Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Aspirin Mask
Posted by Cortez (Douglas, GA)

I have 2 remedies!
1: crush 6 aspirins and add to witch hazel astringent. apply to face overnight (should work considerably in less than week)

2: Wheatgerm provides vitamins your body needs to prevent acne such as zinc. (eat a tablespoon once or twice daily).

Posted by Randy (Provo, Utah) on 03/18/2007

Toothpaste on those nasty zits you can feel the pressure on the inside too, will suck out the oil. In fact toothpaste on any zit will do that. I only know from experience on one of those nasty ones developing. I put the toothpaste on it at night, and in the morning my face was incredibly oily, and the wad of toothpaste was covered as well, and no more zit pressure.

Acne Tips
Posted by Kris (Omaha, Nebraska) on 09/19/2007

My decade-long bout with facial acne ended when I (1) Quit using liquid make-up, and (2) Started using a facial wash with alpha hydroxy acid. My absolute favorite is the brand Alpha Hydrox Foaming Facial Wash. Awesome AND inexpensive. I think that quitting using concealers and liquid make-up to cover up the skin is crucial to stopping the acne cycle. Even if a liquid make-up claims to be non-codemogenic it may aggravate the acne. For a while I used powder make-up, which didn't cause break-outs, but now I rarely even use that.

Pantothenic Acid
Posted by Cindy (Milwaukee, WI)

I have had acne for years - was geting worse till I saw a site w. info on B5 for acne - B5 helped my acne.. About B5 - I'm not sure how/why it works - I take about 3,000 mg/day. But, it can cause hair loss - remedied by taking L-LYSINE (1,ooo mg), BIOTIN (1,ooo mg) and I also take Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg.The B5 worked immediately for me- strange.

Posted by Erik (Virginia)

Use three tablespoons of OJ to one tablespoon of honey leave on for 30 mins. Take a shower and wash it off, it's very sticky. Works within one to two weeks for back and chest acne, havent tried it on the face yet.

Posted by Seonid (London)

Nutmeg and honey works great and cures acne.

Posted by Mallory (Chester Springs, PA)

Wet some of a paper towel with warm water and shake some salt on it and put the salt over a pimple if it stings, it's working.

Posted by Jennifer (Foley, AL) on 01/25/2007

Fill your sink up, about 1/4, with warm water. Then pour some salt in it. Soak cotton ball in it for 30 minutes and swish it around, making sure its all salty. Squeeze out the cooton ball and apply on the pimple. If your face doesnt start to tingle, add more salt to the cotton ball. When your face does start tingling, push down for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, DON'T WASH THE SALT OFF YOUR FACE. Apply honey on your face and leave on for 15 minutes. When 15 minutes is up, rinse off and apply a dab of toothpaste and leave on overnight.

Posted by Nick (Ontario, Canada)

To reduce pimple redness, apply toothpaste (yes, toothpaste!) so it covers the pimple. Wipe/rinse off after a couple minutes, and the redness should decrease a little while after.

Posted by Brianne (Shawnee, KS) on 05/04/2007

I just wanted to add that I also use toothpaste for acne. It won't help prevent acne, but if you have a pimple, put a dab of toothpaste on it before bed time. Sleep with it on and wash it off in the morning. You will find that the soreness, redness and swelling has gone down considerably!

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Ruth (Arcadia, CA) on 12/07/2006

For months I've been stressed out and my face has been breaking out with red swollen pimples, which just wouldn't go away. I spent a lot of money on expensive facial cleansers, toners, and lotions...none worked. After finding information via internet regarding honey and cinnamon paste for acne, I tried it. The next morning the pimples were visibly improved, shrunken. I did a test by not putting the paste on one part of my face, and sure enough that part remained the unchanged. I'm on my 4th day sleeping with this paste on my face and very excited that something so simple is working.

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

A paste of honey and cinnamon. 3 Tablespoons of honey to 1 cinnamon. Apply topically. Dries acne out takes about 2-3 weeks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nathan (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) on 07/24/2006

Supplementing my diet with molasses has decreased my acne about 97% in two weeks. I take two tablespoons when I wake up in the morning, and two before I go to bed at night. It eases digestive problems, so if your acne is related to constipation, it's a sure-fire bet. It also supplements you with minerals such as Chromium, which about 90% of Americans are deficient in.

Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

In a blender, liquify a peeled cucumber. Apply the juice to problem areas. Also drink four or five cups of cucumber juice daily for a week. Doing so is said to purify the blood and lymphatic system, resulting in clearer skin.

Posted by Jade (Staffordshire, UK)

I mixed 2 large straberries and 1/2 a peeled orange together mashed up. I then put it in the freezer until it was a block (usually put it in overnight). The small block should be wrapped in a cloth or towel and put on the affected area. This should be repeated 2 or 3 times per week and then you should notice a difference.
