A few years ago I started having severe skin disorders and ended up with severe acne. I've tried everything from honey masks, herbal detoxes and tinctures, colloidial silver, vegetarian, primal, mediterranean diets, etc etc, Even expensive facial creams and soaps stuffed with glycolic acids and AHAs. And while I can delight in two-three pimples at a time instead of 40, my skin still stresses under change in weather. It peels off and sheds profusely when it's cold out, but a few days ago... BAM! Hot, humid weather and my oil reserves see no end. I started breaking out again and desperate, I grabbed an old jar of Calcium Bentonite (the green-external-use-only-kind) and washed my face with it. It WORKED. All day my face had zero oil. And my pimples were drying out. Praise God for dirt that cleans my face!
Also, I usually don't write these things because the solutions never last long enough for me, but this one truly is a blessing, even if just for a few days. See, I had mixed it before with water/apple cider vinegar and left on my face to 'pulse' for suggested time.... Big no-no. It was way too harsh for my sensitive skin. But a little pinch mixed with a lot of water, massaged onto skin like soap, and immediately washed off works just right. I hope this helps someone else who has a big tub just sitting around! It's worth a try!
Bentonite Clay
Yet another acne remedy I discovered while helping out a family member: Bentonite Clay applied with apple cider vinegar. A specific clay was touted: Aztec Secret - Indian Healing Clay. Apparently this is benitoite clay from Death Valley, Ca and has been baked dry at a certain temperature. I do not know if other benitoite clays have the same property as Aztec; I would assume so. My relative just started using it and reported improvement in skin but has a long way to go, and is of course making other changes in order to heal from this condition. Also, there are many types of clay which are beneficial for different skin types/issues, but this was the one I found to have the most reviews on Amazon and elsewhere in treating up to severe acne. But... It should be said that other clays would likely be beneficial.