I didn't find this recipe for deodorant antiperspirant on the site. So I thought I would share. A friend of mine shared this recipe. I love it! It is easy and works as well as aluminum ones!! I should also add that I live in Texas and it gets hot here!!
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup corn starch or arrow root powder
- 6-8 tablespoons virgin coconut oil, melted
- (lots of people add a fragrance. I like the coconut smell and it goes away)
Note: I had a reaction (hives) to cornstarch after shaving. So I tried arrow root. It seems to work as well, but no reaction.
Note: Melt the coconut oil by putting the tub in a bowl of hot water. Use all 8 Tb if you want more moisture, more smell, or have problems like a reaction / hives.
Sift both powders to remove lumps. With an electric beater (or by hand) beat in the oil until there are no lumps and its fluffy. (Run your fingers through it)
Spoon it into any small jar. It will turn hard if you refrigerate it for about 15 minutes. You may have to do this twice, but after 2 weeks of sitting in my bathroom drawer mine is very firm and doesn't get soft. ( Maybe it takes time to really firm up? ). It makes about 2 baby food jars. Apply a pea size amount. I do reapply at night if its hot. Some people put it into an old deodorant tube after making it. I have not tried this. Enjoy!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Pour half teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide into palm, rub palms together, rub underarms. It keeps odor away all day.
I am battling several illnesses right now, and ever since I got sick I have the worst armpit odor! Soap doesn't remove it. I've tried baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide (separately) and they all work fairly well, but they all feel harsh on my skin and I don't like it.
The other day, I discovered a better solution: iodized salt. I had bought one of those himalayan salt stones for the shower—big mistake. Little crevices in the smooth-looking salt crystal actually SCRATCHED me and literally put salt in the wound! Will never do that again.
However, it gave me the idea of simply mixing some salt into water and applying that right in the bath after washing with soap. Works like a charm! The effect was immediate—no smell whatsoever until the next morning (and then only faint). And I didn't even use deodorant!
I chose iodized salt because iodine is a powerful antimicrobial in its own right. I mix the salt with about two parts warm water (some will not dissolve) and keep it in a little jar in the shower. At the end of the shower (soap and rinse first), I just pour some of the saltwater into my hand and splash it under each arm, being careful to get the whole underarm. When the liquid gets low, I just add some water from the shower for next time
Plastic is best for use in the bath because of the risk of glass breaking. Might be convenient to get one of those dispenser bottles with the pointy top!
Rachel, food grade DE should help with the pinworms. 1 tablespoon 2x's a day in whatever kind of liquid you like to drink. ACV and baking soda taken internally are amazing, so keep it up. I use a mixture of 3parts arrowroot, 1part baking soda, coconut oil, tea tree oil, and orange essential oil as a deodorant. It's amazing, hope it helps.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have a question. If I use ACV, let's say 3-5 mins before taking a bath, do I still have to use deo after? I'm just a bit scared that if I don't, I'll smell. Btw, I have hyperhidrosis (sweats excessively) and I am an anxious person so yeah. It's a tough life having bromhidrosis. :(
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wanted to share some info. I stopped using deodorant with aluminum in it years ago, only using one kind sold in health food stores, it was the only one that worked, then 4 years ago, I moved on to only apple cider vinegar which I have been using ever since, organic is of course best, I don't dilute it, I just put it on and go, have never had a problem smelling like acv, but what I really wanted to say is for anyone using baking soda with it or as sub for deodorant, you are defeating the purpose because baking soda has aluminum in it. Just thought I would make others aware.
Hi All, I discovered this website several weeks ago and have been so excited about the body odour remedies. I tried BS about a year ago which worked but stained my under-arms so badly. Then having found this site, started drinking ACV which I think has improved my energy levels. I also apply ACV to my skin after cleansing. The skin appears brighter and so soft. My big issue is body odour though. I started applying ACV to my under-arms which worked for a couple of weeks but I started noticing the stained under-arms so have stopped. Drinking ACV has made no difference to my BO. However I am going to try all the other remedies listed on the site in turn - GSE, milk of magnesia, colon cleansing etc. Great site!
Stainless Steel Bar
This stainless steel soap shaped bar really does work for body odor. I was skeptical when I read about it and my curiosity got the best of me and I ordered one. It works in the shower after bathing with soap. You rub it like deodorant over problem areas and there is no odor all day. It has certainly changed the way I feel about using deodorants, the fact that it is just a piece of metal.I have had a "sweating problem" all my life and this is the first time that something has worked instantly and continues to work daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have an occasional excessive sweating and body odour issue - right arm pit only! I have been suffering on and off with this since August (last bad case of this was a few years ago) and have ruined so many clothes and am so self conscious I just had to do something. Luckily I found the earth clinic website yesterday and all the wonderful advice from posters.
Today I applied Cider Vinegar to my armpit and left for a few minutes before showering (not organic with mother but I shall definitely be investing in some). I also applied a different deodorant from my usual one and have been dry and non-smelly all day.
Am also making a conscious effort to move my arms more/massage my underarm and drink lots more water.
Thank you to all contributors on this website!
Bentonite Clay
I had ingested the bentonite clay (1 Tablespoon diluted with water; 15 ml) to reslove some toxicity issues and noticed that my body odor was completely solved as well. it has absolutely no taste and no side effects. it didn't make me nauseated like ACV makes me feel. also make your salivatory glands pure so your mouth is "fresh". I love this stuff.
I accidentally cured my body odor problem when I was treating myself for bacterial vaginosis. I am on a strict regiment of herbal supplements and vitamins. One of these includes acidophilus and apple cider vinegar (with mother). After experimenting with several types of acidophilus, I wound up taking a gelcap version that requires refrigeration. It has 2 or 3 BILLION live active cultures. This is the dose that I maintain daily. After being on this for a month and half, I noticed I didn't have to fight with body odor - which I always felt was a symptom of some other underlying issue. I used to prepare my day around the fact that I would sweat through deodorant. I was using rubbing alcohol daily after showering to kill remaining bacteria. I packed deodorant EVERYWHERE I WENT. I truly feel I got to the root of the evil bacteria by taking probiotics and ACV though. I tried everything from various natural deodorants, to no deodorant, to the horrible "anti-sweat" deodorants. The acidophilus and ACV has truly helped maintain a healthy pH. I just make this very much a part of my daily life and I have no more issues.
Hope this helps.
Instead of going to the trouble of buying a hand sanitizer... Why don't you just buy a small bottle of eucalyptus 100% pure essential oil or tea tree oil essential oil. That is pure with nothing else. There are other essential oils that you can use that kill bacteria as well. You could dilute them with some water and put them in a little bottle for use when you are out.
Multiple Remedies
Body Odor:
Ever since I was 13, no deodorant completely worked for me. I made the mistake of trying every chemical-laden deodorant on the market. I didn't realize, until I weaned myself off of commercial deodorants, that it is the DEODORANTS that are the problem!! I switched to rock type deodorants (there are several different brands, you can buy the kind with the rock or spray-on liquid) about 4 years ago and I will never go back to any other kind of deodorant ever again. In fact, when I do put on regular deodorants now, my body completely rejects them and I break out in horrific, very painful rashes. A few tips for effective use:
1) You need to give your body time to "detox" after using regular deodorants before the natural crystal rock kinds work for you. About 1 or 2 weeks is usually sufficient before you notice a real change.
2) Follow the directions carefully or the deodorant won't work! Apply IMMEDIATELY after getting out of the shower. For a rock deodorant, wet the rock under running water and apply about 20-30 strokes per armpit (yes, really, that many). For a spray deodorant, apply 4 or 5 sprays under each arm.
3) If the natural deodorant doesn't work for you on its own, you can also apply baking soda to the armpit area. Be forewarned though, baking soda can be a little harsh and can leave you with raw skin if used everyday.
- If you are experiencing a lot of body odor, also try the following things which addresses the issue from the inside out: oil pulling, taking coconut oil internally, taking ACV internally, eating an all-natural diet, eliminating toxins from your household, and using all-natural dioxin-free tampons.
Female Body Odor:
To prevent this, wash gently with a 100% natural glycerine soap everyday, which can be purchased very inexpensively for approximately $1 at most grocery or health stores. Don't use regular soap or body washes that are not formulated for use in this area - this is a very gentle region and a body wash that doesn't have a very neutral pH will sting and irritate the area. The more chemicals you can keep out of this area the better (latex condoms, tampons that have dioxide, douches). If you are still experiencing odor after keeping good hygeine, see a doctor, because it might be the sign of an infection.
Foot Odor:
Rock deodorants can be used for this same purpose - and it works! See the instructions above for application. I prefer the spray-on for ease of application.
Mouth Odor:
Good oral hygeine is key. Brushing after every meal and regular flossing are obvious solutions, but if this doesn't work on its own, see the EC posts for oil pulling, oil of oregano, hydrogen peroxide and sea salt rinses.
Coconut Oil, Baking Soda
I'm convinced that a lot of the body odor we experience comes from the residue of shampoo, conditioner, soap, and other chemicals left on our skin. (70% of the oxygen we comes in comes through the skin and not the lungs. ) By switching to natural alternatives (borax and baking soda), after a year, I could wear the same socks for four or five days and no one would know it. If I'm right, I've uncovered a pretty sly business model--more soap, more body odor, more deodorants, more soap and even more body odor. In the past, it was common to wash your hair once a month. I'm convinced people didn't walk around smelling like they were living on the street.
Coconut Oil, Baking Soda
I just started using nothing but coconut oil as a deodorant. I'm loving it. I've used many kinds of deodorants including the sodium stone, and so far this is the best for keeping odor under control
Ammonia Odor
About 2 months ago I noticed when showering that when I applied soap to my skin I got a strong odor of ammonia. At first I thought it was the soap but after changing brands the smell remained strong enough to burn my eyes. My only choice was to bathe with baking soda which works. I am in decent health for a 64 year old except for reflux which I have been using the vinegar recipe to help with. What causes this smell? Help please.
I just searched and it looks like either:
1. You are too acidic.
2. An infection with helicobacter, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, or by eating too much protein.
3. Foods you are eating.
Ammonia Odor
I remember that it happened to me too. I also smelled like ammonia when I was bathing. That was long time ago. I toughed it was normal. I started two months ago drinking ACV with mother and all body odors are gone. I feel like when I was a kid. I am still amazed and I am even scared. Drinking ACV with mother have changed so much my skin for the better that I don't know if it is normal. Body odor is normal why is it gone? Please, somebody answer what is ACV with mother doing to me? I love the change but is it normal? I am over 50, why my skin is softer it feels great. I drink one tablespoon of ACV with the mother mixed with V8 before bed time. Today I added another drink before lunch. I feel the odor change in the whole body hair, feet, armpits and even mouth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've been having very good luck with Milk of Magnesia, the cheap kind without any other additives. The more expensive brand has bleach or something added to it, which we don't want, so check the label. I dab it under my arms with a piece of gauze.
Baking Soda, Corn Flour, Coconut Oil
A huge breakthrough my friends!!! After spending a fortune trying to find a 'natural' alternative to the toxic deodorants on the market, I stumbled upon this homemade miracle:
You can follow the exact recipe or adapt it. I used around 55 grams of Bicarbonate Soda, 30 grams of corn flour and around 8 Tbs of coconut oil. (add more if you need to)
Mix it into a good consistency... Not too, runny not too thick. Put it in a glass jar. Voila! Rub a little under your arms and that's that. Your search is over. I swear by this. It truly works... And keeps on working. Yay! The manufacturers have just lost millions. :)
PS: I just had to share this one. I truly love this site. It's helped so many people. Many many thanks to Earth Clinic for all that you do.
I've just started to try coconut oil and it seems to be working. When I get up in the morning I put coconut oil under the arm, then I go for a brisk 1 1/2 hour walk. I used to smell terrible when I got home, now I don't. After I have my morning bath I use the coconut oil again. I don't know if it would last all day for everyone but I don't seem to have to reapply.I also ingest about 3 tablespoons per day, this could also be helping. The coconut oil is antibacterial, therefore killing the bacteria that causes the smell. Hope this helps.
Baking Soda
I have being using sodium bicarbonate, as deodorant, under my arms for almost 2 years now and never a problem. Do you shave it? because maybe that's why you feel pain. It really keep me without any bad smell all day.
Baking Soda
Delightful Home Made Baking Soda Deodorant...
Thoroughly Mix 2 tablespoons of Baking soda in water (About a cup of water but this really depends on the size of the spray bottle).
Once the baking soda has dissolved, pour the mixture into a glass spray bottle.
This method is easy, clean & works awesome!
* Special Note: Add your favourite essential oils to give it a pleasant scent : )
Baking Soda
Every human being have different types of body odor. If you are acidic by nature, try iliminate those acidic foods, i.e. Spicy foods, spices, caffeine, alcohol, cigarette, that causes body odor. Take a bath twice a day, morning and evening. Put baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on the water that you use for bathing and add essential oils e. G. Tea tree oil, peppermint oil, if you like. Detoxify your body using sea salt (not iodize) with warm water in a bath tub or a large pail and soak your body 30-45 minutes twice a week. Drink plenty of water, and eat as much green leafy vegetables to cleanse your system. Do not take apple cider vinegar if you are acidic or you have an ulcer. Drink virgin coconut oil or take activated charcoal powder or capsules. (Please google search activated charcoal for more info). You can also make your own deodorant - a mixture of antibacterial toothpaste and baking soda, then rub it on your under arm to keep you going the whole day. Always bring antibacterial wet tissue to wipe your underarm whenever it gets wet. Most of all, always think positive because God is good all the time. :)
Baking Soda
Dear Sarah,
Using Baking Soda for deodorant gave my son the same rash. If yours hasn't cleared up yet, a calendula salve is what cleared up his rash, which was itchy and miserable.
I think using coconut oil straight for a deodorant would have a tendency to stain clothes. I have seen recipes for home made deodorant creams or bars that have coconut oil in them, along with things like arrowroot powder, baking soda, essential oils, and beeswax. It might be something to look into, I think mixed with other ingredients, coconut oil wouldn't be so likely to stain.
The following are some other things you could use as a deodorant. Magnesium Oil, Witch Hazel, Rubbing alcohol. (Either on a cotton ball or in a spray bottle.)
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar
In reading the posts on ACV and body odor I felt it important folks know that the generic brands are made from petrochemicals and NOT from food products like apples. Only the brand that starts with an "H" is made from apples along with the organic brands.
If the folks were using the store brand or generic brands then that could be why the ACV didn't work to rid them of the body odor - it's the apples that make it work! :o)
Hi, first post here, love the site.
Against body odor i use lime under my armpits. Works like a charm and is oh so cheap. i keep half of a lime in a small container in the bathroom and use it maybe three days and than use the other half that i have refrigirated.
My job involves some heavy work and also with workouts nd i would sweat so much, that i couldnt get it out of my clothes, but then i remembered this old, simple remedy and i am sticking to it. It worked for me on the very first day. But some people need to use it for a week, but it is amazing
Maybe lemons will do the trick to, but this is the way that it has been done in my country for ages.
Hope it helps.
Lemon Water Spray Deodorant
Lakewood organic lemon juice from Whole Foods. There are no chemicals, preservatives, or additives. There may be a little pulp at the bottom of the bottle. In an 8-ounce misting spray bottle, fill 3/4 of the bottle with lemon juice and 1/4 of the bottle with tap water. Don't get any of the pulp into the spray bottle; it could clog the spray tube. Shake well and apply 5 pumps* to each clean underarm. I fan my arms for a few seconds before getting dressed, but you don't have to. The citric acid in the lemon juice prevents bacteria and odor from ever forming under your arms. You still perspire, which is good and healthy. The spray has lasted well into the next day for me. The best thing is that I am not allergic to it: no skin tenderness, no itching, no rash.
I had been using baking soda in every possible recipe and ratio as an excellent deodorant, BUT, it created the worst itchy skin rash that left my armpits tender and darkly discolored. Even though it was effective, the discomfort under my arms wasn't worth the continued use.
So after researching other natural deodorants, I discovered that people used sliced lemon as an effective deodorant. I thought rubbing actual fruit would be cumbersome and costly, so I decided to try lemon juice to make a spray. It's truly natural and organic compared to baking soda and it works! Plus, within the first week of me using the lemon water deodorant, the lemon significantly lightened the darkness under my arms that the baking soda caused. My 9-year-old was using a less synthetic deodorant (Lafe's) that contains mineral salts (I wasn't totally crazy about that, even though many people think it's natural), but is now using lemon water spray too, and has had no odor, no sensitivity, and is quite happy with it.
I hope someone here can benefit from it as well. Just remember to use organic lemon juice, NOT the stuff in the plastic lemon-shaped bottle with chemicals in it. Keep the opened lemon juice bottle in the refrigerator until you are ready to refill your deodorant spray bottle.
* 5 pumps may seem like a lot, but it's really not for a sprayer that mists fine droplets. The mist will distribute over your underarm skin more evenly. A sprayer that produces larger droplets won't get good coverage and will have the liquid running down your sides and make the application of the deodorant messy. Good luck and enjoy!
Anti-Candida Diet, Grapefruit Seed Extract
I used to have severe body odor before I got tested for allergies and saw a doctor for Candida.
I'm talking about showering using betadine to wash under my arms and then using one of the three "industrial strength" deodorants that I rotated daily. I would still smell "soured" under my arms within 2-3 hrs.
It gradually got better after thousands of dollars worth of medical treatment to get my health better.
From what I have learned over the years...it may be caused by candida and toxins in your body. Try washing w/tea tree soap or GSE (diluted, of course). Try to keep carbs down to 40 gm or less a day. Rotate your deodorants, never using the same one 2 days in a row, the bacteria get resistant.
I don't have that problem now but I still have Candida synmptoms if I don't stay on the anti-candida diet. I found that even a couple of drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract help me to not have BO at all.
Oh yes, if your BO is that bad then your breath isn't going to be fresh, either. Bad breath usually comes from poor digestion, I'm in love w/digestive enzymes just now. lol Those and GSE should help.
Hello, it sounds to me like you might have problems with candida (fungus infection) which might be why you have recurring sinus problems. A person can have fungus growing in them for years and not know it because you can't see it. Fungus overgrowth is a killer that is truly deceptive as it quietly grows poisoning your system. We end treating the symptoms of it's poisons with more antibodies which makes it worst. You might want to get your doctor to check you for fungus.
I use Milk of Magnesium for deodorant and Magnesium oil. They both work great for odor under the arms and other areas. But if your odor is from inside especially when you have sinus problems I would check for fungus or bacteria infections.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Here is a remedy that I came up with after a friend shared with me that she used a Salt Toothpaste under her arms instead of deodorant!!! Make a paste of the following:
Baking Soda
a drop or so of castor oil
essential oil of peppermint, and/or cloves
a few drops of witch hazel (non-alcohol type)/you can omit this if you wish
mix together - apply under arms after shower - a small amount works. rub into your armpit as if it were a cream. you should stay odor free all day.
good luck...
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have tried to avoid using deodorant, but all for naught. The latest rage is to use magnesium oil in lieu of the commercial stuff. That does not work for me. I could not stand myself. Things that contribute to odor are fat and hair. Get rid of what you can.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you Marie, I just looked it up and found crystal deo ingredient stated ammonium alum. I recall a poster recommending alum found in the spice aisle for mouth sores and Ted responded it was aluminium and therefore toxic. So people trying to avoid aluminium in deodorants are unwittingly using aluminium anyway. I can recommend making your own with a base of coconut oil, many recipes online, or milk of magnesia
Apple Cider Vinegar
I use a natural deodrant stone from Thailand. The ingreidence say: Natural Mineral Salt, contains no harmful chemicals or aluminum. It is a product of Miracle....... Directions: simply wet the top of the crystal stick and apply underarms. This works for me, hope it helps others.
Apple Cider Vinegar
With regards to aluminum in the crystal deodorant, 'potassium alum' and 'aluminum' are two different things. I believe the crystal to be safe and I use it every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I wanted to say if you want to conquer body odor try living clay. You will not have any odor with just a heaping teaspoon a day in a tall glass of water. I only use natural deodorants and it is not enough. I also use green tablets (rawfoods. Com) and vitamic c (emergency packs) 2 a day. The best is the clay, you don't need to take anything else, it is great for body odor, you will be amazed. The website is living clay. com it is like drinking dirt, but it goes down fast.
Vitamin c is great at higher doses, and the greens are great for the breath and odor. but the very best for under the arm stink is CLAY.
Hope this helps, I feel that I have exhausted everything there is and this is my best advice.
if you want the best protection on certain days take the clay once in awhile, may be hard to swallow everyday. They do make tablets, but not the living clay website, have to purchase a different brand, have not tried the tablets, so don't know how effective.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dear Mary, So sorry about this miserable and embarrassing problem! I am already noticing some helpful suggestions being posted for you. I have been thinking about what might work and have a few questions that might help me and others to help you.
- Do you have any other health problems?
- Do you currently take and medications or supplements?
- How long has this been going on?
- How is your digestion working? In other words, do you have trouble with constipation or diarrhea?
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar
Mary, I thought of a couple of more questions to add to my last post...
- What is your diet like?
- What do you drink? (soda, tea, coffee, water, etc?)
- Do you have female symptoms? (irregular or heavy cyles, etc.)
Looking forward to hearing from you...
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar
Underarm body odor is caused by a zinc deficiency. Take 50mg twice a day for awhile then you can lower it to one. Take with meals as it can cause irritation on empty stomach. Another symptom is white spots on nails though that can be absent and many skin conditions especially psoriasis and acne. Foot odor is usually magnesium deficiency. May this help you.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You do not have to get rid of the smelly clothes. Dip the complete underarm part in ammonia and quickly put it in the washing machine. The ammonia can be slightly diluted with water. You can also add ammonia to your wash cycle but you will still have to dip the underarms of the clothes. You can use a face mask so that you don't have to smell the ammonia. The chlorophyll works for me (liquid or pills). Take it about 30 minutes before your shower, so that it will have time to work.
Multiple Remedies
I've been embarassed about my BO for 18 years. I tried so many remedies such as diff. brand of deodorants but it doesnt work for me. I tried lemon juice and took a bath three a times a day but still the bad smell doesnt eliminate. I did it everything including washing the clothes thoroughly.. but then there's no improvement! Last month i tried to find a solution for my BO and guess what?! lucky me!i found it already! i've read all the comments and suggestions posted on EC site and have a try. I tried using ACV and baking soda for bathing it was really great for me! NO SOAP! i feel fresh everyday.I drink green tea instead of coffee. i also used green tea to rinse my face! it's all natural beauty tips.I also eliminate taking dairy product..(goodbye cheese lol).On summer i try to use milk of magnesia, zinc oxide ointment and essential oil or coconut oil. Today im very happy to share with you that great things happen to me!goodbye BO! Thanks a lot EARTH CLINIC!!be bless..:)
Hi, I am sorry to hear about your experience, I have had the same problem and I wonder if it is related to taking vitamins/supplements and the detoxing process, anyway, what has worked for me is to apply zinc oxide paste (very inexpensive and found at most pharmacies) after I shower at night. Then I shower again in the morning and don't apply anything (no zinc oxide, no deodorant, etc. ). I also always make sure that my shirts are worn only once before I wash them since bacteria can stay in them and then, well things get ugly. I don't apply zinc oxide in the morning since I am afraid it may stain my shirt, I hope this helps, good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Yes, the same for me. It worked really well for around a week and I was stoked! Then it lasted shorter and shorter amounts of time. Back to the deodorant.