Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Essential Oils
Posted by Elisabeth (Sommerset, Colorado) on 05/17/2008

Lavender, tea tree and rosemary essential oils: I had mild cases of acne as a teenager but as an adult nearing 35, I broke out into terrible cystic acne all of the sudden. I tried everything but accutane, nothing would get rid of it and some things made it worse (like retin-a). A friend finally suggested this remedy and I was completely clear within two weeks-no kidding. The recipe is two to three drops each of Lavender, tea tree and rosemary essential oils in a small spray bottle of distilled water(such as a trial size hairspray bottle. Be sure to wash it out well first). Shake it up each time you use it. Spray it on a clean, dry face every morning and night. Let it air dry on your face. Keep the oils and the spray bottle in a cool dark place like a drawer or medicine cabinet, away from light and heat or the oils won't stay "true" for very long. I have been doing this for over ten years- I have added other oils as I have gotten older that are good for aging skin, like frankinsense and geranium-but I look fresh and young still and my skin is like a babie's soft pink bottom. This was my little miracle and there are absolutely no side effects from this. My family all use this remedy, I have given it to our teenage daughters and thier girlfriends who have breakouts and everyone is amazed at how such simplicity works such wonders! This is also great for anyone at any age who just wants to have softer and much more radiant skin.

Essential Oils
Posted by Mila (Sacramento, California) on 04/03/2007

I tried essential oils, more specifically, rosemary and coriander oils, for my blackheads and active acne, and a miracle happened with my face. Here is how I do it: at night I wash my face first if i have makeup on with my regular camphor based cleanser, then about an hour later i heat up a huge pot of water, and hold my face above the steam for about 10-15 minutes, i also cover my head with a big towel, so the heat does not escape. The steam helps open up the pores and let the toxins out. Then I take a shower and rinse my face off oil and toxins. After i get out i pat my face dry and apply coriander and rosemary oil mixed together. It's been a couple of weeks, and my face has cleared up so much, I am amazed. There are other things I do too, like drinking less caffeine and eating less sugar ,taking flax and omega 3,6,9 oils, also praying to God( I'm a christian), and my skin has been great. It doesn't get congested anymore, it's color is more healthy and even, I am absolutely amazed. I am 22, so I know acne at my age is an internal problem, so I recommend to anybody the essential oils(coriander and rosemary), but also checking your diet, some foods cause your skin to congest and breakout. Hope this helps)) I think I'll be using essential oils now,for me they've been more effective and a lot less expensive than facials and pretty much all brand name products i've tried in my life, and trust me i've wasted thousands of dollars on lotians, facials, cremes, etc. God bless you, and hope you find this comment helpful.
