Genital Warts
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GW Vs, Vestibular Papillomatosis
Posted by JA (Sydney, Australia) on 07/04/2024

Hey all, I just thought I'd share that there's a skin condition (or "variation") in women called vestibular papillomatosis. It gets mistaken for GW. My doctor never believed I had GW because I've had this condition since before I was sexually active. It occurs around puberty.

I looked up photos of vestibular papillomatosis and it's exactly what I have. Symmetrical pearly little bumps that are in ripples. Apparently GW is different in that they're in clusters often spreading from a centre wart and has a cauliflower appearance. GW can appear anywhere in the genital area. VP only occurs in women in the labia majora and minora. It does not appear white under vinegar.

The bad news is there is no remedy for VP. ACV helps with irritation. I just thought I'd share this information because for most of my life I've questioned whether I have GW even though it wasn't physically possible.
