Hi I had acid reflux for a number of years but was in denial, I used to eat a packet of quick eze a day, I eventually went to a doctor who diagnosed me with Heicobactapylori and gave me some pills to counteract that, a year later I still had the heartburn severely, back to quick eze, I started some research on natural help for cancer sufferers due to a friend with cancer, and learned that cancer can not survive in an alkaline body, so what would to deacicify the body to help balance the PH I found that baking soda helps to bring balance to your PH level,, I thought it would be a good idea for me to start doing this and see what the result would be,, I took a tsp in a glass of water before going to bed the result was that for the first time in who knows when I slept through with out any burning pain with waking up from a mouthful of acid food and I found that anytime my belly felt bloated or I was having heartburn,
I would take a tsp of bicarb in a glass of water and the symptom was gone in minutes, but even though the bicarb eliminated the symptom in minutes, it would return at a later date, I was having, some knee pain and looked up apple cider which helps again to deacidify the body and thought it would be a good adjunct so my 2tblsps of ACV seperately from my tspn of bicarb, and it helped the pain in my knees, more research brought me to putting 2tblsps ACV with 1tspn of bicarb and mixi g with water, 4 days, no reflux no bloating feel great, 15 mi s after taking must go to toilet where it feels like everything you ever ate is evacuated,, I was getting a little belly before starting this in four days the belly is going totally flat and the people around me are flabbergasted I will continue this for about another week then have a break and see what the results are, but must say best result I've ever had, I am also a homeopath
Acid Reflux
I started mixing 1Tbsp. ACV and 1/2 tsp. Baking soda to one 16oz. bottle of water for my reflux. I drink a little first thing in the morning, before each meal, and before going to bed. After a week I came off my Rx. Meds and am doing great.
Acid Reflux
Hello Ted, I have started taking ACV+BS (2tbsp+1/4tsp) thrice a day to cure acidity. Just after ingesting this remedy it gave me a great relief. I must admit that it's a miracle remedy. A big thanks to you! I want to know about BLACK PLUM VINEGAR that is it possible to use the BLACK PLUM VINEGAR+BAKING SODA (BPV+BS) just like ACV+BS for healthy digestive system or for curing other digestive ailments?
Acid Reflux
Hi, I just had to post about Ted's remedy for acid reflux. I have been on antacid prescription drugs for wayyy to may years(10) 40 mg. twice a day. I hate to think of all the damage it has caused, not to mention all the horrible side effects I have suffered, which have included migraines, bloating, belching, extreme fatigue and probably numerous others that I have yet to identify. I am 48 yrs old, I don't look my age, but certainly feel older. I had to let Ted and others who suffer with this, know what my experience has been with the apple cider vinegar and backing soda recipe. I have been on the remedy for 5 days and I am amazed at how well it has worked! the first day I used apple cider vinegar with the "mother" 2 Tbs. in water 3 times a day, however I did experience some nausea the first day and was very tired and a little bit of a headache( I think this was just some detox side effects). I have to tell you that I never experienced any heartburn at all! This is amazing considering that usually if I even miss one dose of my antacid meds. I would get severe heartburn!. The second day continued with just the water and vinegar 3 x day, again with a little nausea. Days 3-5 I switched to using the 2tbls. of the vinegar and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of baking soda 3x a day one hour before meals no nausea. This is just an amazing remedy, and I was extremely skeptical about this working. But thank you God and Ted for this recipe and I hope others who are suffering will give it a try to see if it will work for them as well. I will continue the remedy after 2 days off and report my results, God bless!!
Acid Reflux
I recently recovered from a particular heavy bout of upper resporitary infection (uri) / bronchitus. It took 14 days before I started feeling better. Two days later I started the classic symptoms again, tight chess, wheezing. I decided, thats it, off to the ENT (Ear Nose Throat) doctor. I described all my symptoms, frequent bouts of bronchitus. He put this scope down my nose and throat and nonchalantly exclaimed "You have acid reflux", prescribed aciphex (ppi) and strong cortisone to clear up my congested sinusses.I must add that up to this point, I never had reflux or experienced the sensation of food coming up my esouphagus. Within 6 days of starting the aciphex, I started experiencing extreme nausea, I could hardly keep any food down and constantly had the sensation of food/fluid coming up my esouphagus. I could no longer sleep at night and frequently woke up with the sensation of drowining. I woke up exhausted everymorning with a very hoarse voice. I started getting the sensation that something is stuck in my throat, I stopped taking the aciphex and went to see an internist, described my symptoms, he prescribed an h2 blocker, pepcid and a mobility pill to clear my stomach. I started drinking the mobility pill before each meal, and the pepcid at night. Within 3 days, my digestion stopped completely, food would sit in my stomach all day and not digest. Went back to see him, told him whats happening, he ordered upper gi with barium x-rays and a ct scan of the lower abdomen and pelvis. After calling the medical aid to find how much I would have to pay out of pocket, I decided to stop this nonsense. 8 weeks and I am worse off than when I started, so I started taking organic apple cider vinegar with baking soda on Dec 2nd 2009. I am astounded and ecstatic to say that today Dec 4 2009, I have not had any sensation of food stuck in my throat or food / fluid coming up my esouphagus. One positive thing that came out of this is that I had to re-evaluate my diet and stress levels. I lost 12 pounds in 8 weeks due to small portions I have to eat now. I will carry on with a predominantly fruit based diet and one larger meal with chicken etc per day for the next couple of days and gradually introduce other foods to see what effect they have.
Thankoyu thankyou thankyou, ACV has saved my life!
Acid Reflux
I had suffered acid reflux for around 6 months and after having xrays and an endoscopy the doctor found no obvious cause and said to keep on with Somac, which wasn't really helping at all. In desperation several weeks ago I was on the net looking for an answer and came across your site. I went out and bought apple cider vinegar and began taking it with bicarb soda. I slept better than I had in months and my symptoms started to improve. I took 2 tablespoons in 1/2 a glass of water with 1/4 tsp of bicarb soda before breakfast and dinner. The acid reflux caused a very sore throat, burnt the roof of my mouth, sinuses were painful, nausea, a lump in my stomach etc, etc. All in all I was miserable. I stopped taking ACV and only take when I feel the symptoms (very mild) start to surface. Thank you for sharing many helpful remedies and improving peoples lives. If only doctors were more open to alternative remedies.
Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux
I had been drinking two tablespoons of ACV straight to control my acid reflux and it did remarkably well until I drank water or ate something and then it would come back. I started putting the two tablespoons of ACV into 8 oz. of water and adding 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and drinking it three times a day on an empty stomach, and got AMAZING results. No matter what I ate, nor how much water I drank afterward, my reflux did not come back. When I lay down at night, I now have no discomfort from acid reflux. However, the question that I have is this. My Naturopath tells me that I am not digesting my foods properly, and I need more Hdyrocloric Acid in my stomach to do so. I don't understand how I can have acid reflux and not have enough acid to digest my food. So, I am taking HCL to enchance digestion. My question is this. Will taking ACV in water and adding baking soda inhibit my digestion process as it heals my acid reflux?
Acid Reflux
I've read Ted's remedy for silent reflux. My ailment was gone after taking 2 tbsp of ACV and 1/2 tbsp of baking soda 3x a day with a dose of 500mg of magnesium once a day for 4 days. I already stopped taking over the counter drug(omeprazole) and will continue on until my reflux is totally gone. I'm very grateful to this website and i will truly recommend it to my family and friends for them to read and try natural remedies as such.
Acid Reflux
Thank you! My son has severe acid reflux attacks. Desperate last night I went on line and found this site. Within minutes of taking a couple of drinks of apple cider vinegar and baking soda his pain subsided and he was able to sleep. He was a new person this morning! He is 19 and has suffered from bouts of acid reflux since he was 5.
Acid Reflux
Hi there my name's Lee Flavell and i suffer from acid reflux and have done for the past 13 years. I have been taking losec/Lansoptrazole they worked in a kid of way ie stopped the acid burning me thruogh the day.I have had my bed proped up around 2 inches at the top end to stop the acid running back into the gullet when sleeping. It never helped me realy.I could only sleep on my right hand side and if I rolled over onto my back or other side I would wake in pain. 10 years ago I had a major op hiatus hernia removed due to the acid reflux.It was a nightmare.It made me feel like i was going to die I was in so much pain.But it worked he he for about 6 months boo hoo. I recently found this website by some miriclal.I read all the feedback on the acv and thought if only.I tried 2 teaspoons of organic acv and 1 teaspoon of bicarb soda in a glass of water for bed praise the lord i can sleep on my back and both sides now i feel like a new person.I would like to thank the people who set this website up and all the people who gave there feed back.Thankyou so much for helping me.I have stopped taking the lose and feel much better..Bow to the god of apple cider vinager ha ha. Thanks again Lee Flavell. UK.
Acid Reflux
For the past two weeks I have suffered both physically and emotionally because the acid reflux pain was so severe that it mirrored the discomfort that I had had during a heart attack last May. I now have two stints and have to take Plavix which in turn has caused heart burn and severe esophageal burning. I was prescribed protonix. At first this gave some relief but had to be increased to twice daily. Then I got a sinus infection & sore throat about three weeks ago and my dr. put me on a Z-Pac of antibiotics and for the past 2 weeks the burning at the base of my sturnum increased. I was desparately in pain yesterday and I found your wonderful web site quite accidentially. And there was the acid reflux info right there before me. It must have been nirvana! I immediately tried the ACV and BS combo (2 tbs ACV to 1/8 tea BS in a glass of purified water)and the pain was GONE! I have now done 4 treatments and am rejoicing! I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am that I don't have to go do a stress test or angiogram to find out that I was NOT having another damn heart attack! Life is good, once again! Earth Clinic is fabulous and I've probably told 50 people about your site already and I just discovered it yesterday! Thank you! I can't wait to try the oll pulling. Question: Do you think the combination of the plavix and the antibiotic just was too much for a system to handle?
Acid Reflux
Thanks so much! I have been experiencing acid reflux for about a month now, and went on Prilosec with not much avail, in fact the burning sensation in my upper abdomen, chest, and neck area has gotten worse. I tried soothing the pain with soda crackers and Rolads, and it gave me some immediate relief, but then it was worse the next day. So I started searching the net, and I found this wonderful site!! Last night I started taking 1 TBSP. ACV and 1/4 tsp. baking soda in 4 oz. of water. I also tried some of my dill pickle juice, and in 2-3 hours, most of the symptoms are gone! I have tried the same concoction today, and have not had that burning sensation in my neck, chest or abdomen all day!! I'm so happy that I found your site!!!! Thanks again. brose
Acid Reflux
I've been taking Ted's recommendation for about a week. I'm completely off my Nexium (after 3 mos. usage with no relief), I've had no flare ups, my throat/larynx feel much better - almost like normal (pretty badly burnt, very hoarse, sore throat, etc), and I'm back to eating my "normal" stuff! Thank you!
Acid Reflux
Apple Cider Vinegar helped my acid reflux; I had a heart attack back in 2003 and had a stent fitted, I was 56 years old at the time, and part of my medication was to take something to combat acid reflux, which I had not had a real problem with up until then. I was put on a low dose of Acimax (20mg) and a range of other drugs that heart attack victims have to put up with. Any person in my situation will tell you that any pain or twinges in the chest region will tell you of that unearthing fear of the return of another attack. I think the reason for doctor's giving you acid reflux drugs is just for that reason, because a lot of scares that people like me have are for that reason only. Now, over the years I had many scares and several times taken to the hospital by ambulance and several stress tests for the heart and I always came up positive, which was good. Now they up'd my dose of Acid reflux medicine to 40mg of Nexium, believing reflux was the problem and just recently I had an Endoscopy and I found out I have a Sliding Hiatus Hernia and so I now know where my chest pains were emanating from. My biggest annoyance now was that the Nexium was not working, and I suffered many a night with these unnerving chest pains. I then turned to the internet hoping I could find a cure, and I did, in the form of Apple Cider Vinegar and Bi-Carb Soda. What a god send, I wasn't sure at first, but my brain was telling me that taking a tablet to stop the body producing acid for digestion, which is a normal process, the body was only going to try to produce more to balance it out. Well now I can say I have stopped taking Nexium for over 3 months now, and I can't wait until I see my doctor next time to tell her of the good news, but I'll leave it until I have a good 6 months clear of my problem. Although some how I don't think it will make any difference to her way of thinking, unfortunately they've programmed to think drugs are always the way to go. Thank You to this website and I can now go through the rest of my life without the thought of being propped up on about 4 pillows trying to get a good nights sleep.