DMSO, Colloidal Silver
In researching my options, I found the idea of using DMSO and Colloidal Silver in a nebulizer. I mix 7 cc of Colloidal Silver, 3 cc DMSO, 3 cc distilled water. This mix lasts me for 6 treatments, plus a little. I do three or four treatments a day with 2 cc of my mixed solution. When I started the Silver/DMSO treatments I stopped ALL of my asthma COPD meds. I have used my inhaler once. I have been doing this new regimen for 4 days. The phlegm is slowly coming up. I feel better than I have in months. I have an appt. with my GP next week. I hope he hears better lung sounds. My next apt with my Pulmonologist is next month. I will try to repost as time goes on.
DMSO, Colloidal Silver
I had both knees replaced last Dec., I'm 60. Afterward I was dianosed with copd and my dr put me on a prescription inhaler. Within two days I got far worse taking it and could barely breath.
The dr wanted me to use an inhaler with steroid that cost almost three hundred dollars. I don't have insurance and didn't have the money. I was desperate. I had dsmo that I used for my knee pain and felt I had nothing to lose. First I changed my diet. I went off all bread, processed foods, dairy, rice, pasta and oats.. I felt much better within 24 hrs. I started drinking black coffee with two drops of essential oil of peppermint three times a day and put one dropper, my dropper holds about half does not fill up all the way, half dsmo and half distilled water followed by same amount 27mmp colloidal silver. Within a few days I was totally off the inhaler and within 10 days I'm doing house work. I can tell I still don't get air in my lungs like I should.
My guess is I'm gettng 40 to 50 percent what I should be getting... When I saw the dr I was only getting 20 percent. I was a smoker for 20 yrs and after quitting I never did feel like my lungs healed. From what I've read, tar builds up and cannot break down and leave the body... It just stays in the lungs and at some point in your life if there is too much or your heath gets bad... It can go into copd. I assume I will get better and better if I keep my new eating habits and continue to use the dmso. I forgot to say I do the dmso and c. Silver three times a day unless I feel I need to do it more often....
At some point when I feel I can do it and breath.. If that make sense..
I'm planning on nebulizing the dmso and c. Silver. My hope is to get all the tar out and heal my lungs. My email address is- ls.s20009(at)gmail.com the first letter is a small case L. If anyone would want to ask questions.
I'm thrilled and felt my life was over. No one knows what it's like to not be able to breath.. It's terrifying. Now I have knew knees and I can breath~ I'm one happy camper and give God all the credit and glory. I prayed for help and he gave it. I cannot tell you how many times he has answered desperate prayer for it has been too many to recall them all. God is so good.