Body Odor
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Body Odor

Eliminate Preservatives
Posted by Nadine (NY) on 09/01/2006

Preservatives in your foods can give you body odor if you are allergic to them. They will also give you gas and diarrhea. Get rid of the preservatives and white flour, store bought bread, boxed food and most canned foods. A lot of work to make your own but worth it. You will be healthier and smell better. When you eat the preservatives and your body has a reaction, those fumes etc have to go somewhere.

Eliminate Onions From Your Diet!
Posted by Janet (NYC) on 07/04/2006

I think onions are without a doubt the main cause of bad underarm body odor. I made this discovery years ago when working in an office. Every few days, the receptionist would start reeking by mid-day. It was so bad you didn't want to stand anywhere near her. I decided I had to say something (no one dared too). She was completely mortified, but identified the onions on hamburgers that she ate as the culprit. She stopped eating onions and never had a problem again. I also start to reek if I eat onions 2 days in a row. I think this is the issue for people with bad BO... get rid of the onions!

Eliminate Onions From Your Diet!
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/25/2005 392 posts

When you have putrid underarm odors it is caused by other conditions, and onions just make the smell worse. The body's ability to oxygenate the body is severely depressed. Try alkalizing the body with sodium bicarbonate and take magnesium chloride as a supplements. Usually people with putrid odor is a sign of magnesium and zinc deficiency and onions sometimes get the bad rap. Also eating fried foods and vegetable oils also leads to putrid odors as well. Hydrogen peroxide therapy and silver colloids do help a lot with the putrid odors."

Avoid Deodorants
Posted by Maria (Queens, ny)

I've read peopel having a problem with body odor and deodorants. I've had similar problem, I intend on using baking soda. Maybe eventually I will begin bathing with yogurt to even out my bacterias, I've heard good things about yogurt wash. I started using soap with jsut oils and sea salt, doesnt dry out or irritate my skin therefore less prone to bacteria/bacterial infection. But most importantly- I have noticed that my odor may have become worse due to the laundry detergent I have been using. Detergents with fancy additives, even "All" free and clear, leave residues on your clothing that when you wash them thy do not fully get clean. I noticed my clothes stil smell after using these detergents, natural detergents as well and I cannot get my pet's laundry clean while mothers will complain of diapers still stinking when they use them. My odor may be mild on me but way worse on my shirt and the odor is unlike any I've had before. They say the cheapest no frills detergents are best bc they cannot afford to produce detergents with extra additives that would leave residues. But if you have sensitivity or environmental issues you should use Sensi-clean or Country Save detergents they rinse clean and theyre good for the environment. Good luck!! I think this will totally help my situation as I notced my odor became worse with new detergents.
