Body Odor
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Body Odor

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Ms. Robert (Dumfries, Va, Usa) on 01/21/2010


UnderArm Odor

Hello, I have read many posts here and tried several remedies. The most successful was Organic ACV, it has worked for almost 8mos, the most amount of time for any remedy so far. Well now I'm back to the normal horribly embarrassing smell I've had to deal with for 14 yrs.

I stopped deoderants last year, the ACV was effective but now when I use it, either apply and wash off, or apply w/ baking soda & leave on all day, it's almost like I have no protection. My arms smell horrible, and of course my clothes as well.

Is there any hope for me? It seems that almost any remedy I try may work for a few months then I'm back to the ususal stinky, strong odor!

Replied by Crazydogjack
(New Castle, Pa, Usa)

I had the same problem. Never tried the ACV for it. I bought a crystal body deodorant stick at the health food store and it works great!

Replied by Ms. Robert
(Dumfries, Va, Usa)

@crazydogjack. Thanks for the advice. I will pay a visit to the health food store to get the crystal body deoderant stick. I will post results after sometime.

Replied by Mary
(Minneapolis, Mn)


ACV also worked temporarily for me. i did try the natural crystal deodorant roll on and it also stopped working. is the crystal deodorant stick better?

Replied by Sugar
(Candaba, Philippines)

help me to cure my armpit odor.. having this problems lessen my self confidence at all.. where can i buy crystal body deodorant stick here in philippines?? help friend..

Replied by Mohini
(Suva, Fiji)

I have tried using baking soda to get rid of under arm odor. I either just pat baking soda after my bath or mix it with a little talcum powder. I have noticed that inspite of intense sweating, my underarms do not smell. Try avoiding deo sticks, they are not good for the skin as they block your pores and do not let them "breathe". Hope this remedy helps.

Replied by Mary
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Well as i stated before nothing seems to be working for me. I now think that the ordor is not coming from my underarms but from within my body somewhere. I notice it more when I have sinus issues. Could this be a connection?? Has anyone had anything like this or heard of anything like this before. Could the odor be connected to my sinus problems?? I don't take anything for my sinus problems now that i found out that antibiotics can do more harm than good. The smell that I have is a sweaty, stinky smell like I have been running or working out for hours. It usually happens when I am at work which is the worse time that it could happen. Anyone someone please help!! Ted you know of anything like this??

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas)

Hello, it sounds to me like you might have problems with candida (fungus infection) which might be why you have recurring sinus problems. A person can have fungus growing in them for years and not know it because you can't see it. Fungus overgrowth is a killer that is truly deceptive as it quietly grows poisoning your system. We end treating the symptoms of it's poisons with more antibodies which makes it worst. You might want to get your doctor to check you for fungus.

I use Milk of Magnesium for deodorant and Magnesium oil. They both work great for odor under the arms and other areas. But if your odor is from inside especially when you have sinus problems I would check for fungus or bacteria infections.

Replied by Claudia
(Höör, Sweden)

Here is a remedy that I came up with after a friend shared with me that she used a Salt Toothpaste under her arms instead of deodorant!!! Make a paste of the following:

Baking Soda
a drop or so of castor oil
essential oil of peppermint, and/or cloves
a few drops of witch hazel (non-alcohol type)/you can omit this if you wish

mix together - apply under arms after shower - a small amount works. rub into your armpit as if it were a cream. you should stay odor free all day.

good luck...

Replied by Marymichellehealth
(Regina, Saskchewan, Canada)

Hi: regarding the meat thing, my husband is a huge carnivore! He salivates, i am sure, walking down the meat isle at the grocery store. He feels great on the paleo diet! No body odor! He is so clean! he does not even wear deoderant, nor does he have to?! So I dont think body odor is based on meat consumption.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

I have tried to avoid using deodorant, but all for naught. The latest rage is to use magnesium oil in lieu of the commercial stuff. That does not work for me. I could not stand myself. Things that contribute to odor are fat and hair. Get rid of what you can.

Replied by Marie
(Crowthorne, Uk)

Please do NOT use crystal deodorants! They are actually aluminium in raw form. You are simply adding to a much worse long term problem.

(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Thank you Marie, I just looked it up and found crystal deo ingredient stated ammonium alum. I recall a poster recommending alum found in the spice aisle for mouth sores and Ted responded it was aluminium and therefore toxic. So people trying to avoid aluminium in deodorants are unwittingly using aluminium anyway. I can recommend making your own with a base of coconut oil, many recipes online, or milk of magnesia

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

Thanks Marie...I have been using the crystal deodorant and wondered about it's contents. The lady at the health food store said it doesn't have aluminum in it but I wondered about it. I'll stop using it now.

Replied by Fra-fra
(Mineral Wells, Texas, Usa)
10 posts

I use a natural deodrant stone from Thailand. The ingreidence say: Natural Mineral Salt, contains no harmful chemicals or aluminum. It is a product of Miracle....... Directions: simply wet the top of the crystal stick and apply underarms. This works for me, hope it helps others.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I use liquid Cristal roll-on convinced that it was safe. It says Mineral Salt Protection. Paraben free. But in the ingredients I see: Aqua, Potassium Alum, Cellulose. It is made in the USA. One doesn't really know what to use... what is safe and not! They do have a website so I will contact them.

Replied by Randy
(Jersey City, Nj)

With regards to aluminum in the crystal deodorant, 'potassium alum' and 'aluminum' are two different things. I believe the crystal to be safe and I use it every day.

Replied by Ms Robert
(Usa, Virginia)

Mary from Minneaplois really got me to thinking... It only makes sense that the really horrible underarm odor is internal. I took her advice, got me a good colon cleanser, I already use crystal deoderants, and added probiotics to my regimen. It makes sense that keeping the colon free of fecal matter reduces or rids the body of embarrassing odor, from breath to underarms. So, while I agree that using ACV, & other remedies can be successful, don't forget to keep your digestive system healthy, it all starts there. Be aware of the unhealthy foods we eat that can contribute to unhealthy digestion, and lets load ourselves with the one thing we've heard forever, WATER! I began this a week ago, and already I've seen remarkable results. The underarm odor is all but gone, and I just feel better.

Replied by Carol
(Montvale, Nj)

I wanted to say if you want to conquer body odor try living clay. You will not have any odor with just a heaping teaspoon a day in a tall glass of water. I only use natural deodorants and it is not enough. I also use green tablets (rawfoods. Com) and vitamic c (emergency packs) 2 a day. The best is the clay, you don't need to take anything else, it is great for body odor, you will be amazed. The website is living clay. com it is like drinking dirt, but it goes down fast.

Vitamin c is great at higher doses, and the greens are great for the breath and odor. but the very best for under the arm stink is CLAY.

Hope this helps, I feel that I have exhausted everything there is and this is my best advice.

if you want the best protection on certain days take the clay once in awhile, may be hard to swallow everyday. They do make tablets, but not the living clay website, have to purchase a different brand, have not tried the tablets, so don't know how effective.

Replied by Mary
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Hi Ms Robert from Dumfries --just checking in to see if you found something that works. I have not found anything and again I am sitting at work with the same embarrassing issue of underarm odor and it has been 2-3 hours after I took a shower and can hear the whispers. People need to understand that we do not want underarm odor or BO but that is the hand we are dealt. It bothers me big time that I have this issue because at family gatherings I am constantly sneaking off to the bathroom to try to wash under my arms because I can tell that people smell it but don't say anything directly to you about it. This is sooooo embarrassing that if you do not have this problem, you for sure cannot understand the humiliation associated with it. Someone please help!

I did ask my doctor to test me for fungus and she just laughed and said, "You do not have fungus!" How does she know if she did not test me for it?? Another thing that I discovered in addition to sinus issues I also have allergies and a lot of the time I thought it was my sinuses it really could have been my allergies. Anybody have ideas on how this could be associated to underarm odor or bacterial under the arms?? It is more noticeable during the warmer months and when I am in the sun. the sun really triggers it and I try to not get close to anyone. I spend a lot of time to myself because of this problem. I know it is embarrassing to my kids when they are at family functions also. Not sure if they overhear people talking but sometimes the looks on their faces tell it all. Please, Please, Please somebody help me. I have tried just about everything on this site for this issue.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Read Your bodys many cries for water by Dr. Batmanghelidj.

For the atmosphere at work, take some baking soda and put it in a container around your desk or under it or sprinkle on carpet under you and change the air as it sucks up the odors. I used it in trash can with dirty diapers... Dog vomit, spoiled meat, rotten fish and odor gone. Put a pouch of it in a small bag you carry or a pocket and it will help.

Stress causes bacteria to grow in mouth and body and the bacteria eat our mucus and sweat and make it stink when the bacteria organism poops it out. If it is your stress level then try supplements for stress like B's and D and magnesium.. Positive affirmations help your self esteem if your fear of body odor cause you more stress and a vicious cycle.... I had this with a dental problem. No issues in the mouth but pain and dentist problem that was constantly stressing me and I felt helpless... Every week appointment I had horrible breath but at no other time than those 6 months.

Replied by Te
(Charlotte, NC)

You need to get rid of smelly clothes because the odor is trapped in it.

Replied by Kathy
(Some, Where, The Usa)

I remember reading somewhere that body odor can come a deficiency of one of the B vitamins. A TBSP of BSM may help... possibly some B complex.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, USA)

Dear Mary, So sorry about this miserable and embarrassing problem! I am already noticing some helpful suggestions being posted for you. I have been thinking about what might work and have a few questions that might help me and others to help you.

  1. Do you have any other health problems?
  2. Do you currently take and medications or supplements?
  3. How long has this been going on?
  4. How is your digestion working? In other words, do you have trouble with constipation or diarrhea?

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, USA)

Mary, I thought of a couple of more questions to add to my last post...

  1. What is your diet like?
  2. What do you drink? (soda, tea, coffee, water, etc?)
  3. Do you have female symptoms? (irregular or heavy cyles, etc.)

Looking forward to hearing from you...

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mary From Minneapolis
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Hi Mama To Many-thank you for your concern. I do appreciate each and every suggestion from everyone. I have high blood pressure just diagnosed a couple of years ago and high cholesterol also diagnosed a few years ago. I do take a diuretic for the hbp but nothing for the high cholesterol because I am afraid of what the statins will do to my overall health. This has been going on well before I was told that I had hbp or hc because I first noticed this problem 20 yrs ago but thouht it was my deodorants not working. Which caused me to change my deodorants multiple times. When I realized that the deorants were making me smell worse I stopped using them and have not used deodorant since. As for my digestion I guess I can say that it is not regular as it probably should be. do you think that could be the problem?? my digestive system?? God Bless You for Caring about others.

Replied by Mary From Minneapolis
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Hi Mama to Many- Yes I am embarrassed to say I drink coffee in the morning (at least three cups) and will have a couple of diet sodas occasionally. I do drink plenty of water as I keep a 32 oz jug in the fridge and try to drink a complete bottle every day. I don't have female symptoms because my periods stopped many years ago. I guess I went into early menopause. Not sure why it stopped but my doctors do not seem to be too concerned about that. Even with the coffee and diet sodas and the early menopause I had this condition before all of these came into play. I did not start to drink coffee or diet sodas until apprx. 5 yrs ago but the problem started many years before then.

Replied by Mary From Minneapolis
(Minneapolis, Mn)

Hi Kathy from Some, Where- What is BSM?? thank you for your concern.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Hi Mary from Minni - Well, first off, don't be embarrassed about drinking coffee! I would drink it all day every day, except it aggravates my gall bladder, so I am motivated to stay off it. But I do love it - okay, sorry, I am off topic. I asked about the other health conditions as sometimes other things will help with the overall puzzle. And, if you were on a lot of toxic medicines, that could cause body odor. My husband occasionally works with chemicals and afterwards we can smell them coming out of his pores even after he changes and showers. Scary! Slow digestion could cause odor. If you are not eliminating toxins out of your system regularly, you may be having a build up of toxins, which your body could try to eliminate through your skin. Since you have had this problem for so long (bless your heart! ) it may take time and diligence to get it solved. So, I would encourage you to persevere.

First, I would add Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw, unpasteurized) to your daily regime. 1-2 T. Morning and evening. You can add it to water. The goal here is to get your body more alkaline and less acidic. (Disease/toxins thrive in acidic environment. Think of a fish tank, how if the ph is off, the fish die! ) What I do to get my vinegar (which helps a ton of health problems for me and others) is put 1/4 cup in a half gallon mason jar and fill with water. I then add 20 drops of lemon or orange essential oil and 20 drops of Stevia. (I use the alcohol based extract - the other kinds have powder and fillers and such. ) Anyway, I drink my "Vinegar Tea" all day long. (A half a gallon of this a day will cover your water needs and should keep your system moving! ) I love it now. The vinegar has been known to lower blood pressure, so just be aware of that. It also helps people with high cholesterol!

Second, if you can tolerate it, add 1 T. blackstrap molasses morning and evening. It has to be blackstrap. This is a very concentrated form of nutrients. People find it helpful for many things, including constipation.

Third - charcoal tablets. 4 in the morning and 4 at night (but not within 2 hours of any medication as it will adsorb them. ) Charcoal adsorbs (really it is adsorb, and not absorbs) toxins. It may take some time, but I would do this for a minimum of 3 months and it would be very safe to do it indefinitely Some like to add a probiotic when taking charcoal, but I have never had trouble with it causing imbalance. You can get charcoal powder (I am taking about Activated Charcoal Powder from the health food store, here. ) and put 1 t. In a glass of water twice a day instead, but many do not like the grittiness. The most important thing is to find a way you can tolerate taking it regularly. Oh, charcoal can lower blood pressure, too.

Fourth- Epsom salt baths, for detoxifying. 20 minutes in a hot bath with 2 cups epsom salt. Try to get in as deep as possible. I would do this a few times a week. The Epsom salt also is a cure for constipation, so be warned. My toddler empties his bowels within minutes of getting into an Epsom salt bath! You can add lavender essential oil ( a few drops) to make it even more relaxing.

Next - Bentonite Clay - 20 minutes before your shower, mix bentonite clay with aloe or water and make a paste. You can apply this to the armpits to help draw out toxins at the source. Then you can wash it off in the shower. Try this a couple of times a week.

Lalitha Thomas, who wrote, Ten Essential Herbs, would almost certainly tell you that you want to include some blood purifying herbs in your regimine. She would probably recommend Chaparral. I am new to it, but she loves it to detox the body and help all kinds of health problems. You could take chaparral capsules - 4 before lunch and dinner.

Exercise- try to get some exercise at least 3-4 times a week. A mile walk is good. Sweating does help your body get rid of toxins through the skin and is just good for you in so many ways.

Okay, I have tried to list some relatively easy and inexpensive ideas first. All should be safely done together, but to see how your body is responding, I would start one and wait a few days and add the next. The vinegar and the charcoal are the most important, I think. Long term use is where you will see the benefit.

Some harder things but things that may be critical would be dietary. But it is a good time of year for some of what I would suggest. I would encourage you to eat lots of fresh fruit, salads, etc. Avoid sugar, fried foods, processed food, fast food, etc. If you can make your own salads, I would also make your own salad dressing to avoid things like MSG and other chemicals in food that will not be helpful to health. Nuts make a great snack - lots or protein to keep your blood sugar stable. (But watch out here, as many have msg or artificial sweeteners added. ) You could find a chart listing alkaline vrs. Acidic food and try to focus on the alkaline foods. The fruit and veggies will also help keep the digestive system moving.

If you can't get your digestive system to eliminate at least once a day (ideally twice) with the above measures, you could add some of Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel formula. This has the herb Cascara Sagrada in it which works very well. And it has other herbs in it so it doesn't cause griping pains when you take it.

Some other good all around supplements to help your health would include Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Odorless garlic (counter-intuitive, but it is anti- everything (fungus, yeast, bacteria, viral etc. ) Also, for some reason, I keep thinking Turmeric. Not sure why. But I have seen it help some amazingly with some serious health problems.

Some other things to research would be "oil pulling" (on this website), liver cleanses, anti-candida diet - but I don't want to be overwhelming. Just start with a thing or two, and as it becomes part of your routine, add some more things. It may take multiple different things to help and may take months. But I think we were designed to heal and I think herbs and such were created in part to heal us. But healing can take some time - we healed my son's asthma with simple herbal treatments (nettles and quercetin) but it took a year for him to heal. My little girl's migraines are completely controllable with an herb( feverfew). I sometimes think, How can something so simple work so well? But they do. Sometimes it takes some time to find what works best. It took many months of trial and error to find what helps my daughter's asthma. It was harder than my son's.

Something you can try in the meantime while you are trying to heal is rubbing alcohol. For years, that is all I did for deodorant. I used rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball instead of deodorant. I used it after a shower or as needed. You can even buy at the pharmacy, those little alcohol squares in a little package to keep in your purse for when you need to freshen up when you are out.

Please keep us posted on your progress. I am praying for your wisdom and healing in this! God bless you!
~Mama to Many~

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
185 posts

Hi Mama, You are so very correct, what you have suggested will not only get rid off bad odour but lot of other health problems. God bless you. Baldev

Replied by Mawgee
(Shelton, Wa)

Hi, try magnesium oil for body odor. After shower spray all over body and rub in well (not on nipples or other sensitive parts). You can buy magnesium oil at health food stores. But you can also make your own with magnesium chloride flakes, much cheaper than buying the already made oil. I get mine online, but you can get them at health food stores also. Sometimes it burns a little the first couple uses but that goes away after couple uses. I hope this helps.

Replied by Andrea C
(Cardiff, Wales)

Hi xxxxxxxx I have found that B.O is stronger when your body is trying to detox some thing. I stopped using deodorant, and I can still smell it leaking outta my armpit's..... It's horrible!!!! I am also convinced, the MOLD, in my boyfriend's home has a lot to do with it. He will not have it!!!!! AND........... He work's as a printer... CHEMICALS. My health went seriously down hill since I've been with him. Now 'HE'S starting to show the same symptoms as me, you just can't tell some people. AND, the bloody DENTIST.... I had beautiful teeth and was a quick healer, before I went near them!!! I AM ANGRY....... I was being treated as a 'head case' for ag's, now I got a shopping list of problems. What I am trying to say is, look at your enviroment, and people you associate with. Also 'stress' will cause bad b.o, it's trial and error, trying to find the cause, and hearing other people talk about your problem will stress you out. If I were you I would tell them, "I know what you're saying behind my back, but I am unwell and have no control over my illness causing my BO problem!" That will shut them up! f they ask what is wrong with you, just say, "It's personal, I don't wish to discuss it thank you." I wish you luck. Love andrea c xxxx

Replied by Gail
(Villas, Nj)

Underarm body odor is caused by a zinc deficiency. Take 50mg twice a day for awhile then you can lower it to one. Take with meals as it can cause irritation on empty stomach. Another symptom is white spots on nails though that can be absent and many skin conditions especially psoriasis and acne. Foot odor is usually magnesium deficiency. May this help you.

Replied by Kathy
(The Usa)

Years ago when I lived in a house with a severe mold problem, we were near dismal swamp, I had a horrible perspiration stench. I also ate a lot of processed food. I was told to try "C_____-Dri" and it worked great. It has to be applied thin (it's roll-on) because it can cause itching if you use too much. After you get used to the amount you can tolerate it is a wonderful product. I could get it from a pharmacy at a discount because I purchased it by the case. I don't know if it is still on the market because I moved to an area that was dry and no longer needed it. I also stopped eating so much processed food. Could have been the combination of the two factors... I just don't know.

Replied by Nancy
(Cleveland, Ohio)

To Mary: I am very sorry you are suffering from this situation. Along with everyone elses suggestions, I would also advise you avoid caffeine while in the office or in the morning at least. Both coffee and black tea are known to cause terrible body odor. Best of luck to you.

Replied by Kathy
(The Usa)

Sorry for the delay, Mary... By now I guess you are aware that BSM is Blackstrap Molasses. I am in the process of trying to eat to heal and it's hard to sit here long enough read and answer, sometimes. There is a directory here on EC that defines abbreviations. I am not sure how to pull it up but I know I've seen it. Maybe someone will read this and advise.

EC: Here is a short list of acronyms:

Replied by Kathy
(The Usa)

Mary... I neglected to advise you that if you are deficient in one of the B vitamins you still must take them all because if you don't, you can cause a deficiency in one of the others. Because the B's are water soluble they are not stored in the body and can be replaced every eight hours. I have seen bottles of B-Complex that contain 100mg. of all the B's. That may be better to try first since you don't know why you may be deficient.

I feel it's better to try to find the cause of the BO rather than cover it up.

Replied by Brenda

You do not have to get rid of the smelly clothes. Dip the complete underarm part in ammonia and quickly put it in the washing machine. The ammonia can be slightly diluted with water. You can also add ammonia to your wash cycle but you will still have to dip the underarms of the clothes. You can use a face mask so that you don't have to smell the ammonia. The chlorophyll works for me (liquid or pills). Take it about 30 minutes before your shower, so that it will have time to work.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne Australia)
233 posts

As per Wikipedia, potassium alum in your crystal deodorant is in fact aluminum.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heather (Colorado Springs, Co) on 11/17/2009


Apple Cider Vinegar worked temporarily as a replacement for deodorant. I followed the advice here and started using ACV before I showered, rinsing it off after a few minutes, but not washing it off. The first time I used it I was thrilled. It lasted 2 1/2 days with absolutely no body odor. But the longer I used it, the less effective it was. After a month, it wasn't even lasting a whole day.

So I'm off to try the crystal deodorant in my quest for a natural deodorant that works consistantly.

Replied by Jenny
(Perth, Western Australia)


Yes, the same for me. It worked really well for around a week and I was stoked! Then it lasted shorter and shorter amounts of time. Back to the deodorant.

Replied by Al
(Qc, Philippines)

Guys, try to check dove with 1/4 milk moisturizing soap to use for the underarms, it has zinc content. Then use GLYSOLID Glycerin Cream as your deodorant. Regularly eat green leafy vegetables, parsley. Eat fruits and vegetable rich in zinc and magnesium. Drink plenty of water, warm water if possible every hour. Avoid eating much meat, sweets and avoid soda. Go veggies..

Replied by Monique
(Brooklyn, US)

I've had embarrassing odor for about 3 or 4 years and unfortunately cannot pin point when it started. Just started to realize people were moving away from me once they took a whiff. I suffer from body odor on the skin. My close friends tell me they don't smell anything, I'm crazy, but at school or work people try to move far away from me.

I'm curious to know has anyone tried parsley which is a natural body deodorant. I tried parsley fresh, I blend it with a juice or water and get great results but have to keep up with it everyday. another side affect is lowering the blood pressure so you have to be careful. Has anyone tried speaking with a dermatologist who would be able to explain or diagnose a skin condition, or can they even help. I feel so helpless and alone and when I went to my doctor he said I was crazy he didn't smell anything, it must be in my head.

I have so many questions, can I use white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar to drink/soak in? After the problem is resolved can I continue to wear my clothes or is it a vicious cycle?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Glo1965 (Woodbridge, Virginia) on 08/18/2009

Hello. First, this is an awesome website, I've gotten great advice! I have dealt with horrible, sweatty underarm odor for 13 yrs. I visited this site a few weeks ago and read a little about ACV. When you're in my shoes you'll try anything. I'm pleased to say that this has worked better for me than anything else I've tried. The doctor's have prescribed meds that burn, itch and sting; horrible side effects and more importantly they DON'T WORK!!! I've had a couple of days in this 3 weeks where I think it may have failed me. I apply with a dry cloth in the morning and when it dries I put on deod. Usually as long as I don't sweat I won't stink, so I know throughout the day when it's beginning to happen and there's nothing you can do! Does anyone have suggestions of a more effective way that I should use ACV? I read about applying a few minutes before showering and use plain water under my arms, I will try that today. In the meantime if there is any further advice I'd appreciate that!?..

Replied by Barbara
(Morton, IL)

Hello-I also use ACV as deordorant except on the days I shave underarms. I do not add anything to my underarms after applying the ACV. After air drying, I get dressed for the day. Your perspiration odor may be due to toxins in your body. You may want to take ACV, baking soda & water as posted by Ted. I have noticed a big change in my body odor since taking it consistently for several months. I usually have to launder my blouses after 1 wearing due to underarm stink. Not so anymore. Now I can wear a blouse 2 or 3 times before laundering. ACV is a great de-toxifier. I also use it as a mouthwash,astrigent on my face, itchy skin, and apply it to remove a mole. Good luck. I hope this helps.

Replied by Dana
(Queens, Ny)

(QUESTION) I did the Acv rinse and after I got out of the shower I reapplied and then applied deodarant after it dried. I do notice a difference, becuz If I don't use soap and deodarant I will just have the strongest odor! Just terrible. If I drink the ACV and Baking soda is water will that be better? And would U happen to know why ACV help with Body Odor? I'm really curious.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angela (Charlotte, Nc) on 08/10/2009

I am so very thankful for the remedies found on this site. I have had underarm issues for the last 30 years. I've tried everything from bathing in baking soda to using a men's deordorant---nothing worked!! Not until ACV. I am tickled at how well my self-confidence has hit the ROOF! I take a bath twice a week with 1cup ACV 1cup Baking Soda. Daily I use a cotton swab to wipe under my arms. I still use deordorant. However, I'm glad to say it's a woman's deordorant. Also, my next had an odor when I sweat. Therefore, I swab my neck everyday. In fact, my neck discoloration has gone away. I am African-American and figured my neck was naturally dark. Not anymore. Thanks Earthclinic for saving my LIFE!

Replied by River City Girl
(Richmond, Va, United States)

To Angela from Charlotte and others: When you rub ACV on your neck then go about your day...don't you smell like vinegar? I have your same trouble with the neck and upper chest smell. I tried peroxide on a cotton ball and it worked, but only for about 10 minutes :0( So do I have a choice? smell like vinegar or smell like body oder? What do you all use to not smell like vinegar? I'm blown away that so many of us have the same problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenn (Duluth, Minnesota) on 07/15/2009

I am a twenty-five year old female that has horrible strong under arm odor. I cannot even handle how bad I smell sometimes! I have tried everything to a different deoderant every day, using men's deoderant, shaving twice a day to once a week, scrubbing my arm pits until they were raw, to the crystal deoderant,... needless to say nothing has worked. I either stunk really bad or sweated profuersuly, or both. All of my t-shirts have stains on them or they stink baad! I was reading through the body odor part on and it said to use AVC. And I am willing to try anything, so I went out and bought ___ ACV. I figure that I will try anything for my body odor. I Dapped some on a cotton round and then dapped it onto my under arms and you would not believe it,.. I am still smelling fresh at the end of the day!! I DEFINATLY advise everyone to use ACV for under arm "deoderant"!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Atlanta55 (Athens, GA) on 07/06/2009

Hi Everyone, I've been trying the ACV method (putting a general amount on before I shower, then rinsing - no soap!), and it's not long did it take those of you who were successful to see results? I also tried baking soda under my arms for a couple of days, with no success....I'm also drinking ACV, so hopefully that will work...

No antipersperant or deos work for me - I've even tried perscription strength with no success, so I'm getting frustrated!

Did anyone find that they had to do this for a while to see results?


Replied by Kelly
(Chicago, Il)

I too have an issue and the ACV is not working. I even went out and bought the organic with "Mother". Applied it, waited 3 minutes, took a shower (no soap), also did not use any deo or antipersperants, but as soon as I start to get a little hot, I might as well jump back in the shower. I have been doing this for over a month, and it still hasn't worked. I even tried to do another application at night before I went to bed, but the morning had the same results.

Has drinking acv worked any better for you?

I've read that if your body was low on B vitamins, zinc and magnesium that you might have body odor. So I am trying to eat more foods with those in them. If that fails, I might just take those kinds of vitamins. If that fails as well, I'm not sure what else to do. I've even went to the dermatologist who prescriped something that smelled like rotten eggs that burned my pitts, but still did not work. I think that might have been for someone that has excessive sweating, but I don't have that, just the smell. And of course my left side is worse than my right.

I was curious if anyone read anything about hormones being out of whack might have anything to do with this. I'm only 30, but I guess that might be a possibility. I'm willing to try almost anything to not have the odor anymore.

Replied by Maury
(Nr. Baltimore, Md.)

For body odor try zinc ointment, and you can sprinkle on some talc free powder if you want to smell nice.

Replied by Kje10959
(Bedford, Nh)

I too had bad underarm odor. I tried the ACV and it sort of worked but I kept at it. I realized that the odor was coming from the residue of the deoderants (all natural ones) that had remained in my clothes. After several washes of all my shirts the residue is finally gone and so it the odor. You can try spraying your underarm area on your shirts with white vinegar or a stain remover before laundering to help remove the residue. After it's gone, I KNOW you will have results with the ACV. It took about 2 months for me to finally say ACV works!!! I used to spray the vinegar on before showering and then again when I was out of the shower. Now I only wash with a clean washcloth (I do that area first, NO soap), and when I get out and dry off, I spray the armpit area and rub it all around the whole area. If it's going to be hot and I know I'll be sweaty, I'll repeat the spray once the first one has dried. This has been successful for me. Don't give up, it does work!!!

Replied by Bce
(Sav, Jamaica)

Try 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoon of acv in 8 oz of juice or water and drink on empty stomach daily. when you are going to bathe, wet up you whole body, then put some baking soda in you hand. wipe under one arm then the other then to all the places that you have odor or to your whole body. use you soap on your rag and soap your whole body and then wash off. you will feel very fresh when you are finished. trust me!

Replied by Nancy
(West Bloomfield, Michigan)

I started having bad odor from under my arms after my second child was born at 30 years old, I had alot of mood changes and my doctor said that my hormones were thrown out of wack from the pregnancy, I ve had bad odor, night sweats and hot flashes since, its strange that my right armpit is worse then the left, well I've tried alot of stuff but didn't have any luck, but I know Apple Cider Vinegar does get rid of odors as I've used it in a vaginal douche, so I will try it under arms too, hope it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jackie (Lawrenceville, GA) on 06/24/2009

Well, because of so many medications I have to take, I have developed embarrassing body orders. I tried the ACV and I couldn't believe it, this really works!!! I put it on 3 minutes before I take a shower. No more deodorants, no more harsh perfumes or other types of chemical. This is my fourth day of using this remedy and I am really happy with the results. I recommend this to everybody:) Thanks earthclinic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Noelle (Tampa, FL) on 03/22/2009

ACV cured my acid reflux (and made me smell like roses!) ok, maybe not roses, but it definitely stopped any sort of bacterial growth that caused my body odor.

i take acv orally, 2 tablespoons per glass of water, every morning and two hours before bed. i was diagnosed with acid reflux at 12 and took pills off and on but i feel so free. Apple Cider Vinegar freed me naturally!

I also keep the acv in the shower and before i turn on the water i put some music on, pour the acv all over my body (i pour a little in my hand and then rub on my body), dance around for 2 minutes and then spend my shower rinsing, NO SOAP!. after the vinegar smell goes away i towel off and go about my business. every deodorant ive ever tried has let me down, time and time again, but this stuff-i love it! i ride my bicycle 10 miles a day commuting and i sniff and sniff and check and check and nothing-no smell at all, its a beautiful thing. i want to shout from the rooftops! These pharmaceutical companys tell us that we have to use their products, their chemicals- and we dont! we just need to go back to nature.

Replied by Nature Boy
(Ft Laud, Fla Usa)

Noelle, u r a funny man and I enjoyed ur post. im gonna do it just like you did, but I will have to get some grip tape for my shower. I dont wanna defeat the purpose by trying to get rid of b/o and break my neck dancing in the shower. That would be like the pharmicuticl companys saying here take this it will help with ur depression but whoops it destroys ur liver, just a minor side effect.

Replied by Hagi
(Calgary, Canada)

hagi from canada it is very nice to know about the results of ACV and I tried this product it really helped thank you earth clinic for this wonderfull website

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kj (Philadelphia, PA) on 03/02/2009

I've been using ACV instead of deodorant for the past week and it works! I can go over 24 hours without having any odor. I sweat in my sleep and thought the ACV would surely fail me-- it didn't! I may never use deodorant again! I can't wait to see if this works in the summer.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (Charlotte, NC) on 02/21/2009

I LOVE this site! AMAZING! Yes, the ACV works miracles for under-arm BO. I mean, I haven't used deoderant in days!! I'm so glad b/c I was tired of putting toxic aluminum crap on my skin. I just dab some ACV on a cotton ball, apply it to my pits about 3-4 mins before I get in the shower, rinse off and I'm good for the WHOLE day! And the nght! I usually sweat a lot at night, so that was the ultimate test.I mean NO ODOR. It's wonderful..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Constance (Los Angeles, California) on 01/19/2009

I am a new member and I used the Apple Cider Vinegar remedy for underarm odor and I am shocked that it works. I must use it daily; otherwise, it doesn't work for me. I would also like to mention that some cause of body odor is caused by a condition called Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) - it is a rare metabolic disorder. There is much information online about it. Good Luck and thanks agains for the ACV remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne Cutty (New York, New York) on 12/11/2008

I put apple cider vinegar to the test for underarm deodorant. I am pleased to report that it works! Here's the skinny: I dunk a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to my underarms. The trick to making this remedy work for at least 24 hours (no odor whatsoever) is to wait before you jump in the shower. I try to wait a minimum of 2 minutes. I have tested the time frame for the past week and washing it off under 2 minutes from the time you apply it shortens its effectiveness. So go and brush your teeth or hop around the apartment to some music before you wash it off. The longer you leave it on, the better. Also like someone else reported here, I don't use soap to wash the vinegar off. I just hold my arms up one at a time to the shower and then do a sniff test.

The real test will be next summer on a hot and humid Manhattan day, but so far so good this season!

Replied by Lynda
(San Francisco, CA)

Which ACV exactly should I buy? Can anyone tell me which works for you? Should it be diluted or filtered?

Replied by Jeremiah
(San Diego, California)

Lynda, I would highly recommend buying an Organic, Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, since filtered processes out a lot of the beneficial enzymes, as well as "the Mother", and unless you like an EXTREMELY tart, acidic taste in your mouth, I would highly suggest diluting it. Earth Clinic has an ACV Recipe page for dilution instructions.

I myself like to buy ___ Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, although I have tried ____ when my store was out of stock as far _____'s. Those two are the one's I would personally recommend, as both are Organic, both are Unfiltered, and both definitely get the job done :-)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tim (Berkeley, CA) on 11/21/2008

I found out about apple cider vinegar as a deodorant about 1 year ago and have tried various amounts and ways of applying it. It works really well and I have settled on applying filtered ACV via a small spray bottle right before I get into the shower in the morning. I leave it on for about 1-2 minutes as I brush my teeth and then get into the shower and wash it off. It leaves me odor free all day. I love it and 2 of my friends have adopted this method and now swear by it as well.

Replied by Tess
(Palm Beach, FL)

Tim, thank you for your post about acv curing body odor. I tried your technique the past 2 days and it has worked fabulously! I used a very cheap brand of apple cider vinegar from the grocery store (not organic but "all natural") and applied it straight using a doused cotton ball to my armpits about 2-3 minutes before getting in the shower. I did not use soap to remove the smell, just hot water. It does last all day! I worked out at the gym last night and even though I had a good sweat, still no smell. I had been using the baking soda remedy but gave up on it recently as it caused too much irritation. Thanks again for your post!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Sachse, TX) on 07/26/2008

I'm not sure about cellulite, but I'm sure if anything would work ACV would. I had horrible acne and started applying it straight topically and taking two table spoons internally daily. Also started applying it to my arm pits nightly. I had a horrible problem with deodorant not working after my first pancreatic attack. I now only have to apply deodorant once in the morning. No reapplying 3 or 4 times during the day. I noticed after about a week that I was using the restroom more regularly. Because I have Pancreatitis, sometimes my food does not digest properly. The ACV has also helped with this. I have never believed in anything the way I believe in Apple Cider Vinegar. It is inexpensive and good for you. So even if it doesn't work for Cellulite it will make you feel better over all. I have heard of people using ACV as a fat flush to lose weight. Maybe that is why it has helped with some peoples cellulite. Good Luck!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007

I have been using ACV for months now instead of deodorant. I use cold shower therapy and no soap and the vinegar is working great. When you apply it, be sure to go over the area well and not miss a spot. Cut the vinegar with water if you are sensitive. I have showered in the morning, applied ACV, done a vigorous Tae Kwon Do workout (1 hour)at noon, reshowered and NOT reapplied ACV and gone through the day without odor. In fact, sometimes it lasts until the next morning! I do believe there is something about anxiety perspiration that is different than our everyday perspiration however, because whenever I have a big social event or an occasion where I may have to do some public speaking, the vinegar has failed me. I have to rely on that nasty commercial deodorant on those days and I hate it! I would love to get some feedback on using ACV like this.

Replied by Dana
(Rosedale, Ny)

I'm so happy you mentioned anxiety perspiration because this is the problem I am having along with sweating(nothing excessive) I can feel nervous and not show it but I will just start to smell. I am going to try this I have the organic acv with mother and now I can get rid of my problem. I just recently got a prescription of the generic brand of drysol, it works if you keep using it but it turned my armpits so dark, and the itch is unbearable. I will be using apple cider vinegar from now on!

Replied by Gloria
(Washington, Dc)

Hi Dana---I hope you've found some relief... May I suggest that your odor may be coming from your digestive system. If you are not eliminating your bowels regularly and completely at least once a day, you may have a build up of bacteria, which escapes the body through our sweat, our breath etc. You should try a good colon cleanser, be sure to take fiber, omega fish oil 3-6-9, and probiotics with it. Try this and you should notice a difference within a week. You may still sweat some, but without the embarrassing odor.

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