Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

Posted by Lynn (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 07/08/2017

Hi, Lynn from new Zealand here. Diagnosed with Grovers disease 20 months ago. Have had every steroid cream, OTC creams, lotions and potions, Acetretin and Tetracycline drugs that exist! Or so it seems. Nothing really ever "fixed" the problem. Intense itching and spots, sleepless nights and miserable.

HOWEVER, I recently went on an extended holiday in Bali and swam 2-3 times a day in seawater. Over a short period the rash and itch improved and almost disappeared. Then I went on to Malysia where the seawater was too polluted for swimming. Swam in hotel pools, rash returned . It got me thinking about seawater so I researched this well. Found a site and read the story of Richard L who has cured his Grovers with seaweed powder. I made a paste and applied it afer showering, leave on for 15 minutes and then shower off. Do this for quite some time and he claims his grovers is gone. I'm trying this now.

Also am going to hot pools nearby that are seawater heated by heat exchange, so natural. Skin feels much better afetr each swim and rash and itch DEFINITELY improving. I'll do this for the rest of my life if it gets rid of the Grovers and makes life bearable. Any others found seawater can help?

Sea Buckthorn Berry
Posted by Megan F (Portland, Oregon ) on 03/22/2017

I was diagnosed with Grover's Disease 2 years ago and have tried practically everything to get rid of the itching chest rash. Recently I started using sea buckthorn berry oil rubbed twice per day directly on the rash and it seems to be clearing up and reducing the itchiness (it's been 4 days) I will update if it clears it up totally.

Posted by Jerry (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 07/17/2010

I have Grover's Disease, confirmed by a dermatologist and a pathology. My first major outbreak was in 2004, with subsequent major outbreaks in 2006 and 2007. I have discovered that the outbreaks are caused by ingestion of sulfites which I am apparently sensitive to. As you may know, sulfites are plentiful in all manner of food and drink, especially psckaged french fries and hash browns, out of season fruits and vegatables and unfortunately, wine and brandy. (and probably beer) I believe that many years of enjoying alcoholic beverages may have damaged my liver's ability to process sulfites. However, I have found that taking molybdenum has negated my problem with sulfites and I am no longer troubled by Grover's. I take one capsule per day (1, 000 mcg). I have no trouble with wine and occasionally even have a few french fries. I don't know if sulfites cause Grover's outbreaks in anybody else but you might want to consider it.

Willow Balm, H2O2, Tanning Bed
Posted by TURBO 63 (PORT HURON) on 04/13/2023


Here is an udate as I am itch free for 14 days as of this email:

Step 1 = Respiractin - find this product and take it 2 to 3 times daily it is amazing and is a product of Canada, it simply works.

Step 2= use peroxide to clean the affected area 2 to 3 times a day.

Step=3= use willow balm pain lotion for the itch.

Step=4= your choice uva/uvb tanning 3 to 6 mins on the affected area.

And I am itch free and very happy, please look to the other post I submitted for the prescription cream I used in conjunction with this treatment. (note) I refuse to take oral meds as they are useless in my opinion and have way too many side effects. This was a 8 week struggle to find what worked for me and I am finally free of grovers. Thank god

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Ken (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ) on 10/26/2021

I too got Grovers disease after Pfizer Vaccine. 3-4weeks after 2nd shot. About 4months now I have endured this debilitating disease. I had a biopsy from my dermatologist which of course confirmed Grovers. Will not have the booster they want me to have. Had 19 treatments of light therapy with no improvement. Lack of sleep is a big thing for me and life has taken a big dip in the quality that I was used to. Taking Zinc Oxide, Tea Tree oil, many creams and Blexten Antihistamine. Slight improvement but still covered in rashes. Don't know where to go from here, but I was inspired to be able to share with others.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Magnolia (US) on 10/27/2021

Eat some cilantro everyday. Many reports of this helping Grovers. Some people do not like it or for some reason cannot eat it, but if possible, try it - look for cases on this site for positive reports of it. Good luck!

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 10/28/2021 233 posts

Cilantro removes the heavy metals in the body/va$$ines. Know this truth and get back to health. Add vitamin C, D3 and milk thistle to support your liver and immune system

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Gi9gles (OR) on 06/14/2021 2 posts

This is going to be a long posting, but I want you to know my story too as it might help someone. What happened to Rita below also has happened to me. I am only 39 years old and a female (not the typical lucky person to get GD). I have been a vegetarian most of my life mostly plantbased. I watch what I eat, take great care of my skin. The only link has really been getting the Pfizer vaccine. This has been devastating to me and my family as it has affected what I can do. I can't get hot as this seems to cause it to flare. So no exercising, gardening, etc. And I live on 18 acres.

My story is very similar to yours and I am shocked to see that someone else also believes it was the Pfizer covid vaccine. I got the first dose of Pfizer in January, my 2nd dose on February 2 ( right after I only experienced tiredness, muscle aches, and a slight temperature, but not like some people got after) not until February 7th after using a heating pad on my back. I noticed a rash just below my bra line. Then a few days later it developed on my low back. I wasn't able to get into my dermatologist until March and since I was so young and not a typical patient of Grovers dieases and my GD didn't itch she never even mentioned GD. She diagnosed me with folliculitis right off just by looking at it.

She prescribed doxycycline. And also bleach baths. I hate taking antibiotics. I like to do things naturally. So I tried everything I could natural ( but nothing from this sight since at the time I didn't know I had Grovers) nothing seemed to work. Somedays it would seem it was getting better other days it was worse it was such a frustrating and depressing time. I end up taking an antifungal for 3 days after I was at my wits end to see if it would work before I took an antibiotic. My dermatologist still thinking my Grovers was folliculitis.

In short, the the antifungal only made it somewhat better, but not gone. I ended up taking the antibiotics, but that still wasn't helpful even though my dermatologist said it would clear it right up. It didn't. After being on the antibiotics for a while consulting with my gastro specialist ( to see if there was a link to my rash because of a gut problem which turned out it wasn't) but she suggested I stay on the antibiotics for a while longer to clear up any infection and to take a good probiotic supplement to keep my gut bacteria somewhat healthy while on the probiotic. I ended up going back to the dermatologist and she did a biopsy of my skin condition and it came back Grovers dieases. I was devastated. I thought How in the world did this happen to me especially knowing that there is no cure! And after all this time of trying to treat something else. My dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream which I didn't want to use as long term use on the skin can cause thinning. I continued my research. And found this sight. I have tried a number of things on this sight butt past ( didn't work), still trying supplements suggested here. I have had Grovers for a little over 6 months now. And it does seem to be getting better, but not completely gone. I do occasionally get a red dots here and there with no reason why. I have been using homemade aloe vera (which has seemed to be helping the most) on my skin several times a day and taking supplements because my vitamin D3, zinc, and vitamin A where on the low side as well as my WBC was also low ( probably because of my 27 days on an antibiotic). So I have been adding immune supporting herbals like garlic, probiotics, fermented foods, and oregano on a daily basis. I also started green smoothies again. And on I'm on a strict whole food plantbased diet. I don't eat anything that's not natural. I also purchased some moisture wicking clothes ( not that I sweat, but this has been advised to help). I can't say my Grovers is gone again, but it is better. I feel trapped by the fear it is going to come back even worse though. I check my skin every morning hoping its disappeared completely. I hate that it has held me back from life and I have done so much research and this is the first time anyone else has thought like myself it was due to the Pfizer vaccine!

I have told my dermatologist who waved that idea off real quick as well as the idea that the heating pad I used helped spring on my Grovers even though there is a heat connection. I have since seen another dermatologist who was a little better at hearing me about wanting to be more natural at helping my Grovers and suggested Calendula oil. Its acts as a antinflamatory and has been known to heal and prevent radiation burns for those going thru cancer treatments. I have just started using it and will tell you all if it helps.

But for now I am still testing it. My doctor does believe me that it was the Pfizer vaccine. She is on a nationwide board that hears about reactions to covid vaccine, but hasn't heard of anyone reporting Pfizer as a cause of Grovers. I have tried to report my symptoms to CDC with no luck! I am so frustrated. And there is nothing on the internet about the link. Like I said this is the first post I happened to find someone else that has experienced the same thing.

I feel so helpless at times but have felt better knowing I am not alone in this, with this sight and hearing people's stories has help along with prayer. I hope for our sake with the link of Pfizer vaccine that we have this one occurrence of Grovers disease outbreak and our body will somehow heal/recover and we wont have any reoccurring episodes. I can only hope! I hate that we are the unlucky ones to get Grovers from Pfizer. I wish somehow we could ban together to tell more people about this because I am sure there are more people like us out there, but just don't know what ot is dont have the means to go to a dermatologist, be diagnosed correctly and have someone take them seriously that their Grovers was sparked by the Pfizer vaccine. Please anyone that has received the Pfizer vaccine for covid and has experienced what we have posted your story here for others and hat has helped for you. I know everyone's journey with GD is different and what helps but sometimes what helps one person could help another. And with not much help in the medical world, we have to help out each other.

Thanks for hearing my story. Please post here if you find out any new information as I will too.

Cilantro, Zinc Oxide, Turmeric
Posted by Roberta L. (Ny) on 04/25/2021

My Grovers Disease is now gone! After reading this website, I've had a cilantro smoothie daily and used zinc oxide 20% to quell the itch. Great improvement in a week. Then my dermatologist gave me injection of Dupixent, bc I also have some eczema. Mild improvement and reversion after injection. Kept up the cilantro and added turmeric 3600 mg a day. Turmeric is good for treating inflammation in the body, my skin felt hot all the time w Grovers.

Within three days, my GD disappeared completely. It's been almost two weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. Recommend trying turmeric to treat inflammation.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Kathleen (Oregon) on 04/22/2021

I came down with Grover's disease years ago and was told there is no cure. I tried cortisone creams which did not work. It was unbearable. I was reading a forum about it one day & found that 2 women went on a gluten free diet and it went away for them so I went gluten free and it went away. I have had 2 flare ups over the years & both were after eating licorice which often has gluten in it. The Grovers began to fade as soon as I stopped eating the licorice. So it may be gluten for some people and it's worth a try.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Mon (FL) on 11/19/2020

I have also just gotten a new flare up of "Grovers" and is getting worse with my workouts. The doctor prescribed a steroid cream to be used for 2 weeks. Was not seeing much difference. Did some investigating on this website and others and decided to try a different approach. Applied Triple Antibiotic on the spots and covered with Zinc 24 hours already see an improvement. Itching has decreased, spots not red and not as raised. Will also supplement with Vitamin A as I have read this is critical as well.

Will keep all posted over the next week or so of this :).

Reishi and Shiitake Mushrooms
Posted by Francesco (Vittorio Veneto (ita)) on 10/24/2017

Hi all, at first sorry for my poor english (I'm italian). It is a long time I suffer for grover disease (years), up to a month ago. that time a gave a try to medicinal mushrooms, rieshi and shiitake. Make sure pills are composed of extract PLUS powder of the mushroom, both of them. Take 4 grams per day each mushroom, 2 grams breakfast and other 2 at dinner. Results may arrive in 2 weeks, amazing!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 08/27/2021 233 posts

The folks at EC found years ago that cilantro is the remedy for grovers. Take some every day. We couldn't work out if it was detoxing heavy metals that cause the skin condition, as cilantro is an excellent chelator, or the large amounts of vitamin A that are within. But it works. Take cilantro internally daily, take a clean bunch, cover with boiling water, cover to keep the therapeutic steam and oils. Steep twenty minutes. If you don't like the taste take capsules 🌱

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lorraine (Star, Idaho) on 02/18/2017

Hi Margie,

Sorry to hear about your Grover flare ups. I too have had Grover's for several years, but evidently, it is far less invasive on my skin than what many others on EC are experiencing. I have done a lot of research into the medical journals and have been frustrated that there is so little research or interest in this disease. I would like to share with you the one thing that I have found helps the "itching" (in quotes, because mine is more like a "stabbing pain." I use Oregano oil on my flare ups. It is totally natural, of course, with no side effects, and it works wonders -- almost instantly. You can purchase a dropper bottle of this oil at Vitacost online. If you do try the oil, I would be appreciative if you would let me know whether it works for you.

Best of luck, Lorraine

Willow Balm, H2O2, Tanning Bed
Posted by TURBO 63 (PORT HURON) on 04/09/2023

I would like to be clear that my suggestions are just that and nothing more, I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advise, simply sharing treatments that have worked for me..

I have not and will not take any oral medications, as I do not feel they work and have more than their share of negative side effects..

Treatments that work for me:

1. Willow balm for pain/ is still my go to for the itching and is amazing for stopping the itch.

(Cons) a bit strong smelling but I have smelled way worse..

(Note) Willow balm has product for itching but it is not as effective as the pain balm (it smells less strong).

2. Hydrogen peroxide to clean the affected area 2 to 3 times daily with triamcinolone 0.1% cream with willow balm 2 to 3 times daily.

(Cons) hydrogen peroxide can burn but it not the worst pain and use the peroxide after cleaning your skin..

3. Top choice for non-topical treatment is going to the tanning salon and using a uva /uvb stand up bed on the effected areas of my back and chest. I spend 4 to 6 mins 2 times a week and I am mostly itch free for 95% of the week.

(Cons) dermatologists get very unhappy about tanning. But since they have to personally deal with the non-stop itching day and night, I do not care what they think at this point. Tanning is the key to my dealing with gd. But keep in mind i am using a limited time to obtain a slight redding of my skin. Simply works for me.

I hope this helps as I have tried numerous products and this has been a blessing for me..

Cilantro, Vitamin A+
Posted by Betsy (Georgia) on 08/29/2022

After reading all of these great posts on the Grover's Disease page, I tried the Cilantro smoothie once a day with usually a half of the bunch. Added turmeric and black pepper, (they have to work together) berries, a good collagen powder marine or bovine, along with a scoop of organic greek yogurt, ice, water and a scoop of organic non GMO plant based protein powder. I doubled my zinc to 30mg, 500 mg of curcumin (with black pepper), and 25,000-30,000 IU of Vit A plus what is in the cilantro, and 5000 of Vit C. Wore lose closing and limited bras. tried not to sweat during the day on my abdomen and lower back where my GD is located. I also added a uric acid cream twice daily. The one I used was Eucerin rough and bumpy cream. I saw and felt improvement after 2 days and great improvement after 5. Totally gone in 7 days. I am continuing the cilantro but will probably cut back to every other day in a couple of weeks. Staying with the uric acid cream daily and the supplements for a month at least. Then I will reduce the vitamin A, take a two week break from the zinc because it interferes with copper and reduce the dose, and reduce my Vit C. Amazing how food can heal! I cannot wait to return to the dermatologist to let her know so others can possible be helped. For history I have had this for about 6-7 years. Never knew what it was and treated it with a steroid cream that usually worked. It was self- limiting. This year at 62, it came on with a vengeance. My abdomen and lower back from bra line down was covered. It had never been that bad but I was spending way more time in the sun. I went to the derm, asked for a biopsy and it confirmed GD. Of course a strong steroid cream which I hated using because of the skin thinning effect ordered for 2 weeks on then off two weeks and back on for a total of 8 weeks. I tried that with absolutely no resolve and was not waiting 8 weeks to fix this. So I started researching and found this site amongst others. Thanks to all of you who posted. I take other supplements which may have had a small effect but these were the ones that I feel made a difference because I added them. I did try the butt paste etc but had no effect. May just have been me and very messy. Uric acid, I think was a big component because of the breakdown of the skin along with the other support of collagen, zinc, Vit A and C. Hope this helps someone else. Good Luck!

Grover's Disease Triggers: Stress
Posted by James (NC) on 05/22/2022

My dermatologist says that stress plays a large part in Grover, and I believe this, as symptoms appeared at the time my Mother was diagnosed with breast and lung cancer. Being an only child, it was a stressor to the max, and after her passing (3 years later), the settling of her estate, which is still ongoing still is an awful burden.

Have been prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide 1%, CeraVe cream, Doxepin, Zyrtec, and already take D3, chelated Zinc, Super Beets, Balance of Nature, and am a vegetarian (for over 40 years). Tried the cilantro drink for a week (awful, soapy). If anyone is trying the aforementioned treatments, they may be healthy, but not effective for my case. Already have a long list of meds, as was in a near-fatal car crash right before 9/11 & have had migraines since the age of 3.

My Grover is all over my trunk, legs, arms, neck & reaching to my face. only my hand and the soles of feet are clear. TY for listening, if you did. Hugs

Grover's Disease Remedies
Posted by Jeannette (Colorado) on 02/25/2022

Beyond Cilantro - Other Remedies Not Previously Mentioned for Grover's

I'm a 75 year old female diagnosed with Grovers by a dermatologist (primary care physician misdiagnosed Prickly heat) who prescribed topical steroids (which I won't use because of my hypersensitivity to all meds. I have a 3 year history of heart disease and docs made me their guinea pig for meds with horrendous side effects ranging from chronic diarrhea to anaphylactic shock).

Have suffered from Grovers for 1 month now...was keeping me awake with needle-like prickles from 8 pm to 3 am. The night prickles stopped 2 weeks ago when I went on a strict candida-free diet (absolutely no bread and no sugar). Rash is milder now but still evident mostly on chest and belly and some on back. Just started the cilantro smoothie routine, but also made a cilantro pesto (1/4 bunch cilantro and olive oil) poultice for my chest and belly area.

Research on other sites indicates a connection between Grovers and:

1. using electric blanket or heating pad which I have been doing for 3 months (stopped immediately upon reading about the connection) as my feet get ICE cold on Colorado nights (which could be adrenal fatigue?); and

2. Grovers can be activated by strong meds for other conditions (certainly a consideration in my case) and

3. excessive sweat (which I notice between and under my breasts at night) which indicates an imbalance in one's internal thermometer.

I think the presence of heavy metals are also worth examining. Looks like cilantro may play a big role in a cure. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to share what's working! Anxious to try your recipes!

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by june (adelaide australia) on 02/25/2022

Hi Audrey,

I was stunned when I read about your Grovers, I too have been diagnosed and had it about 12 months ago, it went away and has now come back after seeing a dermatologist I am on prednisolone and doxycycline ect alone with mometasone cream, using cetaphil bacterial soap, and nothing is working really I am still spotted up, but I found putting the daktozin fungal cream for nappy rash, was better than the mometasone cream, now having said that I have been researching and it seems that zinc which is in the daktozin seems to be the way to go someone said on this site they put zinc oxide on and the spots went right down so I am going to try that, and I am also going to take some zinc supplement. I was stunned when I read about the vaccinations because that's when I got them after having my vaccs, well good luck let's hope we can beat it

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Carole (Delray Beach, FL) on 11/19/2021

I'm addressing several questions from the posts I've read tonight. I've had Grover's Disease over 30 years. It was dormant for a couple of decades but resurfaced with a terrible outbreak in the last two years. I know now (and have confirmed in articles on the net) that Xrays trigger Grover's--and I've had many xrays because of severe scoliosis and now a shoulder injury--as did the UVA therapy my dermatologist gave me. I had six treatments and between those and a lot of recent xrays, I now have Grover's all over my breasts, midrift, arms and legs. Previously, they were limited to my chest.

I've been horrified to watch it spread before my eyes. I quit the UVA therapy as soon as I realized what was happening; however! I have since read that UVA therapy initially makes the Grover's worse--then makes it better. I've asked my dermatologist to research that.

To those who are going in the sun: STOP sweating! It's dumb!

As for Cilantro, I bought the oil on Amazon because a support group I belong to is experimenting with it and looking for feedback. I've been taking 5 drops a day in water for about 2 months. I can't see any change, other than the spreading of the disease. My derm prescribes both Clobetasol and Eucrisa, which I alternate daily. He just added hydroxyzine. I also use a moisturizing cream that contains both menthol and camphor. So, I'm kind of taking a shotgun approach to this but it's out of desperation.

What's new about the appearance of the Grover's is that I'm developing purpura--the purple hematomas (for lack of a better description) all over my chest, breasts, arms and I suppose my legs will be next. I've seen nothing in print that links Grover's to stress--but I'm here to tell you I believe stress is a major trigger for me. I'm under tremendous stress, facing open spine surgery soon, and my derm told me he now agrees with me. We believe stress and the frequent x-rays have a lot to do with my progressing flares.

The only drug I had a GREAT response to but don't take more of because of its negative effects is PREDNISONE. I took it for 15 days and had a dramatic clearing of the Grover's--but I've had a terrible progression of the disease since then (this past summer).

I wish that more clinicians and researchers would take up the cause and find more effective treatments for us sufferers of Grover's. Until then, keep sharing.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by John (Winter Haven Fla) on 03/17/2022

I have been dx with Grover's. I was told it is a rare genetic disease. Dermatologist has try multi treatments, antibiotics, vistaril, anti - histamines, triamcinolone, and Saran lotions. All these have worked for while, then stops working. We are picking up a Rx from our compound Pharmacy tomorrow for Naltrexone 3mg. Hopefully it will help. God bless you in this journey. Did not receive the vaccine. Did have covid.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Sherri A (Manhattan, Ks) on 01/25/2023

I had a rash with Covid as well. I did research and there was a Covid rash, googled pics. It looks like Grover's. I had another round of the rash. Odd I thought. It just kept getting worse. Went to Urgent care. They thought allergic reaction or contact dermatitis since it came on so quick. I received an injection of steroids, and the intense itch went away for the most part. Three weeks later more rash and the same intense itch. Went to Dermatologist and she biopsied a couple of the pustules. Grover's was the outcome. So mine started with Covid as well. Lucky us... not.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Rita (California) on 06/03/2021


My Husband was given a "Pfizer Vaccine" on Feb. 20,2021. Fourteen days later, he went into a spa, and pool, at a Country Club, and shortly after, begin itching like crazy. His Dermatologist diagnosed him w/Grover's disease. He checked with his Dermatologist if he should get the second Pfizer Vaccine, and his doctor said, yes. So he did. Perhaps, the Pfizer Vaccine has altered my husband's immune system, and with the mixed chemicals of a public spa/pool, explains why the severe rash breakout.

He hasn't changed anything else in his lifestyle, has had excellent skin, no skin conditions, and his recent blood lab work came back excellent. He's never been on any long term prescriptions, and is very healthy. His diet is mostly Whole Food Plant Based, he golfs 3 days/wk., takes vitamins, drinks green kale smoothies daily, eats mostly organic food, low stress, retired, and is a very calm minded person. btw- he has used our spa at our home for past 20 years, and never a problem.

The dermatologist prescribed Fluocinonide, then replaced it w/Triamcinolon, both made everything worse, so he has stopped using it. He's now taking over-the-counter, Bendaryl @ night, and Claritin 24 hour, during the day. And he is now drinking cilantro smoothies, using Boudreaux's Butt Paste, Tumeric 3,000 mg./daily, and lightly spraying apple cider vinegar on some areas of the rash. The ACV does seem to be helpful.

How does someone so healthy, suddenly get GD??!! Go figure..... We are open to all suggestions and thank you to everyone for contributing what has and has not worked for your GD. We shall keep you posted.

Homeopathy - Natrum Muriaticum 30c
Posted by Karly (New Zealand) on 07/13/2020

I suffered through a major first Grovers flare up right before Covid-19 lockdown and when I was finally able to see a doctor in person and had a biopsy taken I was diagnosed with Grover Disease. I am 38 and female.

I know we are all so different so one cure may work for one but not the other but I have found Homeopathy for me has been my saviour. I have a bottle of Homeopathy Natrum Muriaticum 30c tablets with me at all times. I take the Chronic dose three times daily but if I have a flare up (from getting hot and thus sweating) I take the Acute dose (see bottle for full instructions)

I have found that Grovers flare-ups happen when I get hot and sweat forms on my skin and then dries, I feel a strange stingy feeling on my skin when sweat is drying and a flare-up is happening. I can still exercise and get hot etc but I always make sure I shower as soon as possible before the sweat dries on my skin. if I can't get to a shower and the sweat dries on my skin I will have a flare-up.

Ice is also a good way to catch a flare-up and stop it from going from a mild flare-up to a major one. if you catch a flare-up at the early stages it will be gone within hours or max a few days.

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