Grover's Disease
Health Benefits

Cilantro for Grover's Disease

| Modified on Feb 17, 2025
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Cilantro Remedy for Grover's Disease on Earth Clinic.

Cilantro is an effective natural remedy for Grover’s Disease, according to thirty Earth Clinic readers. Some readers report lasting results when they take a handful or cilantro every day while a few others report only temporary relief of symptoms.

What is Grover's Disease?

Grover’s disease, or transient acantholytic dermatosis, presents as a rash on the back and chest with intense itching.

Doctors do not yet know what causes this disease or come up with a cure for it, but there are treatments to manage the symptoms.

Cilantro Remedy for Grover’s Disease

The cilantro recipe is very simple. All you need to do is consume a handful bunch of washed cilantro (organic if possible) each day. You can add cilantro to a salad, smoothie, sandwich, etc.

Cilantro Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 Handful of Cilantro (approximately 3/4 of a cup)
  • 8 oz of Orange, Pineapple, or Blueberry Juice
  • 1/8 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds (optional)

Blend until smooth and consume immediately.

After 7 days, you should start to see an improvement in your Grover’s Disease symptoms. The rash and lesions should start to disappear sometime after the third day.

Some of our readers report consuming cilantro for two weeks before seeing an improvement. Others find results after only 3 days.

Cilantro Extract

The company Herb Pharm makes an extract of cilantro that one Earth Clinic reader reports rapidly helped her Grover's rash clear within a few days. However, once she stopped taking the herb, the rash returned.

Continue reading below for feedback from our readers who have tried cilantro for Grover’s Disease. Please join the conversation and let us know if this remedy helped you!

Related Links:

Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief
Rash Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

55 User Reviews

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Posted by Ron Charles (Indianapolis) on 07/27/2023

After reading comments on this site, and on the Mayo Clinic blog for Grover's I tried the Cilantro for my Grovers. My case extended down my arms and legs and was unbearable - causing sleep loss.

My dermatologist was skeptical and chuckled at Cilantro but it does work.

I bought a large high speed blender and do 5 bunches with frozen fruits Ginger & Honey, and then pour this into a plastic pitcher to last all week. I have noticed the itching goes away sometimes and I will reduce my intake and the itching then comes back - but as long as I get about 1 bunch in every 2 days the itching is at a minimum.

In reading about Grover's a good amount - there is some commonality where cause appears to be tied to - Drastic temperature change exposure (to & from Florida trips), exposure to deodorant skin pore clogging soaps, Mercury/Metals (fish etc), Mold, bacteria, or the Shingrix vaccine.

Some have found relief or cure from metal cleansing treatments - but there are cases of people contracting Grovers after metal cleansing treatment. Some have found cure with mold / bacteria treatments. Light sun exposure does seem to help but the ultra ray medical procedure doesn't seem to have much success and the steroid injections provide only temporary relief if any.

Cilantro is very good for the skin and has cleansing filtering properties which may help clear the Metals, Mold, Bacteria enough to temporarily stop the symptoms.

Posted by Jane (Florida) on 06/02/2023

Cilantro seems to work!

I was first diagnosed with Darier's Disease in 2017, but I didn't think I had that as no one else in my family has this problem. It was a very small area at first. Every year it seemed to get larger. I moved to Florida and it started really spreading. Tried all those things everyone else has tried, steroid creams, Retin A as suggested by dermatologist. Never helped a whole lot. I finally went to another dermatologist here in Florida as it has been horrible! Did another biopsy and said it was Grover's Disease. That made much more sense to me. I can't do any exercise in Summer as it is just insane how miserable this disease is. The only relief I did find was washing myself with Hibiclens, which helped heal the itchy, red, spots on the trunk of my body - my back and front abdomen.

So once I received this diagnosis, I started searching and found this site. So I did try the smoothie cilantro recipe. I just used a bunch of organic cilantro, banana, and orange juice. After about 3 days, I started noticing it looked better and the itching started to subside. Now I was also sick from a cold, which caused this to rear its ugly head. Which Doc confirmed that can cause it to make an appearance. I am pretty sure that this cilantro made it disappear. I couldn't believe how it cleared up to where you can't tell I had it. Unbelievable, as usually if it does get better, I sometimes have lingering spots that take forever to clear... usually would be months. So I am a believer.

Thank you to whoever figured this out! Very grateful! I now drink a smoothie about 2x a week and I'm good. Not sure if I should only do this when it flares up, or maybe if I drink it every once in awhile, if it will keep it away. Definitely try it!

Replied by Pam
(Sun Valley, ID)

This is so helpful. I have had a heck of a time since January - 9 months - with a rash on my torso. Numerous doc and derm appt and associated cost pointed to folliculitis. He even biopsy and that was inconclusive. Various antihistamines, cortisone creams, antibiotics failed to do much more than temporary relied. After looking at 1000s of online photos, I came across Grover's. Sadly, the causes are unknown. But my bldg has mold, I am pretty sure. Sulfates are a definite trigger. It's so each at times that I often take melatonin or Benydryl to sleep. I'll be trying your cilantro smoothie tomorrow! Thank you, all!!! Fingers crossed. One question: did the rash tend to migrate to new locations - rom lower back up to mid and they to my side and now my abdomen area. This is over weeks/months and not a fast spread but a progression of where the break out is located. Also, mine is bilateral - what is on one side mirrors the other. Pam


Hi Pam,

my husband broke out in a rash a couple of months ago. He normally has great skin so this came out of the blue. I thought it could be Grover's so I had him start on cilantro smoothies - a bunch of cilantro a day. Sometimes he would do 2. Within a couple of weeks the itchiness and most of the bumps were gone. He continued the smoothies for a week or so, and everything seemed good. However, the rash came back after a couple of weeks and he was going to start the cilantro again. But I had a hunch it was the new Starbucks mocha drinks he was buying from the grocery store that he was having some kind of reaction to. He immediately stopped drinking them and the rash quickly went away and hasn't returned. I'm sharing this in case the cause in your case is something different you're eating/ drinking. Another thing - big food corporations are buying up little food companies all the time and changing the product. There was a peanut butter and honey protein bar that my kids used to eat and love. Fast forward a couple of years after not having gotten them in a while, and my son breaks out in a horribly itchy eczema rash. Only thing different were the bars. I checked and found out the company had been sold a while back to Mondelez- the same company that owns Oreo, Ritz, sour patch kids, and other no so healthy processed foods.

I recently found a website that published lab results of heavy metal content in various food products - sone of the otherwise “healthy” foods that are organic and don't have chemicals, contain dangerously high levels of heavy metals (lead, arsenic, or cadmium). It's unfortunate that there aren't more stringent regulations in place for our food supply!

Posted by jake (chicago) on 04/16/2023

My grover's is 90 -95% gone since I started cilantro and cilantro-chlorella tinctures several times a day. Sauna followed by modified citrus pectin and activated charcoal (just a half to a whole teaspoon) helps keep the itch away.

Posted by Kim (FL) on 03/27/2023

Since finding out about the Cilantro "cure" I tried it and it worked for me. I shared my findings with The Mayo Clinic Grover's Disease support group and almost half of them tried it and it worked for them as well. IT WORKS WELL for most sufferers.

Posted by Porty (New Zealand) on 09/27/2022

Grover's Disease: I've now been trying cilantro for around 10 days and I think I'm starting to feel a little less itchy, so I'll keep it going for a bit.

I found an easy way to down the cilantro without a smoothie that adds lots of carbs and sugar. In a Nutribullet I mash 15 – 20 grams of fresh cilantro with 12 cup of frig-cold water, then I drink it in about 5 – 6 gulps. But here's the trick – I keep my epiglottis closed while I do it, so I taste nothing. It's the same as pinching your nose, only easier. Anyone who's done a little snorkeling will know what I mean. Try it now: Breath through your open mouth but not through your nose. That's it, you've closed off your epiglottis.

When I finish drinking, I rinse the cup with a little tap water then rinse my mouth and spit it out. Then, with my epiglottis still closed, I rinse my mouth with a little Listerine or similar mouthwash. Then I start breathing through my nose again and there's no cilantro aftertaste. The last couple of days I've tossed some parsley into the brew. I might even try some kale. HTH :-)

Posted by Donald (Ponte Vedra) on 09/20/2022

It appears Cilantro Extract is helping my Grovers! I'm taking it 3 to 4 times a day plus using Witch Hazel twice a day. Looks 80% better. I use Butt Paste and Triamcinolone every now and them as an adjunct!

Replied by Melanie
(Katy TX)

After seeing six doctors over a period of several months, a biopsy finally confirmed my Grover's Disease in August, 2022. My treatments have included topical and oral steroids and just about everything I've found on this site. I am currently receiving Narrow Band UVB light treatments twice a week and using topical steroids on a limited basis. I am also drinking the cilantro smoothies daily. I have been inconsistent in drinking them, but have started back to daily consumption.

I lost my precious husband in September of 2021 to pancreatic cancer and have been under a tremendous amount of stress during his illness, his death, and in dealing with his loss. I'm sure that stress has contributed to my skin issues. I am a 71 year old female who has never felt, looked or acted old till now!! This disease has aged me in that I have become depressed (of course mostly because of losing my husband), inactive, and unenthusiastic about life in general. Exercise has been difficult in general because if I sweat at all, I itch and breakout. My lesions have cleared up quite a bit, but the itching is ever-present and interferes with my daily life. Hydroxyzine relieves the itching, but makes me very sleepy, so I am hesitant to take it.

Now to the point of this message, my questions:

  • Has anyone taken/had success with Rinvoq (an oral medication)?
  • Had anyone had good results with light treatments?
  • Has anyone seen a correlation between alcohol use and GD? Do I need to give up my two nightly martinis?

I wish you all luck with this unbelievably irritating (and sometimes debilitating) disease!


Melanie, I so wish to express my condolences with the loss of your husband as truly the lossof loved ones is the most difficult pain with which to cope. Sadly too as this stress along with the related obligations no doubt suppresses the immune system.

I am of no help in regard to your questions, but could not let this day pass without offering my concern for your continued resolutions as we all have a plethora of challenges with which to cope.

As this is not site for faith strengtheing


Melanie, you and I have a similar story. I am 64, and lost my beloved husband of 35 years to pancreatic cancer five years ago. The stress with it all was horrific, and then I had to sell my home and move. My Grover's disease started in April of 2022, after two vaccines and one booster (I have felt all along there was a connection here). I have tried traditional medical treatments including topical, injected and oral steroids, cyclosporine and Doxepin with no relief and horrible side effects, necessitating even more medications (high blood pressure, skin thinning, bone density loss, and becoming immune compromised). Not to mention the sleep loss and all that entails from the relentless itching and burning pain. I can't believe I stumbled on this site, while doing my weekly hours of searching for information about this awful and debilitating disease. Thank God I am not crazy, and there are other people out there with similar stories. I went to the health food store today and bought ingredients for cilantro smoothies, some unrefined organic coconut oil to try topically, and a cilantro tincture. Will keep everyone posted!

Posted by Kristen (Aliso Viejo) on 05/28/2022

Cilantro worked again!! Half a bunch of organic fresh cilantro per day for 3 weeks and my skin is now completely clear!! I had Grover's on my whole back, upper legs and stomach area. This is the third time I have cleared it up with cilantro!! I highly recommend this to everyone. It's inexpensive and easy. Best wishes to all!

Posted by jim (mission viejo ca.) on 04/17/2022

I am cured of Grovers. I did 3 changes in my treatment

1. half bunch cilantro smoothie daily for 60 days.
2. stopped eating shellfish, crab, and shrimp.
3. 2 ounces of honey daily.

My Grover's went away 18 months ago and has not returned. The pain and torture of Grovers is the worst thing I have ever endured. Now I am cured!!!

Replied by Gemologies
(Seattle, Wa)

Cilantro Smoothie over Cilantro in Juicing

I have just started this protocol yesterday but realized it is worth noting that making a smoothie with the cilantro over juicing is the gold standard here. I have been putting it in my juicing recipe and as I just did my second serving, I realized AH HA! The smoothie results in us ingesting the entire plant, not just the juice. A good lesson.

Replied by John H.
(Atlanta, GA)

Once you started this process, how quickly did you start to notice results?

(Rimrock AZ)

It was within days!

Posted by MJ (Chicago, IL) on 03/18/2022

Cilantro extract successful for Grover's disease

I was officially diagnosed with Grover's disease about a year ago after a decade of a relatively mild form. About a month ago we were leaving for Hawaii and my trunk and chest were covered in bright red spots. After Googling and finding my way to this site, I found the herb pharm extract at Whole Foods and brought it with me on vacation. Within a few days, things started to clear up. When I returned from vacation I stopped with the extract and the Grover's immediately returned. I restarted, use one dropper every day, and I am completely clear. I am usually somewhat averse to natural remedies (after growing up in a home hostile to medicine), but was desperate after my dermatologist could offer no other options (topical steroid didn't work). He (as well as I) am stunned by the results. I have no idea how well this will work for others, but it absolutely has worked miracles for me.

Replied by Debi

What is the herb pharm extract that you got at Whole Foods???

EC: Herb Pharm Cilantro Tincture.

Posted by Michele (Harrisburg, PA) on 02/01/2022

I have had Grover's for at least the last 25 years. Flare-ups are coming more frequently and more intense lately, which is so disheartening. Sometimes my small bumps actually break open, bleed, hurt and sting. Soap and water really aggravate my outbreaks and I do suffer even more right after my shower. I too have tried all the dermotologists and their treatments and use steroid pills when "the rash" is at its worst - and I do get some relief but only during the 8 days course of steroids. In desperation, I looked online for a "natural" idea or supplement to help with GD. I found this site and I have eaten 1/2 bunch of cilantro for the last 2 days. I will be on my 3rd 1/2 bunch at lunch today. I have eaten it raw in my food. I have not tried a smoothy yet. I also took a Benedryl before bed last night to help with the itch.

I have to say, I do see a small improvement of my GD outbreak in just the last 2 days of eating cilantro. If this works, I will be eternally grateful to this site and this group. I will keep you all posted.

Replied by Fred

Hello, any updates on your progress with the cilantro? Thank you!

Posted by Bluebird (Canyon Lake, Texas) on 12/04/2021

My husband has Grover's. We read about Cilantro tea on this site. He has been drinking it for a week and he has seen tremendous improvement!
I just put a handful of fresh cilantro in a saucepan, cover with about a cup of water. Bring to a boil, then turn on low for 20 minutes. Keep the lid on the pot.

Replied by Ed

New to the site and hopeful for the first time in a year of living with this wretched disease. It started about august 2019 and slowly crept around my body. For months I thought it was something else like a bacterial or fungus so I treated the area where the spots were with anti-drugs for both, topically. No help. It reminded me of an outbreak of poison ivy. I had had it bad on my hands and so much of the oil was in my system it broke out on my chest where I sweat. This looked like that and spread the same way.

I started soaking in a good sea salt which was zero help. I got so bad around my trunk I finally went to the doctor's office. He had no idea what it was but prescribed Triamcinolone 1% lotion which gave it very temporary relief from the itch but did nothing to stop further spread. I finally went to a Dermatologist. Had a piece cut off and diagnosed as Grovers. GREAT now I can treat it. He prescribed Calcipotriene .005% Cream which did not stop the spread or rid the symptoms so out of pure desperation I grabbed a tube my wife has had for many years called Vanos cream. It actually did stop the outbreaks and healed much of it so I went to the Derm doc and asked him to prescribe some which he had never heard of but he did find an identical formula called Fluocinonide .001% which worked the same as the Vanose cream It treated the symptom but not the disease. At least it cleans the skin up even if only temporary. So this is what I use for about three days sometimes twice a day.

It really helped but here I am 3:40 in the morning typing this in. Itch was bad tonight even if there is little breakout.

I believe the skin nerves are altered with this GD. Having always had sensitive skin. Not liking it rubbed hard with a brush or exfoliate cloth too hard. Now when this itch is in control I can literally rip it open with my nails and it feels good. I love my two back scratchers so what is going on here.

A squamous cell is one of three forms of epithelial cell found in epithelial and endothelial tissues: squamous, cuboidal, and columnar. All epithelial cells fit tightly next to one another as their primary role is to protect underlying tissues from the external environment. As fluids cannot pass through the gaps between cells thanks to tight junctions, all molecules are forced to travel through epithelial cell membranes. I read where a building block of this protein is an amino acid called L'Cystean. I bought some caps and have used them separately with no success. I still think this has merit but no one knows how much to take to get any changes.

This is where the GD does its thing. It interrupts this layer, separates the cells by breaking down these proteins, and erupts thru the top layers. Our scratching probably enables this so how we scratch may make a difference.

I often will only rub my hand for relief instead of digging my nails for that wonderful itch that needs scratching. I am saying this because awareness may stop us. It has to help because the only thing I have found, Fluocinonide, is not, but I will use it to relieve symptoms to some degree.

I have always loved Cilantro and eat it plenty but have not noticed it having any effect but I am optimistic here. I made a big smoothie today with a big bunch and berries, banana, orange juice, honey. Put in a little protein powder.

I made two smoothies and drank them a few hours apart. Tomorrow will do the same. If this has any effect I will be back.

(faithville, Us)

Health-Science-Spirit - Summary of Specific Health problems

Histamine is produced whenever there is a mineral or hydration imbalance and usually involves hives or itching

A hair analysis might pinpoint lack of one mineral or another . Bad gut flora or high cortisol from stress can make absorption of minerals near impossible. Stress causes body to rob peter to pay paul to make cortosol so you can run from the bear. Dhea and Pregnenalone and progesterone and other things lower cortisol.

Eric Berg on you tube has lots of teachings on cortisol.

Calcium needs~ D-3 K-2 all other minerals in balance and borax to go into bones and teeth and Threonine puts enamel on teeth .

Just some random insights you might find some helps . I eat defatted beef liver to keep my body from attacking my liver, maybe pork rinds might help your body stop attacking your skin.

(British Columbia)


You are textbook, exact, symptoms that my husband has had since mid December 2022!!! We are going to go with the cilantro shakes a charcoal pills... Please update!

Very interested in your journey. 🙂

Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 09/24/2021 233 posts

Grover's disease is caused by build up of heavy metals, cilantro works because it chelates these out of the body.

Replied by william
(Raton N M)

I took the Pfizer vaccine in Feb. of 22 and have had itching spots on my chest and back. Where did you get info on heavy metals? Bill

Tony S.

Interesting. I've not heard of anyone developing Grovers from the Pfizer vax. I've taken all 4 of them and it didn't affect my GD at all. Didn't help, nor hurt. I do however have High Iron in my blood. My Dr. detected that a few years ago. So, my guess is that's what's brought my case of GD on. I'm praying that the Cilantro remedy works.. even if it just lowers it to something very manageable and LESS noticeable. Kinda ruins your swim suit look..


To my knowledge I had never had Grover's. However, it appeared to come on after I had the Pfizer vax for Covid. Not sure if this was just coincidental(?) Right now it is worse than ever. I'm going to try my L-Lysine as it clears my canker sores quickly when they get started. Also, using benadryl spray to try to stop some of the itching. I already am using most of the Rx's mentioned by other posters. Just keep rotating products hoping for the best. ;-) Guess I'll try the cilantro too... what have I got to loose.

Joanne P.

2397 posts


A simple, noninvasive approach to consider is Witch Hazel (WH) applied topically. The inexpensive type with 14% alcohol in it. It is also likely to have synergy with other treatments for Grover's Disease and can be combined with certain other topicals.

WH contains tannins which can have anti inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Wipe the affected areas gently with a soft cotton cloth wet with WH. WH can help remove excess oil and dirt also.

Here is a link to a typical product :

Good luck, and please report your results with WH.


Posted by Charlie (Clay County, FL) on 09/18/2021

I have Grovers Disease. I knew I was in for it when my Dermatologist looked at my back and said "OH WOW"! Three other physicians came in and looked with the same look in their face. They took pieces of my skin and determined it was grovers. So after a week of prescriptions and I wasn't getting better, I tried this cilantro smoothie.

I added blueberries, a squeeze of fresh lemon and ice to the smoothie. It wasn't that bad. Nothing to report after three days, BUT on the fourth day the itching calmed down. Then a daily progression of no hive like lesions on the inside of my arms and no hives between my legs. I been on the smoothie for about 10 days and what a difference! Bumps on my all but disappeared, just a slight occasional itch, nothing more than normal. All I can tell you it worked for me! Give it a try.

I'm thinking about cutting down to every other day to see what happens. I'm amazed and no I stopped all meds when I started the smoothie. I haven't had this for that long, maybe a month, but sometimes ya just gotta try something other than drugs. Ask me anything if you want. Thx for reading this. Charlie

Replied by william

Hi Charlie. I've had grovers disease for almost two years now.using ointments with not much succes. I've just got seven packets..30grams a packet of coriander leaves.coriander is what we call cilantro over here apparently. Was wanting to know how much of it should a use a day a will get more of it .desperate to try anything. But as a say a don't know how much to use each day. Please let me know how many grams a day you use please..thank you

Replied by ron

Can one take coriander? Can one take cilantro in capsule form?

Posted by Kristen (Aliso Viejo, CA) on 09/12/2021

This worked for me!! I had a mild case of Grover's and after eating 3 cups of fresh organic cilantro per day for 3 weeks, it was completely resolved. I blend with banana, yogurt and almond milk and can make a four day supply at one time. Give this a try!!

Posted by Robert B. (Chicago) on 03/28/2021

I started the cilantro & chlorella smoothie routine 7 days ago on the 21st of March 2021. I put in the blender a full 1/2 a bunch of fresh cilantro plants straight from Whole Foods (stems and all) plus berries +/-3 or 4 chlorella tablets & pour in some protein drink so it's a drinkable fluid. Despite the huge amount of cilantro in this concoction of +/-16 oz smoothie it tastes great. I have done it for the last 7 mornings without fail.

Sadly, it's had zero impact so far. I promise to report back next week. I just turned 60, white male, very active & healthy. Had a biopsy that confirmed Grover's aka TAD about 10 years ago. It never really goes away. It is 100% limited to my trunk area meaning my core. It is all over my back (Shoulders down to beltline) and on the lower half of my front down to just above my belt line. Head, arms, ass & legs have always been clear. It has never been to itchy but really unsightly. Sucks to have it. Cilantro would be so perfect if it works because it's so good for you in so many other ways and I have always loved the taste of it. So I'm gunna keep trying for at least 8 weeks. Appreciate other comments. Kind regards, Robert from Chicago.

Replied by Robert

15 Day Cilantro Update:

On it consistently for 15 days with nothing good to report. Zero positive effect on Grovers. Also combined 1/2 bunch daily with Chlorella tabs during this entire time. Zero, nada, nothing. I did however introduce zinc oxide cream about 1/2 way through. Also, zero impact. The zinc oxide actually made it worse as the cream aggravated and made more raw the open sores. What zinc oxide does do is cover it up. So the appearance of the papules while the zinc is on is lessened. Wash it off and there they all are again.

Disappointing but I will continue on the cilantro and Chlorella since they are both great for you and maybe it takes a longer time. Potential chelation benefits are supposedly good too. I will use the zinc oxide cream (effectively diaper cream) sparingly. The cover up from the cream albeit strictly cosmetic is nice if you want to take your shirt off.

Replied by Madelyn

I would like to recommend the book by Jeff T Bowles called The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases. By using high dose vitamin D, along with 5 other nutrients, many people have cured their skin rashes, allergies and other autoimmune diseases. Please give it a look, and report back. It's only been a week and my son's eczema is already much improved by using the protocol outlined in the book. Vitamin D is a powerful steroid hormone and may just clear it up.

Replied by Robert

Madelyn from Idaho,

sorry for taking over a month to reply, ...seldom on here.... I will check that book out. My cilantro smoothie is def an everyday thing. It finally (after 4+ weeks) cleared up about 75% of my Grover's rash..... down to almost to a "take my shirt off level"...not quite....then flared back up suddenly maybe cuz I took a few days off my smoothie routine....just didn't get to the store for more ingredients....will stick with the smoothie this whole summer cuz I like it and cilantro is so good for you. Also gonna get my metals measured.....should have started at the very beginning...oh well. I will check back. Some encouraging news but not the miracle. That's ok. Thanks again for the book suggestion. Happy Mother's Day. I will check back periodically.

Replied by Robert

Just continuing my update as promised. Still on the Cilantro smoothies every single day for three (3) full months (March 21st). Today is June 19th. I might have missed maybe 3 days if that. Also, I take chlorella tablets at least 6 and sometimes 12. I never miss the 6 morning tablets cuz I take them with my smoothie. I frequently (like 50% of the time) forget my 6 evening tablets. Grover's is still there. Seems to be down about 75% but it holding at that level. Could be just the "transient" stage. Remember the acronym TADS. So no miracle at all yet. But I am going to continue with the "C. stavivum"--its species name--probably forever since I like the taste and cilantro has a lot of purportedly other good benefits (good to Google what they are).

I would still love to hear from others. Very silent on this section.

Robert from Chicago. June 19,2021


December 19th, 2022. My outbreak is terrible today. Still on Cilantro smoothies probably 5 out of 7 days a week. I take 1/2 bunch and put it in a smoothie. Been doing this for probably 2 years now. It does NOT work. But I like cilantro so I continue despite its zero impact on Grovers. I am also going to the doctor for light therapy for Grovers. Been going for 3 or 4 months twice a week. Again Zero impact on Grovers. I will try the extract next and keep hoping and praying. Sorry to be negative. Simply want to report the facts. It does go away almost 85% at times but it comes raging back without explanation. So it is "transient" (T in TADs) but not ever completely gone. It is only transient in its severity.

Replied by David

I have has Grovers Disease for 8 years now. It has changed my entire life. I had it beyond chronic for the first 5 years. It's gotten steadily better over the last 3 years. UVB light helped. Mycophenolate, Gabapentin, and Hydroxyzine will clear and cure it for most people. I have tried all the options on this site. Many help, but none were a silver bullet for me. I hope this helps someone. David

Posted by AussieWayne (Queensland, Australia) on 01/08/2021

Hi guys,

I just thought I should post my experience here so that others may know about this as well. I am a male of shall we say mature years and a long time sufferer of Grover's Disease (20 Years). I do not seem to have the severity that some unfortunate people report here but it is enough for me to seek a solution. I recently discovered this site and decided to try the cilantro/corriander shake treatment after experiencing a major flareup.

I have been having a half bunch in a shake each day for the last 18 days and I am amazed to report that for me this has made a huge difference. I nearly want to say it is a complete cure but at least cautiously advise that it has removed all signs and symptoms of Grovers for me. The red stinging bumps and itching are no longer a daily battle for me to endure. I would judge my level of affliction before as moderate but with flareups and nowhere as severe as some sadly have reported here.

I don't believe that the other ingredients of the shake make much of a difference to the overall efficacy as I have mixed and matched with various ingredients but always include the half bunch of cilantro/corriander. For me, I generally use either blueberries or watermelon and MCU oil as a base and mix it up from there using a blender. I also include 50g of natural sauerkraut to help with gut health.

I will continue for maybe another 12 days or so and then cease and see if it comes back again. Hopefully not but at least I now know that I can return to this method of treatment if it does.

For anyone contemplating trying this, I say what have you got to lose.

It tastes great, it's natural and it is just healthy food overall.

Good luck to all in these difficult times we find ourselves in.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
525 posts

That's very interesting - I just got some cilantro, which I HATE, aside from small amounts in mexican food. I'm extracting it now, creating a tincture, since I don't like the taste of it. Very interesting...although, my rash is nearly gone...

I wonder if Grover's might actually be herx? As in, someone eats or drinks something that is somewhat "cleansing" and triggers some die-off? Or the expelling of some sort of toxin. 20 years is a long time so...if that's the case, that would suggest some sort of continuous exposure to a toxin that is being repeatedly expelled by something in the diet - as opposed to bacteria or a virus or parasite. Since they don't know what it is, I guess it could be just about anything.

Very interesting...


I was just diagnosed with Grovers and I am a 43 year old female. I have had flareups for many years and always went away quickly but this time, it has been worse than usual. Someone suggested that maybe the flareups come from a cleanse and I think they are onto something. I recently did a cleanse and the grovers flared up worse than ever. Under my breasts, stomach and back. Nothing is working. I went to the dermatologist and got the steroid cream and its not helping at all. I used to use Exederm and that always worked after a couple of days. I started the cilantro smoothie (on day 2) so will keep everyone updated. Thanks for all the advice!

233 posts

The cilantro works. Stick with it. Think about adding some milk thistle to support your liver.


Posted by Sue (St Albans, Uk) on 06/04/2020

This is the just about best remedy I have seen anywhere for Grover's Disease. I do hope other members try this; it certainly is the best, simplest, cure for most sufferers of this awful condition.

My husband suffered with Grover's for several years and now, finally, his rash has gone (although he has other itchy rashes too). He used a very similar protocol, the key being Cilantro (or Coriander as we call it in UK). It's a miracle herb. When he was taking zinc, Lipo Vit C, D3, K2 (always add K2 if taking D3) and probiotics, they didn't help until he started Cilantro 23 days ago.

Posted by Janis (United States) on 05/03/2019

I've been following the cilantro smoothie plan religiously for 2 1/2 months. I figured why not, if it is a "crackpot" idea it shouldn't hurt to try. After 2 weeks my new outbreak of GD stalled, didn't get worse. After a month the itching and pain was still not advancing. I would consider my itching and pain minor compared to normal outbreaks. Then in about 1 1/2 months my papuales started diminishing and some scabs came off and itching almost totally gone. No pain now and it is such a blessing to be able to lay on my back or sit back in a chair or not drive a car hunched over the wheel to keep the pressure off my back which hurts. Today am 95% better. Pink scarred skin with 95% of papuales gone. Most my recurring outbreaks last 6 months. On the Inspire eczema site we have a discussion going and about 50% of us are having tremendous success for what we call "The Cilantro Club". We learned about this treatment not from a doctor but from a blogger who read about this treatment on your site. I will keep up this smoothie for life as many I have read about go off once symptoms abate to only have it return. Thanks to who ever started this discussion!!!

Posted by Vicki (Portland, OR) on 03/10/2019

Hi All: I was diagnosed over 4 years ago with Grover's on chest/rib area. After close to a year of Western Medicine I talked with an acupuncturist. Made a remedy of: couple tablespoons coconut oil (warmed to liquid) and about 10-15 drops each of these essential oils: frankincense, chamomile, lemon and cilantro. It will solidify to a salve. Applied 2-3 time a day. Cut the bumps/itch by 95% within several weeks. Now use regularly am - pm to keep it at bay. Just had minor surgery on both knees....guess what? Sleeping on my back and sitting in a chair with legs up...brought Grover's to my back...and almost my entire back (right shoulder blade spared so far). First time ever on my back. Am applying cilantro essential oil directly to bumps and then my "remedy" on top (3x/day). Has reduced the itch by 60% within 2 days. Will keep you posted. BTW: Chinese medicine loves cilantro because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Replied by April

Hi Vicki, I noticed your post about using cilantro essential oil topically to help Grover's disease. Are you still getting relief from that? I'm about to begin trying that. I noticed that cilantro essential oil can also be taken orally if diluted with liquid. Have you tried that? It seems like a better alternative to do a "shot" of a liquid instead eating a handful of it everyday.

Posted by Sol (Boca Raton, Fl.) on 03/02/2019

I have been on a cilantro smoothie diet for three weeks and have seen almost no difference in this horrible disease. True some of the itching has been reduced but nothing else. l intend staying on it for one more week.

Replied by Martha
(South Florida)

I live in south Florida as well. Tried cilantro capsules (6 per day) and it did NOTHING...along with gagging over the large capsules, I would burp all day a horrible taste of the herb. Nothing is working and I am entering my 9th month of GD....such an insidious disease. Go to bed itching and wake up itching.

(Faithville, us)

I just bought some cilantro with chlorella liquid and it's suposed to help the detox be less painful. I use lugol's iodine and eat brazil nut for selenium and take minerals in balance and stay hydrated. Mineral imbalance can cause dehydration. It can take 6 months to rehydrate a body. Dehydration causes itching and hives. Grovers is supposed to be from plugged lymph system so the cilantro with chlorella would take some time to clear that up. I don't have grovers, but use cilantro to detox from metal fillings.

(United States)

From experience, the liquid and caps do not work nearly as well as the fresh. Please give it another try with at least a cup or two in a smoothie each day.

Nancy D.

I hear you Martha! My itching is worse by the day! I've tried all kinds of topicals and anti-itch medicine and oral, Itch meds, over the counter and prescription! I haven't tried the slots open I'm going to! Mine is in combination with hives. The hives come and go at but the groves stays! All I can do is pray! “by his wounds, we are healed." And ask Him how I am to deal with this disease.. Will be praying for you as well!! Blessings ..

Posted by Mike (Washington State) on 02/11/2019

I just wanted to add my support for cilantro. My terribly itchy Grovers only subsides when I'm eating ~1/2 bunch of cilantro per day. When I go on vacation and can't get it, the itching and bumps come back. When I get home, I eat cilantro regularly again, and it gets better. How can we spread the word to the medical community? It is frustrating that none of our dermatologists are knowledgeable about, and supportive of, the cilantro cure.

Replied by Nadine

I've used an organically grown cilantro pesto (bunch of cilantro, walnut, or olive oil, small amount ginger made in a blender or processor) for mercury detox. I took a tablespoon every morning with breakfast and then after a few days added a tablespoon at night with dinner. The pesto can be taken during travel in a plastic container for soft foods for babies (seen at Whole Foods, or Nordstrom rack). It will stay fresh as long as it is chilled. I use freezer packs in an insulated bag with newspaper covering the packs and the containers on all sides so packs stay frozen. **Suggest that research be done on how to safely detox with cilantro**. My "spots" didn't itch, but were incredibly irritating. None of the pharmacy topical prescriptions helped. Apple cider vinegar in a 50/50 solution following when dry with 15% zinc cream for baby diaper rash did help. Also, only can wear loose cotton clothing and need to keep cool (ice packs helped when breakout was at its worst).

Posted by Kim (Florida) on 01/28/2019

I am a 55 year old female diagnosed with Grover's about 3 months ago. It has been unbearable for me. The itch and rash covered about 80% of my body. So far the only relief from the itching that I got was using Sarna lotion after a hot shower. It gave me enough relief from the itch to fall asleep. But I'd have to get up during the night to re apply but it isn't as effective as when applied immediately after a shower. The only thing that gave me total relief was from taking 20-30 mg of oral steroids a day! But I felt awful on them. They changed my mood and made me puffy and miserable. I do not want to poison my body any more so I have weaned off of them. My last pill was today but the rash and itch started coming back a couple days ago. I have been drinking a cilantro smoothie with a half bunch of cilantro for the past two days, and have been applying Zinc oxide after showers. So far I can't tell if it's helping, but I will keep it up for a week or so and get back to you. Fingers crossed it will work for me like it has for others.

Posted by Jeff (Ventura, CA) on 01/27/2019

I am a 58 year old male that has had Grovers for approximately 11 months. Like others my primary doctor had never heard of this hideous disease, so I went to a dermatologist who did a biopsy. She actually knew when I first took my shirt off just by looking at it. I took many steroid creams and pills the first couple of months to no avail. I decided after nothing worked to stop taking anything bur benadryl and hot showers. I didn't want to poison my body any longer. I know hot showers are not good for the skin either, so limited the water to very warm. I am now trying the cilantro + chlorella. I am 6 days in and have to say the rash on my chest is about 40% gone. The itch however has not receded at all. I will report back unlike some others my progress as time goes on. I hope this is a cure as my life has been negatively altered. I hope everyone else that has this the best of luck.

Replied by Kim

Jeff, Thanks for the post. I was diagnosed about 3 months ago and it has been HORRIBLE! It was covering about 80% of my body and the itch was unbearable. So far only oral steroids have helped but I don't want to poison my body any more. I have weaned off of the steroids and my last pill was today but I feel the rash and itch slowly coming back. I just started the cilantro two days ago. I am hoping that it will help. I too will let people know if it works or not. I am keeping a positive attitude and hoping for the best.

(Ventura, CA)

9 days and my skin is still improving. I continue to drink Chlorella with a glass of orange juice followed by a smoothie with 1 bunch of Cilantro every morning. The itch has receded about 90%. It still bothers me during the night, but is definitely better then before. Thew rash is about 60% gone. I have added 5,000 IU vitamin d for the last 3 days. It definitely makes me feel sick, but I am not going to stop. I no longer take hot showers as it dries my skin too much. Something strange is happening though. I got about 20 small black very painful skin tags on my lower neck/upper shoulders. They only lasted 2 or 3 days and fell off while showering. I have also lost several skin tags that have been on my neck for years. Maybe that's where the heavy metals are going? Not sure but will report back in a couple of days with an update. There is hope.

(North Florida)

I too have been suffering from this gd monster for 4 of the most miserable months of my life. This is my 2nd day of cilantro smoothies so I will keep everyone posted on my progress. This may be a dumb question but should I take off the stems? I've cut off the thicker ones.

(Hartford ct)

Keep stems on.

Replied by Jeff
(Ventura CA)

Ava, I use the stems and all. I am still seeing it recede at this time. The itching went to a burning feeling especially on my back. It seemed to get worse at first and then got better. Don't give up, it has tortured me for 11 months.

(North Florida)

Jeff, thank-you for the words of encouragement. I plan to keep it up. It is my third day and I had a very bad night. I can't believe this disease. It is absolutely the worse thing I've ever been through. I had never even heard of it till my recent diagnosis. It seems to evolve and spread. Ugh. I will keep everyone posted on my anticipated progress.

Replied by Jeff
(Ventura, CA)

Update: 13 days in and my rash is about 80% gone. I have very little itching. Occasionally some small spots itch, but nothing like before. If anyone is interested in the makeup of my smoothies, they are 1/2 a banana, 4 or 5 strawberries, 1 kiwi, several blueberries and blackberries, 5 or 6 pieces of pineapple mixed with some orange juice and 1 whole bunch of cilantro. Adding more banana somewhat kills the taste of the cliantro. I do take a teaspoon of Chlorella mixed with orange juice 45 minutes to a hour before the smoothie. I wish everyone the best of luck and god bless.

(North Florida)

Jeff, So happy to hear of your continued success. Thank-you for your update. My smoothie has essentially the same ingredients as yours, minus the Chlorella. I am on day 5, but no help yet so I'll definitely add it. I will keep everyone updated on my progress. I have only been using 1/2 bunch so I'll increase to 1 bunch a day. Best to all!


Jeff, Thanks again for update. I am on day 10 of Cilantro smoothie (I've been using half bunch with just water and a little sherbet to kill the taste) So far I don't feel or see any improvement, but I will increase to a whole bunch and add the cholorella and change up the ingredients to better match yours and see if that helps. I am off the Prednisone and while I was on it, it cleared up the rash and itching but as soon as I was almost weaned off, the itch came back and new rashes are appearing. But it's not covering my whole body like it was, so MAYBE it's working??? I can't quite be sure yet. I'll update again in a week or so.

(Ventura, CA)

20 days and still drinking a smoothie every morning. The rash is still 80% gone and it definitely is not as red. It kind of wanes. The rash can still appear when I take a warmer shower. I have to say my back is sooo much better. I used to feel thousands of bumps on my shoulder blades, that is almost completely gone. I'm going to say this is probably going to take a longer time to completely go away if at all, but with the minimal itch I think I can finally live a normal life. My self confidence is also back. I still give credit to the Chlorella and Cilantro. Kim and Ava, keep your heads up as well as everyone else.


Jeff, What form/brand of Chlorella do you feel has helped you?

(Ventura, CA)

Natures way powdered chlorella

(North Florida)

Jeff, Unfortunately I am on day 13 and the cilantro smoothies have not helped. Actually the itching and rash both seem to be worse. However I plan to continue in hopes it will work for me as it has for you and others. I hope you continue to improve and that it is working for Kim by now.


Jeff and Ava, Unfortunately for me the smoothies are not working either. I completely weaned off of prednisone and the rash and itchiness came back full force. I went from a half bunch to a whole bunch of Cilantro to no avail. I will continue for a few more weeks, but sadly, I don't think that Cilantro is the miracle cure for me. I am super bummed. This disease is debilitating for me.


UPDATE - I couldn't stand the itch , so I went back on Prednisone 1/15/19. I started with 8 pills (40mg) on day 1 and weaned down 1 pill each day for a week until done. But I kept up with the Cilantro (whole bunch) smoothies. I took my last pill yesterday. Usually a couple days before I I am done with the Prednisone (when I'm down to one or two pills a day) , I feel the rash and itch begin to come back. So far, I have no rash or itch! I am not sure if the Cilanto finally started working or if the Prednisone knocked it out. But I am cautiously optimistic that I have it under control. I don't want to jinx myself, but I honestly think the Cilantro did the trick after a little over a month and adjusting the amount to a whole bunch instead of half. It's still early. I promise to update in another week or two and let you all know if I remain itch and rash free. - On a separate note, I continue to research this disease and found another possible remedy. PABA. It has been found to help many people suffering from other skin conditions, rashes/auto-immune disorders like, sunburn/heat rash, pemphigus (autoimmune disorder causing skin blisters), and dermatomyositis (a muscle disease causing inflammation and skin rash). I also read where other people have tried it for different autoimmune rashes and found success. No specific mention of Grover's Disease, but thought there could be a connection and worth a try. l actually ordered some to try. But it hasn't arrived yet. I also may not need it. But if Grover's comes back I will give it a try. ps Ava, I gave my contact info to the email provided by moderators. Hope to hear from you soon!

(North Florida)

Hi Kim, I hope you are still doing better. I had a strong steroid shot so I have been a little better the last few weeks but am still drinking the cilantro smoothies in hopes it will help. Can't tell yet due to shot. Dermatologist is going to put me on dapsone so I'll let you know after I try it. I am going to resend my contact info to earth clinic in hopes we can talk. Wishing everyone the best.

EC: Hi Ava, we sent you both an email last week. Please check your email.

Replied by Jason
(Canton, GA)

I was diagnosed with GD about 4 years ago. Just started cilantro yesterday so hopefully it will help. I was just wondering if anyone experiences more of a burning pain instead of the typical GD rash? My back is red and hot to the touch and burns when I lay in bed.

Posted by Max (United States) on 01/08/2019

I am a 51 yr old male from Los Angeles. I have had Grover's for about a year now, very bad, on my back and then creeping up my neck to behind my ears. Doctors could not cure it, prescribed Clobetesol to soothe symptoms: of zero help. I read up about fresh Coriander (cilantro) possibly curing it online -- I have ingested 6 bunches per day in shake for the last 4 days: EPIC SUCCESS!!! Grover's disease is currently 90% GONE all over my body (!!!!) There are still remaining scars and 'receding bumps' but nothing is tender to the touch or itchy AT ALL any more. My back feels like it is completely new: I had forgotten what a 'normal back' feels like, without constant irritation. The only side effect: my neck is very raw for some reason. Not with Grover's -- there are no bumps -- it feels like a sunburn. My theory is that the coriander loosened a bunch of heavy metals that are now flowing around in my bloodstream, some exiting through neck pores. For this, I have now added Chlorella which supposedly grab the now-free heavy metals and send them out via normal bodily waste disposal. But the 'raw neck' is a VERY SMALL price to pay for the EPIC SUCCESS of curing the 'incurable' Grover's disease. It is INSANE that my healthcare professionals did not know about this. This is a CURE for a rare (but not THAT rare) disease, with stunning, immediate, pharmaceutical-like potency. I can only guess that it is because the cure only cost me $15 in cilantro per day -- it is not very profitable.

Replied by Sally
(Muscatine, IA)

Max, I am curious if your Grover's is still under control. I am a 55 year old female and was diagnosed and suffering from the horrendous condition for about 2 months now. It is all over my body and I am miserable and tearing my skin up with the extreme itching. I am trying the cilantro and wondering if you recommend 6 full bunches per day or do you think I could go with a little less and still have success? Thank you

Replied by Janis
(United States)

I am asking you and others who have tried cilantro to respond with your results using cilantro to treat GD. Like you Max my results were wildly successful using this "crackpot" idea. I have had GD on and off for about 5 years and all the assorted prescription meds I tried were of little if any help. I am classic with a 1 year initial break out and then I would get 6 months on and 6 months off. I want to share with my dermatologists, I have 2) and ask them to consider passing this treatment on to their patients. From what I have read on this site and also the Mayo Clinic skin site discussing GD I find about 50% of us have success. I also do believe it is tied into a metal detox from what I have read. A blood test recently showed I am allergic to 5 metals, but I began this detox without that knowledge. I also have 2 other forms of eczema, so clearly I am eczema prone. In your description please include your results based upon how much you consume: fresh, frozen or pill/capsules, how often you take it: daily, every other day and so on. How long you were on it before you noticed any benefit. If you didn't improve how long before you stopped. I so wish I had know about this treatment years ago. I started this early in April 19 and this is the first summer in years I am able to participate in my families outdoor activities, yet the best benefit of all is to be itch and pain free. I can sweat without the stinging burning. Before even when in the dormant stage my torso always felt hot, as if it were sunburned and that also is gone. Please help me with your information so we can help others.

Posted by Louis (Loa Altos, Ca., Usa) on 10/03/2018

I ingested four bunches of cilantro in eight days mixed with some fruits in the blender and I didn't have any relief to my terrible itch... What's wrong???


Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Louis, unless you've had significant negative effects, I would keep up with the cilantro, you may just have a lot of heavy metals it is getting rid of first. It might help to to add vitamin A and D. Cod liver oil is a good source.

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