Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

Kelp, Brazil Nuts
Posted by Robert (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/30/2010

A kelp tablet a day plus a brazil nut, for me, provided the cure to my asthma. The combination of the iodine in the kelp added to the rich source of selenium in the brazil nut did the trick, and I have now been free of asthma symptoms for three years; following a period of having asthma for some seven years previously.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Marc (Cranston, Ri) on 11/25/2010

Oil Pulling is helping to cure my asthma. Previous to OP I was unable to run without tight congestion in my chest. The OP in my opinion is curing my asthma and I am now able to run without or very little asthma symptoms. I also noticed healthier gums, and whiter teeth! Thank You!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 09/24/2010

Hello Karen, Hi Y'all; Karen, I see that you have made remarkable progress with your recovery from asthma and that you have great self discipline. It may be just that more time is the component in your procedure. It looks good that you are supplying the electrolytes, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and magnesium. I am assuming that you also provide potassium in your diet with many vegetables and some fruits. (helps shortness of breath, air hunger). All the supplements that you have listed have helped many with asthma and excess mucous conditions. My husband, (asthma 14 years), has also been taking kelp and iodine(approx. 5mgs iodine) for 1 month, and has this week noticed a reduction in morning mucous, reduction of allergy to pets, less eye irritation, decreased need for afternoon coffee, and a reduced need for his dilator. Here are suggestions that may be favorable to you: good digestible protein, good B-complex, extra B-12 (sublingual methyl type), and, a nice pat of butter. (good source of cholesterol and saturated fat for production of anti-inflammatory hormones). Garlic, ginger, and horseradish are powerful for promoting easy breathing. Thank You, Connie

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rob (NYC, New York) on 04/17/2009

Ron, sorry to hear about your troubles..especially the ER visits!! I have had asthma since 27 and am now almost 50. As much as we like to rant against the drug companies (somewhat deserving) nothing has worked better then albuterol for an attack. It has saved my life. However, I have found lifestyle changes and a combination of various natural remedies to help. Of the greatest benefit for me was avoiding the triggers. A clean household, NO rugs or heavy fabrics, avoid forced air heating, good air circulation at night. I had a cat for twenty years and when she passed, I went from about 3 or 4 inhalers a year to just one.. A simple anti-inflammatory diet, high in vegetables, nuts, olive oil, minimal animal protein, can help. Of the herbs?
Turmeric, Ginger, Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle for the allergy season. Distilled omega oils have helped...I have exercise induced and yours may be different. I also do yoga which doesn't trigger an attack like running would. Like you, I have yet to find a "cure" but it is out don't give up.

Salt Pipe Inhaler
Posted by Simon (Lithuania) on 12/15/2020

I can confirm. I have asthma 4 years now. I have used salt inhalation therapy, bought the inhaler and everything. It does nothing. I threw out the salt inhaler.

Radish, Honey and Lemon Juice
Posted by Mary (Valdosta, Ga) on 02/02/2009

I have been using radish and lemon. I just cut up 4 red ball looking radish and peel one lemon and put them into a blender for a while, at least 6 minutes making sure it is smooth. I then cook it on the low setting. It is wonderful. I still have to take it 3 times a day or so. No coughing, no wheezing, etc. I will try adding honey to it. I keep the mixture in a tupperware container in the refrigerator. I feel good and I am back to drinking good 'ole Southern Sweet tea.

Mullein Extract
Posted by Eric (Jensen Beach, Florida) on 12/24/2008

I came across a recent post on earthclinic. I've had a chronic cough for years. finally went to pulmonologist, who diagnosed adult onset asthma, and wanted to put me on Advair. Googled advair and it scared me. Google herbal remedies and came up with "Mullein". Bought a bottle. 30-35 drops in a little water a couple times a day. THE VERY FIRST NIGHT, i took it around 7 pm for the first time, and unbelieveably I was cough-free that night for the first time in i dont know how long. Been on it 3 weeks and its still working (as long as I take it :) ). One site said it may not work for everyone (like everything, I suppose) but it worked for me. Common herb, googleit and try it. Good luck.


Posted by Marilyn (Land O Lakes, FL) on 12/05/2008

Tried ACV for my asthma that was not really being controlled by Singulair. Had horrible side effects with all steriod medications and tried 2 TBS ACV, honey and 1 tsp of cayene pepper 2 X a day. After 2-3 weeks I felt my asthma was pretty much in control (plus we have 4 dogs and 2 cats) - but still had occasional "attacks" that left me gasping for air. I read on this site that black coffee can help. Never had a cup in my life and lo and behold it really did work. Didn't make a coffee drinker out of me, but it certainly beats the alternative. Was wondering - does anyone know if a caffeine soft drink would produce the same results?

Environmental Triggers
Posted by Martha (El Centro, California) on 11/04/2009


Absolutely, environmental triggers are an important aspect. Windy days can bring on attaches and the sediment that is lifted can take days to come down from the atmosphere to bother us many days after the winds die down.

Being from the desert, I am aware of the dryness of our winters. Any time it gets lower than 30% humidity, I say watch out! Cuz it triggers the itching in the throat, coughing, etc. So I hang a wet towel in my room for some humidity. It helps me breathe. Also, if the weather gets too cold, I have trouble. I set the thermostat at 69 degrees just enough to cut the cold because if it gets below that, I have trouble breathing!

Allergy Connection
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 10/15/2008

To Liz from Wisconsin:

Hello Liz I agree that allergies and asthma go hand in hnd. Are you taking a magnesium supplement now? If not, be aware that getting your magnesium up to normal level is said to decrease the incidence of asthma attacks. Along with getting your magnesium level up, you might also consider taking MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) to help with the allergies. Yes this is the same stuff that does so much toward helping joint pain and arthritis.

After seeing something about NAET on EC and knowing nothing about it, I went on line to learn about it. It seems that someone with allergy problem (the N is initial of persons name who came up with this. The other initials are for "allergy elimination therapy". It allegedly cures allergies, even to the inhalant allergies. Since it is based partly on acupuncture, it just might work. When thing slow down around here I plan to visit one of its practitioners , since I have food, medication, pollen and inhalant allergies. The inhalant allergies are the ones that worry me the most since I passed out from perfumes. When you search this therapy on line, you can also locate practitioners in your locale. I was surprised to learn that I have several within 20 miles off home.

In the meantime, as I always told my lungers and asthma patients, AVOID ANYTHING YOU CAN SEE OR SMELL IN THE AIR.

Posted by Shelagh (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) on 09/21/2008

Regarding asthma; I became afflicted about 6 months after my husband died, 21 years ago. After a couple of years, many medications, trips to the Emergency Room & terrifying bouts of being unable to breathe; I realized my doctors were not saving my life. I was dying a slow agonizing death by short breaths. I was unable to take even 5 or 6 steps without having to pause & struggle for a breath. I was in hell. I took my life back into my own hands.

I remembered a book my Great Grandmother had given me when I was 12 years old: Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. It's still in print, updated & is my 'bible'. I poured through this book looking for something to counteract this asthma. I came across an anecdote using indian tobacco or lobelia. After reading this I called health food stores in my area until I found one that had some in stock. The man there was kind enough to have it waiting for me when I arrived. He explained how to use this tincture & prepared my first dose for me. I thanked him profusely, made my purchase and exhausted, headed home. I noticed a remarkable difference even as I drove the 5 miles home.

I also went on a mission to cleanse my body, mind & soul; high colonics, complete change of diet, meditation... getting back to my 'roots', as it were.

My son Spike was 11 when he contracted asthma. I put him on lobelia, taught him to take responsibility for his own health by eating thoughtfully, healthily and with INTENTION. What I mean by this is to eat with the intention of nourishing his body with good food, not just to feed a craving. Something society forgot along the way with advertisements bombarding us from all sides.

As to dosages; read the label. I was taking 15-20 drops of one brand but yesterday I handed a bottle to someone & her bottle said 5 or 6 drops.

Use caution not to overdo, or to take too much of any mucous clearing treatments toward the end of the day or you may end up like I was in the beginning; I was working so hard to get over the asthma that I went overboard for a while & ended up hacking & coughing crap up all night long- because of this I was unable to get rest & in effect I could have made myself more sick. After 2 days I spoke to a nutritionist who gently reminded me I was rushing the process.

Common sense definitely helps here as well; Steer clear of milk & milk products as these create mucous in our bodies. As do sugars & refined flours. When I'm 'off' it's usually when my natural diet is off balance.

Peace, Shelagh

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Catherine (Chicago, USA) on 07/09/2008

I had terrible asthma and respiratory problems all winter. In the late Spring my doctor told me to start using more B-vitamins. Then I read that B-6 can help asthma (at a later date) and realized that since I have been using a good B Vitamin complex my asthma has been much more manageable, even though it is more humid now, so I have started taking a little extra B-6 and am noticing a difference. I got out my old Prevention and home remedy books and saw B-6 mentioned for asthma there, also. Asthmatics, take note - there are more natural ways of handling asthma than with steroids and chemicals - already I am not needing my emergency inhaler - not for a month now - and am using my nebulizer a LOT less! Yay!

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by April (Colorado) on 01/26/2008

My son has been showing signs of asthma over the last three months, only 3, started Oct 20 with bronchitis, a couple other bouts with "virises" and asthma attacks and now has the flu. This is the only time he hasn't demonstrated his usual "asthma attacks", but doctor has had him on albuterol, steroids, and pulmicort. I am interested in using HP inhalation treatment, but a little weary because he so young. He is scheduled to see an allergist/asthma specialist next week. Also related to his health and possibly an attributing factor to his immune system is his diet is lacking in many ways, I have struggled since he was 9 months old to get him to eat, but he is a challenge! He mainly likes dairy and starches, his poop has never been normal looking, yellowish, maybe clay looking, and he has verged on anemic with signs of PICA. He was breastfed, and we try to eat whole foods and hormone free milk, meat, and eggs, but he often does not eat what we do, besides the milk. (Our daughter who is a year younger than him will eat everything!) Any suggestions from Ted or others would be greatly appreciated. In regards to his diet, my doctor says that I need to make him eat better and remove the starches from our house and read the Strong-willed child!

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by KR (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) on 03/02/2008

Thank you so much to Joyce for your thoughtful response to my prior post. Both of my daughters actually have seasonal asthma and allergies from the pollen and cold air which seems much more invasive than inhalant b/c it?s not avoidable and in the air everywhere outside as opposed to being contained indoors from perfumes or other inhalant dangers. The viruses and bacteria that they catch from the common cold or flu always exasperates their asthma and provokes attacks and major mucous build up in their lungs.

In terms of asthma, I have since come to learn that the H202 inhalation therapy is good for them only to replace the antibiotics that they constantly get prescribed when they have asthma outbreaks, or attacks. The typical regime has been the Dr. giving them antibiotics to control infection of the phlegm lodged in their lungs. I now forego that and replace, when needed, with the HP. I also use the HP as a treatment if they have fever or cold or flu to eliminate the virus or bacteria altogether.

When I was using H202 therapy to treat my daughter's asthma after an outbreak, I discovered that her wet cough turned into a very persistent, dry cough. The HP actually PULVERIZED her mucous, much like chalk on a board. It became immovable and impossible to clear. That is when I returned her to her asthma meds (steroids and albuterol) which in turn loosened the phlegm again to where she could expectorate it. I did notice that after she was able to eliminate the phlegm, her return to recovery was much faster which I, nonetheless, attribute to the HP.

I thus found that the HP inhalation does not deal directly with the asthma as far as inflammation control and other pressing issues that asthmatics must address. Instead, to keep the asthma at bay, I am now experimenting with coconut oil as a supplement for both girls (age 7 and 2 1/2) as a direct result from a post here on Earth Clinic from another mom who has been using it successfully on her asthmatic daughter.

After still much more research and seeking, I am currently also experimenting with another promising natural, alternative therapy that I will post later here on EC if successful. This one is actually nowhere yet on this site so I believe can potentially help many more people such as myself in the future.

Radish, Honey and Lemon Juice
Posted by T.S.Rajah (Wimbledon, UK) on 12/07/2007

For relief from Asthma, put the radish, honey and lemon juice and the blender. Mix for 20 minutes and then put in the pan in the stove low heat and take one teaspoon in the morning everyday.

Infared, 125 Watt Clear Lightbulb
Posted by Bev (Elroy, WI) on 10/02/2007

I received a request for more information on an infrared light. It is a 125 watt clear front infrared light, a heat lamp, available at hardware stores for about $4. You also need to purchase an aluminum shade with a clamp for about $5 so you can clamp it onto a chair or where ever it is convenient. It is often used for thawing water pipes or hatching eggs. A 250 watt light is too hot and is generally used for a bathroom ceiling fixture. This past Saturday night I had a return of asthma symptoms with a cold. This was the first time in three years after being treated 3 months with Zithromax. I was very discouraged because I would have to get to the emergency room before bedtime or I would be in big trouble. I envisioned being back on inhalers and steroids. I had an uncontrollable cough from a tickle in the upper side of my chest, the point of lymphatic congestion. I had used the light on my son who is now 7 but at that time I was on Zithromax so never had a need to use it on myself for asthma. I used the light all Friday night [about five feet away]. It stopped my cough in about 60 seconds which is much faster than a nebulizer. Saturday I went out of town for a family reunion and brought my light but didn't use it until late afternoon when I started to get worse. By the time we left for home I was not coughing but still anticipating getting worse as soon as I went to bed. I fell asleep and never woke up! I don't know if it helps asthma caused by allergy but for asthma brought on by a virus it is miraculous. I continue to use it for my son if he has any congestion which is only when he has a cold and it must be used at least an hour. It can be used all night if needed. Just place it several feet away and wear an eye mask to block the light so you can sleep. Don't cook yourself but if you are awake you can have it closer, whatever is not too hot. A researcher, Ray Peat, told me about it. I have not seen anything specific in writing. He also told me to wear light colored clothing because infrared rays from the sun penetrate light colors. I changed my son's and my wardrobe. I now wear light colored coats and sweaters etc even in the winter.

Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Blanca (San Francisco, California) on 08/15/2007

My friend in El Salvador found out that her kids had asthma. The doctor gave her kids some medication that was literally poison for such small kids....I told her about this page that I had found, and told her about the inhalation procedure, she did not think twice, the next day she bought it and came home with it. She gave it to the kids and waited, within 0 minutes the kids got out of the bed, started walking around the house without getting exhausted, the sound on their chests was gone within the next day! On the second day the kids did not have anything,nothing! She took them to the on the third day and he assumed that the medication had "healed" them.

She told the doctor that she had suspended the medication already for 2 days and that she had given them 3000 milligrams of vitamin c (on the night I spoke to her) and that the next day she had given them the Hydrogen Peroxide....

The doctor scratched his head, his face, and not admitting failure said that the medication must have worked a little. This thing is a miracle, a miracle, my friend says that the kids on the second day looked happy, animated and hungry. No more asthma attacks.

Thank you very much for this page.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Mary (Nevada City, CA) on 02/06/2007

This winter my asthma came back - but not quite as badly as last year. I came back to your site and found oil pulling. What an amazing thig! I was waking up each night needing to cough - but the oil pulling allowed me to cough up mucus in a gentle way - I have been doing the oil for 3-4 weeks and the progress has been steady. Interestingly, I felt the oil pulling clear my sinuses fist - and I didn't think I really had a problem with that. The lungs have been more gradual - but there is definite progress and I don't need the inhaler unless I exercise too hard. The oil pulling was creating such a cleanse in me that in the first week i was feeling very tired and out of sorts. The I decided to do ACV -that was like a miracle - I was no longer tired. My feeling is that the oil pulling pulls toxins out from deeply stored areas of the body - but once the toxins are circulating - the ACV helps to flush them out. The same thing thing happened for my daughter... A side benefit of the ACV is that my blood pressure went down more than 20 points. I do think the ACV is also helpful for the asthma - I also find it very hlpful to take 1 teaspoon of turmeric in a bit of hot water or coffee each morning - with milk and honey to taste - this also helps the asthma very much - and I hope it will help create a longer ter cure.

Posted by Liz (West Bend, WI) on 10/15/2008

I have heard of this also and here is the website of heard of it on.
Also there is a clinical trial that you can participate in if you live in the selected areas. Some doctors (as you'll see on the website) won't give you the medicine or won't test you because they don't have the test for the bacteria available.
Anyway, here is the information:
And a link on Dr.Hahn

Coughs, Acid Reflux and Asthma
Posted by Jeisea (Byron Bay, Australia) on 11/09/2006

Someone on here asked about cough and reflux. My son had a chronic cough and was treated for asthma. He was in the worst category for asthma. He never had a wheeze. He just had a chronic cough. When he was finally diagnosed with reflux, he had developed Barrett's Oesophagous, a pre cancerous condition. Reflux causes asthma. The meds for asthma cause reflux. You see his problem. He had a laproscopic fundoplication operation which completely stopped reflux. He hasn't had asthma at all since. If you are coughing it could mean your reflux isn't under control. Chronic reflux isn't safe.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shakti (Chicago, IL) on 11/06/2006

Please post this where asthma sufferers can view it, this is important because I had a hard time finding a cure for asthma on your site but thank God I did. I began a regimen of oil pulling shortly after a lingering cold went to my lungs, I just couldn't get rid of the mucus. I prayed for relief. It got even worse after a chemical pesticide was sprayed in my home for pest control. The next day after the extermination I had the worst attack of my life, I couldn't stand it anymore, so after 10 years of not having to put any poison into my lungs I had to once again use an inhaler to control the attacks. After the second night of waking up feeling side effects of nervousness anxiety and panic I decided enough was enough. I went to the computer in the middle of the night and began hours of research to find a natural cure. That's how I found this miracle of a web site. The next day I went out a purchased some sesame oil and took one table spoon 3x a day at the onset of my asthma attack and Immediately after the very first dose the mucus expelled out of my longs, and within 10 minutes what had plagued me for over 10 years was no more. Since then If I have any tightening in my chest or shortness of breath I IMMEDIATELY do the oil pulling and the problem subsides in 10 minutes or less. ~~~Oh I'd be remiss if I did not mention the side effect, I took oil pulling for Bronchial Asthma but as a result I got a dazzling white smile, sinus relief, not to mention it remarkably helped to subside my symptoms PMS all unexpected but welcomed side effects. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! P.S. thanks my husband thanks you too, lol.

Posted by K (Antigua) on 10/14/2006

My husband was given a strong dose of coffee when he was young and since then he has never had a problem with asthma.

Vitamin C
Posted by Brian (Newark, OH) on 05/28/2006

I take 500mg vitamin c (plus a multi-vitamin) daily -- it helps with the inflammation in my body. My ankle feels better (I have a fractured talus, with avascular necrosis) but it also helps with my breathing. NOTHING is going to CURE my asthma -- I'm not that naive -- but, some things help make it less an issue for me . . . vitamin C is one of those things.

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