Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for COPD

Posted by Art (California) on 01/20/2024 2227 posts

COPD And A Potential Homeopathic Remedy For Frequent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs)

Previously I have posted about the effective use of a readily available homeopathic remedy for colds and flu called Oscillococcinum. Based on the following two studies, it appears that Oscillococcinum may also be useful for people with COPD who have frequent URTIs as discussed here :

Here is an important quote from the study :

' The use of Oscillococcinum in patients with COPD led to a significant decrease in incidence and a delay in the appearance of URTI symptoms during the influenza-exposure period. The results of this study confirm the impact of this homeopathic medication on URTIs in patients with COPD. '

Here is a link to the second study which also showed positive effect from the use of Oscillococcinum in people with COPD in terms of URTIs :

Here are some of the study highlights:

1. 50% less URTIs in patients who used the homeopathic remedy(OG) vs the control group (CG)

2. Mean duration of symptoms per URTI episode were significantly less in OG vs CG

3. Greater decrease of consumption of corticosteroid for exacerbation in OG vs CG

4. Significant reduction of exacerbations in patients with the exacerbator phenotype

So, while Oscillococcinum has shown significant benefit for use against flu and colds, these two studies also show benefit for reducing frequency exacerbation in people with COPD as regards URTIs.


Earth Clinic readers have told us that their favorite home remedy for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method. Some readers experienced wonderful results in as little as two weeks. In fact, for the past 10 years, Bill Munro?s Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method has been one of Earth Clinic?s most popular natural treatments for many different ailments. Other nebulizer treatments are helpful as well, such as DMSO, Colloidal Silver, and MSM.

Symptoms of COPD

You may have COPD and not know it. Over 24 million people in the U.S. have COPD, but more than HALF of those people do not know that they have this very serious problem. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get diagnosed and then take action before more damage is done to your lungs. Otherwise, COPD will continue to get worse, until you need to be attached to an oxygen tank in order to breathe at all.

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

  • Frequent coughing, with or without mucus;
  • Feeling out of breath more and more often;
  • Wheezing;
  • A tight feeling in the chest.

Bill Munro?s Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

Bill Munro developed the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method when he learned he had melanoma and prostate cancer many years ago. He wanted to get oxygen ?inside? to treat his cancers. After treating himself for a while, his PSA blood tests showed that he was clean of the cancers. Research suggests that viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

If you have COPD, more oxygen is just exactly what you need. Many Earth Clinic readers with COPD reported success following this method. The link will show you exactly how to use Bill?s method. Please do follow the instructions. Do not overdo on the ?more is better" theory. It isn?t. Both Bill and his wife safely inhaled hydrogen peroxide daily for at least 9 years, enjoying improved overall health. Their blood oxygen levels remained in the high 90s.

  • Normal blood oxygen levels are 95-100%.
  • Below 90% is considered hypoxemia, leading to an asthma crisis, sleep apnea, pulmonary infection, etc.
  • A blood oxygen level below 80% is a critical situation that could result in a damaged brain or heart; respiratory or cardiac arrest can occur at this level of low blood oxygen.

Ted from Bangkok?s Answers to COPD Questions

Ted, Earth Clinic?s long-time Contributing Editor, has responded to many questions about COPD over the years. Some of the topics he has addressed are: Ted?s Remedies, Questions About Ted?s Remedies and Can Condition be Reversed. Ted has a strong scientific background and spends substantial time researching natural health remedies for a wide variety of medical issues.

What is COPD?

COPD is a killer ? the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The National Institutes of Health states that, ?COPD has no cure yet, and doctors don't know how to reverse the damage to the airways and lungs. However, treatments and lifestyle changes can help you feel better, stay more active, and slow the progress of the disease."

COPD is one of the most frustrating health issues that people deal with. It?s very disabling, as reduced lung function makes it impossible to handle normal activities. To make matters worse, those afflicted with COPD may also have one or more other chronic illnesses.

Most of those with COPD have emphysema and chronic bronchitis, both included under the general term COPD. Over time, the airways narrow, making it more difficult to breathe.

  • Emphysema refers to damage to the walls between many of the air sacs in the lungs. Instead of any tiny air sacs, the person now has fewer, larger air sacs. This reduces gas exchange within the lungs. In other words, the lung?s ability to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide is far less than is needed for proper breathing and good health. There is not enough oxygen and too much carbon dioxide.
  • Chronic bronchitis refers to the lining of the airways being always irritated and inflamed. The lining gets thicker; thick mucus makes it hard to breath.

COPD and Viral and Bacterial Infections

The most common cause of COPD exacerbations are viruses, particularly the flu, rhinovirus or adenovirus. Mycoplasma and chlamydia are bacteria that can also be responsible for lung infections. These organisms cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment, such as that created by inhaling hydrogen peroxide following the suggested method.

If You Smoke, Quit!

Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. While there are other risk factors, such as pollution, second-hand smoke, family history or chemical fumes, smoking is the most important risk factor by a wide margin. Don?t be one of the people sneaking into the garage for a cigarette and then hobbling back to the oxygen tank in order to get a breath of air. If you don?t quit now, you will be forced to when you?re totally bed-bound and cannot breathe at all without the oxygen tank. Our readers have sent in a lot of remedies that have helped them to quit smoking. We hope that one of their recommendations will help you.

Continue reading below for hundreds of posts from our readers detailing what remedies worked (or didn't work) for COPD. Please let us know what remedies you are using and how your healing is progressing!
