Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Constipation

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Neisha (San Antonio, TX) on 05/25/2006

Apple cider vinegar helps me with my constipation and urination problems. I also feel like I have more energy. This stuff works for almost anything. I know people that have been taking it for years, so I got online and made sure it was true, I found your web site, and tried the drink for myself at home. It worked wonders.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynette (Edwardsville, IL) on 11/07/2006

For the past year, I have been suffering from severe headaches, my heart would beat extremely fast just from standing up, and dizziness. I knew that it was serious when my head was hurting so bad one day that I went to lie down and woke up almost 15 hours later. I found this website while looking for a cure for gout for someone else. I sent them the information and then began to read the other parts of this site. After my reading, I wrote out a list and I went to the health food store immediately after work. I have been taking the mixture of the water with ACV, liquid garlic, cayenne pepper and blackstrap molasses for a week now. For the first time in a year, I am feeling so much better. My heart rate has slowed. My headaches are gone. I am using the bathroom on a regular basis now and I am not sleepy all of the time. I am also taking multi-vitamins. Thank you for this wonderful website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by coleen (buffalo, missouri) on 06/23/2007

I don't usually write anything back but after taking the apple cider vinegar I felt I had to. I have had very very very bad acid reflux that has gotten worse over the yrs. to the point that it seems any food as soon as it is in my mouth I start with the burning burning burning. husband says I do this all night long. I could not sleep flat any longer for I would just throw up in the middle of the night. Not to mention I have not had much sleep for I could NOT eat 4-5 hrs before going to bed! I had trouble swallowing, and have a constant cough, that I have been told could be cancer of the esophagus? When I heard that... I started taking the acv, that very night I slept "normal" and the next morning I had a good bm (which is another problem) Within a few days all my symptoms were gone and it has cured several other ailments as well not to mention loosing weight! I hate the stuff (taste) but you can't ignore the miracle it is. I just think more people should be talking about this simple remedy for sooo many things, what else could it do? I think the list goes on and on. ps. My ph level used to say "consult a physician" to now being normal. I have more energy too!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Lady's Island, SC) on 09/04/2007

I have been suffering from cystic breakouts and chronic constipation most of my adult life. These issues seem to only have intensified with age. Mind you, I eat an organic, almost-vegetarian diet and am always sure to get my minimum fiber intake. Before ACV, I was lucky if I had a bowel movement every other day and always felt "backed up" and suffered from terrible gas! My face would suddenly erupt in cystic acne lesions that took weeks to heal. After spending literally thousands of dollars on products in an attempt to rid myself of both conditions, I am now able to throw out more than half of the things in my medicine cabinet. I take 2 tbs. ACV morning and night, straight-- I don't even mind the taste. I also apply it topically to my face every morn-- seems to brighten my complexion and tone my pores. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to consider dilluting it, as it is pretty strong. My skin has never been better and I am completely "regular" now-I only wish I had tried this sooner and imagine the years of suffering I could have saved myself. If something ails you, try it-- it certainly can't hurt!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JM (Cebu, Philippines) on 09/29/2007

I have been suffering from constipation and dyspepsia for years and am "used to it". I tried all sort of "fiber" products including all kinds of oatmeal, yogurt etc. some works only when u take it and when u stop ..back to heavy feeling again. When i started taking ACV (i took it for a mistaken lymph node but its actually a boil) i feel lighter, constipation is gone every after meal....and i lost 2lbs for a's really a MIRACLE...lots of benefits...I can't stop thanking this website..more power..

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