Bad Breath
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Bad Breath and Halitosis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cream of Tarter

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Diana (New Zealand) on 01/09/2007

Just wondering if you have heard of the healing capabilities of Cream of Tartar? It was suggested on an Alternative Health Message Board. Since trying it I haven't suffered bad breath anymore..its meant to get rid of candida out of the body and the brain. Alot of people use it to stop smoking. There isn't alot of info on the web about it.

Replied by Dream
(Manila, Phils.)

hi there i just want to ask how to used the cream of tartar as a cure to badbreath and also the charcoal powder that u were talking..what kind of charcoal powder is this?and where can i buy it...and how will i used it? thanks! it would be a big help for me the information that u will give...

Deep Breathing

Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/21/2010


"Deep breathing saturates the blood with oxygen. These oxygen-laden red blood cells carry a negative electrical charge. The blood actually moves thru the body electrically. This is how and why blood is able to go thru the entire body so quickly.. Three quarts of blood goes through our capillaries every sixty seconds.. That is why it is important to breath deeply for 5 min. Every day."

(info from 8.3 C. S. West)


Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Alfred, maybe you would be interested in reading a book called Breathwalk, you can buy it on Amazon. I am starting to do it so I can't say yet how good it works but I intend to keep training so that I understand the technique fully. The authors give courses in the US and Mexico... I wish they would come to France once....

Diatomaceous Earth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Jenny (Winchester, England) on 08/04/2011

For bad breath, I take a level desertspoon of diatamaceous earth once per day in a drink, works a treat

Replied by Kimber

This is true! I suffered for 25 years until I heard about the food grade diatomacious earth. I thought nothing would help and believe me I tried every mouth wash, gum, you name it! It was bad! After one day of taking just 1/2 teaspoon in water, it solved my issue like a magic trick. I couldn't believe it! My life has changed for the better. People aren't walking away anymore, putting their hand over their nose or checking their baby's diaper (yes, that happened! ). I'm so much more confident!

Replied by Anonymous Writer
(New York, Ny)

I would definitely recommend diatomaceous earth. It totally solved this issue that I had struggled with for years. I started in October 2018 and took it for six months until the whole bag was finished. I haven't had a problem since and from the first time I took it, my therapist, who would often mention the problem to me, told me he smelled nothing.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maria (Miami, Florida) on 03/06/2011

Hello, I am a Dentist from Venezuela and a Registered Dental Hygienist in Florida. Along more than 18 years of dental practice and experience dedicated mostly to the Dental Hygiene area I have become to learn that there are several causes for bad breath or "Alitosis" like dry mouth, stomach problems, cavities, etc but the MAIN cause of this condition is "LACK OF DAILY FLOSSING". Most of the people who suffer from this condition just DON'T floss. When you don't floss ALL contacts between ALL your teeth, plaque builds up under your gums and between your teeth, in less than 8 hours this plaque becomes BACTERIA and of course, with time if not removed properly, it turns into hard deposits of tartar. This is a chronic process. Lack of flossing can also led other type of health problems that can affect vital organs like the heart, kidneys, lungs, uterus, ovaries, etc.

Replied by Tinabones
(Houston, Texas)

That's not true for the people on sites like these. If ur paying attention- these people have tried everything NORMAL and its not helping. I heard on another website that bismuth ( like pepto bismol) sometimes helps because it kills bacteria in the gut.

Replied by Erika

Although you are a dentist, you are wrong. Flossing is only a part cure. There are different types of BB. Ever time I clear my throat a nasty smell occurs. All of my BB is occurring in the sinus and from the back of the throat. All dentists say that bb is cased by lack of oral hygiene because they want to further their own careers!

Garlic Tabs

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Laura (Arizona) on 10/24/2006

Garlic tabs cure bad breath.

General Feedback

Posted by John (Washington, US) on 01/08/2015

I am in my early 60's. Bad breath has plagued me my entire life. I have tried every possible method. I have been to the Monel Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, Penn, Dr. Preddy was the one I saw. He ran me through a series of tests, sent me to a dentist, interviewed my wife and came to the conclusion, "Yes there is something", but gave me nothing to solve problem. My wife has said she thinks I make this up because my brother told me I had BB when I was young. I do not know why she can't smell me.

A lot of others have said they can or body language indicates so. I am sure you can relate to the following: Rubbing of their noses, offering you gum or mints, a sort of wrinkling of their face, as if trying not to inhale, even had one guy tell me I needed to have my teeth cleaned. I go to a dentist twice a year and have my teeth cleaned. I have a physical with blood work annually. All numbers in normal range. My doctor tells me I am in excellent shape. Confided in my dentist, but no suggestions or ideas.

I can smell it and taste it. Ranges from fecal smell, the dead smell and vomit. Tried flossing, having tonsils removed because of pearls (at age 28), tried Dr. Katz products, use a Hydroflosser water pick, nasal irrigator with saline solution, scraping tongue, brushing tongue, the chemical products available (3 different manufacturers), apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide , baking soda, chlorophyll (tablets and liquid), Probiotics, Acidolphillus, colloidal silver and I am sure some others I have forgotten. Results are the same: helps at first, then it returns. It never leaves.

I can go through my morning regimen, which lasts 15 minutes, and within 30 minutes can smell my breath. It has become an obsession. I have a good personality and a college education and most people either overlook it or tolerate my problem. I was in sales prior to starting my own businesses, which involves sales. The majority of the help on the market try to treat the symptoms. I have not encountered anyone or company that tries to treat the cause. It does not matter what one eats or drinks. I know people that have horrible hygiene and do not have BB. I know people that do not use deodorant and have no body odor. I know people that have similar life style, smoke, drink and eat similar products that do not have BB.

The study I would like to see would be to find the chemical makeup of those that do not have odors and compare that to those that do. There is something they have that neutralizes the odors internally. Just my opinion. I have gone 3 months without drinking because of a diet that did not include alcohol. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I thought it was the fact that I drank beer. Love to play golf and drink beer with my friends. Not so, BB is present whether I drink or not. Currently, I am not drinking because of a medication I am taking to help with rheumatoid arthritis. Supposed to take for 6-9 months. One month into it now. Still have BB.

Not writing this to give any cures or ask for advice, because for some of us, there are no solutions. To read this, one would think that I am a pessimistic person. Furtherest from the truth. I own several successful businesses and deal with a lot of different people. An eternal optimist that believes I can do anything I set my mind to try. Except I can't overcome this problem, which is very frustrating. I miss the kisses with my wife. Even though she says she can't smell me, we don't kiss. I have been in a terrible automobile accident and almost lost my leg and have recovered (as completely as I could). I am not a quitter.

So, I guess the message of this entirely too long dissertation, is this: Deal with your affliction as best you can. Keep trying whatever you think helps. Don't give up. If someone doesn't want to be around me because I have BB, they are going to miss out on some great stories, business opportunities and just good times. It is their loss. I can't help my problem and I have tried my entire life to overcome it....sorry. I have never reduced this to writing or told this to anyone. Thanks for listening.

"Never mistake my Kindness for Weakness"

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

J: If you have never done any body "cleanses", now would be the time to begin and will likely cure your halitosis. Here are the E.C. pages for cleansing.

Replied by KT

It could be your diet. Do you have a problem with constipation or are you overweight?

Maybe taking some B Complex twice a day would help.

Replied by Happymomma
(Midwest, US)

I have found a link to BB with H.Pylori-in the gut. Get rid of the H.Pylori and the BB may cease. Just a thought.

Garlic, Col. Silver and many other things help reduce H.Pylori. It is very difficult to treat...not sure if this will help, but just my first thought to your issue.

May God bless you and help you with this issue.

Replied by Brian
(Sth Aus)

John, seems you have looked everywhere except in your gut. Please try going low carb to withhold the sugar that will decimate the species of yeast in your gut that is fermenting food into the bad smells that you emanate. There are some 66 species of yeast that can take residence in the gut but not all of them all of the time, they do vary. But seems you have a dastardly one in permanent residence. Go low carb for a month and then kiss your wife, passionately, and let her be the judge.

Replied by Jenn
(Cobbora, Australia)

Re: Bad Breath..

My daughter brushed her teeth twice a day, ate healthy and drank lots of water...and suffered for years with bad breath...It was only as an adult that she often found the bad breath went hand in hand with acid reflux, so she stopped drinking cow's milk for a few months, and experimented with other varieties of milk, finally finding that Almond milk, Coconut milk and sometimes even Rice milk were all good. She stopped drinking coffee and learnt to drink Almond milk chais and no longer has any problem with bad breath .

Replied by KT

I agree with Brian. I neglected to add that when my husband over does it on bread (or excessive carbs) he has an offensive body odor. His breath is not but his BO is.

Because our food is being engineered to last longer, I feel this has an effect on how it is digested and/or assimilated. My husband is also in his early sixties.

Replied by Helpyourself
(Texas, US)

I, too, had the same smells. I sprayed hydrogen peroxide in my nose, throat and ears, whenever I thought about it and the horrific smell is gone. Probably took less than 2 months. Good Luck!

I forgot one important thing I used and I think this may have done the most good. I spray Colloidal silver in my nose over the course of less than 2 months. Probably did this 5 times in total. Just a small squirt. Remember, moderation! Good Luck!

Replied by Jb
(Ny, US)

Have you had a blood test for Diabetes? Several people that I know emit a foul smell due to Diabetes.

Do you suffer from sinus infections? Post nasal drip may cause a terrible mothball like smell in your breath and stool.

In the meantime, in order to combat the internal smell, you may try Mint Asure and the best mouthwash is a product called Smart Mouth.

Replied by KT

I also neglected to mention that when my husband eats garlic it really gives him a GOOD body odor.

Replied by That70sguy

Do you have root canals? Anaerobic bacteria have been found to be the leading cause of bad breath as well as likely rheumatoid arthritis. You can google this. I do not know if there is a way to rid yourself of these bugs. Theory has it that they still produce in the root canal teeth and migrate into the bloodstream. I suffer too, and wish you health.

Replied by Cal

Hi John, your symptoms are similar to mine. have you try Grape fruit extract? I rinse my mouth with it twice a day and got cure with it within 2 days. Cheers.

Replied by Anonymous
(Los Angeles)

I hear you John. Dr's don't know that is why they ignore all who complain. I have been reading about all the BB on the net for the past 2 weeks and it makes anyone cry how much suffering they have gone through and yet no one hears them. Strange. I heard a lecture about some condition fishi breath which is caused by the inability to break down choline. But those ppl have body order as well. BB is another type of metabolic disorder, something is not being able to metabolize and it is excreted via the breath. What type of enzyme is lacking, I do not know. That is what I believe. The only solution is, every hour, rinse and brush (does not have to be with toothpaste) dry brush to remove debris out, drink water, chew on raw vegetable gum. There is no solution to permanently remove, hourly and mindfully remove the built-up bacterial debris out of the back of the mouth, tongue and rinse.

Replied by Cindy

Wow I have the same problem for 8 years now. But have you tried a candida cleanse or a colon cleanse, and tried drinking kombucha for months at least 3 months of cleanse and kombucha and trying to kill bad bacteria. I read about a woman who had this and she cured it with drinking kombucha (home made which is what I am doing ) for months also drinking apple cider vinegar before eating meals. Family members that's close to you always say they don't smell anything but co workers and friends smells it but acts funny.

General Feedback
Posted by Franky (Singapore) on 10/13/2014

This is all great information - thanks everyone. I have been a halitosis sufferer since puberty & have a good routine (including scraping/hydrogen peroxide & baking soda mix) as well as excellent oral hygiene. The one thing I am missing is real feedback - my wife has given me some at different stages of the day which has been useful but I would really value some more honest feedback. If anyone is Singapore/Malaysia based (or even London as I am there often), please let me know.

General Feedback
Posted by Yusuf (Leicester, England) on 09/25/2011

Hello, I recently stumbled upon this website and I have to say it is a god send for me, so much information about natural cures, a Big Thank You to all the posts, keep it up, you don't realise how many people your helping.

The question I'd like to ask is I recently started using Apple Cider Vinegar as a mouthwash and every time this brown speckles, sometimes like thick mucous thing (sorry only way I can think of describing it) comes out, anyone know what it is?

I recently read that some lemon or lime juice with 3x rose water, so 1/4 lemon juice, 3/4 rose water is very good for bad breath elimination, it kills all the bad bacteria and it makes your breath smell fresh, I read it in a herbal book but never tried it myself, so anyone that does, let me know if it works.

I'd greatly appreciate if someone can answer my question for me.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Replied by Lily
(Ca, US)

I started doing the ACV gargle yesterday for some bad breath issues which I suspect have something to do with my out of whack digestion .. same thing happened with the brown specs .. I thought I harmed something in my mouth :(

Replied by Katzie

Hi Yusuf. The brown "slimy" substance that you found in the ACV is called "the mother", and you don't have to worry about it, it's actually the most nutritious part of ACV.

Also, keep a small dark bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide in the staff bathroom at work. Gargle with it and drip some down your nostrils, too. This should work for you in short order. Keep the faith.

Goldenseal and Echinacea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sandra (Near Atlanta, Georgia) on 05/06/2007

Editor's Choice

Thank you for this site. It is so informative and helpful! I discovered it a few months ago after I did a search for more information on oil pulling after hearing about it on a radio show. Since then I occassionally browse your site. I have yet to try the oil pulling, but I have started using Apple Cider Vinegar and the Blackstrap Molasses. I have not been consistent with the Blackstrap Molasses, but it has helped me. I am anemic with a fibroid & feel the difference in my energy & appearence. I have been using the ACV every day. I drink it in the mornings and I also put it in bottled water & take it with me to work to sip on all day. This has helped me with bad breath and is strengthening my gums and teeth.

I also want to share something that will stop bad breath that I have not seen discussed anywhere. I know from personal experience how big this problem can be. Perhaps my experience will help someone who is hurting and needing help as I was. I quit a very good job because of my problem. I suffered a lot of hurt and embarrassment not to mention the financial stress of being unemployed. At the time I could not see another solution to my problem. My job required talking on the telephone with customers all day long and being in close quarters with many co-workers. I could not afford to go to the dentist. Even though I had that job I was not yet eligible for dental insurance. I wish I'd found the solution before I quit. I had very bad breath from infected gums and an infected tooth with a hole in it. I tried all kinds of things, but nothing would stop the smell. I tried several things and added more things as I discovered them. (Peroxide, baking soda, lots of vitamin C, etc.) Then I decided that I could temporarily plug up the hole with cotton soaked with Tea Tree Oil. Then I started using some dental wax to cover the cotton. That helped a lot, but the smell & taste from the infected tooth came back after a very short period of time.

Then one day I decided to see what herbs the herbalist Dr. John Christopher recommended for my problem. In that search I found information on Echinacea. He said this herb actually eliminates foul odors and fetid discharges. It's anti-putrefactive, and arrests pus formation. Also it is an excellent healing agent wherever tissue decay is taking place and it is a blood purifier.

I immediately found some Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules that I had sitting around and took some. Then I opened one of the capsules and poured some of the powder in the hole in my tooth and packed it with the Tea Tree Oil soaked cotton. This WORKED! The Echinacea & Goldenseal powder got rid of the odor! It's getting rid of the infection. It turns out that Goldenseal is also good for periodontal disease. It also helps with digestive disorders that might cause bad breath. I'm thrilled! I now have another good job that is in some ways better than the other one. It also requires that I talk to customers on the telephone all day and be in close quarters with co-workers. Everything is fine there. I have not been to a dentist yet, but my bad breath and gum infection is under control. I will eventually have to go to the dentist to have the hole filled, but I am so happy that this problem is solved. No more embarrassment from having bad breath and I don't have to make an expensive trip to the dentist without insurance.

Again, THANK YOU for this site. You don't know how much you're helping by the information you provide.

Replied by Divine Jaudian
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia)

Where I can buy this goldenseal and echicenia here in Dammam?

Replied by Pat

Please where can I get the goldenseal and echinacea in Ghana (Accra) to buy?

Replied by Oinoi

They are usually sold in capsules in america and online so try that? I don't know Ghana but that is how it ships worldwide. Maybe you can get some fresh in Ghana.

Good Oral Hygiene, Nasal Cleansing and Supplements

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Angel (Miami, USA) on 02/28/2008

topped my bad breath with good oral hygiene, nasal cleansing and supplements.

I removed a piece of popcorn kernel from under my gum which had a terrible smell. After that, my dentist and doctors said I was in good health but I still had bad breath for the next 2 years.

My oral routine is now an enzyme promoting toothgel and mouthwash(that treat my dry mouth and contain xylitol), floss, a tongue scraper, and an anticeptic oral cleanser containing carbamide. I floss, then crape my tongue gently. Then put 10 drops of carbamide gel on my tongue, mix with saliva and spit. I put 3 drops of carbamide gel on my soft bristle toothbrush then brush my teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. Rinse and gargle with mouthwash. That's ususally three times a day. And about 3 times a week I polish my teeth, etc before I brush -- mix in my hand of 1 tsp each of baking soda and salt with a little water.

I cleanse my sinus/nasal area with a nasal irrigator a few times a week with 1 tsp each of salt and baking soda. Or twice a day if I am having sinus problems.

The other key was treating my sinus/post nasal problem with whole food supplements that contain supercritical garlic and oregano. Also changed my mouth and body's smell with a whole food supercritical antioxidants blend like tumeric, clove, ginger rosemary. And sip plenty of water through the day to stay hydrated. If I chew gum, it contains xylitol.

I needed to do a better job of brushing when and how I should. My body just needed supplements to be more healthy. The byproduct is I generally just feel better. The best thing is for the first time in years, I am not self conscious when I kiss my husband.

Replied by Kobby
(Accra, Ghana)

For Akbar,

Dont stop brushing with a flouride toothpaste, do that first and continue with what you are doing because I noticed that u have stopped using toothpaste from the Market place. Buy a flouride toothpaste a good one and do what u are doing, it will work.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Enrique (Boston, Ma) on 11/11/2018

I've had chronic halitosis my entire life. As the writer above I've tried everything: I've taken Dr Katz stuff, taken probiotics orally, tried probiotic lozenges with Blis K12, Ted's alkalizing rmedies, etc. I brush regularly twice a day, even did flossing and the same thing would happen. It would work in the beginning but then the bad breath would return within a few days. I also had a light whitish coating on my tongue that would not go away. I tried tongue scraping, and I made tongue brushing a part of my routine but that also didn't help.

One this I noticed was that when I took a course of antibiotics, for unrelated issues, the bad breath would go away and my tongue would be clean and pink. That was a clue that the problem was bacterial. The one routine that worked very well for me was brushing my teeth with a natural toothpaste, then putting some sea salt on the brush and brushing my tongue and then using diluted hydrogen peroxide (HP) as mouthwash and for gargling. That finally worked, but Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) has worked even better.

I stumbled upon GSE totally by accident. My mom was taking a course of three natural antibiotics. GSE, Caprylic Acid and Berberine Plus. I don't know why I started to take them also and one day I noticed my afternoon bad breath was gone. I then went and purchased liquid GSE to take internally, but I hated the bitter taste. As an afterthought I decided to brush my teeth and tongue with it. I was amazed at how well it worked.

My routine now consists of brushing my teeth and tongue with natural toothpaste and then using four drops of liquid GSE diluted with a little water as mouthwash. Its been four months now and I can't recomend it enough. Doing this twice a day I have no morning breath and no bad breath throughout the day. I do notice at times in the afternoon it returns a bit if I don't brush after lunch.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Enrique (Boston, Ma) on 11/11/2018

I've had chronic halitosis my entire life. As the writer above Ive tried everything: I've taken Dr Katz stuff, taken probiotics orally, tried probiotic lozenges with Blis K12, Ted's alkalizing rmedies, etc. I brush regularly twice a day, even did flossing and the same thing would happen. It would work in the beginning but then the bad breath would return within a few days. I also had a light whitish coating on my tongue that would not go away. I tried tongue scraping, and I made tongue brushing a part of my routine but that also didn't help.

One this I noticed was hat when I took a course of antibiotics, for unrelated issues, the bad breath would go away and my tongue would be clean and pink. That was a clue that the problem was bacterial. The one routine that worked very well for me was brushing my teeth with a natural toothpaste, then putting some sea salt on the brush and brushing my tongue and then using diluted hydrogen peroxide (HP) as mouthwash and for gargling. That finally worked, but GSE has worked even better.

I stumbled upon GSE totally by accident. My mom was taking a course of three natural antibiotics. GSE, Caprylic Acid and Berberine Plus. I don't know why I started to take them also and one day I noticed my afternoon bad breath was gone. I then went and purchased liquid GSE to take internally, but I hated the bitter taste. As an afterthought I decided to brush my teeth and tongue with it. I was amazed at how well it worked.

My routine now consists of brushing my teeth and tongue with natural toothpaste (I use Jason pharmaceuticals) and then using four drops of liquid GSE diluted with a little water as mouthwash. Its been four months now and I can't recomend it enough. Doing this twice a day I have no morning breath and no bad breath throughout the day. I do notice at times in the afternoon it returns a bit if I don't brush after lunch.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Naiveburrito (Lincoln, Ne) on 11/12/2011

I have had bad breath starting around age 12. It's nothing that's stopping me from having a social life, but, gum has been offered... And sometimes you can just tell. I had strep many times as a kid, and have always had huge tonsils and sinus issues incluing post-nasal drip. It took me awhile to figure out that brushing my teeth wasn't sufficient. A doctor told me I had tonsil stones when I was 18. I read somewhere that a way to see if you had bad breath was to lick your hand and smell it after 30 seconds. I tried that and there was no smell, so I knew it wasn't in my mouth. I had an epiphany and touched the back of my tonsil, and my finger reeked like rotten egg/sulfuric/sickly sweet/salty??? crap.

What I have tried:

Hydrogen Peroxide: Works great on the short term as a substitute for mouthwash. Not a long term solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar: I felt like it freshened things up, but the effects seemed to diminish over time.

Grapefruit seed extract: same as ACV.

I spent hours digging around in my tonsils, but they still smelled bad. There is a deep crypt behind my left tonsil that seems to be the trouble spot.
I bought a neti pot, which really does the trick, but only for 3-4 hours.

One day I bought some colloidal silver. I gargled with it, and it seemed to help. Then, I decided to shoot it up my nose with a dental syringe. I leaned over the sink and slowly shot a stream up, and bent my head over so that it could 'penetrate the sinuses'. It worked better than anything I had tried before!

I got a little paranoid reading about colloidal silver online, and didn't want to overdo it. So, I decided to break out the old Grapefruit seed extract. Success!
I dilute it and shoot it up the nose with the syringe. It really clears things out. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks and realize I am no longer conscious of a gross taste in my throat. When I touch my tonsil, my finger doesn't smell. GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT UP THE NOSE! I still use the silver sometimes, but usually just once a week. Needless to say I am pretty happy about this. Give it a try if you think your halitosis is sinus related.

Replied by Abler
(Bklyn, Ny)


I've been using GSE for 2 weeks now, in the morning after I brush my teeth I add to toothbrush and brush my tongue, then after lunch I gargle with HP then brush my tongue with the GSE to get the foam off. I notice every time I use the GSE I get a mild frontal headache. I heard so many good things about GSE and no negative side effects. Although I have not change my diet.. I still eat carbs and sugar but drink lots of water, veggies and fruit. Do you think the GSE is causing the headaches?.... never had them before.

Replied by Sarah
(Eugene, US)

What was your ratio for your spray? How much did you use and how long did you spray? I don't want to overdo it!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by William (Las Vegas, NV) on 10/15/2008

Bad Breath: The best thing I ever did to solve the problem was to add one drop of Gapefruit seed Extract to my toothpaste. I've used everything, but GSE is safe and easy to use and no bad taste

H. Pylori Cause

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Djangolad (Beirut) on 09/27/2016

Hi all,

I want to share my experience with halitosis that has been with me since 6 years now. I wish I have stumbled to this forum a long time ago since I'm experiencing the exact similar symptoms. I read all about scraping the tongue, brushing teeth, flossing, hydrogen peroxide I never tried it but what I really know is that the problem lies within the stomach.

I went to a gastrointestinal specialist who prescribed me one pill of vermox for parasites treatment for one time in morning, followed by 2 pills of normix and 1 pill of flagyl each morning and evening for five days. At the time of taking the mediciations, my bad breath decreased enormously to null. After the treatment has finished, the bad breath came up again. It was really affecting my social life; when I wanted to talk to a person I keep a distance so he/she doesn't. Days went by and I started learning more when my bad breath is at its maximum, it is when my mouth is dry, almost all the time when I eat sugar or drink a cup of coffee, the dries after and the smell becomes even worse. Sometimes I feel liquid in my nose which I touch by my hand and it smelled. I don't know if you guys experienced this, but I didn't link it to the bad smell. Until one day 2 weeks ago I experienced a really unbearable stomachache at the top just below the chest bones.

I went to the family doctor who asked me to perform a breath test for H. pylori and take protective pills for my stomach &Gastropan. My breath test came out negative, went back to the doctor and he said it was all a stress and it will go by itself I just need to keep on taking the protective pills for as long as months. I wasn't really convinced with what he said although the pain has decreased in severity but I still had a burning sensation once I drink coffee or eat pepper to a level that I feel I was about to vomit, but didn't.

I went to another gastrointestinal specialist who asked my to do an endoscopy through the mouth and he performed a biopsy. Surprised that my tests showed a moderately active h pylori bacteria and he put me on the triple therapy for a month and half. I'm now on the second week, I asked him about the breath test he said he did not recommend breath test to anyone since it was just a waste of time and money. Lucky me, after one day from the triple therapy my bad breath has gone.

My nose doesn't drain anymore and my saliva's bad smell has disappeared. Now I know what causes the bad breath but I'm really scared that it might come back after I'm done with the therapy!

Anyone there that has finished the triple therapy and destroyed halitosis for good? please... Meanwhile, I will keep you updated.

Replied by Johmny

I cant but to agree with you. I used to suffer badly from halitosis. I went on triple therapy since I had h.pylori and the bad breath juat vanished after the first day. Meanwhile I went to the dentist to clean up he asked me to floss for the tight teeth and to use the little brush that goes between the teeth in case where a space exiats between a tooth and another. Finally he gave me a gum strengthener to be used 3 times daily but my gum was healthy anyway but I have unaligned teeth which makes them more exposed to left overs getting stuck and the need for maintenance on daily basis besides brushing twice. I am on my second day of tiple therapy. Djangolad, please keep me updated or anyone on this forum who went through triple therapy...

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