High Cholesterol
Natural Remedies

Effective Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

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Diatomaceous Earth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Art (California) on 05/28/2020 2395 posts

Editor's Choice

A popular search is for remedies that can lower high cholesterol.

Diatomaceous Earth is very effective at lowering high cholesterol. Even at lower dosing, but a tablespoon per day dosing is quite effective and fairly fast. This allows you to completely avoid the statins which are well established to create new health problems.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Art (California ) on 07/03/2016 2395 posts

If you have high cholesterol and high triglycerides but want to avoid statins, then according to the abstract below, Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth may be a reasonable alternative. It has worked very well for me, but I am taking significantly more than what was used in this study. I did not get the increased HDL cholesterol benefit mentioned in the study, but my LDL and triglycerides stay about in the middle of the normal range with no special diet now.

The dosage they used in the study is the smallest I have ever seen mentioned for people. I started out at one heaping tablespoon in a cup of water in the morning and one heaping tablespoon in a cup of water in the evening for a total of two heaping tablespoons of Food Grade DE per day for two weeks. I now take DE only once a day first thing in the morning at one heaping teaspoon and that is my maintenance dose.

The fact that the study got good results with just a total of 750 mg/day divided into to three separate doses throughout the day lets me know that I can probably get by with significantly less DE as a maintenance dose. Compared to other things like ACV, the taste is much more tolerable and mild. The cost is very low if purchased in containers of 20 pounds or more. At my current dose a 20 lb bag will last for many years and costs less than $25 delivered to my door. It's even cheaper if you can get it from a farm supply. Just be sure it is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and nothing else. DE is purported to have other health benefits also. Another benefit is that if I go on vacation and forget my DE, no problem as the effects last awhile. In the study they said the benefits were still present after 4 weeks of no DE. Do a little research and see what you think.Here is the abstract and remember to get your doctor's approval and supervision before trying DE.


Eur J Med Res. 1998 Apr 8;3(4):211-5.
Diatomaceous earth lowers blood cholesterol concentrations.
PubMed Abstract

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Toni (Oregon) on 02/03/2016

Editor's Choice

My cholesterol was high enough that my doctor wanted to put me on 40mg of Zorcor (?). She told me that it would make every muscle in my body ache and recommended CoQ10 for relieving that. I told her that if it was taking that kind of toll on my body it was hurting me. She said, "The risk of not taking it is worse than the risk if you do."

It's a long story how I stumbled upon Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth, but I found a study done on 60 people (which is a very tiny study) that said that people who took 1 heaping Tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth in water one time a day had their cholesterol halved in 30 days and within normal limits in 60. I told the doctor I wanted to do an experiment for three weeks. She agreed.

In those three weeks what I discovered is that it doesn't taste as bad if you use more water. Initially I had about 1/4 cup of water (the thought being it would be quicker to get down) and now use about 3/4 cup, take a heaping tablespoon of the stuff and dissolve it and chug it down. I'm totally serious here, I tried everything to get the taste out of my mouth...rinsing with water, my coffee etc. The best thing is to take a mouthful (just a sip) of Muscato wine. Takes the taste right away. I have a little bottle that I use.

Within three weeks my Cholesterol dropped from 310 to 240. It is now within normal limits. I've spread the word and several of my friends have had the same result. To buy it, if you have an animal feed store nearby, you can get a 20lb bag of the stuff for about $10...a lifetime supply :) I don't recommend the Organic kind sold on Amazon. First, its super expensive compared to the farm store. Second, two people I know had larve come out of them (bug worms) and when they switched to my kind they didn't. The Larve won't hurt you, but YUCK. So just get regular FOOD GRADE (that's important) Diatomaceous earth.

Dietary Changes

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
2 star (1) 

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 12/05/2023

Hi there!

A few years ago, my husband had an abnormal cardiac calcium score and a less than ideal cholesterol reading. His doctor gave him the option of statins or a gluten free, vegan diet. He reluctantly chose the diet.

It worked. He lost weight and got his cholesterol down dramatically.

Over time we put fish and chicken into his diet. (Tilapia, salmon, and boneless, skinless chicken.) He also eats an occasional sweet but is very moderate about it. He uses Erythritol and oat milk in his coffee.

He had bloodwork done this week. We were thrilled that fish and chicken added to his gf plant-based diet have only improved his numbers. His good cholesterol went up a bit and the bad is in a very good range. His total cholesterol is 131.

Six months ago, we invested in a Blackstone Grill. That thing is life changing. Really. My go to meal is fish or chicken bowls. I cook the chicken or fish and an onion, sometimes a jalapeno, potato or carrots on the Blackstone, season it well with salt, pepper, and garlic, and serve it over brown or white rice. I use some olive oil on the grill. We never get tired of this meal. It also makes clean up easier and I don't make much mess in the kitchen.

My husband eats a lot of hummus on sesame crackers or raw carrots with guacamole for a snack. If he eats breakfast, its oatmeal. I make a Thai curry every weekend and we have burritos and fish tacos often; its a go-to meal when my kids and grandkids come over.

Interestingly, his hemoglobin and hematocrit numbers are at the high end of normal. Apparently, you can get plenty of iron without eating red meat or eggs. His iron level has always been high normal on a red meat diet, on a vegan diet, on his current diet. He doesn't eat much in the way of leafy greens either.

Since I have Alpha Gal and some food allergies, a mostly gf, plant-based diet with fish and chicken has been my diet for many years. Cooking got easier with his dietary changes. I fix burgers or sausage and eggs for my kids sometimes, but they do love the Blackstone bowls, too.

Anyway, this is all anecdotal, but I am sharing it in case it would help or encourage someone else!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Daniel

I appreciate your contributions to Earth Clinic. After seeing your recent one regarding your husband's cholesterol of 131 total, if that is correct I would suggest that is dangerously low.I have an old newsletter from Dr. Mercola that referenced a study presented at the 24th American Heart Association Conference on Stroke. They found that cholesterol over 230 increased risk of stroke as did cholesterol below 180. It can lead to leaky vessels. When I had cancer 23 years ago I think mine was around 150. My doctor told me that was low. I was in the low 160's the last few years but now up to 205 which I am comfortable with. I also read a paper by Dr Cheraskin in Orthomolecular News that as more detailed about low cholesterol. Unfortunately, I was not able to locate paper again. If he is able giving blood should lower the iron level.

Mama to Many


Thanks for the information! I will look into it.

My cholesterol has always been very low, even below 100 when I was in college and not on the best diet...

~Mama to Many~

Dietary Changes
Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (Crescent City, CA) on 08/15/2021

Why don't I read anything at all about changing our diets? I'm finding amazing results with my blood sugar levels (I have type 2 Diabetes) and last hba1c was 6.2. I eat a Keto diet, high fats, low carbs (below 50) and proteins.

Now I'm changing my dairy intake to pretty much zero because my cholesterol shot up to 389. I've read many times it is most important to divide your Triglyceride # by your HDL #. I've also read and heard that people that are living longer have high cholesterol numbers, and those that die earlier have low LDL numbers (low total cholesterol numbers).

I'm nervous about information being true, or untrue, so I am going for lowering my intake of dairy products. I have to tell you though, long (back to my 20s and I'm 68 now) I did not do dairy! I just didn't care for any dairy products! But I'm going to try anyway. I eat mostly lean meats but add some olive oil, lots of veggies, low amounts of carbs and only safe carbs (so I've read) like berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and I gotta have a few blueberries).

I can't remember why but I was scared off from Lecithin when I used it for a couple of weeks. I first ordered the wrong thing, then bought what was supposedly the right thing but something was going on that made me think it was the lecithin. I know I need to keep better track of these things. Input welcome, I just think we should talk more about our basic diets before piling on the ACV, Lecithin, or any other fix.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

You might glean from this teaching on cholesterol:

Dr. Berg's Wife Has Crazy High Cholesterol of 261.. - YouTube

Dietary Changes
Posted by Katkat (Lexington) on 12/19/2017

I'm on day 3 of a bone broth fast and had my work wellness check today. My cholesterol was thru the roof! I have kept track of my numbers for over 5 years and never had it anywhere close to this high. My theory is that my body is using stored fat for energy and so more fat was circulating in my bloodstream. Does this make sense? I already take 1000 mg niacin (with the flush) twice a day as well as 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day. I cannot take red rice yeast, as it's so close to a statin that I get pain from it. I'm doing the bone broth fast for 4 days, then plan to add homemade dairy kefir to the broth for another 4 days in an attempt to fix my ibs. I now have a referral from work to see the dr about high cholesterol and this makes me just sick. I don't want to be on medicines but, as an at-will employee, they can get rid of me for this if I don't comply with the dr's suggestions. BTW, I've lost 30 pounds in the past year and only have 15 to go to reach my goal, so I can do what it takes. I've worked so hard at diet and exercise and now this! How depressing.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Are you using the soy lecithin granules for removing excess fat stored in tissues...I read somewhere Ted was teaching that and I have used it ever since...helps my memory and I tell my friends...they all love it too.

Replied by Jan


I feel your pain. My husband has been on every statin drug and has had side effects from every one. Now the Dr. has him on a "new" medication which my husband has to inject every two weeks to lower his cholesterol. My husband had a heart attack and had a triple by pass last January and the Dr. insists on getting his cholesterol down. We don't want to take the drugs but my husband wants to keep his arteries clean. I know that cholesterol is not the problem and totally disagree with the Dr.s about it but how do we keep the arteries clean? We eat healthy but the high cholesterol runs in my husbands family and his mother died from a heart attack.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

K: Here are 3 clean artery remedies.

-Nattokinase and Serrapeptase

-Herbs that clean and allow the plaques to absolve.
Take in capsules or as a tea ---Garlic, Cayenne, Ginger, Hawthorn, Lemon, ACV

-Dr Linus Pauling artery cure is daily Vit-C & Lysine *would like to add that daily Grapeseed Extract alone also prevents "hardening of arteries"*.

As for fat burning, Triple Strength Lecithin is good along with Choline/Inositol supplement. The amino acid Methionine w/ B-12 & Folic Acid is my fav.

Replied by Jan

Thanks so much Timh. I appreciate the info. I have a few questions: How many milligrams on the vitamin C &Lysine? Also how many mg on the Grapeseed extract and should it be taken every day? I know we can't mention brands here but if you could give me a hint as to where I can purchase the Methionine w/B-12 & Folic Acid, I would certainly appreciate it. I looked on Amazon but didn't see it. Which do you think is better, soy or sunflower lecithin? We were taking organic sunflower lecithin but didn't see any improvement. Perhaps the triple strength will do the trick. Well, I guess that turned out to be more than a few questions:)

Thanks so much. I'm trying so hard to keep my husband off of the awful cholesterol medication. These new injectable ones have some really really bad side effects.

Replied by Mrs A Of London Uk
(London Uk)

Dear Jan - For high cholesterol, try Niacin (vitamin B3) - and don't be alarmed by the famous niacin flush, which though unpleasant, and sometimes accompanied by itching, is harmless and soon wears off. Do NOT be fobbed off with niacimide (the non-flush version).

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

J: Lots of good on-line health-food stores will pop up on any search-bar, so you can find all the items in one place, at a good price, and maybe free shipping.

Vit-C w/ Rose Hips 1 or 2 grms per day (outside meals) and Lysine 1 grm day (with meal). Grapeseed Extract 50-100mg per day or maybe less if incorporate also other antioxidants like Selenium + Vit-E (broad spectrum) + CoQ10. The Sel, E, CoQ10 combo is very important at reducing the bad side effects of statin meds.

500 or 1000mg Methionine per day and must purchase & take B-12/Folic Acid separately. Non-gmo Sun Lecithin is best if can find in triple strength. Lecithin is a natural form of Choline so you can take a supplement of Choline/Inositol, although the Methionine will convert to choline so it's an issue of options.

Also, and must back up a few steps and consider a Gallbladder Cleanse. Cholesterol Gallstones cause Fatty Liver cause chronic high cholesterol. Lots of info here on E.C.

Do these suggestion and slowly tapper off the toxic meds and get health back.

Replied by Noris
4 posts

Since I started cooking with coconut oil my total cholesterol is high, but it is the good cholesterol that is very high. The Dr said it is very good. I start breakfast cooking the eggs in coconut oil and putting some in the coffee. Everything I cook through out the day I use this oil.

Replied by Jr

Timh, Thanks for your thorough reply. Much appreciated. Wishing you and all of Earth Clinic folks a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joru (Northeast, US) on 12/14/2014

What no one tells you is that high cholesterol can be associated with certain types of yeast. --among other possible causes.
Diet Changes:

- cut out all vegetable oils (including olive), minimize animal fats, use only low-fat dairy w/ no hormones or antibiotics/grass-fed, no fried foods. If fat is needed for cooking, use a small amount of butter (w/o hormones).

- buy all food fresh at farmer's markets & avoid packaged foods in stores; do more cooking at home.

- cut out white potatoes.

- eat more dark leafy greens, garlic, cruciferous vegetables; sweet potato, lentils, buckwheat, etc.

- include some fermented veggies (sauerkraut, hoarseradish, etc) in your diet which naturally contain "good bacteria".

- don't take vitamin pills unless you have to for a clear & convincing medical reason;

- minimize use of non-essential medications, as much as you safely can (consult your doc before making any changes).

- eat more fresh herbs and spices.

- eliminate alcohol; if you want to have something occasionally choose dry red wine or beer.

- eliminate coffee (raises cortisol).

- walk.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Linda (Alpharetta, Ga) on 06/19/2011

I had extremely high Cholesterol all my life. My parents and grandparents had high cholesterol all their lifes. I even had extremely high cholesterol during the 3 years I lived completely vegan, no animal products at all. I blamed it on genetics and stress. For 2 years now my cholesterol is completely normal, since I changed my diet after I read about the South beach diet. For me even whole grain bread makes my Cholesterol go up again, which is for me the evidence that starch is the culprit for high cholesterol.

I eat now lots of mixed salads with lots of lettuce, and veggies, I eat 3 times a day protein in form of eggs, goat milk, goat/sheep cheese and meat (chicken, beef, lamb, fish, but no pork). I eat pretty much all veggies raw or steamed with fresh herbs and flax seed oil or coconut oil or as a soup. I eat not more than max 2 cups of fruit per day, because I think the sugar in fruit caused my high cholesterol during my vegan time and caused problems with blood sugar and pancreas.

I completely avoid everything with starches, esp. Bread, noodles, rice, deserts and everything with sugar. I do eat once in a while steamed potatoes or fresh corn on the cobb or a bean dish.

I use Stevia to sweeten my milk shakes which I make with a few strawberries, blueberries and goat milk since I get sinusitis and gain weight from cow milk.

I do make my salad dressings with ACV and flax seed oil (refrigerated) and Herbamare, a salt herb mix. I do not restrict my fat intake, but I don't use butter, or whipped cream, but quite a bit flax seed oil and coconut oil. I also take baking soda 2x a day in water.

Now my blood pressure, my cholesterol and my weight are perfect.

Replied by Carol
(Waynesboro, Ga)

I wonder if "Yea" might have glucose intolerance..... please talk more about glucose intolerance.

Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Insulin resistance is taking place long before (years even) High Blood sugar is detected. See Dr. Benjamin Bikman books and videos on Youtube. Also, Keto is a wonderful way to eat, so lots of videos on that by Dr. Berg, and MANY studies. Also, Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD videos on Youtube.

Earl Grey Tea

Posted by Js (Anony) on 01/16/2015

I just read that the bergamot oil in Earl Grey tea can help with cholesterol. Does anyone have experience with that? I'll drink it if that would work.

EDTA Chelation

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 02/01/2010

Hi Ya'll doin, Thought I had the bull by the tail on a down hill drag, but it appears that is not the case. As a few of you know, I have been a reader and a contributor for a couple of years. I was late at this health stuff but hit it hard for the last five years. At 73, I and having and anti aging doctor and a chelation doctor, I decided to go get a jowl lift soes I could match up with my good lookin spouse of 50 years. At my age the anastegeologist was nervous and and wanted to do another EKG. It was not good, and they shut down the procedure and shipped me off to a cardiologist. This guy is gov approved.

He said he had not been sued in 32 years because he only does what the AMA approves. It pissed him off that I had
been referred by a high dollar cosmetic surgeon who was going to make me pretty. It pissed him off that I had been doing Chelation so I did not have to mess with his type. He gave me a lecture on why we should just age normally and not let an anti aging Doctor modify our hormones and blood work soes we don't get all these old age diseases. He then proceeded to give me a satin drug for Cholesterol without blood work nor asking me what my tests were. How 'bout that for science ? My Cholesterol is 156 with a 57 HDL and a 99 LDL. Tests that most 73 year olds would pray for.

I went back to my Chelation Doctor, a Thoracic Surgeon, who got tired of cutting off folks arms and legs in the early 90's and found chelation. I am back into EDTA Chelation. In my group last Thursday, I asked who they were using as a cardiologist? None... done done that and the procedures only lasted a few years. This is by-pass and stints, etc.
They rely on chelation to keep them perkin. Anyways, I's searching Earth Clinic for any help. Know to do Magnesium, ACV, Cayenne and breathing stuff. Just know that most doctors are only interested in their next vacation trip to Europe.

Replied by Sheryl
(Gold Coast, Australia)

Hi, I have just found this site and am finding it very interesting, I have high cholesterol,but I have never heard of 'chelation'. What is it please?

Sunny Days

Exercise, Diet, Coconut Oil and Omega 3s

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by John (Virginia Beach, Va) on 10/12/2007

i just had my blood work done and i was a little worried that my cholesterol would be elevated but the results were good. I have been dieting and exercising and taking coconut oil and omega 3 for over a month now. My cholesterol was 247 and now it's 137.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Om (Winston Salem, Nc) on 06/26/2018

HDL is 87

LDL is 29

Trig's is 46

Total cholesterol is 134

I started taking fenugreek capsules back in the winter of 95- 96 for sinus issues. Every winter I immediately got a sinus infection. Cholesterol began to change and hasn't stopped.

I spend 12 to $15 for a year's worth of fenugreek capsules and take one a day and have done it since that winner of long ago. Most of my relatives had started taking fenugreek because of me since none of their prescription drugs worked.

Last year my HDL was 94 but this apartment has a lot of mold in it that keeps coming back and my immune system works overtime.

Replied by Art
2395 posts

LDL that is too low may not be good for your brain or your body as this protein has multiple purposes in the human body.



(Winston Salem, Nc)

My doctor hasn't said anything except that he wishes his HDL was as high as mine.

I feel good.

Replied by Adrienne

How much fenugreek do you take for cholesterol?

Posted by Deborah R. (Usa) on 05/30/2018

Editor's Choice

I highly recommend fenugreek for cholesterol. It works overtime, cholesterol meds do not. My HDL has always been a higher number since 2000. I'm 61 now. Last blood test it was 90 something and my LDL was in the 30s.

Replied by Eve
(New York)

Can you tell me how you took the fenugreek to lower your cholesterol?

Replied by Jean

Hello Deborah, I would like to know some more details about your suggestion to use fenugreek for cholesterol. What form? ie leaves, oil, etc . How much per day did you take? Any other tips? Thanks!

Replied by Deborah
(Winston Salem, Nc)


I just buy a bottle of it from Vitacost and take one pill a day so I don't get sinus infections. In the beginning I tried drinking the tea, many years ago, that stuff was horrible there's no way I could keep drinking it. Back in the 90s I got the Tea form from GNC stores.

Replied by Denise

How much fenugreek do you take a day?

Replied by Michael

Have you tried using a good omega 3 fish oils also plenty fruit and veg and leafy green veg important. Check up in beta glucans, a cholesterol lowering soluble fibre from oat bran and rough oat cakes.

Replied by Al
(San Diego, Ca.)

How do you prepare it. You grind it or get it unground? Thx for your help..

Replied by Deborah

I pay 10.00 for a bottle of 360 capsules from vitacost.com. I have been taking one a day since 1995.

Replied by Deborah

I pay 10.00 for a bottle of 360 capsules from vitacost.com. I have been taking one a day since 1995.

Replied by Susie

In what form do you take the Fenugreek, how much and how often etc please to lower your cholesterol.

Fish Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shannon Parker (San Antonio, Tx) on 08/19/2011

fish oil if taken 1 gram twice daily can and will reduce your cholesterol. My cholesterol was 188 and now it's 122. I did not change my diet. All I did was invest in a good quality fish oil supplement and voila!

Flax Seeds

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bridgette (USA) on 10/18/2005

Freshly ground Flax Seed. Buy the Flax Seeds whole and organic. Grind them just before using... a few tablespoons per day on your food, salads, etc or just grind and eat them alone. Never substitute with pre-ground or the oil... they are not as effective at lowering cholesterol. Extra vitamin C helps too.

Replied by ND
(Mumbai, India)

can the flax seed be chewed instead of grinding it into a powder?
