Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
No antipersperant or deos work for me - I've even tried perscription strength with no success, so I'm getting frustrated!
Did anyone find that they had to do this for a while to see results?
(Chicago, Il)
I too have an issue and the ACV is not working. I even went out and bought the organic with "Mother". Applied it, waited 3 minutes, took a shower (no soap), also did not use any deo or antipersperants, but as soon as I start to get a little hot, I might as well jump back in the shower. I have been doing this for over a month, and it still hasn't worked. I even tried to do another application at night before I went to bed, but the morning had the same results.
Has drinking acv worked any better for you?
I've read that if your body was low on B vitamins, zinc and magnesium that you might have body odor. So I am trying to eat more foods with those in them. If that fails, I might just take those kinds of vitamins. If that fails as well, I'm not sure what else to do. I've even went to the dermatologist who prescriped something that smelled like rotten eggs that burned my pitts, but still did not work. I think that might have been for someone that has excessive sweating, but I don't have that, just the smell. And of course my left side is worse than my right.
I was curious if anyone read anything about hormones being out of whack might have anything to do with this. I'm only 30, but I guess that might be a possibility. I'm willing to try almost anything to not have the odor anymore.
(Nr. Baltimore, Md.)
(Bedford, Nh)
I too had bad underarm odor. I tried the ACV and it sort of worked but I kept at it. I realized that the odor was coming from the residue of the deoderants (all natural ones) that had remained in my clothes. After several washes of all my shirts the residue is finally gone and so it the odor. You can try spraying your underarm area on your shirts with white vinegar or a stain remover before laundering to help remove the residue. After it's gone, I KNOW you will have results with the ACV. It took about 2 months for me to finally say ACV works!!! I used to spray the vinegar on before showering and then again when I was out of the shower. Now I only wash with a clean washcloth (I do that area first, NO soap), and when I get out and dry off, I spray the armpit area and rub it all around the whole area. If it's going to be hot and I know I'll be sweaty, I'll repeat the spray once the first one has dried. This has been successful for me. Don't give up, it does work!!!
(Sav, Jamaica)
Try 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoon of acv in 8 oz of juice or water and drink on empty stomach daily. when you are going to bathe, wet up you whole body, then put some baking soda in you hand. wipe under one arm then the other then to all the places that you have odor or to your whole body. use you soap on your rag and soap your whole body and then wash off. you will feel very fresh when you are finished. trust me!
(West Bloomfield, Michigan)
I started having bad odor from under my arms after my second child was born at 30 years old, I had alot of mood changes and my doctor said that my hormones were thrown out of wack from the pregnancy, I ve had bad odor, night sweats and hot flashes since, its strange that my right armpit is worse then the left, well I've tried alot of stuff but didn't have any luck, but I know Apple Cider Vinegar does get rid of odors as I've used it in a vaginal douche, so I will try it under arms too, hope it works.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
i take acv orally, 2 tablespoons per glass of water, every morning and two hours before bed. i was diagnosed with acid reflux at 12 and took pills off and on but i feel so free. Apple Cider Vinegar freed me naturally!
I also keep the acv in the shower and before i turn on the water i put some music on, pour the acv all over my body (i pour a little in my hand and then rub on my body), dance around for 2 minutes and then spend my shower rinsing, NO SOAP!. after the vinegar smell goes away i towel off and go about my business. every deodorant ive ever tried has let me down, time and time again, but this stuff-i love it! i ride my bicycle 10 miles a day commuting and i sniff and sniff and check and check and nothing-no smell at all, its a beautiful thing. i want to shout from the rooftops! These pharmaceutical companys tell us that we have to use their products, their chemicals- and we dont! we just need to go back to nature.
(Ft Laud, Fla Usa)
Noelle, u r a funny man and I enjoyed ur post. im gonna do it just like you did, but I will have to get some grip tape for my shower. I dont wanna defeat the purpose by trying to get rid of b/o and break my neck dancing in the shower. That would be like the pharmicuticl companys saying here take this it will help with ur depression but whoops it destroys ur liver, just a minor side effect.
(Calgary, Canada)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
The real test will be next summer on a hot and humid Manhattan day, but so far so good this season!
(San Francisco, CA)
(San Diego, California)
Lynda, I would highly recommend buying an Organic, Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, since filtered processes out a lot of the beneficial enzymes, as well as "the Mother", and unless you like an EXTREMELY tart, acidic taste in your mouth, I would highly suggest diluting it. Earth Clinic has an ACV Recipe page for dilution instructions.
I myself like to buy ___ Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, although I have tried ____ when my store was out of stock as far _____'s. Those two are the one's I would personally recommend, as both are Organic, both are Unfiltered, and both definitely get the job done :-)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Palm Beach, FL)
Tim, thank you for your post about acv curing body odor. I tried your technique the past 2 days and it has worked fabulously! I used a very cheap brand of apple cider vinegar from the grocery store (not organic but "all natural") and applied it straight using a doused cotton ball to my armpits about 2-3 minutes before getting in the shower. I did not use soap to remove the smell, just hot water. It does last all day! I worked out at the gym last night and even though I had a good sweat, still no smell. I had been using the baking soda remedy but gave up on it recently as it caused too much irritation. Thanks again for your post!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Rosedale, Ny)
I'm so happy you mentioned anxiety perspiration because this is the problem I am having along with sweating(nothing excessive) I can feel nervous and not show it but I will just start to smell. I am going to try this I have the organic acv with mother and now I can get rid of my problem. I just recently got a prescription of the generic brand of drysol, it works if you keep using it but it turned my armpits so dark, and the itch is unbearable. I will be using apple cider vinegar from now on!
(Washington, Dc)
Hi Dana---I hope you've found some relief... May I suggest that your odor may be coming from your digestive system. If you are not eliminating your bowels regularly and completely at least once a day, you may have a build up of bacteria, which escapes the body through our sweat, our breath etc. You should try a good colon cleanser, be sure to take fiber, omega fish oil 3-6-9, and probiotics with it. Try this and you should notice a difference within a week. You may still sweat some, but without the embarrassing odor.
Apple Cider Vinegar
However, I tried ACV as a deodorant as described by one of your readers and was amazed. I had tried this before without much luck. The trick is to use NO SOAP in the shower (I have been taking cold ones), just rinse as well as you can and then apply to your body. And I mean that I have used this in place of soap on ALL parts of my body. Proceed with caution if you have sensitive skin, but it didn't sting or bother me in any way, other than the smell. The smell goes away when the vinegar is dry. I truly put this new deodorant to the test. I hoed weeds in the morning, went to a grueling hour long Tae Kwon Do class (cold shower rinse afterward and NO reapplication of ACV) and spent the rest of the day as normal. The next morning -- still no odor. For me this is a miracle -- even toxic, nuclear waste type deodorants would not last that long for me! Thank you so much Earth Clinic and all of you who have shared your results -- you are changing lives.
(Minneapolis, Mn)
(Minneapolis, Mn)
what is the crystal spray that you mention and where can i get it?? I have tried just about everything from the ACV which i continue to use with no change to limes, baking soda, tea tree oil you name it i have tried it. I do scrub, scrub and scrub my underarms but sometimes the smell seems as though it is coming not from just my underarms but my skin too. I only use ibuprofen for aches and pains could this be causing it. I use it for menstrual cramps and when I get sinus headaches mostly. Could this be the culprit. If i use any kind of fragrant lotion, perfumes, deodorants (which I stopped using over 6 mos. ago) i stink to the high heavens. I notice that people dont get too close and i dont want them too either because i cant stand the smell and i am sure that they cant either. I need help because i have started a new position and the awful smell is reeking up the whole office. Please Help Me I cant take this much longer. I have stuck with the ACV for several months now and it is not working so i need something else. I use it in the shower with no soap of course and then i leave it on for a deodorant but it does not help. what should i do. Ted if you see this, can you help please. I take magnesioum and zinc as i know that you said that could be the problem. i even take chlorophyll everyday but so far it is not working. i have been taking it for at least 3 weeks now.
(Milpitas, Ca)
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I really hope someone can direct me properly, I have bad odor under my left arm only, incidentally this is the same armpit where I have developed a large cyst several times from store bought deodorant, I have tried all types-even the crystal which did nothing for me. I am polycystic to begin with so I try to watch what I use on my skin.
One last question about the baking soda: I shave frequently so how long should I wait for the ACV or BS application? Thanks so much everyone for your time and valuable posts, I love this community and am spreading the word about Earth Clinic.
(Alpharetta, Ga)
(Melbourne , Australia)
Instead of going to the trouble of buying a hand sanitizer... Why don't you just buy a small bottle of eucalyptus 100% pure essential oil or tea tree oil essential oil. That is pure with nothing else. There are other essential oils that you can use that kill bacteria as well. You could dilute them with some water and put them in a little bottle for use when you are out.
(Somewhere, Ca)
For those of you who notice a stronger smell from one armpit, especially if you have or have had a cyst from other toxic deodorants, using a clay like bentonite or Aztec clay and making a paste with water and applying it to the underarms and surrounding lymph nodes helps to draw out the toxins, and may even reduce pain in the area. Leave the paste on until it dries, about 20 minutes, then rinse off.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(Minneapolis, Mn)
(Thomasville, Nc)
I don't know what kind of reaction to the sun you are getting but...If you are taking antibiotics it is called photosensitivity. If your family has mediterranean blood, then it may be fungus. It kind of looks like darker patches of skin. If this is the case a dandruff shampoo (common blue store bought bottle) a couple of times a day works for me.
(Manila, Philippines)