Turmeric Benefits: Health Uses & Anti-Inflammatory Properties

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 03/21/2012

I add tumeric to my scrambled eggs while they are cooking and also add black pepper to them. I also sprinkle tumeric on my roast chicken in the oven.. it adds a great taste to it.

Posted by Yukoncorleone (Binghamton, NY, United States) on 03/19/2012

Hello, I was recently diagnosed with folliculitis over my whole body and Eczema on my hands and feet by my dermatoligist and I'm exploring some natural remidies. For a while I thought it was only Eczema over my entire body, but my Dermatoligst seems to think I have two separate conditons. So far I've tried the oral and topical steroids, topical antibiotics, and they seemed to work while I was using it, but as soon as I ran out it got bad again.

I have taken the ACV (apple cider vineager) with the mother in it (when I thought it was just Eczema), but stopped for a while after I got a stomach bug and had diareaha and vomiting and couldn't stomach the AVC. I'm now back on it for two days now (using 1-2 tsp in water 2-3 times a day according to back of the bottle) and now I'm also trying powdered Turmeric 1 tsp in a glass of warm water or sometimes in orange juice 2-3 times a day.

I'm only on day 2 of this, and I think I'm noticing some benfits. I don't itch as bad, the Eczema doesn't seem as raised or as irritated, and the red bumps from my folliculitis are not as pronounced and bright as they can sometimes get.

My question is this; I've read that Turmeric isn't that readily absorbed into the system and that you should take black pepper with it. If I'm taking 1tsp of powdered Turmeric in a glass of warm water how much black pepper should I add to it? Please advise, I want to make sure I'm getting the most out of the Turmeric as I can.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Diane (Fresno, Ca Usa) on 03/10/2012

I have been trying various ways of taking turmeric but have not liked the taste. I have now concocted a turmeric smoothie. I don't measure but it's about 3/4 cup coconut milk, 1 banana, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 TBS honey and a dash of black pepper. I use a Vitamix, which can handle a lot more than a regular blender. I think a regular blender would work for the above. It makes a pretty thick drink.

With a Vitamix, you can also make an even more substantial drink by adding a cut-up fuji apple. A regular blender can't really pulverize the apple (I have friends who have tried it and it never worked.)

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 02/21/2012

Another handy way to ingest Turmeric is to put the powder in your mustard or honey-mustard bottle; great on sandwiches and chicken-wings maranade. You can put a huge amount in your mustard without noticing much of a change in the taste. Add black pepper to enhance the healing benefits of Tumeric!

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Michelle (Cambridge, Cambs, Uk) on 10/12/2011

Dear 1185d, you could try mixing the turmeric with coconut oil, then chilling it to make a tablet.

I also put it into hot coconut milk with honey.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Briana (Chicago, Il) on 11/10/2009

I created the following recipe because I was trying to take several superfoods listed on this site every day and I couldn't stand the taste of the Blackstrap Molasses or the Turmeric. So I drink two cups of Molasses Chai a day:

Start with 8 oz of hot water. Then add one chai tea bag (a tea blend including chai spices). While the tea steeps mix in 1 Tbsp of blackstrap molasses, 1 Tbsp of honey (raw is better), 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 dashes of turmeric. At this point stop to stir in the turmeric to dissolve the water soluble portion. Then add some milk (about 1/4 cup). U can substitute soy/rice milk etc. Mix in the milk and remove the tea bag. Add 1 Tbsp of coconut oil (virgin is better) and mix to dissolve turmeric in CO.

Other than looking kind of funny because it will have a yellow tinted layer of oil on the top it will taste fine. Don't forget the vanilla it masks the flavor of the molasses. If it still tastes bad to you then put in less BSM, turmeric, and/or VCO until you get used to the flavor.

Posted by Polly (Chania, Crete, Greece) on 08/28/2009

Hi everyone, I'm another fan of turmeric! I started taking turmeric about two weeks ago for my acne, after I had tried strong antibiotics and salicylic acid in the past. I had large pimples on my face and back and often painful boils that lingered on for days. I'm delighted to say that my skin has cleared up completely- it's the first time I 've seen it like this in years!

I also read how turmeric cures allergies and hayfever and recommended it to my boyfriend and my housemate, who both suffer from hayfever. At first they didn't even want to hear about it, but now - guess what- they swear by it! It works for both of them and they've stopped taking their hayfever/ anti-histamine medicines. It does taste horrible though and after trial and error, the three of us are using the following recipe:

1 teaspoon turmeric diluted in 2 teaspoons olive oil (or whatever oil you want) and some warm water. Mix well and top up the glass with any kind of fruit juice. Drink with a straw.

This recipe makes drinking it a lot easier; we tried water and warm milk but it just won't go down- do give this a try, it makes the taste bearable.

I drink this every morning before breakfast for my skin and it works wonders! I see that there's no need for me to take more, so I just don't. However, with hayfever it's a different story. The other two people drink as much as they need throughout the day; my boyfriend is usually ok with 1-2 glasses per day, but my housemate needs more.

I think you just have to experiment until you find out what dosage works best for your particular needs. It definitely works though! Thank you so much Earth Clinic!!!

Sore Throat
Posted by Grayson (Orlando, Fl) on 07/26/2009

SORE THROAT RELIEF: Having recently stopped a respiratory infection in it's tracks by spraying a solution of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide directly into the throat using a saline nasal spray bottle that I emptied of nasal spray and filled with H202, I found that the virus has left my throat raw, sore and irritated and I was coughing up copious amounts of greenish phlegm. To alleviate the soreness, I put approximately 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric in my mouth and held it there until it was thoroughly mixed with saliva then slowly swallowed the mixture aided with a little liquid of choice such as water or coffee,etc..A very similar technique to oil pulling except there was only turmeric and saliva-no oil was used.WHAT A RELIEF!!!The turmeric will slightly numb the tongue but this passes quickly. I do not spray the H202 into the nose as it tends to decrease my sense of taste.

Posted by James (Summit, NJ) on 04/18/2009

The last two years or more I've been watching a mole like growth on my lower leg next to my calf. It didn't do much for a while but about six months ago it started to grow. It was about half inch across, maybe slightly less. It had a brown reddish dark hue. The texture was scaly and bumpy. Edges were irregular. It did have a more "round" shape. In short, it was the classic melanoma. I looked on the web and yes there it was in dozens of photos. An angry dark spot spreading out. I figured it was time to get to the Dermatologist but for some reason I held off. I started to take turmeric as a supplement in my morning smoothies. Intially I took turmeric as a cure for a severe case of diahrrea, which it cured almost instantly. After some more research I started taking it every day. After about a month I noticed that my small melanoma was changing. It was becoming lighter, the edges were turning into new skin. Now it's almost gone after three months. New skin has taken over most of it. There is only a small area in the original center left which won't be there long from the looks of it. I put a teaspoon of turmeric in my berrie smoothie, which hides the taste. I actually like the tast of it so for me it's not a problem.

Posted by Jennifer (North Carolina) on 02/17/2023

Yes, I have read that curcumin kills cancer stem cells. I blend turmeric powder with coconut oil and even give it to my dogs for their joints.

Posted by Cindy (Astoria, Oregon) on 01/24/2009

In desperation I tried turmeric for a very large and painful abcess I had on my inner thigh. I've had problems with a boil there before and took 1 teaspoon of turmeric in water or milk 3 times a day. Day one the pain started to subside greatly... By day two it was shrinking and by day three it was about 75% smaller!! I'm amazed and relived BUT what I found to be extraordinary is that I noticed I have used my rescue inhaler for asthma only once in the time I started taking the turmeric. I am on an oral medication for asthma but still must use my rescue inhaler several times a day. The relief in my asthma is truly a mircle treatment for me. I plan to use turmeric daily for asthma and will play around with the dosage to see what will keep it at bay for me. thank you Earth Clinic!!

Posted by Rapha7 (Mytown, Usa) on 01/20/2009

Fibroid Tumor Remedy - Tumeric

I found out about 4 or 5 years ago that I have fibroids when having an ultrasound for something else, and over the course of that time my periods have gotten heavier, started having clots and experiencing cramps which I rarely ever got. During the heavy times I would go through a Ultra Plus tampon in 1 hour.

I don't remember if it was on EC or another site, but I read that the heavy bleeding was caused by inflammation (either the Uterus being inflammed or the fibroids)during periods and it mentioned taking Tumeric.

Someone on EC recommended Natto, and I tried that for a while, but didn't notice reduced bleeding. Then I added a sprinkling of Turmeric on the Natto. The bleeding was reduced some, but I thought it was the Natto. I ran out of Tumeric & continued with the Natto and since I didn't seem to be getting great results, and the Natto is 'Natso good' I stopped.

It wasn't until I read the article about inflammation & Tumeric, that I put 2 and 2 together & realized that what had reduced the bleeding when I was eating the Natto with Tumeric sprinkled on it was actually the Tumeric doing it's thing. To be sure, over the last couple of months I've been taking 1 large teaspoon of Tumeric in juice, at least twice a day when my period starts, & it's nothing short of a miracle. Now I can actually get 3 - 4 hours of solid sleep without having to worry about an accident. Before on heavy nights, I would sit up, so I wouldn't fall all the way to sleep, so I could get up every hour or hour and a half to change. During that time if I could get a solid 2 hours of sleep I was estatic.

Other remedies I tried was the Unsulphered Black Strap Molasses. It reduced the clots by around 90% and the iron definitely gave me an extra boost, as the heavy bleeding caused me to be anemic, but it did not reduce the bleeding.

I hope some of you ladies try this and get the results I have. Although it's not a cure, it helps make the fibroid situation bearable. Lastly, the Tumeric is bitter, but well worth the results.

Posted by Mia (Maine) on 07/25/2023

I know this is an older post, but for reference any women struggling with painful periods, especially heavy with clots - it's not normal! Even if a doctor or nurse tells you it is, they just don't want to have to order tests that may or may not help much since hormonal testing isn't as accurate as other blood tests (like for nutrients).

ACV, a good molasses with as much iron as you can find, and golden paste/turmeric are all wonderful but also consider adding in raspberry leaf in tea or capsule form.

I had horrible ovarian cysts and heavy periods with cramps that made me miss school and work, I would even pass out sometimes! I've used all these things in one way or another over time, but the raspberry leaf tea and turmeric in a golden paste mixed into milk to make a latte have been the BEST options. I do still use ACV and organic blackstrap molasses sometimes too (molasses is great in your golden milk latte! Kill two birds with one stone ladies! ;))

Posted by Ang (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/01/2008

Thank you for your wonderful website! I tried your tumeric cure on my 8 1/2 year old son, who just recently had school sores (impetigo), and then started to develop a boil (which is exactly what happened last time he had school sores at age 5 - he then went on to have boils for about 4 months). I gave him a tsp of tumeric in a chocolate milkshake 3 x per day for two days and the boil totally dried up and didn't get big or painful...and, no more boils have developed after 1 week! Awesome!!

Posted by Shery (Paris, France) on 01/23/2008

I always believed in magic and you proved it today. I have had a big ugly and terribly painful boil on my stomach for a few days. I know this must be because of hair follicle infection as well as fat (yeah yeah, stomach with loads of fat, and hair on it too. hmmm not nice but real). It has been very painful and I am on mission in Nepal of all places. So I googled "boils" this morning to make sure they were not cancerous, and I fall on your website and the turmeric suggestion. Since I do happen to be in Nepal where everyone believes in ayurvedic medicine, I went to the hotel kitchen and asked for turmeric, and drank a full glass of water with a tablespoon of it. Yuck but the waiters were telling me that they drink this with milk to cure their sore throats. I went back to my room and forgot it although I smelled quite bad. 4 hours later, padam, the front of my pants got totally wet with blood and pus. The boil burst open and I burst out laughing. Your remedy WORKS; I thank you so much and will keep this website bookmarked for life.

EC: Read hundreds more testimonials like this one on our boil remedies page!

Cold and Flu
Posted by Ellen D. (USA) on 01/10/2008

Turmeric: An Indian friend of mine gave me a recipe for sore throat, colds, flu, sinusitis: Take about a teaspoonful of turmeric powder, a teaspoon full of grated fresh ginger (or equivalent of dried ginger powder), a pinch of ground black pepper, honey or sugar to taste, and put it into about half a cup of water and bring to a boil. Then add about half a cup of milk, heat to just below boiling point, and drink the mixture slowly, while hot. I also supplement this treatment by inhaling steam and keeping a hot water bottle on my head, throat or chest. I used to have colds that lasted two weeks; now I can get over them within three days. - Ellen

Posted by Danny (Dallas, TX) on 11/14/2006

Turmeric is undoubtedly one of the aces in ayurvedic medicine. I've seen my grandmother & then mother using turmeric for variety of skin problems & wounds, trust me it does work immaterial of what this modern day medicine claims. For those who find ingesting turmeric really difficult can boil a spoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk (sugar to taste) and drink it. It tastes great, try it!

Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of turmeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.