Genital Warts Procedure
Real simple and quick procedure to remove warts that worked for me. I got my warts frozen at the local clinic and they are all gone. Its only been a week so i dont know if they'll be coming back.
Just go to your doctor and use cryotherapy to have them frozen off. It really doesn't hurt that much. You may have some discomfort for a day, but thats about it. This is a really common STD and is nothing to be embarassed or ashamed about. If your doctor makes you feel that way, go to a new doctor! Mine were in my anal region and when I told my doctor I was worried about telling my boyfriend I had HPV she assured me his reply would be "well who doesn't?" And guess what she was right!
I had them frozen off but wanted to make sure they didn't come back so I used apple cider vinegar. This seriously burns and I don't think it helped out much. So I then used a Q tip with tea tree oil. Again- ouch! If you do you use these, buy some baby oil to help the skin recover of you will be walking with a limp and in pain for a couple days!
I wish I would've just left the area alone. And if they did come back, just returned to my doctor to have them frozen off because it is seriously a quick and easy fix.
Gential warts are just a different strand of HPV that also causes warts on other parts of your body. Any skin to skin contact can spread them. But if you actually have the symptoms appear depends on your immune system. So start taking a multivitamin, echniea, vitamin C and whatever else you think will help boost your immune system.
But I strongly advise you to use apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil sparingly. Maybe dilute them with water if you are going that route.
Green Tea
My gynecologist told me I had hpv and that I needed surgery. So I had the leep. Few months later I started seeing warts. I tried everything on this site and others. Even ordered the stuff from bioethics it helped but they wasn't gone. I went back to the gyno the get them burned off but that's just made it worse. So I kept on searching. I heard about green tea but never paid much attention to it. So by desperation I started drinking green tea 4 cups a day. And about 2 months later I started to notice that my warts were almost all gone. I promised if it worked I will posted on this site because I don't see anybody posting about anything as far as warts and green tea. It worked for me way better than Apple Cider Vinegar and tea tree oil. I'm still drinking the green tea. And I'll get back later to post more results. I use an organic blend. I hope it will help someone. God bless take care. I'm also a vegetarian but that didn't help.
Updating my experience with green tea for genital warts. It definitely works. All the warts are gone and they haven't returned it's been about 3 months. I did have 2 stubborn ones that were taking there time to disappear. Yes, disappeared because when you treating and addressing the virus from inside it doesn't turn black and fall off like it would from ACV but get smaller and smaller and it eventually dissapear.
After watching the movie "Fat, Sick nearly dead", I decided to give it a try, to juice fasting. I only juice fasted for 5 days I was still drinking my green tea at this time but something miraculous happened within a week after my juice fast the two stubborn ones had disappeared. So in order for healing can take place nutrition and dietary changes a must, because there's no DR out there that can heal you or give you a magic pill, only the body that can heal itself by giving it proper nutrition. Lots of fruits and vegetables and the right herbs.
You can also supplement zinc or use zinc oxide ointment along with green tea and lots of fruits and vegetables for faster results. I hope that helps.
GW Vs, Vestibular Papillomatosis
Hey all, I just thought I'd share that there's a skin condition (or "variation") in women called vestibular papillomatosis. It gets mistaken for GW. My doctor never believed I had GW because I've had this condition since before I was sexually active. It occurs around puberty.
I looked up photos of vestibular papillomatosis and it's exactly what I have. Symmetrical pearly little bumps that are in ripples. Apparently GW is different in that they're in clusters often spreading from a centre wart and has a cauliflower appearance. GW can appear anywhere in the genital area. VP only occurs in women in the labia majora and minora. It does not appear white under vinegar.
The bad news is there is no remedy for VP. ACV helps with irritation. I just thought I'd share this information because for most of my life I've questioned whether I have GW even though it wasn't physically possible.
HI. ACV treatment seems interesting I will give it a go. If nothing else to see white spots to burn. I am a long time sufferer of warts, Even when I think I'm good if I rough up the area they come back pretty hard. So obviously I have had a lot of depression concering it and never had a relationship since my early 20's. I have them on my face as well and it is messed up. I use a lighter and tweezers to get rid of them. It works good. Just heat up end of tweezers and prod the warts out. Then use the tweezers to pinch the area and grab out the white suff there that is virus stuff. Then burn that stuff whislt heating up tweezers for second dab in the same spot to hit the core that was under the skin. IF I want them not to burn afterwards, I run it under cold water for awhile. It leaves a little red mark but nothing too bad that wont heal UNLIKE the doctors heat guns that fester for weeks and scar forever. It may not be the best treatment but I tell you it does work. Especially for face so you can front the world :) Just don't burn for ages just a few dabs. Love
I'm 25 yrs old. Three months back, I discovered a little pimple to my penis (near the bottom of pink head). I just used to clean it with water and few drops of dettol. But few days back I examined and found dat there had been few more grown on penis. by tracing the foreskin back, I could see few lil warts scattered at the bottom of penis head and 2 or 3 warts on the foreskin inside.
i was bit depressed to see them and had no idea... Wats dese?.... I never had a pimple on face or a scar on body.... It was just a hell.... The whole day I used to think abt dese ugly warts.... I just googled about the infections of genital areas and came to know dat I have GENITAL WARTS..... got more information on dese .
was completely depressed as it is caused by hpv..... Virus. I just kept on searching about its details and treatment..... I gave my whole three days just sitting at home and googling it. gone through every allopathic, homeopathic and home remedies.
i detail here few. Firstly I read on few sites dat this virus is not cureable but the warts are, sometimes dese warts go away untreated but sometimes requires treatment. They may reoccur. In some cases they havn't reoccured, some says dat they reoccured after 2 or 3 years and sometimes few months. some have complained dat they had been suffering from past 10 to 15 years but not removed till now.
i read somewhere dat this virus do not enter blood streams. the warts can be removed and the body can bacome free of virus within few months or a year by developing immunity in the body.
some of fellows here have tried ACV, tea tree oil, etc. And have provided good results. But with few scars or burning of sensitive skin. Few have said dat they have removed without any scars. thers no scientific proofs for dese all.
I have seen dat people dont go to doctor and feel ashamed of it. i too felt so, but i thought, i must consult a doctor first and then decide what to do. why should be i ashamed, ... its my body and i have to take care of it..... having sex is not bad.. its a very essential part of life.... but what i s bad is ignoring the safety... take precautions........... unknowingly we can acquire few diseases but we cant sit and get depressed from dem... standup and treat them
today i went to homeopathy doctor... he is 68 yrs old and i trust him. he has cured my asthma.... it took me around few (4 to 6)years to get rid of this alleregy.. today m absolutely fine and had no ashthma attack(it had been 7 to 8 years now). i just went to him and told him about genital warts. he used to see few cases daily regading genital warts. i queried him much. he told dat dese are cureable and our body can become completely rid of this virus. thers only cure in homeopathy. he put two drops of some medicine on my tongue and gave me few more medicines which are to be taken after 3 days regularly for next 15 days. a thuja lotion has been provided which to be applied twice a day. i asked him will dese warts go or when will i get rid of this virus completely. he replied dat within 15 days u will have no warts or continue for next more 15 days days. he said dese warts will be completely removed and the virus too will be kicked out of my body. he was 100% sure. at last he told dat till now all the cases of genital warts have been completely cured and no reoccurance.
while returning i was very happy, confident and i know dat i will kick out this virus from my body very soon.
so guys thers nothing to worry about. dont be shy. consult ur doctor. do not remove them with hands (u may increase the infection). warts can be cured and virus can be kicked out of our body completely.
will update my experiences very soon.
(Abakaliki, Nigeria)
Hot Tip of a Lighter
genital warts remedy
this has worked for me 100% it can be slightly painful but heat applied to the wart will kill it. easiest way is to heat up the tip of a lighter by simply keeping it lit for a while, (i recommend at least 20 seconds) or as much as can be tolerated. the more you squeeze the skin around the wart when you apply the hot metal onto it, the less you will feel the burning. hold until not hot anymore and repeat 2 to 3 times. i did this a few times some years back and didn't have a recurrence so its hard to remember how fast the wart disappeared but i think it was only a matter of hours for the smaller ones.
(Maricopa, AZ)
One definitely has to have them frozen but then-- soak in the tub daily with baby oil in very hot water---Johnson's lavender baby oil--and upon rubbing them they will come off. I was able to pick mine off. It takes quite a while, 1-2 weeks of this bath ritual but little by little you can get them off.
How to Diagnose GW with Vinegar
If anyone's ever unsure if their bump on their genitals is a wart or not, just apply vinegar. If it turns white it is definately a genital wart. I was told this by a doctor.
Ok. I want to say thank you to all who have posted their experiences. It helped a lot during this awful process. I'm still treating. I lost count of days. I do know it's been a little over a week now. I've been targeting two clusters. One below the shaft, and one on my inner thigh... Next to the sack.. I've been going downstairs as often as possible and soaking a cotton ball in acv, and applying to the warts. Maybe 20-30 mins every couple hours. No treatment at night. I'm sure it would make things go faster, but I'm not duct taping my balls. One cluster is down to craters in my skin. Still treating. The other cluster by my thigh doesn't seem too affected by the treatment. I'm going to go another week on it. The first cluster took about a week. Right when I was ready to stop, they turned dark red/black. Keep with it. After the first goes, it feels so liberating. Like yes, this stinky stuff actually works... Yes! Anyways, good luck guys/girls. Share your stories and help another.
How to Tell a Partner
Hi everyone firstly I think its great that people are so open and willing to share their stories about this issue. I know that when I first found out a month ago I freaked out to the point of seriously considering suicide but then I somehow stumbled across this site and it made me feel so much better especially when I tried the remedies and they worked. One thing that no one has shared yet is how to tell a current/future partner about genital warts I am really embarrassed and am unsure how to bring up the conversation any advice? Thanks.
Okay, this is what I'll say... when it is time to tell a partner, I would really just be straightforward with it. what I would also do, is be ready to inform your partner on what it is, how it affects women (puts us at risk for cervical) and how it will affect them (may put them at risk for oral cancer if you have oral hpv). just be ready with the facts and be ready for the possibility that they might not want to be with you. I'm not saying that it will happen but it is a possibility and you should be prepared for that. I think that most people would agree that just because you have HPV doesn't mean you slept around a lot or that you're a bad person. So if the person you're telling doesn't think that you are worth it, then they don't deserve you. hope this helps. I have told a partner myself and he didn't think anything of it.
HPV Vaccine
hey, i am a female with HPV and GW, my gyno told me that it was too late to get the vaccine bc i was already infected, i had hpv when i was 22 with pre-cancer cells and had surgery. Now i'm 28, then two years ago i had an outbreak of rashes all over my body. i was told it was an immune system breakdown then after i discovered a wart, my gyno told me my HPV was dormant and is now showing with the warts she burned it with acid it was very painful, but gone, again last year i discovered more warts alot in my anal area, i went to the gyno months later after being in denial and self treating. She gave me immonoquid this is my second batch in 5 months each treatment is 16 weeks long. It IS NOT WORKING i have more. funny that medication is to treat Cancer and HIV patients who have outbreaks. DUNNO, I am glad i saw this post I will try the method. BUT you guys should tell all your friends and younger female 13-24 get the vaccine, funny when it came out I was 26 and out of range and already had a scare/ GYNO said if your over 25 you already have it dormant in your system. SCARY
(Orlando, Fl)
Please do some research before you get any vaccine! HPV vaccines have horrible side effects, which have killed, and caused people life long disabilities. I don't believe that every woman over the age of 25 has been exposed to HPV. I have had tests done, including blood work, and I am over the "limit" and show no signs of this illness. I would suggest checking for a correlation between your outbreaks and things you eat, use, or are exposed to. Herpes outbreaks react to environmental factors, and HPV ones might also.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide works for Genital Warts! Cured! I had a massive outbreak of genital warts. It was horrible and I was devastated. Searched here at earthclinic and tried H2O2. Put every day 12% on a soaked cotton pad with gloves on the warts. First they got bigger and more showed up but I was persistend and did it over seven weeks two times a day. After the h2o2 I put coconut-oil allover.
They are all gone - persistence is the key! Wish you good health!
Thank you for this amazing site - LOVE
Hydrogen Peroxide
I've had a genital wart for months. I had used Apple Cider Vinegar (daily on a piece of cotton taped to it as long as possible and renewing it at least once per day) to successfully treat a plantar wart on my middle toe, but that took more than a month to work, maybe two (I wasnt' counting).
Tried Apple Cider Vinegar for a week or two on the genital wart but saw no change. It was also difficult to do it practically, because of the location and the fact that the cotton would not stay stuck in place, and I felt weird going about with my genitals smelling like acv.
I read about H2O2 on warts so I went for it. I used 35% food grade H2O2, undiluted, on a cotton swab, three (or sometimes four) times a day, touching JUST the wart, VERY carefully, not touching the surrounding healthy skin. I waited 5-10 minutes for the H2O2 to dry on it before putting my panties on. It did sting quite a bit especially at first and it would turn the wart white for quite a while. (The Apple Cider Vinegar had also stung a lot on my plantar wart in the beginning.) The stinging went down as the treatment progressed. I had the feeling, with both wart treatments, that the sting had to do with the treatment working, but that could just be my idea.
The wart went away in four days! It gradually turned rough, like a scab and then fell off. It left a very small paler looking, bump, like a little gentle round scar which I kept on treating for a couple of days. It stung way less when the wart was gone.
This happened a few days ago so I have no long term results to report for now. But I'm ecstatic to have the wart gone.
PLEASE BE CAREFUL when handling 35% H2O2! It is quite caustic, and if it falls into the eyes it can cause blindness. I knew about that when I did the treatment, I read several other people's reports on warts using full strength 35% H2O2 how they were successful and I decided to try. It will turn your finger skin white if it touches it and that goes away after a couple of hours. Wash off with a lot of water.
If it seems too hardcore for some people I've read that lower concentrations of it can also be successful.
I'm also taking it internally and it's going fine, I'm now at 7 drops per day in a half glass of distilled water. I've got no big news there cause I'm basically healthy, but I've had a bit of diarrhea, which I've read can be a sign of detoxing.
Oh, and I don't care if pharmacy-bought H2O2 is cheaper, I'd never put that stabilized stuff in me. In the long run food grade is REALLY not that expensive! A quart bottle at 20$ will last you forever, and if you dilute it to 3% then it's even more!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I found out I had genital warts about seven months ago and nothing worked. I tried cryotherapy five times, aldera, tea tree oil, garlic, ACV, and witch hazel. I decided to try hydrogen peroxide (8% food grade) and noticed a difference the next day after applying it at night with a cotton ball. I've been using it twice a day for a little over a week now and the warts are almost gone. Cheap, fast results, and no side effects that all of the other methods had. I know you can't cure genital warts but I definitely feel so much better knowing that if I do have another outbreak, I can use hydrogen peroxide as a quick remedy.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Does h2o2 help with Genital Warts? Will it kill the virus and symptems? Do I take orally or topically?
(Midwest, Usa)
After discovering the growths, I too, like many of you on here scoured the internet for natural or home remedies.
I've tried ACV, and it worked, temporarily. I think I just didn't follow through enough. I've tried black salve, and that stung like crazy, and the warts became bigger instead of smaller. I've tried freezing several times which would cause the area to turn black and the wart to come off, but the bigger ones kept coming back. I used tea tree oil, but that didn't seem to work at all for me, and I could always smell it.
Then I read posts on just warts, and saw many posts on the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide, and since I had some food grade H2O2, 35%, on hand I thought I'd give it a try. This strength of hydrogen peroxide is not recommened, but I didn't care. It has been 6 months since I first noticed them, and I want them gone. I would use a q-tip to apply directly to the warts, and it would sting like crazy. I would apply at least once a day, but usually twice, and sometimes more depending on if it was a workday or weekend. After the first couple applications, the warts were noticeably smaller. Now after a week there is no raised area left. I still will apply to the pinkish area left until there is no immediate reaction from the hydrogen peroxide, just to be sure I got it all. At least thats what I'm hoping. I will post again in the near future with updates, but as of this post, I'm pretty certain its going to work! Best of luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
Hi, Heard this second hand, hope it helps. A friend had an outbreak of Genital Warts and when to the md first, then came home and soaked in a tub of Hydrogen Peroxide. Not sure if she pre-medicated for pain, I would test this on a small area first. She did this everyday as often as possible and on her return check up she had no more warts. She had had them outside and inside of the vagina and they were totally gone.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Coconut Oil, Iodine
hydrogen peroxide, iodine 10%, virgin coconut oil, garlic oil
Hello everyone I just want to share my experience to help others, I am suffering of GW for 3 years until now. But then after a long research I try hydrogen peroxide JULY 1 2015 the opening of my vagina turns white, then the next day today I repeat the process some of my warts shrink and others just disappear and while the big warts is start to get little I am very excited and happy with the result in just two days I got the result WOW right? I will continue using this 10% hydrogen peroxide, iodine and coconut oil. I know there is a cure just don't loose hope and believe in god's power.
How to use it. 1. Put hydrogen peroxide on the cotton ball in the warts 3x a day. 2. After you put peroxide put iodine on it to stop itching. 3. Put coconut oil overnight night . P
s. I'm sorry I'm not good in english but I know you guys understand what I am saying . Use hydrogen peroxide and give it a try. God bless us guys. Hope for our fastest recovery in this such things best luck to all of us.