Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

Posted by Mike Valdez (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/18/2008

I've had an excruciatingly painfull boil for about 5 days. After taking 1 teaspoon of turmeric 3 times a day, the boil has just open up started draining like you wouldn't believe. I can't believe how much puss has come out of my body, but it has relieved the shooting pain so much. I'm on day two taking the turmeric, and I feel so much better already.

Posted by Wendy (Sammamish, Wa.) on 07/10/2008

I had a boil close to vaginal area. Looked on line for a holistic remedy....found your site! Bless you! I bought organic turmeric from Uncle Harry's in Redmond, Wa. I took 3 teaspoons a day before each meal in a glass of water. My boil was totally absorbed in three days!

Now, I have a question. My daughter has a cyst under her eye about the size of a large pea. Could a poultice of turmeric and emu oil help on the outside; and taking turmeric for the inside make it absorb into the body and go away? Thanks!

Posted by Ryan (STL, Missouri) on 07/09/2008

I've had trouble with pea sized boils on my posterior for the last few months. Tried some campo phenique, didnt' work. Tried washing extremely well for weeks and putting on clearasil, didn't work. Then yesterday I discover a huge boil about the size of a half-dollar and I'm thinkign I need to call the doctor and finally give in to my embarrassment. But I looked online one last time and found this site, went out and bought a bottle of turmeric at walgreens. I took ONE pill at 1:00 PM and here it is 3:30 PM and it already drained (not fully, but the pain is gone!). I hope this will eliminate ALL future boils and I'll keep you posted. THANKS!

Posted by Michelle (Lyman, Maine) on 07/08/2008

I am so grateful to have found this site. I do not know how long I have been suffering with recurring boils. Before I would get them in the armpit. They would sometimes be 2 or 3 under there. When they burst, it was horrendous. When I would burst them, it would literally fly right out. And I would squeeze all the blood out. Sometimes the next day there still would be blood. This went on under the armpit for about 4 years. Then I started getting them on my stomach. I never experienced so much pain! It was very painful under my armpits too. Then for a while I didn't get any boils. Now for the past 2 years I have had a recurring boil near my rectum. One time it got so big, about the size of a large walnut. It was very dark red. I was very scared as I never had a boil this big ever! It was so painful I wanted to cry. The night before it burst, I took a long hot bath and went to bed. The next morning, it was even bigger. I was in so much pain, that I couldn't wear underwear. I wore a loose pair of pants to work. I went to the store in the morning before work. My son was with me. When we returned to the car, I said what is that horrible smell? I didn't know what it was. I didn't have anything in the car to have spilled. I didn't even notice that I wasn't in any pain. When I got to work, I went to the restroom. My pants were soaked! The boil had burst. There was so much blood, I had to wear a maxi pad. Luckily my pants were a dark brown, the blood stain didn't show. But I could smell what I smelled in the car. What a disgusting smell! This was the worst ever boil that I have ever had! The boil has recurred several times since then, but not as big. So it fills up, drains, then I'm alright for a while, then the process starts back up. Last week, it started to fill up again and very painful. I went onto the internet and did a search for a cure for boils. I found your website and read about Tumeric. I took the powdered spice, not a pleasant taste at all. I made a paste of it last night. The boil near my rectum has gone down considerably! I feel a lot better as I know the boil has affected my immune system. I am amazed at how many people that I see on this website that suffer like I do. And it has been a miracle literally to find this website! Thank you so much for creating a place where we can go and read about the experiences that people have and share. I will continue taking the pills. God Bless you all!

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/28/2008 495 posts

To hasten healing take 1 gram Vitamin C 4 x/da7, Vit E 400 IU 3 x/day, and Zinc 50 mgm. 2 x/day. You should also pierce a Vitamin E soft gel and apply to healing lesion for additional help in preventing scarring.

Posted by C (Toronto, Canada) on 06/27/2008


I'm not one to write about my medical woes on the internet. BUT. This is literally a miracle cure for boils. I had a boil brewing on my cheek for about a week. I have a small mole on my cheek, and it started under that, and couldn't break the surface, because of the mole. It kept getting bigger, and redder, and sorer (as boils tend to do) So I found your site not 48 hours ago. Immediately left work to go buy a bottle of the turmeric extract. I took 2 400mg pills right away, then another 2 at about 8pm. I also mixed up the paste some people reccomend. (Don't do this) It stained the boil bright orange, and dried out the surface so much that a full layer of skin came off, making it redder and sorer. But by the next morning it was less painful. 2 more pills in the morning, 2 more at lunch. (I figured it was an herb and you can't OD on it) By 6pm after work I had gone home and was washing my face and the eruption occured. Although the boil was only the visable size of a small pea it must have drained at least a good tablespoon of stuff. Then it closed itself up, and started drying out.

Any suggestions for post boil, scarring, or faster healing. Can you keep taking turmeric daily like a vitamin?

Posted by Nicole (Cocoa, Fl) on 06/08/2008

OK, so here is my story. I have been plagued with boils since I was about 18. I have asked doctors, and was always told there is basically nothing you can do to prevent them or treat them once they arise besides your basic hygeine care, hot compresses, etc. I have searched the internet before without much luck. Finally I found this site two days ago. As I sat in my swimsuit preparing to get in the hot tub in 80 degree weather to try to speed the process of a boil that is under my arm, I started reading about Turmeric. I constantly have at least one boil somewhere on my body, so I thought that if there is anyone that this remedy will not work for, it is going to be me, but that did not stop me from trying. So instead of getting in the hot tub, I threw clothes on over my bathing suit and headed to Wal Mart. Not only did they carry the spice, they also had the capsules in the vitamin section. So I get home, pop 3 capsules and make a paste of Turmeric and Neosporin and applied that directly on the boil. Within a couple of hours the pain had indeed lessened. I took 2 more capsules before bed. The next morning (appoximately 12 hours later) when I removed the bandage, I was amazed. It had sped the process considerably, and indeed the boil was drained, and another that had just been in the "hard, red, painful to the touch" phase had progressed to having a head that easily drained. The only drawback was that when I removed the bandaged boil, the skin was very raw, but to me that is a small price to pay in exchange for the relief of the pain of the boil. I am definately a believer, and am now starting to try ACV because of all of the benefits people seem to have with it in so many different areas of their health. I have passed this site to my sister who has fibromylagia. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to give their feedback on these remedies!

Posted by Nolan (Perth Amboy, New Jersey) on 05/28/2008

Well, let me first start off by saying that to some degree I have always had ingrown hairs of some sort due to my curly hair and African American skin. About a week ago I started getting an ingrown hair on my face as usual, but this one kept growing and growing until it became an abscess and made me look like I was holding half an apple in my cheek. This was very painful and embarrassing so I found this site and read most of the testimonials on turmeric. I woke up the next day (Monday) and went to buy some turmeric extract 900mg (walgreens) right away. Got home and took 2 capsules, within about 4-6 hours the abscess became a bit softer and I burst it. Alot of puss and blood came out then I noticed the the pain going away and it was getting smaller. Took 2 more turmeric capsules before bed. When I woke up the abscess had shrunk to maybe 1/3 from the previous day and no pain. After more turmeric capsules that morning, I started to push on it to release more puss. A nasty puss plug came out and I saw it and almost fainted, then I got nervous and my hands started shaking. I felt a bit better but I had used so much peroxide that my skin was becoming discolored. I decided to go to the emergency room to get some antibiotics. When I finally got into the ER the doctor right away put a needle in my face to numb it then he used a scalpel to cut a bit then squeezed out something. To make a long story a little shorter they sent me home w/ 2 scripts. Overall I would say that the turmeric helped greatly in reducing the swelling and pain. I think it is helping with my allergies too because I was taking benadryl for skin allergies on a daily basis and I haven't needed it since I started taking turmeric. Lastly I would personally like to thank everyone involved in creating this website and making it FREE! Now to find a good plastic surgeon and dermatologist :(

Posted by Asma (NJ, USA) on 05/13/2008

I was fed up with the recurring boils.I never had any in my whole life till i was in India .But when i moved to US i was getting boils in my menstruation periods. I felt like hell, was unable to walk or cook or go to friends party. I was so confined in my home for almost 10-15days a month & no effect of antibiotics instead harmful sideffects hairfall,weakness unless one day i found this on about was like magic & boils almost vanished just taking 2 days 3xday warm turmeric water. Now if i see any sign of a boil i can handle it without any pain. Thanks a lot & god bless you.

Posted by Kristi (Cleburne, Texas) on 05/08/2008

Tumeric, Hydrogen Peroxide I found the Earth Clinic site by typing in "natural treatments for skin infection" on the internet. I always broke out in the same areas: under my jawline, back to my ears. I even had pain in that area almost like something was clogged and burning. I had tried two rounds of antibiotics in the past few months and they did not work, but the Tumeric did. Read all the information about boils and Tumeric. Since the outbreaks were painful, I thought it must be something like mini boils. I happen to have some Tumeric capsules in my kitchen so I began taking two pills, 3x a day for five days. My skin immediately cleared up and scars are healing. I continue to either take a capsule every day or sprinkle about t. on some food. It's best with salty foods. I have found that if I stop for more than 2 days, I have some pain in the area like I might break out again.

After that, I read about H202. I also have had chronic sinus problems since I was a child. I always remembered having problems breathing when I laid down at night. Recently, though, I had such a hard time breathing at night that I didn't want to go to sleep. I was stuffy, not stopped up. I just could not get anything out of my nose. I know that I was snoring which made my face and teeth hurt and was not sleeping well. So I started "snorting" the peroxide (just the cheap stuff from the store with no stabilizers). I would put it on a swab and rubbed it up inside my nose. I would then sniff it up into my sinuses. Within seconds I could breathe. It has been a miracle cure for me. I did this about 3x a day %: morning, at night before bed and during the night if needed. I now only have to do it once or twice a week. After that I decided to start drinking a little. I put maybe 1 t. or less into 8 oz. of water and drink it 1-2x per day or when I need it. I did not know how much I missed oxygen through my nose!

The best thing is that my husband who has had asthma since childhood, started taking the H202 in water 2x per day. He was extremely dependent on medication to control asthma, but wanted to get off it. He has taken the peroxide in water for almost 3 weeks and has only needed his albuterol inhaler 1x. We are pretty excited about that! Thanks for all the good info.

Posted by Mandy (Battle Ground, WA) on 05/06/2008

I had just had two boils and could feel a sty starting in my eye in the morning, but the very small bump was not yet noticable to anyone but me. That evening I started the turmeric remedy, mixed 1 tsp in 1/2 glass warm water around 7:00pm. I took it again around 11:00pm and by morning, the tingling and pain from the spot was gone and only the very small bump remained. I took it again 3 times the following day and by the 2nd morning, it was completely gone.

Posted by Angelica (Taguig, Philippines) on 04/23/2008

I first had a boil last February on my neck. At the same time, I also had an infected pimple just on the left side of my mouth. It's like they both turned out the same in size and in the way they really hurt. I was on heavy antibiotics for 2 weeks and when they healed, I disregarded that it may return coz I happened to drain it on my own, little by little. Just last week, I was shocked to see new ones on my groin area! Of all places! It's like I just had a baby delivered. It hurts like hell. I decided I wont take any antibiotics anymore. With diabetes, I dont want to be too depended on so many meds. So this time, I tried the net to search for natural remedies. And believe me, just after 2-3 hours of taking a teaspoon of turmeric powder on warm water, I literally felt comfort. Now on my 3rd day of taking a teaspoon of turmeric, 3x a day, my boils have already started draining faster than my last one. And by God, less painful! I can now sleep at night and I know this will be over very soon. Im so thankful I found your site.

Posted by Rich (Okla City, USA) on 04/19/2008

For the past 6 days I have been living in severe pain. Having chills then burning up. A pain developed just above my buthole on the right butt cheek. It was sore at first then I noticed a knot. Within 3 days that small plum cyst was now the size of a orange. I couldn't walk or sit. My wife found this site and we tried turmeric that type used for cooking. I took a teaspoonful directly in my mouth, it taste like dirt without the grit, yuk. I chased it with orangjuice. In 3 hours I felt a need to take a shower and let the warm water hit the area. A foul smell, I mean fell filled the entire bathroom and I noticed blood and stringy clot like discharge running down the drain. This stuff works, in 3 hours I lost 3/4 of the cyst with in 6 hours its almost gone, just a little raw feeling and still bleeding, but the pain is almost gone. I am starting the capsule version now for the next few days just to make sure but if you have a boil, try this I actually think I can sleep tonight.

Posted by Stacy (Inglewood, CA) on 04/14/2008

I first started getting boils about 2 years ago. Just recently within the last 6-8 months the frequency of them increased. I would alternate between my armpit to my pubic area. Of course I would go to the doctor and get the obligatory Keflex and pain medication. When the incidences started to increase to every month I decided to research some alternative methods. The latest boil was an angry located at the base of my rectum. It grew to the size of a large walnut. Needless to say it was not a pleasant experience. I tried the 1 tsp of Tumeric in warm water (I had some in the spice cabinet)One dose as I got home and one dose before I went to bed. At 4 am the following morning, the boil came to a head and burst violently. My husband bought capsules from the local health food store. It is now Monday and I feel fantastic. It is still a bit raw, but nothing a little zinc oxide can't cure.

Thank you for this wonderful forum.

Posted by Elisa (Brunswick, GA) on 04/11/2008

I'just had my first boil. I found this web site and tried the turmeric it worked almost instantly. With in 2 hours the swelling had gone down and the pain was going away! I bought the capsules since I can't eat things that don't taste good. They had 400 mg and I took one once a day. After this great experience this page was bookmarked for future reference. Thanks

Posted by Linda (Fresno, CA) on 04/09/2008

My Turmeric Update: WOW no new boils..... and old ones healing Fast I have just one that is going away I can sit again hooray!!! :-). Any how Turmeric is working I will comtinue taking it as well as using Dial Soap only. Now I will work on the scar treatment.. I will let uou know how that goes.. Thank you God and Earthclinic!

Posted by Andy (Ontario, Canada) on 04/05/2008

It worked! I had a very painful boil on buttock and been getting them off and on since I was a teenager. Out of desperation and after finding this site I tried turmeric capsules 3x/day and a paste of baking soda/polysporin/turmeric powder from capsule and zinc oxide cream (diaper rash cream for babies). I woke up this morning in joy of having a big drainage mess to deal with! The pain is 95% gone. I will continue with the process for while until it's totally healed. Next time I will go straight to this method to see if I get the same results. Thanks everybody.