Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Calamine, Witch Hazel
Posted by Seven (Neosho, Missouri, USA) on 05/23/2009

I have adult acne (I'm 34f) due to hormonal imbalance and problems with my digestion. They tend to bother me a great deal causing me to pick at them and otherwise make them worse. I tried a lot of different expensive commercial products without success. The ingredients usually burned and inflamed my skin and didn't do anything for the acne.

Finally I came across an "acne cure" that people were paying up to sixty-dollars per ounce on the Internet. I found out that it was simply Calamine lotion and witch hazel and I already had that in my medicine cabinet. I tried it out and it works great.

I wash my face good in the evening, use witch hazel as a toner then apply the Calamine lotion. (I am going to see if ACV works better then Witch Hazel after reading about it here on this site.) The Calamine dries up the acne usually overnight and has always made it better including really deep hard nodule type of acne.

Chamomile lotion doesn't prevent or otherwise cure acne but it does dry up outbreaks extremely rapidly, keeps the acne from itching and being irritated and doesn't burn, sting or otherwise have side effects that I have experienced. I wish I had known about this as a teen.
