Natural Treatment for Epilepsy

| Modified on Feb 18, 2024
Music Therapy
Posted by Micheal (Singapore) on 02/17/2024

Music therapy is effective for epilepsy.

Mozart - Sonata for Two Pianos in D, K. 448 [complete] (

This sonata was also used in the scientific study that tested the theory of the Mozart Effect, suggesting that classical music increases brain activity more positively than other kinds of music. The sonata is written in three movements,

According to the British Epilepsy Organization, research has suggested that Mozart's K 448 can have the "Mozart effect", in that listening to the piano sonata improved spatial reasoning skills and reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy.

A study certified 6:13 by a scientific journal in 1993 proved that this piece accelerates the brain in 17% if you listen to it 10 minutes a day. It also can reduce the brain waves of patients with epilepsy and reduce morbidity since it has a melody that resonates with the brain. It is fantastic indeed!! I'll start listening to it on a day-to-day basis. Thank you, Mozart for this gift to humanity.

This piece has been shown to have an anti-epileptic effect on the brain and may be a possible treatment to prevent epileptic seizures, according to new research presented recently at the 7th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology. Listening to the famous 18th century composer's Sonata for Two Pianos K448 led to a 32% reduction in epileptiform discharges (EDs). These are electrical brain waves associated with epilepsy and can cause seizures or bursts of electrical activity that temporarily affect how the brain works. The research was led by Professor Ivan Rektor, from the Epilepsy Centre at the Hospital St Anne and CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

Researchers have previously hypothesised that the Mozart effect in epilepsy was connected to the emotional effects of music, as dopamine (the main neurotransmitters of the brain's reward system) is released when listening to music. Still, there is no direct proof of the mechanism.

In conclusion, Mozart was truly a genius!!! Comment from youtube:

I have depression, social anxiety, panic attacks, ocd, and constantly hering voices that make me do dreadful thing and severa crises of psychotic behaviour and epilepsy. And all this helped me so much. You truly are a geniu Mozart. Thank you so much for everything you subconsciously did to me.

Glutamic and Aspartic Acid
Posted by Liza (Idaho) on 02/07/2024

Hi Jem, I know this is an old post, but did you ever publish your book? And if so, what is the title so I can find it? Thanks!

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Usa) on 02/20/2012

I'm sure you have an answer by now since this is so long ago. But I wanted to say that I have had a seizure disorder for most of my life and eventually realized that it had something to do with constipation. Evidently when I was constipated some nerves were being pressed upon which triggered my seizures.

Epsom salt has really helped with this. I either bathe in it or take about 1/2 tsp. And/or I take magnesium citrate. I find both help.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Swemishi (South Africa) on 01/15/2024

I'm interested in trying this remedy for my son but he's only 20months old… can I still use the same measurements?

Seizure Triggers
Posted by Jerry (Miramar Florida) on 12/29/2023 23 posts

I know it's been a while. But what's the name of the homeopathic infant drops, and for adults. Thank you.

Glutamic and Aspartic Acid
Posted by Diane (RI) on 11/22/2023

Hi, does anyone know the name of this book?

Posted by Art (California) on 11/16/2023 2226 posts

Here is a link to an article related to this topic mentioned by Walt :


Posted by Walt (Canada) on 11/16/2023

My grandson had grand mal seizures and was prescribed Keppra for two years. Even though on Keppra, he sitll had seizures. My daughter Liz did research online and found an article by Dr Manfred Mueller with Homeopathic Associates about cures of several children with brain pathology. Luke does not have known brain pathology, but she wanted to try this anyway. I was very skeptical at first, but within eight months, Luke's seizures slowed down and then stopped altogether. She weaned him off Keppra (praying), and he has not had any seizures in three years. Liz and I are thinking they might be cured.

Posted by Rex (Sarasota, Fl) on 04/21/2017

Ketogenic diet stops epileptic seizure in a significant percentage of children. Read below.

I believe this excerpt from Thomas Levy's book deserves an additional cure for ketogenic diet. The book is called "Curing the Incurable" 3rd edition, ebook page 316 of 7745.

In one of the more recent references in the April, 2000 issue of Pediatrics eleven studies on the ketogenic diet were reviewed. The authors concluded that the ketogenic diet completely stopped medically unresponsive seizures in a significant percentage of children. The diet also reduced seizure frequency by over 90% in an even greater percentage of children! Similar articles were found in the various neurology and epilepsy journals. Sadly, it would seem that many pediatricians and pediatric neurologists do not know what is in the most current issues of their primary and specialty journals.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Silvina (Texas) on 05/16/2023

Can you take the Epsom Salts in just distilled water? And what brand do you recommend? I have Petit Mal and I have episodes that last a few seconds yet I'm still taking pills. I think they're doing me more harm than good. Thank you for your post. And you're right about doctors not listening to you. Big Pharma WANTS to keep us sick

Epsom Salts
Posted by Silvina (Texas) on 05/16/2023

Can anyone recommend a brand of Epsom Salt that they use? Also, can the ES be taken in a glass of distilled water? Thank you.

Posted by Sam (Miami) on 04/12/2023

"Mexidol was found to be the most efficient in mitigating PTZ-induced seizures." an anxiolytic agent, Mexidol, in mitigating PTZ-induced seizures.

Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 01/25/2023

Thank you for this remark. I am a great fan of Borax for many issues.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 01/25/2023

I read somewhere that stevia was used in Africa by women as a contraceptive, so I would be careful about it as well. I stick to honey or dates as a sweetener.

Posted by Art (California) on 01/02/2023 2226 posts

In this new article, melatonin was used alongside standard therapy and caused a significant improvement over standard therapy alone :

Here is a relevant study quote :

' Considering that the addition of melatonin to routine anti-seizure treatment was effective in reducing the severity of epilepsy and improving sleep quality, it seems that melatonin can be useful as an adjunct therapy for EGTCS in well-defined circumstances. '

Another interesting point about this study is that they only used 3 mg of melatonin/per day to get these good effects in people with epilepsy. These studies always leave me wondering what a higher dose of melatonin might have done. Considering that there are already human studies using significantly higher dosages of melatonin over 100 mg to good effect, it makes me wonder why they would use such a low dose for an actual disease treatment.


Epsom Salts
Posted by Cajetan Chinedu (Nigeria) on 09/12/2022

What is Epsom Salt? And how do someone who is experiencing seizure use it. Where can someone get it as well.

Posted by Suzanne (Abbotsford, BC) on 08/20/2022

I'm pretty sure it would've been Equate, the store brand. I also order from Swanson's Vitamins, their brand. Lately I have been getting their chewable zinc/echinacea/vit. C tablets, which he enjoys.

Coconut Oil
Posted by ETCrowe (Quintana Roo) on 04/24/2022

If you drink coffee, it is good to put a couple of teaspoons in it every morning.

Dietary Changes, Bio-Identical Hormones
Posted by Sofia (Maryland) on 04/03/2022

Could I ask you which natural bio-identical progestorene was she using?

Thank you!

Epsom Salts
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/28/2022

Ted's Remedies, Natural Treatment for Epilepsy (

my friend I met at church, had a daughter with epilepsy and went on the keto plan because no meds helped her. She had to wear a helmet and play only with soft toys to prevent injury. Her brain outgrew them, and she is a brilliant adult now with no epilepsy. Coconut oil can help with brain and soy lecithin granules and magtein . L taurine may be helpful too. Some people have a spiritual aspect to their epilepsy and some healers get results freeing them of it. I love to google stuff and go research. I had 150 stitches on my head as a four-year-old and was supposed to die of a stroke but I'm old now and plan to get a lot older. I battled ADHD and dyslexia. Our gut has a brain too and affects our systems.

Reduce Seizures On The Ketogenic Diet – Dr.Berg On Seizure Symptoms - YouTube

Epsom Salts
Posted by Katherine (Albion, NY) on 01/25/2022

Hello! I have taken Tegretol for about 30 years now and it works pretty well, I guess. I tend to have break through seizures under specific conditions though such as delaying to take my meds, stress, ice cream, monthly cycle changes, lack of sleep and especially if fasting is combined with any of these. I started taking 1/2 tsp Epsom salt with orange juice daily about 2-3 weeks ago in addition to a daily B6 supplement. I also decided to eliminate aspartame from my diet and recently began switching from coffee to black tea. (Just to paint a full picture). I just had a very stressful weekend during a hormonally triggering time of the month, forgot my meds one morning and no breakthrough seizures whatsoever. I haven't experienced interferences with Tegretol personally but we're all different. Maybe try looking at other triggers too: preservatives, alcohol, too much caffeine, irregular or unhealthy eating habits, insufficient or low quality sleep etc.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Tiffany (Michigan ) on 12/30/2021

What would you suggest for a type 1 diabetic with seizures? Orange juice, is something that gives us a spike, would it be alright with coffee...? Oh no, that would taste really weird.

B Vitamins
Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 07/02/2021

Do not take fish oils if you have seizures. It may drive your seizures.

B Vitamins
Posted by Crystal (CT) on 06/10/2021

Trudy Scott is a Nutritionist, but her blog,, has a lot of information on Pyroluria. She talks a lot about it in Summits, too.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by GG (Colorado) on 04/29/2021

Editor's Choice This is a late response but may help others. About 15 yrs ago, a friend's daughter woke up, was completely off balance, had to hold on to the hall wall to get to the kitchen. Her husband sat her down, called a member in the family who is a doc. She began losing her sight, and by the time she arrived at the ER her hearing was muffled. I was aware she consumed over a 6 pack of soda daily. Knowing the danger of aspartame, my concern fell on deaf ears. The daughter was in the hospital for some time (she was also pregnant). Not drinking soda, her symptoms began lessening to the point they released her - in a wheelchair. Sugar substitutes are dangerous. Please avoid them at all costs.

B Vitamins
Posted by Marta (Portugal) on 04/22/2021

Read Dr Philips on blotting brushes. Dr Philips said that flossing and brushing causes gum disease. I cured my gum disease in 3 weeks using his method. The brushes are not expensive and can be bought at

Sea Salt
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 11/20/2009

i once had a seizure and went to the ER. when they took my blood and tested it the doctor came to me and asked if I ever ate salt. I rarely did and told him so. He told me I needed to that I had a sodium deficiency!

I use unprocessed sea salt today :)

Epsom Salts
Posted by IB (London) on 02/03/2021

Hi Talassis,

How long did it take the epsom salt to have its effect and did he stop his medication?

Natural Progesterone
Posted by Mammagrande (Oregon, USA) on 10/19/2019

Hi, reading thru posts seems like a lot of folks started having seizure activity start when teens. Natural progesterone stops seizures that are from hormonal imbalance.

Posted by Chad (LA California ) on 09/27/2019

Editor's Choice Cayenne is very good to get you out of a seizure or if you feel one coming on. 1 tsp Cayenne in a cup of hot water. As soon as the Cayenne reaches in your mouth, it start working. During an attack of seizure just use a teaspoon to get the Cayenne in the mouth either by yourself or someone.

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Mammagrande (West Coast, USA) on 07/20/2019

Lita Lee's 1987 (?) book, The Enzyme Cure, has a valuable chapter on epilepsy... It goes into detail about seizures at certain points in menstrual cycles, etc. She advocates certain enzyme herbal supplements as well as progesterone. Don't know if she's still alive but was in Portland, OR, last I know of.

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Hannah B. (United States) on 09/10/2019

you should look into grounding/earthing. it grounds your body to the earth, and normalizes everything electrical in the body. It has helped reduce seizures significantly in my daughter.

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Maine, USA) on 12/02/2019

I should have asked you how often did you have the seizures and what type? Petit mal?

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 11/28/2019

Wow. You sound exactly like me with the seizures. I am glad I came across this. I will try it all out!

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 08/01/2019

Pam, I too have had seizures since my teens and I am 44 now. My menstrual cycle/hormones have played a role as well. The seizures got increasingly worse as I got older AND after I had my daughter. I recently started putting coconut oil in my coffee in the morning and in my tea at light (about 1 tbsp. at a time). I also eat a spoonful of peanut butter every day and add a little butter if I eat bread, toast, bagel, ect. Anyway to get a little fat. I only eat fish (no red meat or poultry) so I found this works for me. Avocado is also an option. It has been working for me. No medication has ever worked.

Almost a month seizure free. Its worth a try, the coconut oil can't hurt. Good luck!!! :)

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Pam C. (Ohio) on 06/06/2019

I live in Springfield Ohio. My daughter, soon to be 41, is epileptic and has been having seizures since around 16. They have worsened and more frequent as she gets older and usually happens around or during her menstrual cycle. When she was between the ages of 10-14 she was sliding down a rot-iron railing outside and fell backwards, hit her head on a cement step. I always thought this was the cause of her issues but the doctors say it is hereditary. There are no relatives that had or has epilepsy. She had the vagus nerve implant surgery and it doesn't help. Doctors have used her as a guinea pig with many different medicines, all of which I'm sure reeks havoc on all other internal organs. I'm desperately searching for some sort of natural relief for her can anyone help?

Posted by Sierra (California ) on 01/13/2019

Editor's Choice My 16 year old daughter started having seizures this year. I believe it was due to stress, poor diet and excessive exercise. She did not like the side effects of medication. A friend suggested magnesium. Since I have encouraged her to eat a little more food and take vitamins along with the addition of magnesium, she has not had any seizures.

Posted by Chidi (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) on 11/04/2020

Pease, what brand of Zinc was from the Superstore? Thank you.

Seizure Triggers
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/28/2018

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN,,,,,,,,,, have a neighbor in her 40's and she has had several seizures, with shakes, eyes rolled back and blacks out. Her husband has witnessed this several times. She just reported that all her medical tests came back negative and so there is no explanation for her problem. She was delighted with the results. Bull. She just has not had another seizure. Her case is still not closed. I think I will get a call with her next seizure.

Before, when I related that an infant of a friend had seizures and Vanderbilt, nor the U of Tn Medical school could find the problem and both recommended exploratory brain surgery. Instead they took the infant to my Natural Doctor, who took it's DNA, which revealed a brain parasite. With homeopathic drops the infant was back to normal within a few months. No trial surgery, no big medical bill. What was so traumatic for my friend is this was his December son. He was a grandfather by his three grown daughters. He teared up telling me the story.

When I related this story to my neighbor she instantly dismissed the possibility. Hey,,,,,, and she is a nurse.

What is so sad is that lots of folks have this problem and when the surgery finds a parasite, they call it a tumor because insurance will not pay for a parasite. The doctors then call the worm a tumor. $$$$$$$ Game over.

My doctor also took on an airline executive that all the Big Names could not find her problem. That too turned out to be a parasite she had picked up in Thailand. Doctors knew all this stuff prior to Big Pharma controlling the medical schools.

The U S is # 1 in Trauma medicine. It is #37 in common sense, right behind Cuba, who leads the world in Ozone Medicine.

ATS,,,,,, ====ORH====

Coconut Oil
Posted by Devron (Alberta) on 04/16/2018

Any old coconut oil will work?

Dietary Changes, Bio-Identical Hormones
Posted by Johnathan (California) on 03/22/2018

What were the changes to her diet that were made?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (Steamboat Springs, Colorado) on 12/08/2017

I have had epileptic seiezures all of my life, 59 years. All of these years, up until 2014, I was having 2-3 seizures per week. No doctors ever could figure me out. In 2014, I had a bad accident, where the main reason for the grand-mal, was because my doctor, then, was overdosing me. As soon as I could go back to living on my own, I started to only eat organic food and start to take more vitamins. My seizures went way down in how many, but I'm still having them. I've been taking coconut oil almost everyday, mostly while cooking.

From what I've been reading on this page, I will start taking coconut oil as a medicine everyday, instead of only using some while cooking. I really hope that I will feel even more of a healthy reaction.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Joy (Zambia) on 11/28/2017

What is aspartame?

EC: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener found in many "sugar-free" products like diet soda, cookies, gum, etc. 

Epsom Salts
Posted by Vivijamz (Area) on 11/14/2017

Did he stop his meds? and what type of epilepsy does he have?

Epsom Salts
Posted by Vivijamz (Area) on 11/14/2017

do you take it just in the morning or even in the evenings?

and what type of seizure did you have?

and did you stop your meds when you started taking the epsom salts?

Epsom Salts
Posted by Sanjana (Odisha) on 11/14/2017

Is this still working fr u....??Plzzz let me know if it worked...M seeking help...Thank u

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sanjana (Odisha) on 11/14/2017

Is it still working for u..?? Please let me know if it has worked for u..M seeking help from u...Thank you...

Epsom Salts
Posted by Marnie (Madera, Ca) on 11/13/2017

Absolutely yes! Epsom salts is very good for pregnant women because your need for magnesium is greatly increased. So the Epsom salts provide valuable minerals of magnesium as well as sulfur.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/13/2017

Epsom salt is great during pregnancy. The need for magnesium is even greater then and Epsom salt provide that.

~Mama to Many~

Epsom Salts
Posted by Lani (Iloilo Philippines) on 11/13/2017

Sir may I ask if this epsom salt is still good for pregnant with epelipsy. Thank you for sharing your idea and experience for this condition. Hopefully you can also share this idea with us.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Enny (Ogun ) on 11/05/2017

My son is on tegreto cr for d past 7yrs, can he also take Epsom salt? Pls. He is 17 yrs now.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Mel (Pacific Northwest) on 11/01/2017

According to some researchers' conclusions, there is a chance magnesium supplementation may not be ideal at specific times for people with active Lyme coinfections aka MSIDS. I believe it's babesia (possibly bartonella also) that uses magnesium for certain active processes, and some MSIDS strategies recommend a duration of antimicrobial treatment before supplementing magnesium. It's my understanding this approach is based in part on a study that concluded that magnesium deficiency was protective in mice experimentally infected with babesia. Babesia and bartonella are associated with potentially disabling symptoms and immune issues.

B Vitamins
Posted by Mel (Pacific Northwest) on 11/01/2017

Does your son have amalgam fillings? It may be healthier to find an alternative that doesn't contain mercury, and get the mercury ones pried out by a real biologic dentist who is taking specific steps to avoid mercury exposure to staff, patients, and the environment. Some researchers believe that mercury disables the body's detox system.

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Mel (Pacific Northwest) on 11/01/2017

Melanie, glad she was doing better. And like EC wondering how you were using the diluted frankincense oil. Assuming topically, not internally?

Natural Remedies
Posted by Kerry H. (Gosford, Australia) on 10/29/2017

The term "drug resistant epilepsy" what exactly does that mean?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Beth (Vista) on 10/03/2017

Hi Leon,

I've been researching lately and found that choline and inositol are said to rebuild the myelin sheath. Look into that to see what you might fine. I believe CDP Choline (Citicholine) is the best type of choline for sheath regeneration.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by S.K. (India) on 09/26/2017

Audrey from Florida very rightly said. Doctors, in general like to keep patients in dark about the cause of illness and wants earning. Some say- my illness doctor's happiness.

Regular Potassium intake from natural food can play a vital role in lowering seizure rate. Suffering person requires detoxification of body. Potassium helps a lot in de-tox program. Raw Potato juice can supply body required amount of Potassium with lest cost. I derived maximum benefit from Potassium, lemon, fenugreek seeds etc. to bring benefit of incurable person right from common cold to cancer, acidity to arthritis.

Please help and share this life saving information with your friend and family.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Bianca (St. Louis) on 09/19/2017

My brother is 17 now and has been having siezures since he was 2 and he stopped walking in 2013 and im really scared he going to die one day from a siezures and he has been on alk kinds of meds and I want him to be able to walk again and be siezure free.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Violet King (Spain) on 08/03/2017

Take half a teaspoonful of Epsom quality.... in a small drink of orange juice every morning, and see the results!! Fantastic when even the grand mal fits cease....and its all natural too......Try it!

B Vitamins
Posted by Beth (Stafford, Va) on 05/19/2017

Did your son remain on Depakote with Keto to become seizure free for 7 months? Thank you.

Dietary Changes, Bio-Identical Hormones
Posted by Chelle86 (Spokane, Wa) on 05/05/2017

We have done a lot of different things to recover my daughter from her seizure activity, and she is now 95% seizure free. Dietary changes that removed her triggers were key, along with optimizing her vitamins and minerals. She also uses natural bio-identical progesterone for her catamenial seizures, and has had great success with that as well.

Coconut Oil, Vitamins
Posted by Lori (New Zealand Wellington) on 04/25/2017

Hi, I used coconut oil daily basis when cooking and with paste of turmeric that has reduced seizures. I used to have seziures every second day and stress was my biggest concern. A neurolgist tried to put me on new drug, however I had history of depression since childhood so I continued to see how my body responds to this diet of coconut oil and turmeric.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Violet King (Spain) on 04/23/2017

Recommended by Adelle Davis who wrote 4 books on natural remedies.....all of which work!!

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Rex (Sarasota, Fl) on 04/21/2017

Ketogenic diet stops epileptic seizure in a significant percentage of children. Read below.

I believe this excerpt from Thomas Levy's book deserves an additional cure for ketogenic diet. The book is called "Curing the Incurable" 3rd edition, ebook page 316 of 7745.

In one of the more recent references in the April, 2000 issue of Pediatrics eleven studies on the ketogenic diet were reviewed. The authors concluded that the ketogenic diet completely stopped medically unresponsive seizures in a significant percentage of children. The diet also reduced seizure frequency by over 90% in an even greater percentage of children! Similar articles were found in the various neurology and epilepsy journals. Sadly, it would seem that many pediatricians and pediatric neurologists do not know what is in the most current issues of their primary and specialty journals.

Taurine, Tyrosine, B-50 Complex, Acupuncture
Posted by Kdd (Florida) on 02/19/2017

Hello, I am wondering how you are doing? Did you get off the keppra? My 14yr daughter had her first 8 seizures since March 2016. She is on 500mg a day of the keppra but still had 3 seizures while on it and Neuro just wants to double the dosage but I don't want to and want to wean her off eventually of it for good. Still working on being seizure free though, whole foods supplements, all the B's, mag, taurine, omega 3.... now looking into the cbd oil...Thanks for sharing...hope all is well!

General Feedback
Posted by Rachelle (Oh) on 01/27/2017

How can I go about this? thank you in advance

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lin (Florissant, Missouri) on 01/24/2017

Thank you Faithinhealing for sharing that information. I have epilepsy since my early 30s and been taking first Dilantin and now Phenytoin. Now I'm in my early 60s. Now, because I have wait till March of this year to see my doctor, I'm about to run out of medicine. My doctor won't renew until he sees me, but told my pharmacy to give me enough medicine to last until middle of March. Except the pharmacy disobeyed the doctor and only give me one month supply instead two and half months that I'm supposed to get. So, I was very glad when you mentioned the coconut oil. Again, thank you. Now I have an alternative cure to help me.

Coconut Oil, Vitamins
Posted by Michele Eckford (West Sussex, Uk) on 12/05/2016


Lovely to read your msg. It gives me confidence that I will be able to write the same in 2 years time. I have just started using coconut oil 3 days ago with serious intention. I am 60yrs now having 1 seizure approx. every 10 days. the meds don't work and I hate the side-effects, especially now that I am getting older. What got you started? Did you need to add MCT oil also & why have you added the vitamins. You mention about a diet change, What did you alter it? It'll be great to communicate with you to share experiences, positive & negative.

Thanks Michele
