Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sandyd (New Jersey) on 10/05/2016

About 15 months ago, I had my first breakout with eczema. It was pretty bad, on my hands and face, and of course very uncomfortable. Over the next few months, I went the usual rounds with dermatologists, allergists, and even an acupuncturist. Some days were worse than others, but as eczema sufferers know, some days can be really uncomfortable and embarrassing. At times my hands looked like raw meat. I was determined to figure out the cause and a resolution. After lotions etc did not work, I starting figuring out that it might be diet related. I did a full cleanse for about a month- that is, none of the usual suspects (dairy, gluten, soy, nuts, nightshades, shellfish) and saw a big improvement. But as I started re-introducing foods, the eczema would flare up again. I was really having a hard time figuring out what the triggers were. And then, I stumbled on an article about the relationship between a candida overgrowth and eczema. This time for an elimination diet, I eliminated candida-feeding foods- fruit, sugar, yeast. AND...the result was an almost 100% clear up of my eczema!

What I have learned is that it is not the FOOD that you are eating per se, but how that food contributes to candida overgrowth. So you might be able to have a slice of bread one day and be ok, but at another time it will cause a flare. I am still in the figuring-it-all-out place, but I think that if I limit those foods (not necessarily eliminate all), my eczema seems to stay in check. I must say that I also take 2 tbl. of Apple Cider Vinegar each day as well. I am still a newbie to the candida overgrowth conversation, but if anyone out there is at their wit's end with this problem, it might be worth a shot to read up on it. An added bonus...I have read about the relationship between eczema and hay fever, which I have suffered from my whole life. This year, with being on the candida diet, my allergy symptoms have been almost non-existent! I few sniffles and sneezes, but surely not the eye-closing, I-can't-breathe reactions that have been a part of my life every fall.

Good luck to those who feel this might be an answer for them!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/01/2016 2063 posts

B: I would drop the H2O2 treatment for now and try other natural remedies like Coconut Oil, Oregano. There are many types infection in the gut so don't assume for sure it's candida only.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bilja (Toronto, Canada) on 09/30/2016

Hi, I started h2o2 therapy at 3 drops 3x a day in 8oz water, increasing by drop a day. Now I am at 15 drops dose, but in last few days I experienced gas and indigestion like never before. My shoulder/neck/head hurts after meal until I sip ginger juice to help digestion.

Most of the times I used distilled water, expect few times at work using filtered from watercooler, before figured to bring bottle from home with me. I have a concern if I continue, it may end up doing more harm than help. Is there anything related to h2o2 you would know to be the reason for these side effects?

Anything to help me continue? EC nation advice highly appreciated.

Dietary Changes, Antifungal Supplements
Posted by Berta (Sc) on 09/23/2016

I have systemic candida which I have been treating by eliminating sugar though I had continued to eat grains and beans. I have recently stopped the grains and beans and started taking anti fungals: oil of oregano, olive leaf oil and Undecylenic Acid. I am continuing with the no grain no sugar diet but stopped all anti fungals temporarily due to feeling severe die off symptoms. Now I am just experiencing extreme fatigue though depression feelings have subsided. I am wondering if I can start the anti fungals again or one at a time or should I wait until I am no longer so fatigued?

Thank you for your input,


Undecylenic Acid
Posted by Elodie (Melbourne, Fl) on 09/09/2016

I read all these articles which assert the causes for candida, among them being poor diet diet high in processed foots and sugars, antibiotic use, 'acidic' pH and ''leaky gut.'' I don't agree. Being a puritan, these causes have never applied to me, yet I had recurrent thrush. I believe it to be stress related, for me. Whatever the reason, the remedy is more important than energy wasting digging for causes. Its an endless game. I'm shocked by some of the severe protocols suggested by some which I liken to applying agent orange to an environment, and these extreme protocols threaten to completely obliterate everything in the bodies ecosystem.

I've found Undecylenic acid. (10-undecenoic acid) is an eleven-carbon, mono-unsaturated fatty acid occurring naturally in the body's perspiration. While several fatty acids have beneficial effects on the flora that naturally inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, undecylenic acid is the most potent. It aids in the establishment of healthy gut and vaginal flora and is x6 beneficial than caprylic acid. It is a naturally occurring constituent of castor oil, which is isolated.

Along with the candida diet you need to start on a low dose and work your way up, because even for me the detox symptoms were pretty intense, although I didn't get the common ones. Mine were more ''emotional'' symptoms such as severe anxiety, ''flushes'', feeling ''spaced out'', fatigue, foggy etc. I really recommend everyone give it a go! I believe it is the most powerful antifungal out there. Still in the process but feel I'm on the way to restoring the imbalance. After all, candida was with us when we were born and will be when we die. Do you know that after the body dies, candida actually continues to live and ''eat'' the body? Its true. You cant eradicate it completely, but you can restore balance. All the best!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler) on 09/04/2016

Maybe I wasn't clear. I wasn't saying boric acid is Borax; I was telling them to use Borax and not to use boric acid.

Posted by Margaret (Michigan) on 07/20/2016

Hi All,

I have used Lufenuron a couple times and it has cleared up my symptoms of systemic candida. I can even eat sugar with no adverse effect except that after a month or so the candida comes back.

So I recommend it with a candida diet so hopefully the candida will not overgrow again. It was a welcome break from the intestinal discomfort and brain fog. It is a drug and as such has some not good side effects but for me I saw none.

Fermented foods and NO sugar or white flour products. No high glycemic foods. One dose lasted me a good month.

Beware non food grade. Food grade lufenuron is worth the price.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Samantha (Miami Fl) on 07/16/2016

Please help me. 27 yr old and Yeast will not go away. I need more info about your ACV Douches. Are they diluted or full strength? Which vaginal suppository did you use. I need relief

Ginger Tea
Posted by Claudia ( Am.samoa) on 07/04/2016

She meant "cooking it on low heat"

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Rachael (Alabama) on 05/13/2016

Georgina, finding your post has changed my life!! I have been suffering for years and recently discovered why..Candida. Nothing I read on the Internet has worked until I discovered Brewer's Yeast. This immediately abated a lot of the symptoms. Adding the yeast flipped the switch to OFF! I can't Thank you enough.. Your post was a answer to a prayer. I have my life back. God Bless your sweet soul!!

Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 05/07/2016

Turpentine definitly works. It works in multiple ways. One is that it breaks up bio-films but there are other things that do that too. I found this article that names a number of things that work that can be added to Bill's protocol. I am wondering if anyone else has tried any of them?

I've tried some of them in the past but I didn't know about bio-films then and I think the turpentine works through out the body. I am going to try the turpentine in nose spray because if you have any candida in the mucus of the sinuses then a little drip down the throat will restart up the candida in the intestines.

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
Posted by Gaiamuse (Massachusetts) on 04/27/2016

I have recently developed serious candida for the second time in 20 years. I was nauseated 24/7 but didn't know why -- until I figured out that I had stomach candida and that that was the cause of the nausea. (The why of how I got candida this time is a longer story that I'll skip.) I know all the candida remedies from my first bout 20 years ago -- and I decide to start with Grapefruit Seed Extract - which I've been taking for the past 3 days. The amazing thing is it's great clinical proof of the efficacy of GSE against candida. The moment I take the stuff the nausea decreases or goes away. Last night I made the mistake of having bread -- and within an hour or so I was really nauseated. I took the GSE and within minutes the nausea level had greatly declined. Great stuff. Just make sure you get a recognized brand that regularly tests their product so you don't run into the toxic contamination issue.

I have taken GSE off and on for years so I have a high tolerance and went straight to 15 drops in water 3 times a day -- pretty bitter -- but I'll drink as much I want of that glass over a period of about 4 hours until it runs out and then do it again.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Reja (Cedar Park, Tx) on 04/07/2016

Bill and/or Ted,

So is it okay to take the sodium citrate (referred above in the text regarding Cream of Tartar) instead of sodium bicarbonate? You mention above its superior than sodium bicarbonate but will it keep me from retaining so much water for the candida protocols?

I would like to find a safe, quality method of ingesting the sea salt and baking soda without gaining 7 lbs! I had stopped using them for a few days and dropped most of the weight within 5 or so days.

Thanks for your advice,


ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Mike (Savannah) on 03/25/2016

This website is very engaging and it appears to be as comprehensive and as succinct a source of holistic information that I have come across. By now, I'm well acquainted with the condition of candida over growth but one thing that still escapes my comprehension is how the rash can propagate on the skin...Now, I understand that if one has a yeast infection say, in the vagina or elsewhere, they necessarily have a larger problem with their gut flora. Sure but once a rash has been handled and long gone, why does it crop up again, even if so in lesser strength. Naturally, this can be seen a "cleansing" or healing sign but how is it that the yeast get to the skin in the first place? I get that the skin is also a purging organ but wouldn't the dead yeast be inert once they are sweated out? I get a periodic under arm rash and after a two years of keeping candida "under control, " I still can not tell if these rashes are evidence of progress, regression or both...Another question would be regarding candida in the blood. Evidently, this is a very serious condition yet how else would the yeast arrive at the armpit region, for instance, if it originally existed in the intestines? By that notion, shouldn't a skin rash be evidence of a serious condition?

Antifungal Foods for Candida
Posted by Mike (Savannah) on 03/25/2016

This is all so very thorough, scientific and thoughtful. I can commiserate with much of what you have went through both in diet approach and the basic mental aspect of the candida overgrowth condition. I would, however, wish that more people would more comprehensively explain the various tenets of candida protocol, in particular, the role of fasting in candida treatment. I don't know if you covered this in your last post, but judging by your in depth coverage of candida, you will probably know what I'm talking about. Apparently, the yeast can utilize ketones about as well human beings can. If this is the case, that would make sense that a little carbohydrate with your meals would be a good idea. However, when this is true, wouldn't the same go for sweet potato? Who could argue that sweet potatoes, for instance, aren't as nutritious or as beneficial as say, white rice? Between the beta caroteen, the minerals in general, the vitamin A, the prebiotic fiber, etc, potatoes and sweet potatoes appear to be a "go to" carb. What say you?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Juliana (Edmonton) on 03/22/2016

For every clogged ear and nose problems, including runny or puffy nose, the answer is Bill Thompson's protocol: 4 drops of Lugol Iodine in filtered water and rinse your nose if needed twice a day until it is all cleared.

Hope this will help you as it helped me.

Clogged Ears
Posted by Juliana (Edmonton) on 03/22/2016

Hi Amy,

I had my ears clogged and nose stuffed and sinus were hurting and my hearing went down.I used 4 drops of Lugol Iodine in filtered water and rinsed my nose with special nasal bottle. For my ears, I dipped the Q tip in Lugol/iodine(the same solution I used for the nose) water and kept it for a few hours every day in my ears.It helped me greatly. Along with this I am doing Bill Thompson's Candida protocol. Blessings

Essential Oils
Posted by Anon (US) on 02/03/2016

Could you be a little more specific on how you did this, dosage wise and what type of essential oils you used on your body and safely for the internal. Some say do not consume internally, would like to know what brand you used. Thank You.

Essential Oils
Posted by Tess (Jerome) on 02/01/2016

I followed an essential oil protocol which totally vaporized the candida in my system in 4 months.

There were several things of note as I did the protocol: I felt much better in about 3 weeks, then worse, then it seemed like the fungus was gone - but it wasn't - and that's exactly when you need to stay on the protocol for at least 6 weeks-2 months more. What happens is that the candida goes into "hiding" as it tries not to be eradicated. It will hide anywhere it can in the body, but if you keep going you will out it. Then, you will start to see more elimination/detox happening as the candida tries to fight the death grip happening to it. For me, I was in the throes of the nastiness for about one month. Finally, the internal nastiness was over and then my skin showed signs of candida. This was the final stage for me. It was as though it was coming all the way out and when it got to the skin layer it was near its end.

While I did the candida protocol I also was attacking other bacteria and parasites with different oils. I was clear and clean from these things all told within 6 months. At that point I then proceeded with chemical/metal detoxing and it was a relative breeze.

Some of the oils: lemon, orange internally. Bay leaf for circulation (on my feet and legs), wormwood oil, myhrr and clove, and oregano all on the balls of my feet. Layer the oils onto your feet one at a time - do not pre-mix them.

B Vitamins
Posted by Janinaw (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 01/24/2016

Take a multivitamin as a base only. For sleep, take calcium/ magnesium pill2 of them at 250. This will stop any cramping and the calcium will hep you sleep. Do not drink or eat any dairy products. You will make things worse do not even drink kefir. It still is a dairy product with added probiotics.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janina (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 01/24/2016

Esophagus throat candida travels up into the face, ears and brain. This dangerous. That's why you had the ear problem. You must eliminate candida at a slower pass through out your much die off will only plug your liver which will cause you more problems. Your liver can't filter all die off at once. Once a week, use 2 teaspoons of grey sea salt to one warm but not hot water1 cup of water. Stay home that day. It wil clean out the die off. You will poop possible 4 to 5 times your liver will be clear to filter more.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 01/02/2016

Bi-carbonate Soda, Sodium bicarbonate as called in Australia is baking soda.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Ana (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/01/2016

I cured my candida by taking diatomaceous earth (food grade) for a few months. I had also developped fungus around my lips, inside my mouth...But after taking DE for two was all back to normal!!! Try it, google it, it works!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eve (Sydney) on 12/26/2015

Just wondering Diane, if baking soda might also be called Bicarbonite Soda? Maybe this is its name in Australia???

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 11/17/2015

Bill -- you wrote:

"No Calcium which means no dairy products -- no milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. Avoid calcium fortified foods. Excess calcium encourages acidity and thereby aids the spread of candida."

Calcium is an alkaline mineral. Perhaps some of the foods you mention may 'encourage acidity', but calcium itself cannot.

And how would acidity aid the spread of candida?

Taking bicarb with meals to reduce acidity it seems to me would reduce the acidity needed by the stomach to break down the proteins in the first stage of digestion.

Also, how do you know that food has moved into the duodenum a half hour after eating. What if one has gastroparesis (which is common with fungal and other infections) and the food just sits there? Taking bicarb may help it move out of the stomach, but would it be doing so before the digestion had begun?

Sorry for all the questions, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me. :)

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/15/2015 2063 posts

M: The MolyB will also help detox aldehyde toxins produced by the fungus (which is a big contributor of headache). Also take any form of Niacin w/ the MolyB for maximum effect.

As for MSM, adding about equal amounts of Vit-C makes for a much more powerful antibiotic.

Three other good natural remedies for fungal/candida issues is ACV, Coconut Oil, and Iodine.

Posted by Martys (California) on 11/13/2015

Lufenuron has been demonstrated to help with fungal infections in other studies. Within a few days of taking it, body odor disappeared (a miracle in my mind). If I let 2-3 months lapse between doses, I can tell I've run out of lufenuron because I will notice deodorant doesn't work and I will crave sugar (some say this isn't related to candida, I disagree). I never crave sugar when I've recently had lufenuron. I think it also reduces or all but eliminates acne, although that effect could be because I'm not eating as much sugar. Been using lufenuron for at least 4 years, often forgetting I have it and not taking it monthly, but always recognizing the benefits within a few days of taking it. When the yeast come back, I will begin to think I need to throw my shoes out. Luckily I found a way to spare my shoes and simultaneously instantaneously erradicate the yeast and bacteria in the skin on the bottom of my feet. My trick will hopefully help others. It's easiest with sandals but can work with closed shoes if one proceeds with sensibility. The trick is to mix baking soda about 1:5 with hydrogen peroxide 3% (drug store quality) and squirt (if an absorbent insole, spray) onto the insoles. Insert feet and squish it around then walk around for a few minutes. It makes my feet so fresh and the shoes smell better than new. This should be used carefully because some could have sensitivities to either product. If one determines from a test patch that their skin is sensitive to this, try diluting the solution with water.

BTW, as many have noticed there seems to be a link between candida and autoimmunity (including allergies). Taking MSM in large doses (1-3 tbsp/day) completely cleared sinuses and other allergy symptoms. Some say MSM is effective against Candida so this might be one remedy to research if one wants to stay natural and avoid lufenuron. I have a "whatever works" philosophy and keep trying new things until one works well and is affordable and without ill effects. The MSM in such high doses caused me headaches so I had to stop it. Today I started molybdenum. Apparently a high sulfur intake resulting in headaches can indicate a molybdenum "deficiency".

Raw Sauerkraut
Posted by Ryan (Los Angles, Ca) on 10/09/2015

For Candida:

Raw sauerkraut - I'm talking raw, not the pasteurized kind you buy on hot dogs and at supermarkets. Start with a tiny drop of it - like 1/2 teaspoon, even that small and build your way up. A small bit of it cleared up my sinuses that were congested for years. My guess is it has something to do with eliminating yeast. But if I take too much raw sauerkraut, I'll get stuffy (my guess is this is a detox/healing crisis type reaction). So you have to go slow if you find yourself having these types of reactions. Raw Sauerkraut works wonders for sinusitis and thrush because it gets rid of candida.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/01/2015

HI U PJ, , , , , , , , , this is my second attempt to address your post.

First, candida is a tough problem to deal with. If you don't have jack then you have to go with Bill's program. But if you do have jack, like say $4600, then you can buy you a plasma GB 4000 Rife Machine and treat every known ailment. That is the way I rid my self of Candida. I am still working on my blood cancer using this and other protocols.

As far as poison ivy is concerned, stay away. Or do as a couple told us about in my chelation sessions. Chew on young tender leaves of poison ivy. They did this and are no longer affected by poison ivy. It's the homeopathic way. Just take enough that your system builds up a resistance to the plant.

I really don't know why or how you equate candida and poison ivy , but I am not in your shoes. I wish I had the answer, but I don't.

You are right about your MD's. They have no appreciation for candida and have no clue how to rid you of this critter.

I wish you well.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Jax) on 08/01/2015

Hi PJ,

I had similar lung problems, breathing issues, but also pain. Mine started long before I had any idea I had candida, so I used an inhaler or some sort of systemic med for asthma, though it was not a classic case according to my doctors. It kept it under control, but I could never understand why I developed asthma in my 30s. Twenty years later I had a huge health crisis, part of which was candida. I got off all sugar and yeast, which included most of my bread, ie gluten, and 10 months later my lungs seemed to be better, so got off all of my asthma meds too. I had been taking them 20 years faithfully. That was 7 years ago and still no issued. I believe it was candida in the lungs, as many other symptoms disappeared also, sinus problems, skin issues, etc. Start with your diet first and look on this site for natural antifungals you can add to your diet; especially ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pj (Columbia, Sc) on 07/31/2015

Wow, I had three rounds of steriods after systemic poison ivy. I have been fighting what I believe is candida of my lungs and organs. It has been 8 months of hell. Been to every type of Dr. and forced them to do a candida test which came back elevated. Of course no treatment was perscribed as they dont believe candida is a problem. Trying to treat myself but not much sucess. The worst part is not being able to breathe 24/7.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gretchen (Las Vegas, USA) on 07/23/2015

I went straight to ACV for Candida. I've never felt better! My sugar and caffeine cravings have been gone for over a year! I start each day with 1 tbsp ACV in a glass of warm/hot water and at night too for better sleep! I also add 2 tbsp of ACV to my regular bottled water with a couple packets of stevia. Tastes like lemon aid and gives me an afternoon boost.

Caprylic Acid
Posted by Jami (Phoenix, Az) on 07/16/2015


First I'd like to say I'm so thankful for this site. My question is what is the dosage for caprylic acid fsupplement or treating candida. I will be starting with Apple Cider Vinegar peroxide and caprylic acid. What would be the dosage if I just spooned organic coconut oil to really work? Thanks so much

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anna (Toronto, Ontario ) on 07/14/2015

I am battling my systemic candidiasis now for a month now with H2O2 10 drops of 35%FG in 8 oz of distilled water 2-3 times a day on empty stomach. I've been doing this for a month now. I feel a lot more energy and mind clarity but the yeast infection came back a week after my period was over... When did other people discover that your candida symptoms were gone?

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 06/12/2015

Dear Andrew ---

Thank you for your post. I am also using Ayurvedic remedies and have for most od my adult life. Your post made my day. Namaste, Om

Posted by Andrew (India) on 06/11/2015

I was suffering from a lot of "candida" problems and tried all possible remedies from vinigar to h2o2 and even bleach, to no longterm relief. After coming to India I was told by someone NEEM was a secret cure for most candida issues. I am currently on neem pills (google It) very inexpensive. I started with 1 pill after a week 2 pills and now 3 pills a day and sure enuff the candida is dying away. I want to share this with all of you suffering from candida and wish you a healthy happy life.

Remember you will need to take activated charcoal pills (available at drug store) in the begining to balance the dieoff symptoms. After your blood becomes saturated with the neem your blood will become antifungal. :)

Baking Soda
Posted by Mandandi (Gaborone, Botswana) on 04/12/2015

After reading about the effectiveness of bicarbonate of soda here last Nov (2014); I decided to follow the advice to take 1/8 teaspoon in a glass of water morning and evening for candida.

Well, that worked well for me. There were 3 months of die-off but thereafter the candida load has clearly reduced. My tongue has more pink in it. Depression is gone. Insomnia is gone. Jock itch, armpit rashes, itchy eyes, brain fog, athlete's foot are all gone. Only toe-nails are still deformed but they are slowly clearing.

I will take the soda till my tongue is pink.

For the past two weeks, I have also been doing herbal enemas too - 3 cloves of crushed garlic, a leaf of aloe vera in a cup of water then adding up more water to make a 2 litre enema solution. That has helped me I realize. My colon was blocked, and it still is I think. I will carry on with the enemas till the candida has cleared.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 04/09/2015

HI U JOY, , , , , , , , yep, I'm a story teller, but my ATS (Another True Story) are 96.4% factual. I reserve the remaining 3.6% for embellishment. That's allowed when you get old.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joy (Thailand) on 04/08/2015

Hi ORH. I was interested in your recent post (reply to Bill)when you described your remedy for jock itch, I've seen many ladies use the toilet paper remedy for sweat and itching down below. I was a district nurse years ago and this remedy helped ladies when they were immobile/bed ridden etc. after bathing, keeping them fresh, and men surely would benefit from this. You say you do. Please keep on with your imformative down to earth posts; they are so enjoyable to read, Joy

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 04/08/2015

HI U BILL, , , , , , thanks for your response especially about inhaling turpentine. I would have thought my Ozone ear insuffiliation would have gotten the area you mentioned . None the less, I copied and pasted your post.

I was reared in the Sweat South and was a half ass athlete.... so I know about Jock Itch and kept it until I was in my thirties. I hunted squirrels in the 70's in the Little River bottoms below Broken Bow, Oka. and we hunted them in late August when it was 105 degrees in the shade. Folks always ask, why don't you wait until it cools off. Well, if you want to catch 8 squirrels up a hickory nut tree , then you have to hunt when there are 8 squirrels up a hickory nut tree. That leads to my rattlesnake story which I will tell in another post.

Naturally after the first day's hunt your crotch was chapped bad and you hunted bow legged the next day. Since I's SJS, I figured that the sweat running through the crack in my rear was causing the problem so from then on I packed my fanny with toilet tissue and the problem went away.

I still kept the Jock Itch and figured that it was due to the sweat and so for the last 40 years I pack my fanny every morning with toilet tissue and guess what? I have not had the Jock Itch in 40 years.

I know this is rude and crude, but when you read the numerous post on EC about this problem, I finally decided to pass my little secret on. Our grandson plays football and I know he has this problem. Anyway, when I told our daughter-in-law how to help with this , , , , , , she belly laughed. I did not take offense because she was Yankee reared and they can't help it. That's just the way they are.

If it's so great up there why are they moving South by the droves?


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/08/2015

Hi ORH...You're right that the hydrogen peroxide fizz -- let's call it the HP fizz -- happens when you have bacteria, fungus or viruses in your ears. HP kills them all and the fizz tells you that its happening. Same as when you put HP on an open, festering sore -- it will fizz and froth like crazy -- because its busy killing pathogens. And as you use this HP protocol more and more over time -- the fizzing gets less and less and that simply tells you that the pathogen numbers in the ears are going down.

To digress a wee bit, the middle ear is also connected to the throat by a small tube -- called the Eustachian tube -- which helps to equalize pressure in the middle ear. So this open narrow tube can also perhaps act as a secret and safe hide-away cave for bacteria, fungus, viruses. I'm explaining some reasons here why your flu or cold never goes away. That's because the virus might perhaps be hiding in that ear tube, untouched and unreachable, happily breeding away and dumping all their offspring continuously into your throat region.

Other places these pathogens can hide and breed safely, as I've described before, are in the sinuses, nose, ears, nasopharynx cavity(cavity directly behind the nose and above the throat) as well as in the lower intestines and in the joint and backbone synovial fluids.

To disinfect the upper body regions, as I've mentioned before, just put half a teaspoon of gum turpentine in your mouth, mix it with some spit and slowly breath in the turps vapours through your mouth and out through your nose. Do this for about 2 or 3 minutes. And if you don't breath the vapours slow and easy then you will almost certainly cough. The wonderful thing about this inhalation method is that you don't need a nebulizer and you don't need a fine mist sprayer. This inhaltion method should effectively help to disinfect the mouth, gums, bronchials, lungs, nasopharynx cavity, nose and sinuses. I've affectionately called this turps inhalation method "Taking the Vapours".

Regarding your local ear infection problems wrt your systemic candida issues, its also quite likely that any fungal skin or ear infections are just symptoms or expressions of the systemic candida that has infected your blood. But don't get disheartened -- just focus on eradicating the systemic candida in your body -- this is the most important part of the strategy. And once you get rid of the systemic candida, then all your skin probems and other "symptoms" will just fade away and disappear. That's what happened to me when I cured my systemic candida. My psoriasis, eczma, jock itch and 25 y o athletes foot(caused by galloping 'jungle rot' from my old army days) all disappeared on their own without a whimper and without any topical treatments at all.

As to your final question -- Am I making progress ? -- I think that you have more common sense than most doctors. Your own experience and your advice in helping other people on this site deserves acclaim. And whatever you decide to do, don't stop using your Rife machine. I have high respect particularly for Rife technology because it makes complete sense. The only drawback is that it can be a steep learning curve learning about all the frequencies and harmonics and such.

And if you like I'll email Ted and get the Rife frequencies that he uses for both candida fungus and blood cancer. Not promising he'll answer, he's a busy guy, but I'll let you know either way. Ted uses a Rife BCX Ultra.

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