Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

Posted by Brian (Newark, OH) on 05/28/2006

If I am out, and have forgotten my albuterol inhaler, and I'm having difficulty breathing -- I head to starbucks, caribou, or wherever else I can go for an espresso or a giant cup of coffee. The caffeine acts as an anti-inflamatory agent -- it helps to reduce air-way swelling. While it's NEVER a good idea to leave without your medication -- it's always a good idea to have an alternate, just in case (and hey, who doesn't want an excuse to splurge for capuccino or espresso every once in a while)!

Posted by Tamara (NYC) on 04/23/2006

i infrequently get asthma attacks usually cold weather or allergens set it off- sometimes stress or pet hair. I forgot my inhaler and i got a very scary attack on a warm day in april that was full of pollen. I was in a van travelling to work and couldn't catch my breath for quite awhile- when i arrived i had two cups of black coffee (i usually put milk or soy milk in my coffee) and i think it helped. However in the future i will try mullein tea or another type of herbal remedyas i dislike relying on the albuterol.

Posted by Tiffany (Weymouth MA) on 10/16/2005

If you have asthma and you do not have your inhaler with u drink a hot cup of black coffee to stop an asthma attack.

Posted by Stephanie (Norfolk, VA) on 05/12/2005

I've had asthma for about 6 years now and I've found that a cup of coffee help attacks.

Posted by K (Antigua) on 10/14/2006

My husband was given a strong dose of coffee when he was young and since then he has never had a problem with asthma.

Posted by Kelly (Calgary, AB) on 04/09/2007

I'm having a mild asthma attack at work and looked up remedies and tried the black coffee, and it's working. It's a good trick to know since you can grab coffee just about anywhere.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary-Ellen (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/06/2006

started taking coconut oil as i had been reading all the literature on it so thought i would give it a go and can't believe the difference in my asthma... also energy levels as i am a woman of 50 and at times have low energy levels due to hormones so anyone who reads this i say give it a go or you will never know..!!!!!!!!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michelle P (Kenosha, WE) on 02/22/2008

My 9 yr. daughter has been on every asthma medication known to man. She was diagnosed before she was two and has been on numerous antibiotics, steroids taken orally and inhaled and of course albuterol. These medications just seem to help the symptoms but nothing ever made her truly better. I found your site and decided to take matters in to my own hands. I started giving her 2 tbsp of coconut oil per day and eventually was able to wein her off all her medications. The coconut oil is amazing!!! I wish I would have known about this years ago. I started the coconut oil about 6 months ago and in those 6 months she has had only 5 minor attacks.

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Lisa (London, England)

I ran into this page by accident, while looking up treatments to help my chronic asthma. I gave it a try and felt amazingly envigorated and my asthma seemed to improve almost immediately as I was having a bad breathing day. Also my skin feels great. I will continue.

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Tim (NSW Kitchener, Australia)

I decided to finish every normal 'hot shower' with a blast of totally cold water, after reading a book by an old healer by the name of Jethro Kloss. Anyway, I am a bad asthmatic, and used to get sick around 6 times per year. When I got sick it really affected my chest, with huge amounts of mucous, and real bad asthma.

Now I rarely get sick (it boosts the immune system as well as circulation), and if I do it's usually just a mildly sore throat. I wish I could better explain the massive difference this has made. Even if you feel sickness coming on, a cold shower will often stop it in its tracks.

Posted by Justin (Cottonwood, AZ)

This was told to me by a Medicine Man from the Hopi tribe, Take a lemon and slice it into quarters, inhale the smell of the lemon a couple of times, then if you can stand it eat some of the lemon, rind and all, (it's not bad). Then drink a glass of water. Something in lemons and the rind greatly reduces symptoms of asthma.

Mullein Extract
Posted by Kelly (Chicago, IL)

I have used mullein extract in the past and it has stopped my wheezing almost instantly.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Brian (Newark, OH)

I feel that it's good to give both sides -- I can say that what works for one person is NOT necessarily apropriate for another. One user indicated that taking vitamin B-12 helped his asthma -- it didn't mine. I take 1 Vitamin B-12 lozenge sub-lingually daily. The dosage is 5000mcg (about 83,000% the RDA). I also take a B-12 + B-Complex vitamin daily, along with the mulit-vitamin - it raises my B-12 intake to about 100,000% of the recommended daily allowance. What has this done for my asthma? Squat!!! (Although, I'm more mentally alert, and I have more energy).

Vitamin B12
Posted by Kerrin (Denver, CO) on 08/04/2006

One year ago, I had a bout of the most severe asthma I have had in years. After a trip to the ER and several hundred $$$ in meds over 4 months, I was determined to find natural substitutes for them. I found Vitamin B12 here. I bought a 1000 mcg. sublingual tablet (with 400 of Folic acid) that I began taking every night at bedtime, and can report an amazing decrease in all asthma symptoms over the last year. I have even taken one at the onset of labored breathing and had the attack subside within 20 minutes!!! I am now totally drug free and so grateful to all who wrote about B12. It is a miracle. Also, in the process of the above, I began an anti-allergy regimen of 2 g of Pantothenic Acid, 2 g of Vitamin C, and a Quercetin capsule in divided dose 2x a day. Goodbye to antihistimines! 1 mg. of Vit. C alone has stopped an allergy attack for me as well as other family members. Hope others can find the relief I have!

Vitamin B12
Posted by Kevin (NY, NY) on 02/10/2006

For the past 2 years I have been going to an allergist and a pulmonary specialist. Neither has been able to cure my asthma which was getting progressively worse. All either doctor would do was continue to prescribe medication and keep upping the dosage. I then spoke to a holistic nutrtitionist and she told me to stop eating dairy and to take vitamin B12, Magnesium and a liver cleansing supplement. Within 2 weeks my symptoms began to subside and stopped my prescribed medications. I now feel better than I have in the past 2 years. I am still not 100% but I feel myself getting everyday. I can't say this will work for everyone but for some who prescribed medicine doesn't work I think it is worth a try. It worked for me.

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