Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Milk Thistle
Posted by R.w. (Southwest Virginia, USA) on 12/21/2014

Milk Thistle Extract clears teenage acne: I tried a few other things that had worked for my oldest son (thylox soap, oil pulling) and it didn't help with my youngest. So I got Milk Thistle Extract capsules and he takes 2 caps in the morning. Acne cleared up in about 10 days. Each capsule has 250 mg of Milk Thistle Extract standardized to contain at least 80% Silmaryin. The bottle says to take 1 cap 3 times a day, but 2 seemed to do it for him (he's less than 120 lbs.)

Milk Thistle
Posted by Erica R (Miami, Florida) on 09/25/2008

Editor's Choice Milk Thistle cured my acne! I'm now 21 and have had acne for a few years. After many trips to the dermatologist, I was prescribed Accutane which gave me acne-free skin for about a year. I then did acid peels which only made my skin worse. I was also put on birth control - that didn't help either. After lots of research, I finally decided it was time to attack the CAUSE of acne, and not the actual problem. For those of you who don't know it, acne is the cause of a poor functioning liver. If the liver is not functioning properly, acne forms (these are the toxins trying to get out of your body). Therefore, MILK THISTLE is a great natural herb that promotes healthy liver function by getting rid of the damaged liver cells, and creating new, healthy ones. I have not had a pimple since I started taking it, but be patient, it could take up to two weeks for you to see great results! Also, I take the liquid herbal extract - about 30 drops in a glass of water, twice a day.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Sandy (Bethesda, Maryland) on 01/07/2008

Milk Thistle has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my acne and hopefully cured it. I have not had any breakouts since I started taking the supplement to cleanse my liver. It has been about three weeks and my face is completely clear minus a few scars that I am still trying to fade. YOU WILL SEE HUGE RESULTS IN YOUR FIRST WEEK. This product has worked wonders for me. I have tried many so-called cures (prescription drugs and over-the-counter) but none has given me the results that I have seen thus far. PLEASE TRY IT. I take two capsules daily which are 175mg each. It is very inexpensive and I am confident you will be very pleased with the outcome.
