Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

Posted by Dantoinette (Austin, Texas) on 09/23/2009

Boil Treatment: I have been plaqued by these things all my life and at 42 it is nice finally find something that might help. I have been told countless times by Doctors there is nothing you can do, yur just one of those 1000 that are stuck gettting them. I'm going to try the tuneric tonnight becuse I have three of them that wont go away. I will let you know how it works.

Posted by Lita (Sanford, Fl) on 09/18/2009

Thank you Cindy from Minneapolis, I've had this condition you gals are describing for years and never knew what is was. Very informative. Thanks!!

Posted by Lita (Sanford, Fl) on 09/18/2009

To Hil from Esco, where did you get empty capsules from?? I would love to get them. Thanks and I hope you got cured.

Posted by Mountaingirl (Asheville, Nc) on 09/10/2009

Update: The boil on my face has completely re-absorbed into my body and scabbed over. Second boil is greatly reduced and pain has subsided.

Posted by Mountaingirl (Asheville, Nc) on 09/09/2009

I developed boils simultaneously on 2 parts of my on face and another under clothing...not first rain but going through some skin issues, stress and I believe, toxicity. Tried to lance the one on my face. It would drain then become painful again. I tried ice (has worked to reduce swelling in the past and bring it to a head), tea tree, lavander, alcohol, bentonite clay etc etc. Found turmeric on EC and immediately tried it. I had to adjust a couple of times because it seems to make me light headed (not bad, but different) and stomach upset. This is what I ended up with and continue to drink 1-2x daily. Each time I drink, it causes boils to tingle. They are not completely gone but are in the process of disappearing daily.

2 cups water
1 tsp. turmeric (bulk organic from health food store)
pinch powdered ginger
pinch cinnamon
3 cardamom pods
1 tsp. coconut oil

Heat until steaming. Add 2 Tbs. half and half and 1 tsp. honey.

I am a big tea drinker and this is not bad at all but I cannot do more than a couple of cups a day as I stated light headed and weakens stomach. I am going to try and continue this through winter to see if it also helps with arthritic symptoms.

Posted by Rosebud (Hyderabad, India) on 09/05/2009

To Pippi from Boise, ID

I have had 6 to 7 boils in the last 6 months. The most recent one disappeared within 3 days. I applied turmeric powder mixed with coconut oil to the boil. Taking turmeric internally disn't help me too... so I just applied the turmeric paste (mixed with coconut oil) to the boil and bandaged it. It was gone in 3 days... but the mark was there. Aloe Vera gel helped to reduce the mark left over by the boil.

Posted by Claudia (York, Pa) on 09/04/2009

Hi Pippi,

Wow. My heart goes out to you. While I don't have personal experience with multiple boils, I have had my share of single boils, throughout the years.

I agree with Joyce, that mixing the Turmeric with oil is important, since it is oil soluble. Also, check out the Earth Clinic section on "Oil Pulling".

While reading your story, a few of things came to mind:

*** I have learned, on this site, that bacteria, viruses, etc. thrive in an acidic environment, and cannot survive an alkaline environment. You might want to try cleansing the skin around each boil, with a cotton ball soaked in, 1 tsp aluminum free baking soda in 8 oz. filtered water. This will create an alkaline area around the boil, and will not allow the bacteria to live on the skin.

*** Along those lines, you should also make sure that your body is a neutral pH. This means that your urine and saliva test at optimal 7.0 pH. To obtain that pH, take a look at the Earth Clinic section on "Baking Soda Feedback". One of the posts near the top of the page says, " 04/27/2007: Linda from Denver, Colorado writes: "For me and my family and friends, baking soda has cured all kinds of microbial infections, probably due to the regulation of pH balance."

*** Check out the section, in the Earth Clinic section on "Hydrogen Peroxide". For most of us our bodies do not function, at an optimal level, due to a lack of oxygen. While it is a bit controversial, there are proponents (myself included), of supplementing our oxygen with food grade hydrogen peroxide. Check out the Earth Clinic section on hydrogen peroxide, and then you might want to check out this link: There are many who also believe that by increasing your body's oxygen levels, you are less susceptible to infection, and also able to fight localized infections.

I hope this helps.

Posted by Bgirl (Gainesville, Fl) on 08/29/2009


My understanding is that the fluid that drains is contagious. I would do a good job of cleaning the site so that it does not spread.

Posted by Susie (Riverside, Ca) on 08/26/2009

I didn't know what else to try, I have been dealing with huge boils since I was 16 and I am now 32. The doctors always prescribed antibiotics that never seemed to work. There is a huge boil I had lanced by a doctor that was no near the surface and seemed to make a mess of it because it later drained on it's own from another opening. It then spread to the side of my neck on the right that also got so big, then drained. Then on the left side near my hairline there was a lump that would fill then go away,but would never drain until a3 months ago it just started to get bigger and bigger and more and more painful.I then decided I needed to turn to hollistic healing and found this site and read about turmeric. I have been taking it since july 28 and I was hoping it would help me with this problem. I drink it in my water 2 teaspoons in a half cup. I soon as I drank it I could feels sharp tingling where ever there was a cyst. Some filled and drained, others just went away.The big seemed to just get bigger .Then on august 16 after continuing with drinking it and putting a salve I made with the turmeric with milk. It drained on its own and is still draining, the pain is gone and I can move my neck again, there is no more pus, just a liquid the color of the turmeric. I encourage any one who suffers from these to try turmeric and do it faithfully for while, even if you think it is not working, give it a chance you will be amazed like I am.

Posted by David (Corona, Ca) on 08/19/2009

Recently had a boil, it healed but another one started to form right after. I took 1 tablespoon of tumeric three times a day and notice that it did not get as bad as the first one. After two days the boil came to a head. I soaked myself in a hot bath for about 30 minutes and the boil drained. it healed shortly after. I think putting a band aid on the first one caused further infection so on the second one i did not put a band aid on it.

Posted by Lilly (Roanoke, Virginia) on 08/09/2009

Turmeric: I just wanted to thank you for this website. Over the last two weeks I have been growing a monster of a boil. I have tried boil ease, the stinky black tar stuff, hot bathes, heating pads, etc with no relief. Last night as I was literally crying from the intense pain I found your site. I immediately hobbled to my local gorcery and bought 2 actually! I came home and drank it at 9am. I was off to work and praying to whatever God would listen that I would make it through the shift. By 1:30 I felt a relief I cannot begin to explain:) I forgot to mention I also very carefully made a paste and applied directly to the boil at around 11AM. (not the least worried about the yellow stain!!!) I am a believer and am so thankful to be feeling better. I plan to get the supplements and will now be a faithful follower of this magic herb!! For any of you thinking about this method-DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Taffy (Phillipsburg, NJ) on 07/24/2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yesterday I awoke to a boil that literally grew over night, it was the size of a golf ball, and in my groin. It was so painful to sit, stand, and walk.I suffer with boils ( boils) continuosly, and have an antibiotic from my doc, on hand at all times.Yesterday was worse then ever, I could hardly breath with the pain. I called my pharmacist, and asked him if there was anything he could recommend to draw the boil, he said there was an ointment called ___, but they didn't carry it, so I called around to every pharmacy in my area, noone had it, but they could order it.Mind you "I NEED IT, LIKE NOW" So I decided to use the black salve, all day, the pain was there, and then I'm worrying of breaking of the skin and infection, as I am a diabetic. Then I decided to look on line, which brought me to your web site. Hallalluja, I thought what the heck, anythings worth the try, not to have this God awful pain, so I did the 1 tsp of turmeric to warm water, I can honestly say I still had the pain, but literally felt it easing approx a hour after taking the mixture. This morning I woke with almost no pain at all. I am so grateful. Anyone out there, that's suffering, hear this Turmeric and warm water, it WORKS. Thanks

Posted by icybluedge (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/20/2009

I started using turmeric about a month ago, both topically and internally with pretty good results. So I started researching this more and tumeric has curcumin in it. While I am no doctor, it may be that the curcumin is what is actually helping alot of these persons. Before you give up on the turmeric I would do some more research. There are a lot of curcumin products now being developed with better bio availability and it may be that you need a stronger form of the curcumin and or higher dose of the turmeric. I started at about 500 mg to 1000mg of turmeric (extract) and am going up to 2000mg per day. There are many papers and studies on the Internet that indicate this higher dosage. I would do some more research if I were you before you give up on it. Apart from the boil issues it has a wide variety of other very good effects---one of the best herbal remedies I have used.

Posted by icybluedge (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/20/2009

Turmeric is used daily by many persons from India. If you look it up in Wikipedia you will find it is an amazing "spice". It can be used both internally and externally (for boils and skin). It is being studied now by the mainstream medical community. As Indians use it daily/frequently you should have no problems using it regularly. I use about 1200 mg per day but that is probably a little high for many. If you have any Indian physicians in Eqypt they may be able to give you some further information about this "spice". It has many benefits and is cheap (at least in the US).

Posted by Tina (Westminster, Co) on 07/19/2009

Recently, I had been struck with a deep boil on my forehead, I knew what it was, because I have had them before. All too familiar with the pain and trauma that goes with this malady, I needed to look for some kind of treatment other than just hot compresses and waiting for the long arduous process of healing. After reading the testimonials on your web site I decided that I would give the tumeric treatment a try. After a run to the store I mixed a good dash of tumeric with neosporin and applied it to the boil, then applied a bandage over it. After combining 1 tsp tumeric with a 1/2 cup of milk, I warmed it up and down the gullet, better not to taste it. Three (3)cups of the tumeric milk mixture I drank throughout the day. It made my stomache a bit sour but I laid down and kept my mind occupied, and drank plenty of water, while this concoction took effect. The next day I awoke, I went into the bathroom and pulled the bandage off and observed what was to me some sort of miracle. I have never seen a boil drain almost all by itself like it did. Seeing the results is believing and I wanted to add my experience to the rest of the successful testimonials. All is well again with my skin. My father is also afflicted with boils and I have told him about it and he is trying it right now. Thank-you

Posted by Hil (Esco, CA) on 07/13/2009

Since I wrote the above I have gotten better, and a boil that had been hanging around is at the moment still draining. I am now trying the Turmeric mixed with antibiotic ointment on the outside. This boil has been draining for a few days now. That has never happened to me before. They would drain and then seal off to return another day. The problem I am finding is that my combination of turmeric and Almond Oil has given me some very loose bowels. So now I am taking 1 tsp worth (or 4 capsules) only every other day, so obviously my healing has slowed down. I have read many people that have used warm water and the turmeric alone, (from the hidradenitis suppurativa section here). I will try having a cup of tea and just the powder in the capsules to see if the oil is what is demanding my immediate attention. Since I understand that I should be ingesting 3 tsp of turmeric 3 times a day, and I am far from that. Lord help this to work, it has been so many years.

Posted by Cindy (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/04/2009

The condition you have is called hendritis sepertiva I'm not sure if I spelled it correctly. It also goes by the name acne inversa. I try antibacterial soap. Dry off really good after the shower. I then apply bacatracin ointment. Ater the skin is dry I apply a antibacterial powder. I know this isn't the most natural way, but it helps a little. This condition was the reason I was looking up this web site. I also found that when I lost some weight that it wasn't so severe. I read somewhere that neem extract helps and I got a bottle of it, but it don't smell to good. It always seems to be the worst before the monthly cycle starts so I'm beginning to think it has to do with hormones. Any ideas!!!!

EC: Lots of ideas on the hidradenitis suppurativa remedy page!

Posted by Roxy (Atlanta, GA) on 07/01/2009

It is good to see someone with my exact issue. For a minute I thought I was the only one in the universe with this problem. I have the same experience once a month with my menstrual cycle. I've been dealing with it since I was in my teens. I'm 25. I always know when my cycle is coming because I develop boils filled with red stuff and it is so painful. I literally cried for like an hour last nite because it is so unbecoming to have to deal with this every month.

I've been to the dermatologist and was given bactroban for topical treatment and some horrible smelling antibiotic to take. The combination slowed down the boil process but did not eliminate them.

I came to the earth clinic last week and found Turmeric. Ive taken it and it reduced the soreness and swelling of the boil. I am hoping and praying that this is the answer to my prayers. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Does anyone know if the draining fluid from the boil is contagious after it burst?

Posted by Sharon Johnson (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada) on 06/30/2009

Hello, NEED MORE HELP!!!! I have had some pretty good success with the Tumeric powder, mixed with Coconut oil and sometimes sesame seed oil and made into a paste and then applied onto a large bandaide which I put a membrane from a egg this helps to also draw the toxins etc out for me. Also twice a day I drink the solution Tumeric 1tsp with 1 tsp coconut oil and a bit of cayenne powder mixed into a 1/2 cup of water and drink. Boil has gone from a egg size down to a thumb size, which is great but it has been 2 weeks and really want it gone Totally. I also take 2 lysine tablets daily and immune tablets once daily plus on Golden seal for 1 week and went off for awhile as directions say so. All these remedies I have tried from people off your website. I have tried others but found these one's so far the best to reduce the size of boil. Please suggest something else other than going to doctor. Really tired of wearing large bandaides and drinking Tumeric. The tumeric tablets too expensive for me. Much appreciated, Thanks Sharon Johnson

Posted by Hil (Esco, CA) on 06/30/2009

I have had boils since I was 13 years of age, I am now 56 years old. I have tried everything imaginable even doctors, antibiotics of all kinds and lancing. My sister told me about this site and off I went reading. I just happen to be experiencing one of my episodes with boils. I bought the turmeric and smelled it and tasted it and no way that would go down and stay down. So I bought empty gel capsules and filled 4 to 5 of them with turmeric powder, from an Indian resturant/store. That is equivalent to 1 tsp. That did not seem to be doing much, until I read one of the newer accounts that indicated that turmeric was oil soluble. So I bought some Almond Oil and honey and tried the tea recipe, but no way I could drink so much tea. So I did a paste of 1 tsp turmeric and about 1/2 tsp almond oil. I also add a drop of honey just because I bought it. It looks like peanut butter. I make this paste and with a paring knife I stuff it into the gel capsules and drink them down with water. No taste in my mouth and it works. By the end of one day the pain of the boils was gone. I just had to write to let you all know. I will continue and see how long I can get away with not having any boils. Lord willing, it will never happen again. Thanks to all who have passed on their testimonials.

Posted by Anonymous (San Francisco, CA) on 06/28/2009

I first discovered Earth Clinic because of a developing condition with boils in the groin area - very embarrassing. They always occur in the same spot at the inner thigh and the panty line. It started about 3 years ago and I had no idea how or what they were until I began to do research. At first, they were smaller and would go through the process and burst naturally. Initially, they would cause pain while walking and I could not exercise - but for the most part, I could operate normally. I began to take the Tumeric and for about 6 mo to a year they stopped developing - I was ecstatic. If I did get one, it would always occur around my menstrual cycle and I could always "nip it in the bud" with Tumeric. Recently, we traveled for a couple days to a very hot area and right after we got back, I started developing one (of course in the same spot). I began to immediately take the Tumeric pills after every meal. It did not seem to help - the boil got so big, that I could barely walk and had to take time off from work - this has never happened. It is so embarrassing that you cannot explain it to anyone - on top of the physical condition. I continued to take the Tumeric and refused to go to the hospital - I knew they would lance it (very painful) and I wasn't ready to do it yet b/c boils have a natural life cycle. Finally, after 4 days of progressively worse pain in which I could not get out of bed (at the end), the boil came to a head. I did begin to drink 1 teaspoon/hot water Tumeric tea at least a couple of times. I usually take the pills straight but was desperate. The flavor wasn't that bad and you can always add honey or whatever you like - it has an earthy taste. I tried to encourage relief by using hot compresses also (which I think worked) and it finally burst. I will continue to take the Tumeric religiously and not get off of it. This was the most painful and debilitating situation to this point and I just wanted to share my experience w/ others. I hope one day there is a simple cure for such an embarrassing and painful condition.

Posted by Dolly (Cairo, Egypt) on 06/25/2009

Hi, I have read all your posts and I am so grateful for this site. I need to know if its okay to have turmeric every day? or should I rest a while? I read somewhere I should give it a rest so that the body won't get accustomed to it and thus loose its effect. And I need to know if using it prevents new boils/abscesses from forming, especially that I had 3 sinus tracts that were discovered in my surgery to drain the boil I had.

I have been suffering from this since last May just out of no where!! I am so so tired and in pain, I do hope to find some help and relief.

Can someone please reply to this, I would appreciate your help so much. Thank you, Dolly

Posted by Debbie (Keystone Heights, FL) on 06/25/2009

It's me again! It has been three days since I started the Turmuric treatment, 3 to 4 x's a day. The largest of the six boils started to drain yesterday. This morning 4 of the 6 are GONE! one of the small ones is still present, but not as painful and the largest one is almost completely gone. I don't have the body aches that I was experiencing even yesterday. And my glands in my groin are not swollen or tender. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!

I have been on line now and making notes for kidney stones, my husband suffers from, vericous veins my mother suffers from, and OP! This is the most incredible web-site I have ever seen!

Posted by Debbie (Keystone Heights, FL) on 06/23/2009

I was at my wits ends. I contacted the staph infection, it seems, from being in the Atlantic Ocean. It was the middle of April when we were at the ocean, but it was the end of April when I had the first out break. A boil on my behind. I had never had anything like this before and wasn't sure what it was. We (my husband and two boys, 14 and 7) were camping when it started to come up. It got the size of a baseball before my husband lanced it for me. By this time I was running a fever, body and joint aches and just felt like crap! We made it back home and to my doctor, who gave me an antibiotic. No testing or anything like that. Just gave me the anitibiotic! The next day, I pulled out this hard lump that I have now found out is like a core or something. I can not describe how much better I felt after that and it was almost instantly! Well, that was the end of April and since then I have had 3 reaccurances and as of yesterday, when I found this web-site, I was working on 6 boils! I was depressed and scared. I went to another doctor when the second boil appeared, who tested me for Mersa. I don't have it, but they still didn't want to give me another antibiotic. They want my body to fight this! I thought I was going to have to live with this for the rest of my life. I'm a very active 45 year old. I was so afraid I would not beable to enjoy the things, like swimming with my boys that I use to enjoy. Then I found this website and read ALL of the testimonies and finally felt like I was not alone! I immediately called my husband and asked him to pick up so turmeric from the grocery store on the way home. I put 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water. I added a little chicken seasoning for taste. That was at 8 pm. I did it again at 10pm. Drinking a lot of water afterwards! This morning, the only active, painful boil of the six is the largest, but it too is smaller in size. My husband said they are going away. I can not tell you how relieved I am to think that maybe I have found something that will take this away from me. Just felling like there is hope again is a wonderful feeling. I do have questions if anyone can answer them for me? How do some of us get this while others don't. There were alot of us in the ocean that day, including my boys. My 7 year old asked me why he didn't get it. I know this is contagious, but how?

Again thank you for posting this website and I hope and pray that everyone who is dealing with this horrible disease finds this site!

Posted by Christine M. (San Pedro, CA) on 06/15/2009

look into staph & candida...............had lots of boils in my time............took care of candida, it surrounds & protects staph, makes it really hard to kill............vitamin A is a natural anti-biotic............there r others.....

Posted by Nizumi (Montreal, QC) on 06/14/2009

I also have trouble getting past the earthy taste of turmeric. The "tea" recipe was OK, but I couldn't see myself following through 3x a day with it. The turmeric and water? No thank you!

So - turmeric broth it is. Same measurements - 1 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp ginger - add a pinch of black pepper and a tsp of powdered broth - and presto! Soup! AND it's easy to take in to work and have at lunch. Just a few dry spices and dry broth. I also found it more discreet. People will ask what the heck you're drinking when it's bright yellow and doesn't look like any tea they've ever seen. Broth, on the other hand, raises no questions at all. :-)

I only found out about turmeric day the day before yesterday. Four cups of T-broth later and the deep deep DEEP boil I've had for months has already eased and reduced slightly in size. If this progress keeps up, it should be gone in a few more days.

Posted by Joyce (Jocelton, Tn) on 06/14/2009 495 posts

Hi Pippi, Hope you remembered that turmeric is oil soluble, but not water soluble. If not, this may be why it isn't working on your boils. You can mix it in coconut oil or half & half milk or cream, or some seem to be mixing it in coconut milk.

Posted by Nonni (Cleveland, OH) on 06/13/2009

Pippi, Silicea is a homeopathic cell salt that is good for boils, as it is a cleanser. I suggested this to a friend and it worked very well for her. She took it in the 6x potency.

Posted by Sara (Hamilton, Ontario) on 06/13/2009

my cousin is the same. boils unresponsive to anything, she finally tried botox injections and they are responding to this, she is riddled with them during stress and apparently she is allergic to her own sweat. anyway the botox is helping her.

Posted by Pippi (Boise, ID) on 06/12/2009

I'm totally frustrated, as Turmeric does not seem to be helping. I was hopeful, but I've been taking the powder, 1 teaspoon, 2x per day, and I'm still dealing with one major boil, and several smaller ones, with new ones cropping up. For a long time I've been thinking it must be my immune system (i've been dealing with near constant boils for 20 months now...), but I was thinking about it today, and realized that in those 20 months I haven't had a single cold, flu, or even a sinus infection. You'd think if my immune system was not functioning properly, I would have had some other type of flu or virus over the near 2 year span. I'm so confused. (went to the ER with the first one...allergic reaction to first antibiotic, and then had Keflex but neither did anything. The first abscess finally cleared on it's own). Next I'll try sunlight therapy and another fast (i did an 11 day fast 2 months ago, began seeing a lot of success with that, but then my dad died suddenly, and since then it seems boils are ravaging my body from the waist down. I currently have about 12 of them). I've stopped the Turmeric today because it's having no effect (except to upset my stomach, a lot), and am trying to up my vitamin C intake to 5000mg per day, but currently I'm taking about 3000mg. Also, taking 2 teaspoons of Manuka Honey per day. Will add A and E, as well. And Omega-3.

Posted by Karin (Kalkaska, Michigan) on 06/11/2009

I have had trouble with boils all my life. Today I just found this website went right to the store and I am drinking the turmarek as I am writing this. I have 3 boils right now and one is so sore I cannot stand it. I will let everyone know how this works in a few days. One of the boils will not come to a head and it just keeps getting sorer and sorer. I do not want to go to the doctor. I put about 1 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of tea. We will see.

Posted by Ali (Sydney, Australia) on 06/05/2009

I had a very painful boil under my armpit and tried using the very old turmeric from my pantry without luck and so ended up on two rounds of antibiotics. A month later a boil appeared under my other armpit. This time I bought organic tumeric and applied it as a thick paste mixed with paw paw ointment to a bandage overnight. The boil which hadn't come to a head drained in the night and the boil healed. I also chugged a bottle of colloidal silver over the same 12 hours.