ORH Remedies
I no longer have a desktop I can type on easier so this repy is not easy. Hubs diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. I looked up all ingredients of drugs he was put on, side effects and compatibility. He was on all kinds of drugs that have side effects that include high blood pressure. He was then put on drugs for high blood pressure and told he may have to have open heart surgery. The drugs for HBP were two strengths of carvedilol that he couldn't continue to take because they made him feel so bad. Without wordy detail, marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing as carvedilol just not as fast and doesn't include other fillers. Personally I feel, and it has been my experience that the binders, fillers and capsules cause more problems. I hope this will help. I just started using it. I am going to try to spin it into a powder.
Marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing for the heart as carvedilol but without the fillers.
(somewhere, europe)
ORH! Good to hear from you! No, I know nothing about AFIB, but it does my ol' heart good to hear from you.
Dear ORH Now that I finally got something posted on here I'll add what the article said about marjoram. I copied it but didn't include the reference. I am looking... "Marjoram helps to widen and relax blood vessels easing the flow of blood which takes strain off the heart and reduces BP." I would suggest you Google compatibility with other meds you are taking. KT
Hi ORH... I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with Afib. I only have two suggestions for you. First you should start taking a herb called Arjuna terminalia. In Ayurvedic medicine, this herb is a much revered herb for the heart. This herb resolves a multitude of heart problems including Afib. And when I say it's revered -- it's been a mainstay treatment for multifarious heart problems in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. That means that Arjuna works. Arjuna is a well known cardioprotective and cardiotonic. Arjuna acts to strengthen the heart, corrects heart rhythms, stops hardening of the arteries, cures angina, cures edema and also has anti-inflammatory action. Dosage is 500mg per day to a max dose of 1500mg per day (in 3 split dosages). Arjuna has no known or observable side-effects. It's very safe. https://www.ayurtimes.com/terminalia-arjuna-arjun-tree/ Secondly you should seriously consider taking curcumin or tumeric powder as a heart protective. There has been much research on the beneficial activities of tumeric for the heart and I haven't got room to discuss all it's other many benefits here. I'm currently regularly taking organic tumeric in yellow powder form as a heart protective, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, brain protective(anti-dementia), hepatoprotective and anti-fungal because you will get the benefit of the oil soluble curcumin plus the benefit of all the other water soluble constituents of tumeric powder as well. Here's some of the research on tumeric/curcumin: https://www.turmericforhealth.com/turmeric-benefits/how-turmeric-benefits-your-heart I just take my tumeric dose with my coffee and here's how I prepare it. I add a teaspoon of organic tumeric powder to the coffee cup. Then I add some pepper. Pepper contains piperine which will increase the absorption of tumeric into your body by a factor of about 2000 times. Then I just add some coconut oil because curcumin is oil soluble. Mix well. Then add the coffee and hot water and just sip it down. I take this once or twice a day with coffee from the bean. Also bear in mind that tumeric is a very useful anti-fungal. I mention this because fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, can and do invade the heart muscle region to cause serious problems. I also freely admit to being somewhat paranoid about fungus -- I never want fungus dominating my body ever again. I also know that you've said in the past that you are still battling with candida problems. And, since candida can invade any organ or tissue in the body, maybe that fungus is the root cause of all your heart problems. So there's another good reason to take tumeric. Just trying to cover all the bases. All the best to you...
Hi ORH - I echo mmsg's sentiments – it's good to hear from you. I'm not an A Team member but my mother had Afib and, although her magnesium levels were fine, her potassium levels were dangerously low so she had to use potassium supplements to get it higher (her appetite had declined so diet really wasn't an option). Potassium really helped (evidently, we need 4,700 mg of potassium daily). You might find the following interesting. https://www.livingwithatrialfibrillation.com/3094/potassium-and-atrial-fibrillation/ I'm glad Bill (definitely an A Team member!) responded to you as well . . . Take care.
Mold? Were you exposed to mold? Some time ago i suffered from anxiety, racing repetative thoughts, headaches and body pain especially after eating, insomnia. I was experimenting with different treatments and took a large dose of coloidal silver (1/4 cup) and lugol's iodine (+2 droppers 2%) one night before going to bed. Everything stopped and i felt very much at peace. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning feeling great. It comes back now and then. I think it may be related to drinking and bathing in contaminated water. Other things that help are fresh turmeric and ginger smoothies and raw garlic, castor oil taken internally.
Bill,,,,,,,,,, just want to thank you for your response. You have helped me numerous times over the years. I did appreciate the cheers from all the old folks that have been with us over the years. I have concocted a daylight and dark tonic that I take and it is keeping my heart from going totally crazy. The nice lady that called from Denver said that her husband was in AFIB for 16 years and Turpentine got him out of that trauma. I have used turpentine for candida and at your suggestion for my infected tooth and that worked. I am waiting on the good stuff from South GA. I follow some bright folks about this virus thing and we will hunker down at the end of this week. We have prepared to isolate ourselves for two months. We live where Columbus was headed in 1492 and that was the end of the world. Ten Mile, Tn is pretty dang close. Thanks for being my buddy. ====ORH====
Hi orh! It's Patti from Pa. Spoke to us over few yrs about the afib treatments. We are all still hanging in there & that's a good thing! Nice to know! Some things work better than others, I'm sure you'll agree! That's what I've found! And Taurine & Larginine& Hawthorn have been my mainstay! Hope it helps!
ORH here, self isolating and hunkering to avoid this virus stuff. Anyways, I's been reading and learned that you can make apple cider vinegar from apple scraps. As all know we have an apple orchard and make many gallons of apple juice each year, and throw our scraps in the woods for critters to eat. We have always bought Braggs over the years and all this time I could have been making it myself. It has an almost unlimited self life and thus , I have a new project. The Lord said he would provide and he does…. if we would just listen. Had several slices of the pork belly for breakfast that I cured a few weeks ago. Pretty good and reminded me of my youth when almost all bacon was salt cured . I fried it in the leaf lard that I had recently rendered. Doing lots of things that Bill and the fine lady from Denver told me to do about my AFIB situation. It ain't right, but I's still above ground. Got a struggling couple that want to help us garden on shares, otherwise, think gardening would be a thing of the past for us. I truly think something good will come out of this pandemic. This one world stuff is not working. Life is best when it is a family and community thing. ====ORH====
(Culleoka, TN)
Hi ORH, I'm in Culleoka, TN. I was looking on the web for causes of AFIB for my husband and found that vinegar can be the cause. This seems to be one of the causes because we had cucumber slices in rice wine vinegar last night and he is still having issues today. Also in the article above they mention the apple cider vinegar as a possible cause.
ORH here, guess you are Mrs Brian K, huh? Anyways, looked your town up and you 5 X biggern Ten Mile and over in whiskey country. I think you need to research some more because I don't buy into your vinegar theory. AFIB is an electrical thing and that can have lots of sources, including parasites in your heart. You country and know that dogs have heart worms that can be caused by mosquitoes. Ms Brian......... life is very interesting. I am excited that in a year and a half I will be 85 and smart as all get out. Missed out at 65 and 75, but think 85 is the magic number. Glory. ====ORH====
Hi there, vinegar definately sets me off into AF, as does yoghurt, chocolate, alcholol free wine. Thanks
Soak your feet in a basin with warm water and Epsom Salts for 20 minutes every other day. I have suffered for years and just recently started this and even though I am 75 I mowed the lawn yesterday with no problems. Epsom Salts contain magnesium and the body soaks up what it needs. Also, a friend ended up in hospital recently with a racing heart and after they tried every thing they could think of, they put magnesium in the drip and it stopped immediately. Look up Dr Caroline Dean you will learn more about magnesium and see what she has to say about the benefits of magnesium.
(Crescent City, CA)
I take 500mg 2 x per day and have for the last 2 years, but recently developed A-fib. I don't know about magnesium being a fix. Just my experience here. I do have a pacemaker for a 3rd Degree AV Node block (again, the electrical part of my heart) that has worked perfectly (makes me forget I have an issue at all since 1997) but still developed A-fib. I'm here searching for answers.
Thank you for yours but I realize one size doesn't fit all.
Hi Eve,
Arjuna has blood thinning properties so it is recommended to first consult with your practitioner and adjust your anticoagulant accordingly during therapy.
ORH Remedies
GUESS I GOT WORMS,,,,,,,,,,,, HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, Still seeking a solution for my heart problem. Allowed Wellness group to run a test and they found that I had heart parasites and a tape worm. We'll see. Taking their homeopathic drops this weekend and get retested Monday. Follower of Hulda Clark and she was the first to know that all critters have a wave frequency they put out. Dr Royal Rife also knew this and he developed a device to put out the same frequency and kill the buggers. The Med field ruined him before he ruined them. Few can challenge the heresy of the medical field , least they be ruined. My wellness group want to know my Rife Machine Model because they think I can use it for my problem. I have no clue and just telling one of my usual true stories. Still go to my cardiologist next Friday. I will go down any trail that gives me relief. Ole age is about as interesting as I can stand. It only seems like yesterday when I was playing on the HS Tennis team. Life is interesting. ====ORH====
Hi ORH, This subject just keeps coming up everywhere I look. Parasites and cancer. Now parasites and heart disease. I am beginning to wonder how much damage these can cause. Any way, I don't know if you read the recent posts on fenbendazole (aka panacur c, a dog dewormer)? It also came up on the LDN site, so I started to pay attention. Here is the link to one man's story and follow-up with others: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/Shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective A doctor at Arthur Anderson told him they had done research on this drug in the 90's on cancer and parasites, and a drug had been created as a result that was pulled because there was no money in it. Interesting, for sure. I think you are on to something very significant here, not only for your heart but the cancer that shows up from time to time on your testing. Please keep us posted. You may be killing more than one bird with this stone! Since it is believed that all autoimmune diseases begin in the gut, I am going to try this, too, and see if I can finally shake off what ails me but seems elusive to remedy. Best of luck to you, as always.
HI U RSW,,,,,,,,,, we have corresponded over the years and I appreciate your post. You know that my idol, Hulda Clarke, always said that all disease is because of parasites. MD Anderson is not a favorite place of mine. Had lots of kin and friends go there and they were not helped at all. All died. I research and this new bunch has my interest. They think my heart problem is either due to my skeleton alignment or a toxin. I think they are right. Something is messin up my brain to heart talk. EDTA Chelation was supposed to be my savior. I had no clue about this electrical communication thing. I will reread your URL and maybe start eating dog stuff. I know that I have had low grade cancer several times and handled that naturally. Few people will do that. I have a 71 year old buddy that was drenched daily with Round up in Vietnam. He is now a sick, sick fellow and knows what's ahead and he's gone from the class cut up to a very bitter person. The VA has it down pat. Eventually your whole body goes to pot. He knows his future health. Again, thank you for being my friend. Just hope folks are entertained with my true stories. ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
Best of luck with your procedure next Thursday, ORH. The Earth Clinic family will be thinking of you. I'm sure Mary took your comments in stride. She does sound like she is a gentle lady. Take care - think good thoughts and let us know how you're doing.
Hi ORH, Just wanted to wish you the best on your ablation next Thursday. I will put you on the prayer list at my church and Bible Study. Please try and post at the end of the week so we know you are OK. I hope you feel a lot better after the procedure. I have enjoyed your posts on Earth Clinic for many years, and have learned a lot from you. You are a straight shooter, and that's one of the things I like best about your posts! Take care and may God bless you and your tractor driver.
RSW, NONNIE,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you kidding me? Was at the farm this morning gathering fire wood when my Tractor Driver shows up and tells me that my Cardiologist folks want to see me today at 3pm. She then picked him a gallon of purple muscadines that are big as jaw breakers. I 'bout in nervous city with all these fun and games. Get there and they tell me that my last test shows that my heart has weaken. They take my oxygen and require me to walk briskly down the hall and back. My oxygen was still good So they tell me to do that again. My oxygen was still good so they said the game is on. We gave them the muscadines and they were grinning from ear to ear. Who said country folks can't get along with city slickers. They knew the sweat it took to grow them. ====ORH====
(Pueblo of Acoma, NM)
Greetings, ORH. So sorry to hear about the latest development regarding the heart parasites. VRM2 is another option I would highly recommend considering since it is actually for humans, but has been used successfully to treat dogs with heart worms. I cured my old boy, Buddy, using it and he had a severe case. It is available from North Star Chiropractic and is very reasonable. Sending healing blessings your way - always enjoy your posts - good information and a delightful manner of speaking. Keep us posted! Flower's Mom
ORH Remedies
HI U OLD PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after my CT Scan both my ankles turned red and itched. On research I found that folks with blood cancer have this reaction. I was concerned and I called my Dr's office and was told to stop going on the internet. I think something is wrong because I have had blood cancer in the past and treated it my self. Oh well, I'm ahead of the stats so I should just be thankful. Tn is now spraying the roadside instead of mowing. The sprayed us last month and now my roadside muscadine vines are dying. Wrote our road guy and told him that I will cause him grief.......... and I will. Worked for 25 years to get this orchard and am going to raise holy hell. This is crazy stuff. We are killing ourselves. I do all this garden stuff to avoid Round up and the gov. ruins my garden with what I'm trying to avoid. This is about money. I promise you that our national gov is involved. Some lobbyist hooked a rider on an essential bill that will require the states to use round up instead of mowing. I plan to raise holy hell. ====ORH====
Keep fighting the good fight, ORH! It's a lonely battle. I agree it's very difficult taking care of our own health when various agencies (around the world) make decisions for us - whether it's sanctified destruction (Roundup spraying), enforced vaccinations, technology that hasn't been tested properly (5G effects on humans, insects, bees, etc.) - it seems we've become guinea pigs despite our best efforts. Your gumption is admirable - I wish you the best of luck!
ORH Remedies
ORH Remedies
(United States)
Greetings ORH, I am one of those people greatly inspired by your health walk and awesome experience with life. I know a man who had heart a procedure at 77 years of age and at ninety he still travels around and out of America My uncle does works with concrete. He is up in His eighties and doing this construction work. For about the last ten years, he has been going in to the hospital about once a year to get his heart beat reset. He goes in the morning and when he comes home he goes to work in his garden or wherever. The point there is he doesn't have to go to seat still after procedure. Anyway he always goes out when he comes home. "Knowing when to give in" has added decades to many lives. HisJewel
ORH Remedies
I noticed another person leaving a post also in TN mention something about this parasite in TN after the water system was cleared. I believe it was on a borax post.
Trish,,,,,,,,, I have learned that AFIB and H Pylori are hand and glove. Ozonated water will kill that bacteria. Just learned this, but I am too far along to turn back now. Also, I think everyone is over looking UBI , which was used before antibiotics. Ablation may stop my misery, but it does not solve my problem. We have a bugger bear that is just now becoming known. Go to any hospital and the people are not real. We have a someone messing with us and it has to be through our food . It has to be a bright individual who wants to control the world. That used to be the military folks........ now it is the pencil neck nerds. ====ORH====
(West of Hawaii, South of Japan.)
I suggest check in with a good osteopath (the Canadian kind osteopathic manual practitioner, not the US kind, essentially a doctor) or chiropractor. There will be stuff going on in the spine that influences or interferes with the electrical signalling. See: BMJ (I think about 1984) - a somatic component to myocardial infarction and New Scientist: high blood pressure is a pain in the neck. Of course, just because there is a connection doesn't mean every chiro and every osteo can sort it safely. These are special skills. So be sure to get a recommendation first. Also look up Dr Carolyn Dean - remineralise your heart
ORH Remedies
(Ten Mile, TN)
YEP IT'S ME AGAIN,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you follow this thread you wii find that for a few years , I have all the answers and then for a few years , I don't know sheet. That's the way us humans are. We 'bout half smart. Right now I feel very dumb. ====ORH====
(United States)
Greetings ORH, "Ole Robert Henry, You are smarter than you think, it just that there's always more to learn, after we learn. My worst dealings with AFIB almost always happen soon After I EAT a high carb meal. Especially eat out, fries, smoothies coffee, donuts etc. The Magnesium, and potassium helps to slow down and regulate my heart beat. And I found out that if I take fulvic acid just a drop or three in water helps me tremendously to avoid AFIB, but I had to start with a half drop for at least a week. the brand I ordered is strong. HisJewel
(United States)
ORH, I just want to add to my previous post that I use a liquid Fulvic Acid. The bottle says, "Fulvic Acid Minerals. HisJewel
(United States)
Hi There again ORH and EC, I found Bill Thompson's post on Fulvic Acid and noticed he used Iodine when taking Fulvic Acid to even things out. That may be key to successful use. Here is his post. Bill from San Fernando, Philippines March 14, 2013 at 8:15 am Hi Lauren… I use humic/fulvic acid on a weekly basis. I also just buy it from the garden center as granules or powder because its way cheaper than buying the organic or edible “standardized” forms. To make the drink I just add a small amount of Humic Acid to water so that the water has a light brown see-through appearance(not black). I also always add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to make the water alkaline. Then I just add a few drops of lugols iodine or a few drops of 10% sodium thiosulphate to remove any heavy metals and bad halogens and then just drink it like that. Humic acid is just 75 million year old plant humus that has been broken down by enzymes and has also had high thermodynamic pressure applied to it because it is found compacted in rock strata. Humic Acid makes body metabolism much more efficient, it is a wonderful detoxer of poisons and also has strong anti-viral action.
(United States)
Hello ORH. I just had two AFibs while in hospital for vertigo. Thankfully I was there, but, I do like looking for natural helps while I'm out. I'm on Metoprolol for now, but, I take basic vitamins everyday A, B12, C1000, D3 and Omega 3s, and I also take Magnesium Citrate (listed above) as well. Having a whole-food only diet may help too. Wish you the best.
PACs Trigger Identified
Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) GONE…HOW???? WHY???
Well, I have used all the treatments on here, but not until I found the reason it was happening.
My esophagus has thin skin, the nerves of the vagus nerve are irritated when you have reflux/eaten aggravating foods. Then the vagus nerve gets irritated….that is why magnesium (calms nerves), advil (removes inflammation), water (coats throat temporarily and stops dehydration), but no one could identify WHY…
THIS IS WHY…so stop the inflammation, the reflux (hiatial hernia is popped up, push it down), drink pickle juice to reduce acid to help reflux).
NO MORE PACS, NOTHING. Eat ice cream to help inflammation, but mostly, get the reflux under control, use epsom salt to keep a relaxed airway, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE PACS.
Being a margarita drinker, thought it was alcohol…no unless you are dehydrated, it was the lime juice causing reflux, then causing inflammation of the vagus nerve, then the cycle begins and won't end until you get the vagus nerve to calm down and not be inflamed.
FINALLY, THANK GOD, I always thought I was going to die, now, a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF….
I hope this helps someone.
One more thing, as you age, stop taking magnesium pills. THEY DON'T WORK because they are not absorbed well enough. I make my own spray, use Magnesium Chelate (amazon), put in spray bottle with hot water….spray on chest, skin, neck, etc. NOW you will feel the relief you cannot get with pills…same with potassium….TAKE LIQUID NOT PILLS< THEY DON'T WORK. PACS…GONE, GONE, GONE…do it, try it, you will thank your lucky stars for this website….THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC
Salt Tablet
A foot note, US Soldiers in areas of high temperature in SE Asia had to take a salt pill every day to keep from dehydration & an anti malaria pill hydroxychloroquinee daily to prevent malaria. No reported side effects either.
Sea Salt
I want to share/update my story: I was using 2 tbsp of olive oil per day (calms vagus nerve), one drop of potassium iodide, adrenals, magnesium and calcium, taurine, coq 10 and b vitamins-all of which helped a lot! The medications did not help at all. Then a weird thing happened. I got acute mononucleosis at 65 years of age. I was hospitalized repeatedly because my salt levels dropped so low that it was life threatening. My Afib went absolutely crazy. I realized that salt was maybe a factor. One of the doctors said that your body keeps salt in tight control so that your heart can beat correctly. If you run low, it will take it from your bones (! ). If it can't find the salt anywhere….well you're ready to meet your maker. I never liked salt and guess I was deficient prior to getting sick.
I have recovered completely from the mono BUT I started taking 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per day. If my heart starts skipping, I immediately go for the salt or sometimes take Biolyte (a rehydration drink). This has just about eradicated my Afib. It's worth considering if you have this problem, especially with low blood pressure. Do not use processed salt. Only sea or natural salt. Hope that this helps someone out there. Can't believe it was that simple!!!! This site has been so helpful. 💚💙❤️💜
Sodium Bentonite Clay
(Sofia, Bulgaria)
Diatomaceous Earth is the same as the clay. Does bentonite clay cure AF or does it cleanse your small intestine to better absorb the nutrients vital to your heart/rhythm health? I suspect the latter. I did notice some improvement while taking this, shrunk hemorrhoids in 30 days, and tho it did not keep me out of AF, the supplements seemed to work faster to get me back to NSR. 6 months is a long time to work. If that's all you took and did not stop triggers, that is truly amazing and absolutely worth a shot. Beats the regimen of deadly drugs they put us on.
(AL, US)
(NH, US)
No, I didnt mean to say they are the same item, just that they may have the same effect on our body, removing toxins. I believe Bentonite Clay is from the earth and Diatomaceous Earth is from algae in the sea beds. The 3 types of BC are not recommended for internal use, however the calcium type is suggested as it is more easily digested and moves through the colon where sodium and potash may clog the colon. With either one I would suggest drinking a lot of water. Some have suggested a blend of DE and BC 6 to 1 with great success. Bottom line, whatever removes toxins and gives us better absorption of minerals.
(London, Uk)
(Miami, FL)
Thank you for your input. For objectivity purpose one should state what he has done for his condition and if it helped. Theories and assumptions (will help in 80% cases) don't add value to one's post and are strictly personal perception. Well formed stool indicates slow bowel function. Stools have to be soft to indicate healthy elimination.
This is very interesting. I have had AF on and off for 34 years. It used to happen very infrequently to begin with but over the years, especially in the past 10 years it increased in frequency to around 4-5 a year, each lasting an average of 6 hours. Over the past two years they have become more frequent with one episode about every two months or less. Three weeks ago I had another episode which lasted more than 12 hours, so I got myself to hospital and to cut the story short, I was sent home with beta-blockers and an anticoagulant.
This was by way of a background, but my main point in response to this post is that I also have what I describe as chronic constipation and sometimes other digestive issues. Especially since my hospital admission, I have been getting frequent but short-lasting episodes of atopic beats (a few odds heart beats, which quickly revert to natural 'sinus' rhythm). At the same time, I often feel a sensation which seems to originate from my guts but I can't distinguish from a possible cardiac origin, which makes me wonder whether it is a cardiac or gastric issue. After reading this article, I am wondering whether the effect of pressure from an only partially emptied large intestine on the vagal nerve, could have an effect on the heart, and be the culprit with regard to my AF. I am going to start a quest on finding ways of dealing with my very long-standing bowel issue, which will hopefully help not only with my AF but also result in better removal of toxins from the body, which will have benefits in every respect.
Thank you for this article.
Symptoms…constipation and AFib are usually caused by low magnesium. Get the book, The Magnesium Miracle by Dr Carolyn Dean. Library might have it. It will give you much information on your symptoms and magnesium.
(northern calif)
Hi Laz, I found a video on YouTube.York Cardiology England a few years ago regarding the vagus nerve, stomach, palpitations and the digestion of food. This Cardiologist explains why your heart has irregular beats sometimes and the connection with the vagus nerve. I notice he has put out several more videos. One is called Palpitations and the Vagus nerve and the other one is The Gastrocardiac Syndrome. This really help me to understand my irregular heart beats.I also started taking magnesium, your heart and muscles love magnesium, lol
Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
I have suggested previously that my afib was caused by toxic blood and that my PH was off. I have since put it all together even more and have cured my afib with a simply effective therapy. Since it is my belief AFIB is an over acid condition caused by poor gut function, poor adrenal function, poor diet, etc I have addressed those issues. Anyone can see the things I have tried over the years and believe me no one supplement will do it, but a long term therapy will. My final solution to this problem is unique and maybe a bit unusual for those not as familiar with this monster as I am. I take bentonite clay and probiotics as my major therapy. The bentonite pulls the toxins and acids from the body and the probiotics creates healing conditions in the colon. None of this comes in a short time this takes over a year of work. The bentonite is the best thing to draw acids from the body, and those acids create conditIons when the heart surface tissue becomes inflamed and irritated resulting in what we know as afib. I take sodium bentonite in a liquid bentonite from a well known company that supplies the product. First use of bentonite can cause constipation so use should be for 3 days on 4 days off until one gets used to it.Probiotics should be a good brand like Key or dr Ohhiras. If one wants to speed the process a bit diet change can come to play, maybe not a radical as mine since I have become mostly vegetarian. It takes time to heal the monster give yourself a year at least. For more information on this and to get products one can look up unique healing on youtube or simply buy your own wherever you like. It works for me and should work for you.
(Missouri, US)
(Tavernier, Fl)
In my search for a cure I realized I was using crutches in the form of many supplements. I have also found the root to all conditions such as afib, or all chronic conditions such as asthma, cancer diabetes etc is either toxicity and or deficiency. I have also discovered that the best way to eliminate the toxic conditions in the body is with bentonite clay, food grade sodium bentonite. Small amounts do not cure, large does. The stools should be massive, and daily, not small and occasional.
My AFIB is getting less and less to the point that I seldom have an attack and if I do a large bowel movement usually corrects it. Benonite not only pulls toxins from the colon but also pulls toxins from the organs and blood but and it takes at least 5 tablespoons taken daily to work or in pill form up to 80 pills.
Bentonite combined with probiotics will work for 80% of all afibs.The others are heart conditions mine was a colon condition which most of us have. This needs to be done for a year maybe two depending on the individual. I had all day every day 24 hour afib. I would wake up at night or in the morning with run away heart beating loud and fast. I could feel my heart beat in my ears. It was all irritation of the vegus nerve that also controls the heart, the source of which was inflammation coming from toxic conditions in the colon. Other symptoms were heavy mucous after eating, heavy mucous in the morning upon waking and showering. Heavy mucous coming from my nose when having a bowel movement, tinnitus, constipation or diareaha, in a cycle. The constipation would get better until it losened to diareaha , then back to the constipation. Back and forth and back and forth. Now its all healing up nicely with the bentonite.
I also use psyllium and or oxy colon cleanse because the bentonite can bind you up a bit when you take a lot but those massive stools sure move out the toxic waste. If you are not having well formed stools at least once a day you are accumulating toxic matter that could be affecting the vegal nerve that affects the heart. This was the holy grail for me.
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U RON, , , , , , , , good post. The natural folks have a debate as to which is more important ...... the colon or the liver. I say both and treat them equally. As I am on the shady side of the mountain, I am paying more attention to Hulda Clark....... it's a parasite thing. Those buggers will get you in a natural born minute and our MD's have no clue.
(Ann Arbor)
I have read, that sodium clay leaches calcium out and that is why calcium bentonite clay is preferable (something like cardio calcium EDTA is more advisable for cardio heavy metal chelation that sodium EDTA). Some thoughts on this?
Stop Bovine Thyroid Glandulars
I struggled through a terrifying month of afib with no idea why it was happening. I wasn't doing anything differently. And that was the problem. I no longer needed the bovine thyroid glandular (I had been sub-clinical hypothyroid at last testing) but had continued to take half a dose daily (65 mg of New Zealand bovine thyroid glandular.) Well, that had flooded my system with T3 it simply did not need and didn't know what to do with.
Take note of ALL of the supplements, medications, OTC drugs you have been taking and do a meticulous search of side-effects.
It took 72 hour after stopping for my heart to stop its afib that had been quite violent at times and even kept me up every other night, nearly all night.
PS - Another supplement that aggravated my heart while the BTG was in excess was passion flower. It added ventricular pounding to the atrial. Look at everything you're taking!