Bad Breath
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Bad Breath and Halitosis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

8 User Reviews
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Posted by Elizabeth (Va Beach, Va) on 05/05/2013

Lifelong ailments: Hi, I'm hoping I can get some clarity on my situation. I'm a 25 yr old female, and for as long as I can remember (pretty much all my life) I've suffered from bad breath and constipation. And I truly have no idea why. I have excellent dental hygeine, so I know that's not the culprit. No gingivitis or tonsil stones. I've never had the healthiest diet, but I feel like so many people eat horribly, and still don't have bad breath. Not to mention, I've had it since childhood. My mother also has bad breath, but she has dental issues, and her tongue isn't coated and gross like mine. I think I may have really slow digestion, because I can eat a piece of toast and sleep for 2 hours after. Digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar don't help. I've tried every vitamin and supplement out there. I just don't understand. Everything I eat and drink stays on my tongue until I brush it again. Especially in the back middle of my tongue. It's pretty much made me a social outcast, and I've never really formed any intimate relationships because of my breath. I feel like doctors are so quick to get people in and out, they don't really look for the root cause. I'm not lactose intolerant or have a gluten allergy. I really don't know what could be causing this, but I'm at the end of my rope. I'm sorry this is so long.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Try coconut oil, eat it, brush with it, add a dab of baking soda and put a blob in your mouth before bed. Spit in trash in the morning... won't be long.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Elizabeth: According to the book, Digestive Wellness (Lipski), if you have halitosis, you may want to do the following:

  • be checked for infections (H pylori, GERD, gastric ulcers)
  • eliminate constipation (which you mention you have) by increasing your fiber intake, make sure you are properly hydrated, exercise, take magnesium (most of us are deficient), take digestive enzymes, evaluate any medications you are taking which may cause constipation, take vitamin C
  • take a good probiotic
  • have your HCl levels checked (your food may be fermenting instead of digesting properly) by having your doctor run a comprehensive digestive stool analysis with parasitology evaluation

Perhaps a naturopath instead of a regular doctor might be what you need. In the meantime, the book I mentioned is really interesting and addresses all sorts of digestion problems. You even may be able to find it in your library. They do say that good health begins in the stomach. I hope you find the answers you are seeking. Good luck! Bess

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Elizabeth: This looks like an obvious case of "dirty colon". This is usually the case of aged persons, but you must have undergone some kind of exception. Anyway, here's a link to remedy this condition.

Let us know how you're progressing.

Replied by Traveler
(Dallas, Tx)

Do you use a tongue scraper? How often do you visit a dentist to clean your teeth and pockets? Have you tried an elimination diet, or a cleanse-- like master cleanser or a raw milk (if you have a reputable dairy nearby) cleanse?

Also, how many grams of fiber from whole foods are you getting, preferably from fruits and vegetables, not from bran or fiber powder? Is it at least 25grams or more? I noticed I would be very constipated for a long time because my average for many years was more around 9-15 grams a day, sometimes not even that. In terms of constipation, and menstrual issues, I was helped a lot by blackstrap molasses: 1-3 tablespoons a day in water normally, and the day before my period or during my period I would take 3 tablespoons two or three times a day.

Also, how much do you sweat? Maybe there's someting wrong with your lymph system and I could see how, having body odor you wouldn't want to emphasize that by sweating but that helps get out the funk and detox somewhat. So if you can encourage sweating with exercise, and also use epsom salts/baking soda (and ginger if you want) baths. Alternatively, you can do hot and cold showers which help the lymph system and the skin because it increases blood flow. It also helps with depression.

And, what type of deodorant are you using? I've been conventional-deodorant free for several years and have run the gamut of baking soda, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, various alternative commercial deodorant. I've now been using perfume oils that are made with essential oils and I'm in LOVE with this stuff.

Replied by John D

Try betaine with pepsin. 625 betaine with 100 pepsin at the vitamin store.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bk (Queens, New York, Usa) on 01/23/2013


I have noticed that my bad breath doubles or triples with exercise. Running, weight training or even brisk walk for 15 odd minutes will boost the bacteria growth in my mouth. Taste in the mouth and the odor just gets worse and worse. I think it also shoots up a lil in the winters.

Spent countless dollars and still go through this hell every day. I think I have tried everything mentioned on this site, some work and some don't which is pretty normal. In the last 10 odd years I have travelled to all different corners of the globe and met different kinds of doctors. From Chinese traditional medicine to African witch craft doctors, from Muslim hakeems to Jewish Rabbis to Bible cures to Buddha meditation to Yoga, from Indian herbal medicine to acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotism therapy, traditional Japanese medicine, Arabic cures to Red Indian remedies, from meeting with old masters of Shaolin Temple to spending time with vegan Baba's of India, from Russian Babushka advice to Allopathic, Osteopathic to homeopathic to German medicine, world renown ENT, GI, and also to top ranked surgeons who completely removed my tonsils. But no permanent cure.

From what I have learned, there is NO CURE known to man for chronic bad breath or Halitosis. It's a genetic disorder and my only hope is that stem cell research will perhaps explore this avenue to finally find a cure. I am sure that will be long after we are gone from this world. (I usually envy and smile at folks who come up with the suggestions to keep a good oral hygiene, floss, diet, carbs, protein, lots of water, green foods, organic juices, good sleep, etc.. The only thought that runs into my mind at these times is, , , "You have NO IDEA what it is"

For now, I think we all just need each other's support and keep trying to treat the problem with different kinds of remedies that are ALL a temporary relief. Sometimes while driving to work, I smile and tell myself, "These are my happy pains".

There is a lot of talk here about 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, please be cautious that it does have side effects. It's abrasive but more importantly it's a poison. 1/2 HP and 1/2 H2O works for a couple of hours but I have yet to hear from any doctor who would recommend this for a long term use. Many dentists would not recommend the use for more than a week. Sometimes they even prescribe ONCE a week for 3 or 4 weeks and that's it. I used 50/50 ratio for a few weeks and got the burning sensation in the throat and nostrils till I got a throat infection. My mucous had blood and the doctors put me on antibiotics to kill the infection. I still use it with 1 and 5 ratio but I know no doctor will recommend it for long term use.

Personally, I will be jumping up and down with joy and happiness if I find any remedy that safely covers up the problem 100% for 4 hours and allows me to eat, drink and talk freely as anyone other person. I will gladly do it in the morning, after lunch and before the bed.

Replied by K

Have you tried a blotting toothbrush? I would recommend trying this daily to ensure clean teeth. It may take a few weeks to see more permanent results from this, but it is a fairly simple process. In addition, I would recommend oil pulling daily and brushing with activated charcoal and coconut oil. All fairly easy additions to your current routines. You can even use the blotting brush on your daily commute if you want to try to include it but don't have the extra time to really dedicate to the full process.

Replied by Desperateandhumiliated
(Ny, Ny)

I know exactly how you feel. It's 3:39 am. I can not sleep. I'm looking at possible solution to this awful problem. Because just earlier today, my colleague said that she was smelling a dead rat as I was speaking.

Replied by Al

It's coming from your tongue. I suffer from bad breath since 1984. I very spent at least 20000 dollars. I had tonsillectomy, septum surgery, went see Dr spider in Australia., Dr Katz in California, Dr miller in virginia. Nothing helps. One day I decided to cure myself. I very noticed my tongue was always white. I bought a tongue brush and started to brush my tongue as hard I could for 5 minutes. My mouth was bloody but the pain was nothing compared to 30 years of embarrassment. I clean my mouth with warm water. Voila! My life changes from that moment. No more bad taste. I immediately went to the supermarket and started talking on the phone to see how people reacts. No reaction whatsoever. That was the first I ever talk to the cashier I even say thank you just to test my breath.

Once again it's your tongue. Don't use toothbrush. Use a tongue brush . You need to get rid of the white film. The bacterias live underneath.

Good luck.

Replied by Cyn

Have you found anything that worked for you? Same issues.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zekia (Chicago, Il) on 11/08/2011

I've had really bad breath for a decade and no one told me... Until my mother. I did a great deal of research on the subject. My Bad breath and gum disease is gone!

1. Buy: Organic coconut oil. Apple cider vinegar. Baking soda, peroxide and soft toothbrush.

2. In the morning, brush teeth with baking soda, then rise with baking soda and peroxide. I squirt a little peroxide into a 1/4 of water. I rinse for 2 minutes and spit it out. Then get a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and swish around your mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. This will pull toxins from your body and mouth.

3. Do all of this twice daily for a week or so. Your month will feel brand new and the stuff from under your gums will fallout and the gums will heal.

4. Drink two 8 ozs. glasses of water with one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. One early and one later in the day. This will further kill bacteria in the body.

5. Most importantly, change your diet. Eat organic fruits and veggies and green juices. Drop kick dairy, sugar, meat and processed foods. In three days you will feel brand new.

6. Take 5,000 units of D3 daily, Omega 6 and B12. You will become a new person... In less than a week. I guarantee.

Hope this helps!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janne (Philadelphia, Pa) on 01/08/2011

I like many others on his site have suffered with bad breath for many many years, spent countless dollars on products for relief. I've suffered the humiliation of watching people's reaction when I speak. I've been to doctors and dentists to get help but nothing worked until I decided to attack the problem from three different angles- nasal, oral, and digestive.

Here's how I control it:

In the morning 20 minutes before eatting breakfast I take 3-4 Digestion Enzyme capsules. This aides in breaking down protein, milk, and other hard to digest foods that you eat thru out the day or food that might lay in your digestive track. Then I take 3-5 Probiotics with my breakfast. Purchase a bottle containing 12-15 billion cells per capsule with 8 or more different strains such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium- read the label. I use Udo's Choice-Adult's Probiotic -$19. 99 from Whole Foods (or you can purchase on line. ) A lot of probiotic formulas only contain 1 billion cells per capsule this is not strong enough. This is the healthy bacteria found in yogurt. (Eatting small amounts of yogurt daily will not have the same effect you would have to eat a ton of yogurt). Probiotics loads the small & large intestines with healthy bacteria. Our chicken & dairy products are loaded with antibiotics that weaken the immune system killing good and bad bacteria. We are eatting antibiotics daily which is too much. Eventually the bad bacteria take over causing bad breath and other health problems. Everyone needs to take Probiotics daily even children.

The first morning after taking the Probiotic I noticed that my morning foul breath was gone. A little bad breath in the morning is natural. Most times bad breath comes from the digestive track from decayed undigested food and constipation. If you are constipated make a fruit smoothie in the morning. Leave a reply and I will give you an eazy recipe that I make every morning for myself!

Next I use my Netti Pot for my sinuses 3-5 times a week. I have Chronic Sinunitis. (If you don't have sinus trouble or tonsil stones you don't need to do this step). For the rest of us this helps clear up those smelly tonsil stones in the back of the throat. I use warm water with sea salt, a little baking soda and a few drops of Peroxide. I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me and I wanted to share. I hope this cures you too! Good health to you!

Replied by Mike
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

You may not believe this but has it occurred to you that your bad breath and chronic sinusitis are both related to a common problem which is overgrowth of bad bacterias in your stomach and intestine ? I suspect that you may also have white tongue (please correct me if I am wrong). Tell me if you do because that would exactly describe my condition.

Consuming probiotics is not a solution because if these good bacterias have to always be replenished then that means there are probably more bad bacterias than good ones in your digesting system. I found that you need to FEED these good bacterias with green leafy vegetables so that they can reproduce in your body and thus avoid always having to replenish them in large numbers. Instead of Enzymes you should consider HCL Betaine because this is the natural way to KILL bad bacterias while enzymes would only speed up the breakdown of food.

I can say that I had a severe case of bad bacteria overgrowth and finally I am slowly recovering from this mainly due to a healthier vegetable diet and of course my favorite, HCL Betaine. Artificial Enzymes are very expensive and it is really the HCL in your stomach that is responsible for stimulating your Pancreas to produce enzymes. By consuming Betaine HCL you are increasing your stomach acid and thus increasing the ability for your pancreas to secrete more enzymes naturally. For those with gall bladder issues, Betaine HCL also stimulates the liver to produce larger quantities of Bile that over time would thin out the THICK bile that is responsible for producing stones. This would serve to protect your gall bladders from the risk of accumulating and releasing large quantities of stones in the bile duct that can risk being fatal to your pancreas by blocking enzyme production.

Replied by King
(London, Uk)

Hi Janne, I have had bad breath (smells like crap) for at least 30 years and carry mints, cardamom and anything else with me. I was diagnosed with severe IBS as a youngster but basically I think I have horrible bacterial gut flora and have lots of decaying matter in my gut. Gums are not great but are only a small part of the problem. Have severe bloating and flatulence (worse than most cows) as well. I have turned vegetarian but eating carbs (which I have to as am a veggie and eat no meat etc) makes things worse. What I do remember is that when I did Atkins diet a few years ago bloating and flatulence stopped. If I drink milk my stomach goes for a six! I am going to try the high dose probiotics as well as HP remedy. Any other suggestions will be most welcome.

Replied by Noori

Hi there, could you kindly send me the juce smoothies recipe you make. Thank you

Replied by Mea

Hi Jane. I just had tosillectomy. I have tonsil stones but when I go back to work I noticed my co workers still cover their noses when I talk to them. I'm more than frustrated. By the way, I am always constipated. My cousins also, I think it's hereditary but they don't have bad breath. Can you tell me about your formula or the food you're eating.

Replied by chi
(austin texas)

I'm researching for my teenage daughter who grew up with leaky gut. Thank you for all this insightful information! What is this smoothie recipe?
I'm going to try this tooth regime for my gums!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jac (Houston, Tx) on 12/10/2010

I developed tonsillitis about 2 months ago, right as the seasons changed, and with it came 2 cases of tonsil stones. After the second one came out- which I gargled with HP to get out- I was left with breath that still smelled like I had them. I couldn't see any in the back of my throat and without a water pick I know I would never be able to get them out but I had to do something because I could not stand the smell. I brushed with my regular toothpaste and added a drop of Tea Tree Oil. My breath and teeth felt instantly fresher. Then I swirled my toothpaste in a mixture of water, sea salt, and a capful of ACV and brush my tongue with it. Then I gargled with the remaining mixture. My bad breath is gone. The oil keeps it fresh all day. To get back my pink tongue I oil pull when I first wake up. It also helps my breath and makes my teeth shiny.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Richardparker09 (Pembroke Pines, Fl, U.s.) on 08/05/2010

Hi, I have been trying for the last couple weeks different remedies for my halitosis and coated tongue. I first tried the salt. I used table salt. It helped a little bit but only temporarily. I stopped using regular toothpaste and switched to using a combination of Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide and an organic Mouthwash called Biotene. I still have halitosis and a coated tongue. I got my blood sugar tested and it was 120. I started taking baking soda with water a week ago, no change or difference. All of this has done nothing but make my teeth hurt and more sensitive. I don't know what to do anymore, this is really affecting my life. I have also been using a spoon as a tongue scraper, but it remains white even after. Before this whole process my tongue was coated white and now it is turning brownish and even bleeding. The brownish residue may be caused by the bleeding. I am not sure. I just want a solution, please help.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

As I have posted here before, the only thing I tried against a coated tongue worked right away: a salt based toothpaste by Weleda (I am sure other brands will probably work just as well). It doesn't have fluoride and it is more natural than usual toothpastes. The coated tongue which I had for many years never came back again unless I drink water with ACV. I hope this helps...

Replied by Mick
(Ravenna, Ohio, Usa)

Richard, are you currently taking any vitamin D supplements? My wife's coated tongue turned brown due to Vitamin D overload. Her coated tongue was due to a mouth candida infection. A Nystatin prescription cleared tongue up in a week, but she still follows the natural candida protocol to prevent recurrence.

Replied by Latina
(El Paso, Texas)

I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I suffer from white coated tongue and extreme feces smelling breath. I have also tried what you have tried with no success on breath. However, I am gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide 3% twice daily and this has been clearing up the tongue. I use one cap full peroxide with 4-5 capfulls of water. I notice when I drink 1/4 tsp of sea salt in a glass of water, this helps my breath temporarily, about 40 minutes. I am going to try oil pulling next, and will let you know how this goes.

Replied by Candy
(Fort Madison, Ia)

You might try a good probiotic. Bad breath comes from bad bacteria in your gut. Put in good bacteria, and your breath should be much better. Always try to get to the source of the problem.

Replied by Latina
(El Paso, Texas)

Candy, can you suggest how much probiotic to take for Richard and I. I am currently taking 3 billion acidiphillus for about 5 days now and have not seen any improvement. Richard, I have been using biotene toothpaste and mouthwash for over a year with no results. Not saying it won't work for you, but thought I would mention it.

Replied by Allthigslovely
(Norfolk, Ny)

Latina, Probiotics may not be working for your bad breath because the problem you have is not in your gut. It is possible that the problem that is causing your halitosis is periodontal disease. Mouthwashes and other treatments that would help your gut will not solve this problem. The best place to start will be at your dentist and get evaluated for gum disease. Get the recommended treatment and then you can use herbal or natural remedies to maintain your gum health after that. Your body will thank you for it. There is a great deal of information that you will need to have about this but that is where you should start to fix your halitosis problem.

Replied by John
(Boise, Id, Usa)

I followed EC's alkalizing protocol of drinking 1/2 tsp. Baking soda in a glass of water upon waking up and after meals and my bad breath is gone in 3 days.

Replied by Candy
(Fort Madison, Ia)

I take one recommended by the mercola website. It contains 66 billion cfu's. Good stuff!! Also a good website to check out. Hope this helps.

Replied by Cayenne137
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Don't use a spoon as a tongue scraper. You're probably pressing down too hard, hence the bleeding. Buy an Orabrush tongue scrubber then use a real tongue scraper. They're really cheap. I also use Therabreath toothpaste and mouthwash everyday, which helps a lot. I know this because my boyfriend, all of the sudden one day, developed mothball breath and after he started using the Therabreath every day, it went away! Alas, for me, I still notice I have Mothball breath sometimes. I have actually figured out where some of it is in my mouth. I now floss everyday and when I floss I use a clean section of the floss for every tooth so I am not spreading bacteria in my mouth (yes, that's a lot of floss everyday :).

Very Important: I smell the floss after I floss between each tooth. This way I can locate the source of the odor. When I find it, I floss between those 2 teeth over and over (usually only takes 3 or 4 times) until the smell is gone, then I brush. I often smell the mothball odor between the last 2 molars on the right side of the back of my mouth. I have healthy gums and have never had a cavity, so that's not the problem. But I do have constant post nasal drip and I also take medication (not for high blood pressure) that causes dry mouth. My dental hygienist said that the mucous is probably settling between those 2 teeth because of the proximity to my nasal cavity. But why don't I get the smell between the last 2 molars on the other side of mouth? Dry mouth lets the anaerobic bacteria live and feast on the proteins in my mouth, namely the mucous. All dairy products are causes for bad breath too. I even went so far as to get my tonsils removed because of the tonsiliths (tonsil stones). Even though I didn't suffer from sore throats, apparently the insurance company covered it because Halitosis is a medically necessary reason. Quitting smoking also made a big difference, and, again, I have really seen a huge difference since I have been using the Therabreath products, but still, not complete relief.

I have been reading all of the posts about the Hydrogen Peroxide and I'm all over it!! I just gargled for the first time and I can't wait to see how good my morning breath will be. I can't wait to get to the store tomorrow to buy some "food grade" HP, whatever the hell that is J. I think I'm also going to buy some peppermint oil, charcoal pills and acidophilus. If that doesn't work, it's back to the drawing board. Actually, maybe I'll try them one at a time so I'll know which one is working.

Replied by Cayenne137
(New Orleans, La)

UPDATE - 1/5/12 IT WORKS!!!! OMG, Hydrogen Peroxide REALLY WORKS!!! I tried 3% regular hydrogen peroxide (I have no idea what "food grade" is and neither did my pharmacist or my dentist) mixed with equal parts water. It didn't taste great (it doesn't taste horrible either) so I added some peppermint oil. It really freaking' works!!

In my 12/17/11 post I talked about flossing everyday and smelling the floss after each section and always smelling the mothball smell between the last 2 molars in my mouth. Well, since I started the HP on 12/17/11, I have not smelled the mothball odor in mouth again!! I have also felt like my breath has been fresher. My mouth tastes better; rather it doesn't taste like anything. You definitely need to scrape your tongue after you gargle with the HP though, as there is foam. I also gargle with the Therabreath mouthwash after the HP to help get rid of the foam in the other parts of my mouth. I haven't even been flossing every day, but when I do, no more mothball smell. I cannot express how much better I feel. I used to carry a little bottle of Therabreath in my purse, but now it's HP. Try it!! What have you got to lose?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by CR (Marion, IN) on 01/17/2008


I have used the ACV and Baking Soda everday since a found this web site. It work really well the first couple of times, also I do the oil pull every morning. After the third day the really bb returned. I used the lemon juice and soda and the perorixde rinse for sinus and it still work for sinus drainage. I drink coffee after the oil pull, and the ACV on a empty stomach. Could the coffee be the reason why my mouth is so dry and stale after completing the OP, and the ACV, and the mouth rinse? Is there any mouth rinse that I could use after eating food, that will make my breath smell clean and fresh. I tend to have a white coating on my tongue after drinking and eating anything. My breath smells terrible. I have to brush my teeth and tongue sometimes three and four times a day and still my breath still have a foul odor. please tell me what to use for this continuous problem.

Replied by Andrew
(Kettering, UK)

The bacteria that cause bad breath are anerobic which means that they live without oxygen,they also thrive in a high acidic environment.The bacteria are part of the digestive system and start to break down the compounds in the food as we chew them and feed off the protein.Many people on the Atkins diet suffer with BB because it's high in protein and coffee is acidic so this enables the anerobic bacteria to thrive.Most mouthwashes contain alcohol which dries out the mouth and it is our saliva that helps to clean out the mouth and keeps bacteria in check because it contains oxygen and anerobic bacteria cannot survive when the mouth is oxygenated.3% Hydrogen Peroxide(H202)when used as a mouthwash will kill the anerobic bacteria. You will have to dilute the H202 with water, the instuctions should be on the bottle and add some Baking soda(Bicarbonate of Soda) to it,this will neutalise the acid.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Randy (Slidell, Louisiana) on 07/07/2007

For bad breath:

~Brush @ least once a day
~Rinse with diluted HP
~Drink a few glasses of water ever day
~ALWAYS Rinse after eating with water
~Get at least 6 1/2 hours of sleep
~Minimize the red meats in diet
~Take acidophilus
~Take a multivitamin
~Last, but not

It's so easy, even a caveman can do it!

Neti Pot

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tess (Qatar) on 01/10/2012

I had been using nasal rinse for the past 3 weeks and I have been noticing that my bad breath has been reducing. I encourage everyone who is having bad breath from nose and mouth, to do the nasal rinse and see. I'm on the 3rd week now and I can see a lot of improvement. I am doing it 2 times daily.

Replied by Cindy
(Smalltown, Usa)

Could you please explain your remedy and dose amounts? Thanks

Oil Pulling

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Nahla (Pembroke Pines, Florida) on 07/10/2010

I have been oil pulling since yesterday for my halitosis and white coated tongue. This actually made my tongue even whiter. Is this part of the process of oil pulling?

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Try tooth paste without fluoride for the coated tongue. . . It help me right from the first time I tried!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Lynn (San Francisco, CA) on 04/09/2009

I started oil pulling 3 weeks ago with Sesame Oil. At first I was absolutely disgusted by the consistency and could barely keep it in my mouth for 3 minutes. The next day I tried again and was able to swish for about 7 minutes. Everyday the process became easier and easier and now I'm up to 15 minutes. It has not taken away the dark circles under my eyes, my allergies are the worst they've ever been, and my energy has not improved BUT I have definitely noticed that my teeth are extremely clean and feel absolutely amazing. The horribly bad breath (which I attribute to several years on antibiotics) that plagued me has completely disappeared. Clean teeth and fresh breath are reasons enough for me to continue oil pulling and hopefully after a few months I will reap the benefits that others speak of.

Replied by Lisa
(Na, Fl)

Hi Lynn, Which oil did u use for your halitosis? I'm gonna start op.

Thanks, Lisa

Oil Pulling
Posted by Raquel (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/16/2007

I've been oil pulling for six weeks now and although I can't say I lost any weight, I'm eating more fruits and vegetables because I can now chew better. Also, the lines that run from my nose to my mouth have also diminshed and my dark circles have reduced significantly. I use extra vergin olive oil. At first, my breath stank but I stuck with it and my breath is now fresh and my teeth are strong. My cracked heels are gone and my BP has also dropped and has remained steady. Only question? Can I do this during pregnancy????

Oil Pulling
Posted by Eric (Simi Valley, CA) on 09/08/2006

Margarine / vegetable oil for breath gargle (yes, sounds disgusting but Canola oil is actually kind of sweet) cures bad breath by dissolving and stabilizing the pathology of volatile sulphur compounds in the mouth and throat.

Replied by Michael
(Whitehouse Sta, Nj)

No, canola oil makes my breath WORSE!

Oregano and Olive Leaf Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Janet in Music City (Nasvhille TN) on 11/16/2023

I am 67 years old and have had horrendous breath as long as I can remember. My husband also has had terrible breath for at least the last 15 years.

He was feeling poorly recently so I made us both a big cup of strong organic oregano and olive leaf tea. We had another the next day. We felt better and forgot all about it.

A couple of days later, we were talking and I realized I couldn't smell his bad breath, so I asked him to breath closer for me to smell. There was Nothing! He had been stinkin for a looooong time and his breath was suddenly normal. I passed it off as a fluke, but a couple of days later, I checked it again, and still normal, non-stinky breath!

I thought about the O and O tea and wondered if it had been the thing that fixed the problem, and it suddenly came to me that he hadn't drawn back from my stinky breath lately. So we tested my breath, and it was Good too! I'm still in shock, its been a few weeks and our breath is still clean and normal. I wish I had known about it 50 years ago, it would have made my life so much easier.

I'm figuring that the O and O tea killed bad bacteria, virus, candida, fungus, or parasites that were living in our stomachs, throats, lungs or somewhere causing the problem. Try it, and give us some feedback, please.

Replied by Easterly

Hi, Janet,

It would be helpful to know more about your O and O tea. Did you use tea bags or loose leaf herbs? Did you drink them separately or together? Any additional information would be great. So glad this worked for you and your husband!

Pranayama Breathing, H2O2

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Baby (Germantown, Maryland) on 04/29/2009

I've been suffering from bad breath for 20 years, i searched for remedies for years and tried it(water theraphy,oil pulling,brushing teeth with baking soda and salt,used expensive breath theraphies, hydrogen peroxide, taking acidophillus, probiotics) but to no avail. I Thank God for answering my prayer by leading me to this site in helping me cure my problem which affected me so much in my interaction with people (i became anti social and always dread the days when i have to interact with people). The following method has help me eradicate my bad breath problem, even my morning breath is gone. I tried pranayam breathing after waking up in the morning, then i gargle hydrogen peroxide diluted in water with a pinch of salt and baking soda after breakfast and before i sleep, i also take acidophillus(1 billion) 2x a day between meals.

Replied by Diane
(04915, Maine)

which breathing practice did you use?

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