Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for COPD

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Glen (Stettler, Alberta, Canada) on 05/17/2017

Editor's Choice Specialist said I had c, p, o, d, could not stop coughing or get any sleep / lungs were full of dust / was on a puffer and pills. I went on h202, 1 drop in water or juice in morning, 1 more in afternoon and added one drop each day up to 25 drops twice a day / I'm 85 yrs old do not have c, p.o, d. any more.

I mix I ounce of h 202 / food grade 35 % hyd, peroxide with 11 ounces of water /distilled/. Also use q tip put some in each ear some up each nostril. I have not had flu or even a cold in 5 years.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Klaserie (UK) on 06/01/2016

Editor's Choice To Start with, the UK has put a ban on 35% Food Grade H2O2, with a two year prison sentence if you are found in possession.You can only purchase the 35% FGH2O2 with a government license.

On visiting South Africa, I freely bought it and the distilled water to take the dosage as laid down in Bill's book. I managed to get as far as 22 drops in 12 fl.ozs (UK) of distilled water. That was on day 14 of the schedule. I had to quit as I kept throwing up, later I found out why, it is very hard to know when your stomach is completely empty, because at this high dose, the stomach must be completely empty. However not to be put off completely, I reduced the 35% down to 3% with distilled water 11 to 1 total 12, 11 being distilled water and 1 the 3%.

I am using an altrasonic nebulizer ( Beurer IH 40 ). The best thing I ever bought, it is almost silent, so it can be used at night without disturbing your partner. My oxygen transfer reading had dropped from 98 to 95 in less than 6 months, before I started the inhaling treatment. I am pleased to say that my readings have improved back to 98/99. I started the treatment with 10 minutes 3 times a day, for 10 days, then I increased the time to 15 minutes 3 times day, for 10 days, I am now on 15 minutes 4 times a day.

I have informed my doctor and COPD nurse of my actions, they were both astonished when I presented the benefits of FG H2O2.They had no answer to my actions. I told them I had stopped taking my inhalers, I don't need them. I will continue until August 2016, then I will have a comparison check up of January 2016. I have read most of the comments here on this site. I sleep up to 10 hours without any problem, and get up at 6 am twice a week to go fishing, I can still lug my fishing gear around, although I do get out of breathe, however my recovery time is getting better by the week.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Pat (Erin) Dooley (Pensacola, Florida) on 05/29/2016


I have sung the praises of hydrogen peroxide for years. It literally cured me of COPD. Everything good you read about it is true.

However, this one little matter: I began to have a black tongue and have had it now for some years. I wrote in here at the time I was helped with the COPD that I did seem have a black tongue and no answer for it, but I said "if that's all I have to pay for the cure, fine by me." But all these years later, I got the answer. It's the peroxide. It affects some people that way. So I'm back to what I said years ago - "If my only problem is black tongue, but cured otherwise....fine by me."

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anne D. (Kenya) on 08/10/2015

My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 COPD in December 2014. He started on H2O2 that Christmas and is still going. He stopped the peroxide in the following March and after a rerun of hip surgery caught a cold which resulted in atttacks of both viral and bacterial pneumonia in five weeks. We thought he wouldn't make it. He went back on the peroxide and at 80 is still able to run his little business repairing antiques and other furniture (He has workers to do the actual repairs but supervises everything).

He is on about 12 drops twice a day diluted according to the protocol and also nebulizes 3ml 3% twice a day and has a humidfier with an even more dilute solution running all night. He is on an oxygenator at night but can manage if there is a power cut.

I think it is the peroxide that has kept him alive and well enough to still enjoy life and feel useful.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Steve (Ks, US) on 01/29/2015

For my COPD, I put about twenty drops of 35% HP with my cpap water and it works great.

Also, my doctor told me to take 3 capsules of cayenne pepper plus apple cider vinegar. I have seen improvements.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Davegto (Michigan, US) on 11/17/2014

I've used food grade h2o2 for copd and had some success- need to get more and try again-it is almost elusive to obtain!!

One compound pharmacy had to ask the boss if they could sell it as... they use h2o2 to make a lot of medicine! I got some from them-expensive-then contacted a BIG wholesale chemical company that gave me a pint or 2 for free as they sell it in 55 gallon drums-not too drastic for so much!

It does oxygenate and many diseases cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

It may have some side effects that are not that nice- so watch out and I'd say (altho I am NOT a physician at all), use in moderation and probably not needed long term-continually. Experiment a little- see how you feel, I wager it will help in the right dose and over X amount of time depending on your condition

Good Luck!

On another note - if you do have any further knowledge of h2o2 effects on hemochromatosis PLEASE email me asap

Dave: gnomad56 (at) gmail [dot] com

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Richard (Ca - California) on 03/23/2014

I have been using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for my copd and it has all but gone completely. I put 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in a 8 oz glass of water and drink it three times a day adding one drop daily until reaching 25 drops and then staying on 25 drops for 5 days and then working back one drops less each day until I reach 3 drops daily for one week. and then check your status.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lynn (Brighton, Uk) on 07/12/2011

I have always been impressed with positive feedback from those who start out as non-believers. Here is an extract from an email I recently received from my father who is suffering from COPD. "Hi Lynn, I want to say a big thanks to you for putting me on to Hydrogen Peroxide. I'm sceptical about alternative medicine on the whole but I'm convinced of the benefits of this treatment. It is possible that some effects come from a lessening of grass pollen and the cleansing of the air by rain - but surely they are not responsible for the complete transformation experienced over the past week or so. I walked a Hawk's Brow circuit this morning - the first time since 27 May (and this was a walk usually done several times a week). I was going to say that there was no coughing as such - but in fact there was really none at all! I now feel optimistic about sticking around for a while yet..."

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tom (Otsego County, NY, USA) on 06/23/2011

Please don't ingest store-bought 3% H202; do read about 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at Dr David G Williams website (google, "The Many Benefits of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide," find the Williams entry, which offers instructions on its use.

I had TB in service (WW2), didn't know it, self-cured it (we're giants at 19) but was a shallow breather. In 1984 I was showed lung scars on my chest X-ray and finally knew why I had difficulty breathing.

Recently my breathing worsened, limited me to four hours sleep a night. Recalling that one sister died of IFP, one of emphysema, I looked at myself at 87.

Hoping for a longer life, I'd followed an FG H202 regimen for four years -- high dosages for a month, then 3 drops a day in spring water and no colds in that time. Now deep breathing was impossible, so I upped my FG H202 intake to 9 drops (3 X3) a day.

There was improvement. Hardly dramatic, yet I was grateful for it. Now I'm seeking a Homeopath who offers the IV H202 treatment. Dr Williams says it really works on emphysema-- we'll see about that.

The government calls me a death-panel candidate, but I call them names, too. And yes, my COPD worries don't compare to those of others in this forum, but I had to offer this FG H202 advice anyway. I ask you to help yourselves. Read on Dr Williams' website -- I found it as I found Earth Clinic. By happy chance.

Earth Clinic readers have told us that their favorite home remedy for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method. Some readers experienced wonderful results in as little as two weeks. In fact, for the past 10 years, Bill Munro?s Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method has been one of Earth Clinic?s most popular natural treatments for many different ailments. Other nebulizer treatments are helpful as well, such as DMSO, Colloidal Silver, and MSM.

Symptoms of COPD

You may have COPD and not know it. Over 24 million people in the U.S. have COPD, but more than HALF of those people do not know that they have this very serious problem. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get diagnosed and then take action before more damage is done to your lungs. Otherwise, COPD will continue to get worse, until you need to be attached to an oxygen tank in order to breathe at all.

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

  • Frequent coughing, with or without mucus;
  • Feeling out of breath more and more often;
  • Wheezing;
  • A tight feeling in the chest.

Bill Munro?s Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

Bill Munro developed the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method when he learned he had melanoma and prostate cancer many years ago. He wanted to get oxygen ?inside? to treat his cancers. After treating himself for a while, his PSA blood tests showed that he was clean of the cancers. Research suggests that viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

If you have COPD, more oxygen is just exactly what you need. Many Earth Clinic readers with COPD reported success following this method. The link will show you exactly how to use Bill?s method. Please do follow the instructions. Do not overdo on the ?more is better" theory. It isn?t. Both Bill and his wife safely inhaled hydrogen peroxide daily for at least 9 years, enjoying improved overall health. Their blood oxygen levels remained in the high 90s.

  • Normal blood oxygen levels are 95-100%.
  • Below 90% is considered hypoxemia, leading to an asthma crisis, sleep apnea, pulmonary infection, etc.
  • A blood oxygen level below 80% is a critical situation that could result in a damaged brain or heart; respiratory or cardiac arrest can occur at this level of low blood oxygen.

Ted from Bangkok?s Answers to COPD Questions

Ted, Earth Clinic?s long-time Contributing Editor, has responded to many questions about COPD over the years. Some of the topics he has addressed are: Ted?s Remedies, Questions About Ted?s Remedies and Can Condition be Reversed. Ted has a strong scientific background and spends substantial time researching natural health remedies for a wide variety of medical issues.

What is COPD?

COPD is a killer ? the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The National Institutes of Health states that, ?COPD has no cure yet, and doctors don't know how to reverse the damage to the airways and lungs. However, treatments and lifestyle changes can help you feel better, stay more active, and slow the progress of the disease."

COPD is one of the most frustrating health issues that people deal with. It?s very disabling, as reduced lung function makes it impossible to handle normal activities. To make matters worse, those afflicted with COPD may also have one or more other chronic illnesses.

Most of those with COPD have emphysema and chronic bronchitis, both included under the general term COPD. Over time, the airways narrow, making it more difficult to breathe.

  • Emphysema refers to damage to the walls between many of the air sacs in the lungs. Instead of any tiny air sacs, the person now has fewer, larger air sacs. This reduces gas exchange within the lungs. In other words, the lung?s ability to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide is far less than is needed for proper breathing and good health. There is not enough oxygen and too much carbon dioxide.
  • Chronic bronchitis refers to the lining of the airways being always irritated and inflamed. The lining gets thicker; thick mucus makes it hard to breath.

COPD and Viral and Bacterial Infections

The most common cause of COPD exacerbations are viruses, particularly the flu, rhinovirus or adenovirus. Mycoplasma and chlamydia are bacteria that can also be responsible for lung infections. These organisms cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment, such as that created by inhaling hydrogen peroxide following the suggested method.

If You Smoke, Quit!

Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. While there are other risk factors, such as pollution, second-hand smoke, family history or chemical fumes, smoking is the most important risk factor by a wide margin. Don?t be one of the people sneaking into the garage for a cigarette and then hobbling back to the oxygen tank in order to get a breath of air. If you don?t quit now, you will be forced to when you?re totally bed-bound and cannot breathe at all without the oxygen tank. Our readers have sent in a lot of remedies that have helped them to quit smoking. We hope that one of their recommendations will help you.

Continue reading below for hundreds of posts from our readers detailing what remedies worked (or didn't work) for COPD. Please let us know what remedies you are using and how your healing is progressing!
