I developed swollen lymph nodes inside my throat - right one was so swollen I could feel it through the outside of my neck and this all developed in 2 days. My doctor is on vacation and I remember hearing something about vinegar so I looked it up and wound up mixing straight apple cider vinegar (store brand) and McCormick Cayenne Pepper powder in a glass and gargled 3 times. The pain was significantly reduced for me and now I am having a hot cup of Irish Breakfast Tea with honey and lemon juice. I plan to keep going with the cayenne and vinegar.
ACV and Cayenne
I took AL from malaysia's advice on the apple cider vinegar mixed with ground chillies. I woke up with a terrible sore throat this morning and it has lasted all day - 5 mins ago my voice was croaky and horribly sore. I just gargled Apple Cider Vinegar and chili pepper diluted with water and I feel better already! My voice is almost back to normal! Thank you so much!
ACV and Cayenne
So, I found that Cayenne pepper doesn't dissolve. I didn't realize this until AFTER I made my magical sore throat remedy: Chicken broth, tsp. of Cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp. of garlic and ginger. But anyhow, if you take a very small strainer and place it over your tea cup/bowl, you will avoid drinking the nasty little gritty pieces at the top.
ACV and Cayenne
I was without cayenne in the house, but happened to have Jolokia pepper powder and used this with the ACV mixture. It helped tremendously with just the first dose. So much so that I was too ambitious with the second dose which made me very nauseous. Be sure to follow the correct quantities and it will work. Get greedy and it will backfire. I'm sticking with the dropper method for the rest of my treatment!
ACV and Cayenne
I'm 33 yrs old, have had a bad sore throat for 4 days & it's FINALLY going away thanks to this website!!! I read everyones posts & suggestions & tweaked your ideas to make up my own. Here's what I did:
1) Went & got fresh ginger (which I peeled), carrots, apple, lemon (use whatever qty you like) - juiced & drank
2) made a concoction of 1 tsp. cayenne pepper, 1 tblsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tblsp. honey, 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice - add hot water & a splash of cold water --- gargle as many times as you wish & then continue gargling as you feel like it
3) OPTIONAL - same concoction as #2 MINUS the cayenne pepper - drink it down
I'm telling you - it works! Yesterday I thought I was dying & today I'm almost 100% back to me. WOO HOO!!! Good luck!!!
ACV and Cayenne
This works good and tastes good. One bag of Celestial Seasonings Mandarin Orange Spice, 3 table spoons ACV, 1/8 measure of cayenne pepper with hot water {from tea pot heated on stove}8 or 10 oz cup. I don't believe anything should come out of a micro wave. It worked almost instantly and is loosening the mucus. EARTH CLINIC RULES... LOVE THIS WEBSITE, NEVER GIVE UP. THANKS.
I tried the ACV/Cayenne Pepper remedy as suggested by Laura for the severe sore throat that I was having thanks to all my allergies and post nasal drip. I put two tablespoons of ACV, two tablespoons of honey, and 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper in a cup of boiled hot water. I drank it and then it worked a bit but I could still feel the daggers in my throat everytime I cleared my throat, so I just went to bed. Today, my sore throat is GONE, and my runny nose has changed to a congested nose which isn't ideal, but baby steps! Also, for some reason, I noticed that after I drank the cayenne pepper, my saliva started becoming really thick so I would constantly spit it out. Whats that about?
ACV and Cayenne
I read the advice and tried the method of adding a teaspoon of cayenne to a glass of water with a pinch of salt. I am a teacher and struggled through my class and was desperate for a solution after trying everything from honey and lemon, throat lozenges and so on. Unfortunately I got worse after gargling with the cayenne mixture, it may have been coincidental, but my temperature increased and I was shivering for almost half an hour. Certainly this remedy did not work for me. Today I am feeling better but mainly as I have rested and also it's the weekend so I don't have classes. I'm also keeping my throat covered with a scarf and eating fruit until it's going out of fashion. I'd say the best cures are rest and vitamin C.
ACV and Cayenne
Kudos to the nice site! I hope this helps many people as it did me. Four days ago, I woke up with a little tickle of a sore throat. By yesterday it had become absolutely atrocious. I got desperate, found this site, and went to the store and bought some apple cider vinegar and cayenne powder last night. I have chili powder and balsamic vinegar at home, but figured I should try the exact recipe. I've almost finished a pint of acv and a couple teaspoons (haven't been measuring) of cayenne. compared to yesterday, I feel wonderful! I was getting fever/chills for the last two days, and that's done too. I've also been taking lots of astragalus, echinacea, and goldenseal. So, although I may be in the same shape today if I didn't take anything at all, I am convinced that the cayenne/acv soothed the pain and irritation in my throat. Maybe it helped me along in other ways, too, but who knows... I was very skeptical to try this, as I almost always get hiccups when I eat anything spicy, and I really didn't want to be hiccuping with a sore throat. I started with five "bottom taps" of cayenne per serving (and oh yes did it make me hiccup), and am now up to fifteen taps per serving (without hiccups), which include about two eyeballed-tablespoons ACV and hot water. Mmmm, mmmm, good! Thank you so very much!!!
ACV and Cayenne
I had no clue what ACV was--LOL! Thanks for "spelling" it out. =)
ACV and Cayenne
I must agree with Ted. Iodine is a basic supplement that the body needs (Edgar Cayce said also). In my case, I had many symptoms (fatigue, runny nose, intestine mal absorption, brain fog sometimes, low libido, greying of hair and hair loss) medical testing of low testosterones. Since finding the right amount of iodine to take (50mg Lugol 2.2%) I have seen much a difference in absorption, energy level, and alertness. I recommend iodine.
ACV and Cayenne
I too use lugols. I use 2 drops a day. I was diagnosed with low thyroid, but I do not need the thyroid meds while one iodine supplementation. (?! ?!) I'd rather take a nutrient than a medicine.
ACV and Cayenne
Used the recipe on your site to brew up a pot of the ACV/cayenne tea for a sore throat that has been going on for six days with postnasal drip congestion in the back of my throat. Yes, it does taste like buffalo wing sauce (minus the wings, of course!) but it has realy calmed my throat pain and is breaking up my congestion. I hope the effects will continue!
ACV and Cayenne
Within minutes of trying ACV and pepper, my sore throat was soothed and congestion began breaking up. I tried James tea recipe but found that ice water, ACV, and various dashes of Texas Pete were more effective for me. I had two small cups before I left work and felt almost well. I continued drinking small cups through the next day and was relieved of bronchitis and sore throat days before my co-workers and family had any relief with their prescription meds. When I felt well enough to go to the store to purchase cayenne pepper, I no longer needed it. Having to substitute Texas Pete for the cayenne pepper didn't lessen the effectiveness. I am really, really glad to have found this and will definitely use it in the future at the first sign of illness.
Can you tell me what James' recipe for a sore throat is? I can't seem to find his post.
ACV and Cayenne
After reading the info and replies that you had posted on cheyenne pepper for sore throats, I was skeptical but desperate. So I made a "tea" of 2 Tablespoons cider vinegar, a 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper, a slice of ginger, a little honey and water. Boiled it for 4 minutes, cooled and gargled it, swallowing small amounts periodically. I woke up the next morning and my sore throat was gone. Thank you.
ACV and Cayenne
Have had a sore throat for 2 days with post nasal drip; even causing serious snoring! I just whipped up a batch of James' "tea" and my throat already feels 100% better! It even tastes good! My hubby had a taste and he even liked it! I would say you have to like the taste of vinegar to start with, which I do,and I love HOT stuff (chilies!!!!) I'm just sitting here breathing it in while typing and THAT is helping!!
ACV and Cayenne
1:00AM - Well, after a week of having a sore throat, gargling with anything hot or cold, taking antibiotics "just in case", and having visited your site twice, I broke down and went for the cayenne pepper cure. So far, I can't tell much difference. My mouth is on fire (I have a low tolerance to hot foods!) and that is at the very least taking my mind off my throat. I will gargle again in a few minutes. I really need to get some GOOD sleep. 1:15AM - Just gargled again and took a sip and swallowed. My lips, mouth and throat are on fire. I am out of milk now, so that is the last i will try for the night! Honestly, at this moment, it doesn't feel any better than it did. Maybe overnight it will feel better. Good luck to you all!
ACV and Cayenne
Please, WHAT IS AVC?????? My daughter is in horrible throat pain.. Thank you! Helen
ACV and Cayenne
ACV is Apple Cider Vinegar... It has to be an unfiltered kind.
ACV and Cayenne
I got sick Christmas Day and Could not talk. My throat was on fire it felt like it was closing up and I couldn't hardly swallow. I used the cayenne pepper remedy and it was still real bad. I got thirsty after all that hot pepper gargling so I drank some ice cold water which I thought was going to make it worse. Almost immediately my sore throat went away and it never returned. My son 15 yrs old got sick with a sore throat the next day and couldn't hardly swallow. I told him to try the cold water and his throat stopped hurting also, but it started hurting again hours later so we're going to repeat the water and gargle with cayenne pepper and APV remedy. This is much cheaper that all the medication I use to buy every time one of my 4 kids gets sick. I love this site, I hope you stay around forever! Laurie
ACV and Cayenne
ACV and Cayenne
This hit me last Sunday, as I was exhausted, for no reason. Then I woke up Mon. with a slight sore throat, that got worse later in the day. Tues. it hit me like a freight train. I had a horrible sore throat that went all through my neck up to my ear. There wasn't a spot on me that didn't hurt to the touch. Every joint ached. My teeth even hurt. I started taking my wife's ACV on Tues.. Yesterday I put in a little red pepper. Last night I woke up in a cold, thick sweat. Today I feel 100% better with only a mild sore throat and no aches. I am still very weak though, I don't what this was, but I'm sure it was some type of flu. The guys at work gave me this and they went to the Dr. so I'll ask them. Thanks for the tips!!!