdate for a week or two, as the most promising so far. People also tend to be low in copper, which is supplemented with chlorophyll.


Replied by Megyn
(Houston, Tx)

Hi I know this thread was started last year. I just wanted to share quickly my experiences with vaginal herpes and IBS-C. I have had herpes since I was 18 and IBS-C symptoms that have increasingly gotten worse. I have followed a gluten and lactose free diet for over two years now which helped greatly. Then recently my food intolerances have become so bad that I started a low FODMAP diet which has also helped to mitigate a lot of the bowl discomfort I have suffered. But I was still having a lot of problems going to the bathroom. All of this is going on while I have been having almost one herpes out break after another for the past 6 months. I have been tested for SIBO, and it was inconclusive. My bathroom habits have been difficulty accessing the muscles needed to properly eliminate (a lot of twisting, turning, pushing on my abdomen) what ends up being pretty soft, sometimes not formed at all stool. So its not classic constipation. My lower left back has also been causing me pain problems chronically. I was beginning to wonder If I had a pinched nerve that wasn't signaling properly, but I don't seem to have a pinched nerve either. I also don't have any sensation in the rectal area to have a bowel movement. It is more of a bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, so I go and try and pray something happens.

So a few days ago I got a prescription for Valtrex for suppresive therapy, after just two days of taking 1 gram a day I have noticed a huge difference in my ability to eliminate! I don't know if there is a causal relationship, but it is definitely correlated. I will continue to stay on suppressive therapy for a LONG TIME as well as continue the low FODMAP diet for at least a year to let things heal. I will probably get some stool samples tested for parasites and yeast just to make sure too. But I think I am on to something. Hope this helps someone!


I have to agree with Megyn and all of the above comments. I have HSV2 and got this after already having IBS symptoms. However, I also wonder if the herpes virus isn't making it worse as well. :( This sucks! I take a monolaurin supplement which is shown to help herpes. If I 'ever' run out of it, I am entirely constipated and impacted. I found it also treats h pylori and I have symptoms which indicate, to me, that I have this as well. So, I began 2 T 3 x per day of 10 ppm silver hydrosol and this has helped when out of the monolaurin, so has oregano oil. However, the monolaurin, is a night and day difference. I know that going with the protocol of low FODMAP, allicin, neem oil, berberine, and oreganol helped me in the past but I ran out and 'cheated' before finishing the treatment effects. So, I'm on the fence as to what is the root cause. At the same time, it's freaky to me how using monolaurin alone will regulate my bathroom habits (petrified to run out). I only take pellet form. I will look into lysine again but found little effect on my hsv2. Found out about monolaurin through Dr. Neil. Also, I believe if I cut out so many nuts (I tend to eat a lot of these) that this would really help my hsv2 symptoms, thereby decreasing the need for monolaurin. I wish I had a fm doctor to wade through all of this. I will look at Ted's protocol above for hsv.

Replied by Yardley
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)

Megyn, I had the chicken pox 2 years ago which is when my ibs symptoms started. Chicken pox is a form of herpes and I am convinced there is some correlation with this virus and bowel dysfunction. Now all we have to do is convince our doctors and maybe they will do a study!

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